What's the most OP build you can make in Underrail...

What's the most OP build you can make in Underrail? I've been playing as a stealthy crossbow trapmaker and it's been working pretty good. I'm just wondering if there's any builds that are like game-breakingly good.

Attached: underrail.jpg (474x296, 37K)

heavy armor, assault rifle + burst

Psi monk or psi crit

Attached: psi monk.webm (960x540, 2.74M)

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Attached: Psi crit.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

I'm really struggling with this game. I get that it's supposed to be hard, but I got as far as the quest to find parts for the excavator from junkyard and I literally couldn't make a dent on the mutant people in the under junk yard.
I started again thinking I had just ballsed up the levelling, sinking loads of points into guns, but I just got to junkyard again and I'm still struggling to kill anymore than 2 hostiles at a time. 3 raiders in a shack next to junkyard are unbeatable even if I range the fuck out of them. What do I do
Don't say 'get good' i like hard games but this is not enjoyable.

Can't help you if you don't post any info about your build

Come back when you are stronger. That's usually the case with this game if you can't think of a crafty solution.

Yeah, the mutants in Junkyard are the first real "get gud" section of the game.
If you can, isolate and kill a mutant dog, then make armor form its hide for acid resist.
Other than that, hide behind and control choke points with Molotovs and traps.

Don't worry about it, Underrail is one of the worst nuRPGs ever made besides the Shadowrun Trilogy and POE2.

Don't worry, I got tricked too. Pirate and play Atom instead

Attached: shadowrun wasteland.jpg (942x307, 54K)

literally, git gud

you are stuck at the actual end of the tutorial, Depot A is where builds go to die, if you can get past that you can win the game

just stop being a scrub and start thinking, the game gives you a lot of things to be able to get past that part, just start thinking a little bit, its really not that hard

use consumables, craft shit if you can, play to the strengths of your build, use all the shit you have available to you

Heavy Armored Kinetic Psimonk. Makes for a unique character that can beat every encounter while creating walls to avoid fire and going full kinshero on bosses.

Or Psycho-vamp Assassin. Using mass shadow clone justu is a blast and disapear while everyone runs from shadows. Then slit the throats of the survivors.

Psipowers are too fun to not use.

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There's literally never a reason not to use psi.
A couple of points add so much utility to any build.

>There are people in this thread that didn't play muscle wizzard and didn't punch the shit out of people with their minds


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Playing 88 hours of Wasteland 2 shit
Pretending to have any taste in games

>this cuck is still trying to make underrail and Atom bros to fight each other

Not gonna happen, we like both games.

>Not gonna happen, we like both games.

That's good

Atom > Underrail

I wish Underrail had a better UI and some chunky graphics/deaths like Fallout 1/2

I wish ATOM had some of these as well
Especially UI which isnt 20 years old

>Expansion When?

Attached: 20160918214257_1.jpg (1920x1200, 322K)

>record scratch
>you probably wonder how me, a filthy Jian animal go into this situation

Its the bethdrone. Or the obsidisn vs larian guy.

Probably also the same autist who made the cyberpunk shitposting threads.
Some people are just damaged to the core.

>I heard you where playing psi, it would be a shame if you where to be attacked by a horde of robots and turrets

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>what are EMP grenades

so, did you find him Yea Forums?

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good one

The difficulty spikes in this game are retarded, no matter what the underrail purists here say. It's one of those parts of the game where you either have to have idea what to do before hand or cheese it with savescumming. The game gets much easier after that, but it still doesn't change the fact that sometimes this game has some retarded difficulty spikes. It's not smooth upward curve in difficulty, it's a fucking rollercoaster and bad design.

Nope, does he only spawn on dominating?

That's the impression I've been getting that putting me off.
Open a random door, three enemies behind it, you freeze into place and they all get a free attack in and kill you. Reload the game, go into combat, open door and throw a grenade in. You win but you feel like you cheated, but unless you do that you will die all the time.