Battle for Azeroth will be saved on the 12th of March

Battle for Azeroth will be saved on the 12th of March.

Are you going to resub?

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x plane

Are they finally removing Azerite and making reputations account-wide? Nice.

azerite removal isnt until 8.2 i think

Who cares about that? They're adding in the Kul Tirans and Zandalari!

>new character races are going to save WoW
Really just a perfect example of how mentally ill WoW players are.

>content most of the playerbase has been asking for since the beginning of the expansion
>surprised that with its release there'll be an influx of players
The burden of mental illness lies upon you, WoW hater.

>skins are content
zoom zoom

you mean

>content that should have been in the game at launch

>Kul Tirans are an entirely new race with new models and animations
At least try to shitpost properly next time, alright? This is just embarrassing.

>still no new dances
I bought wotlk for that shit fuck blizzard

Gold trolls and fat humans. RESUB OMG

>>still no new dances
The allied races have new dances :^)

>an entirely new race with new animations that you'll slog through the same tired 120 levels with heirlooms
I've been unsubbed since they ruined Momentum DH, and from what I've seen it's still not worth playing.

So is WoW Classic actually coming out?

I ask because I started coming to this shithole in 2008 and people have been memeing about WoW Classic the entire time I've been here, and most assuredly since before that.

I've never played WoW and have no reason to start, but see WoW classic threads pop up all the time and was curious.

BfA never needed to be saved to begin with.
I’m a M+ player who occasionally enjoys leveling new races with their new abilities and sometimes doing casual mount farming/ CHEEVOS / IE etc. and Ive been subbed 2,5/4 of the time it’s been out.

be a good goy and buy a level boost, they nerfed leveling xp for a reason

It's been announced, by Blizzard. It's not going to be TRUE VANILLA(tm) like all the private server fags keep screeching about, so if you're thoroughly autistic about that please stay far away.

>content most of the playerbase has been asking for since the beginning of the expansion
>People already tired and burned out of core mechanics in the game
>Thinking a new race will be a reason enought for people to resub and cope with those failed mechanics.
Delusional wowbaby.

are they ending the expansion early and going back to how things were before cata?

>if you're thoroughly autistic about that please stay far away.
Like I said, I have no interest in WoW, Classic or otherwise, I've just never actually paid attention to this.

>It's not going to be TRUE VANILLA(tm)
So what exactly does this entail? Or does no one know because

Oh for fuck's sake, just add in more fucking playable content that isn't rep farming or item leveling.

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Its not a vanilla, its a vanilla content(1.12) backported into retail client(7.3.5), which makes classis just a legion funserver with lvl 60 cap and custom tweaks. Everything from spells behaviour to jumping would be different. Avoid this shit.

You don't even have to be autistic about wanting Classic to be vanilla-like to be turned off by the changes Blizzard's making. Sharding? Loot trading? Modern WoW client that can't handle two 40 man raids doing instanced PVP? Automatic mute system? Private servers will be more vanilla than Classic, I'm afraid.

>So what exactly does this entail?
What I mean is that it's not going to be exactly 100% as it was in Vanilla. Blizzard's been debating and polling things like class rebalancing (so you might be able to play a Retribution/Protection Paladin instead of being shoehorned into Holy only).

>Idiots line up to play even lankier anemic ninja turtles with callouses stuck to their faces and fat people
>All your gear obsoletes in 2 months due to """seasons""""
No clue why the MMO genre is dead, mrite? kys if you post even remotely unironically about BfA with any optimism. Do it immediately if you defend Legion with a nostalgia veil over the shitshow that was RNG legendaries.

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>So what exactly does this entail?
Vanillafaggots being disappointed over the shittiest version of the game because they played it with their long gone friends long time ago when their mothers still cleaned up after they took a big poopoo.

more skins to already playable races yes!!

dont you have to get exalted with some factions to even have the privilege of playing as these races? Doesnt that take forever?

Not a fan of content patches being referred as seasons now. Knowing Blizzard and Activision, they might try to monetize seasons somehow.

So it's WoW without expansion content but with any """""""""""""Q""""""""""""""""oL changes Blizzard added, and any changes to gameplay that are independent of content.

What will be your reasoning when Classic has more players than BfA?

>8 months in
>the azerite and reputation system make it impossible to catch up with a reroll without shoting yourself in the leg
the new skins are nothing but race change foder or for masochists
nice, can't wait, really

Theyre removing azerite levels and letting azerite gear drop from M+?

210 days to since BFA release for them to release the races. Pathetic lmao. Keep sippin that Blizzcon kool aid

I just can't begin to fathom how those retards at Blizzard have the gall and the audacity to try and make Loot Trading seem like a positive addition to classic. It won't fix anything and it'll ruin everything instead. It'll encourage ninja looting big time and ruin the community a ton. Doing any sort of pugs will be a massive risk.

