How do we reclaim The Sims 4?

How do we reclaim The Sims 4?

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We can't
Will's gone, and he's never coming back

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Why are these journos so fucking racist?

Probably just play it the way you want, knowing that how other people play it doesn't affect your experience unless you decide it does

>can choose any race
>choose black

Can't be real.

>made it their own
What is that even supposed to mean?

Isn't Will working on a new game now?

It means some black chicks probably talk about it on social media, so now we're supposed to pretend the playerbase for Sims is 99% black chicks.

>sims has defied easy categorization
>as in SIMulation
God, I hate journalists so much.

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>Despite all this freedom, Black gamers still found themselves left wanting. In the latest Sims, Sims 4, some Black players across message boards and social media criticized the darker skin tones in the game as unflattering, grey, or ashy. They lacked the cartoonish vibrancy of the lighter skins available. The base game’s hairstyles -- an important point of creativity or expression for Black girl ‘simmers’ -- were few and far between, and those that were available lacked nuanced details. The Sims 4
is meant to be a life simulator, but feedback from the community pointed to the overwhelming reception that Black girl gamers weren’t seeing their life reflected.
>So Black girl gamers decided to take matters into their own hands and began to create in-game items and mods on their own. SheSpeaksSimlish, EbonixSims, and Xmiramira are notable Sims modders that gained popularity because they decided to fill the community’s need. Xmiramira’s creations have ranged from the celebrated “Melanin Pack” offering vibrant skin tones to behavior mods and traits that take a page from Black slang and pop culture. Xmiramira’s “petty” trait takes the “petty” concept -- which she describes as “truly, the definition of a hot mess” -- and makes it a playable option.
So Black girl gamers decided to take matters into their own hands and began to create in-game items and mods on their own.

I thought he was making toys now.

>Don't like aspect of game
>Do something to fix it themselves instead of whining until the devs cave in

Black girls are too busy getting STDs and pregnant to be playing no SIMs.

Can we talk about how kissless incels made Skyrim their own with titty mods?

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>people expect so little about your whole race that installing mods made by someone else is newsworthy

He's making a weird interactive experience now.

>article doesn't mention that the content created by these black women are usually hyper sexualized toddlers

>know 2 black female friends that play sims 4
>both play as white females or lightskinned blacks
>mfw even black women hate being black

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Why are you lying user? We know you don't have any female friends besides your 2d waifus.

I have plenty of female friends, all ugly ones id never want to fuck.

I love when incels go into seething mode and pretend everyone is as pathetic and friendless as them

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Being a black women must suck, I honestly feel kinda sorry for them.

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>EA trash
Black women can keep it.

>even niggers dislike female niggers

Why would you want to?

they can keep that fucking atrocious game all to themselves

God, I wish I was an attractive white male.

>So Black girl gamers decided to take matters into their own hands and began to create in-game items and mods on their own.

So the same thing they've been doing since Sims 2 along with white, yellow, brown, whatever people as well then? Big deal. Where, for example, is the article about all the japs that mod the game into being just like one of their dumb animes?

>just about to enter my building
>black chick hits the voice call button for entry
>call person asks for her ID
>she's already away from the microphone waiting at the door
>spits it out as fast as possible expecting to get in
>operator obviously can't hear, so asks again
>she doesn't even respond
>some dude is swiping his card so she just gets in first anyways
Fuck I hate entitled people. It's not even because she's black, but these people that act like the world revolves around them.

Its true, we like white wimmin and latinas better.

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>Your sim pays their bills, cleans themselves
Whats this got to do with black people?

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Sims 4 has less features than Sims 3
Sims 3 has ungodly loading times
What a world

Actually, it is because she's black.

>Reading and screencapping sites you claim to hate.
>Constantly making threads about people you claim to hate.

Rent free.

>SheSpeaksSimlish, EbonixSims, and Xmiramira

So who has proof they are black girls and not just jungle fever nerds?

>mfw no black simmer gf

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>Sims 3 has ungodly loading times
SSD will cut the one loading time down to like 2 minutes. Unless you're only playing for 10-20 minutes, that's better than the constant loading screens in 4.

I love how normies consider mods as a extreme last straw type of deal and not something that it's pretty much expected for any game that you really dedicate some time
they don't even remember a time before companies locking their games so they can live by selling skins

Normies don't even understand how windows explorer/folders work. For them they only see the desktop and the Windows Store, and opening a game folder in explorer to them is some far-off hackerman "digging deep into the game files, woah" affair

but user black girls are on average cleaner than white girls

>game comes out with most of the features removed
>so much so that players who have been through this three times before are over it
>sells like shit
>resort to racebaiting clickbait in an attempt to get more sales

In the end it's all just going to burn down.

So what's the problem here? There are 100's of Skin mods for the sims 4 and the girls were unhappy with the barebones skintones in the base game and created mods to satisfy their needs

so what does this have to do with black women

What if they invented the PC they installed the mods on?

The problem isn't the players themselves, its the writer and the article trying to spin it as some "win" for diversity. You could argue its a pointless thing to take issue with, but the distinction is important.

Is that why the SIMS has HUD housing now?

>3 people don't have their little waifu dolls fit what they want
>They mod in some more option relevant to their interests
>This is an incredible feat showing the courage of racial diversity

Jesus Christ, I knew it was clickbait, making more of the story than it deserves, but this is literally fucking nothing.

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