There is literally nothing wrong with the azerite system.

it's literally just a worse version of artifact weapons

>lower residuum prices
>Let M+ gear drop azerite gear on the old ilvl system but at the end instead of a weekly chance
>Let azerite traits be rerolled like talents instead of one guy half the world away being your only option
>Expand island expedition rewards and make them more targeted with seafarers doubloons
>Make mythic warfronts or pvp warfronts
>Make invasions happen all over azeroth not just kul tiras/zandalar
I could go on but fuck me this expansions like the worst parts of legion were expanded while the good shit was dropped to hake things up

You mean a better version of artifact weapons.

I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei. Lightforged is okay too.

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actually it's just a simpler version of the paragon system from diablo 3

no, I mean worse.

>280ilvl with the right traits is better than 370 with the wrong traits
>they're rng as fuck to farm

>280ilvl with the right traits is better than 370 with the wrong traits

200% of the time yes

not playing till pathfinder 2, wich will prbly be the last update

really sad

I want to bash a Draenei's face in with a hammer.

BFA is fun and BoD is a top notch raid
fight me

>playing pvp

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>playing against opponents that are designed to lose

>playing against opponents that are also designed to lose against the passage of time

>Keeping yourself locked in the playpen
Rogue mage 2s has been the most fun thing in wow for me in years. The only thing that came close this expansion was net-o-matic griefing in leveling zones

>not playing pvp

No. I'm looking forward to FFXIV Fan Fest 2019 that takes place in Tokyo.

>playing some shitty zero balance mini-game for autistic tryhards and poopsockers

Shut up goym filth and be excited for new features.

pathetic little blizzdrone
>skins are content
damn man, League of legends and Dota sure have HUGE amounts of content :^)

>fight me
Nah it's fine, tastes are subjective. If you enjoy shit that's up to you

this has been my biggest complaint since wotlk, literally everything you work for gets annihilated into shittier zone the second new content gets released, meanwhile I still had ZG gear during AQ40 raids back in classic

don't bully my wife

they're literally re-skinned pandas and zandalari are yet another night elf reskin


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>net-o-matic griefing
Sitting on hellfire ramparts and shooting death knights out of the sky has to be one of the funniest things to come out of wow in a decade.

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REAL drones think that different raid and dungeon difficulties are content.

The Zandalari trolls are indeed reskinned night elves with maybe one or two new animations, but the Kul Tirans have an entirely new set of animations and a new model. Just check it out before posting and you'll see.

they use panda animations and skeleton, fuck off

Nope, they don't. Just go look at their animations in the wardrobe section on wowhead. If you still believe they have the same animations afterwards, then you're either literally retarded or just taking the piss.


>story's somehow worse than WoD
How is it even possible to achieve such a performance?

>Content that should have been at launch pushed back 8 months because you gotta explain to lfr players why these races joined their faction
>Still have to level them from 20-120
Yeah no fuck off

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If 8.1.5 is going to save BfA then 8.2 is going to perfect it due to fixing Azerite and adding the much awaited naga zone to the game.

Stopped playing right before the first raid released. How exactly is this dumpster fire of an expansion saved?

right now I can't think of one single thing that gets me to resub to this pile of shit ever again
only thing that could peak my interest is a new expac with so much reworked... but then again it will never happen and will be BFA 2.5 half assed who cares edition
story already fucked up beyond imagination
just no reason to care at all and no excitement in it

>Implying that pve is not a shitty zero balance mini-game for autistic tryhards and poopsockers

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Why are there so many drug addicts still playing that crap on this website?
Even the reddit of WoW is dead.

>still no worgen update

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never in a million fucking years, the only people still playing WoW are addicts.

Fuck no.

Nope. I play it for free

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Why is everyone on Yea Forums so bad at compeititive? Keep telling yourself you just dislike it, and not avoid it because you're incompetent

They factually don't have the same skeleton, you're either baiting or retarded

Unironically this. Met a GameStop employee once who told me he destroyed his friend’s life by gifting him the game.
>No, you don’t really mean DESTROYED destroyed, did you?
Said that when he went to see him three months later the guy was unemployed, on the verge of getting kicked out of his apartment and hadn’t shaved or bathed at all in that time.
>He was just trolling you.
Nope, one look at the shame and guilt in that man’s eyes told me he wasn’t kidding.

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weren't these supposed to be available on launch?

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is 8.2 coming out? it got no content otherwise

yeah, content that you must mindlessly grind for 2 months to get access to, pass on that

I doubt this is true, but you get 370 from M0 now lol

Uhmm, sweetie, that's one month.

Play an actual fighting game.

I already am. I know nu-Yea Forums being the bunch of spastic fucks judges me, but I like the new raid content, I like the dungeons, and I have a pretty strong group of friends I play with on a casual to semi-serious basis.

Plus this whole patch has just been the alliance dabbing on the horde. Its been pretty great.

>actual fighting game
I play Ultimate, so

Brain damage.

I just want someone to marry.

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Same. I'll take a Night Elf, Void Elf, Blood Elf, Draenei, Lightforged, Gnome, or Human.

Degenerate inhuman loving scum, kill yourselves.

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Fighting games are for niggers.

So just what the fuck happened to the World of Warcraft servers? Did they seriously downgrade them or is this due to the game being such a bloated mess with shitty coding?

WoW literally can't handle two 40 man raids doing PVP in a fucking BATTLEGROUND anymore.

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