Fishing lvls?

Fishing lvls?

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Looking good user

> lvls?

Hey bro
Follow me to south Varrock


Tell me, what's the max lvl?

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Ariel fishing is kinda fun, sometimes.


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>OSR STILL has a 60 minute despawn timer on gear at death and other players can't pick it up.



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I'm no efficient fag, but aerial fishing is a nice alternative to hunter exp from what I've seen

Why is cloud fishing with gandalf?


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eh, not really. salamanders are just as click intensive and can be up to twice as much xp/h

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What's the joke here?

>tfw making fires in karamja for my fisherfriends while I harpoon
The xp was a little worse but thats okay

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>he didn't play classic


>tfw just finally finished Recipe for Disaster after months of shilling and questing

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99 same as every osr skill, you can keep getting experience past that tho since its caps at 200m but theres no reason to do that outside of bragging rights

Meant skilling but that works too

Sometimes I get nightmares that I'm playing runescape again, and I accidentally end up in a PvP server and can't log back out in time before some guy comes up and kills me. Or I die to something and lose all my stuff and can't get back to my grave in time

damn nice

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>bring back old death mechanics
>nobody can play the game because the servers are constantly being DDoS'd

Yeah better ruin the game instead.



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this isnt wow where items are worthless and can be gotten in few hours
shit like twisted bow literally cost real life money in thousand dollars range
people who think "soft death punishment" is bad for the game are fucking shitters with 1m bank


>The majority of playerbase should suffer to make up for the 0.01% fags that might cry a lot if they lose their big pee pee weapon.

Yeah okay dude.

Are you seriously arguing that the game shouldn't pander to the small number of human players? Are you a fucking bot?

>need to have started recipe for disaster to do MM2 and get the Heavy Ballista
fucking REE

you clearly werent around when people were ddossed, or whole worlds were ddossed to get their items on death

>Hmm we can't deal with this better just disable the feature


Why would you want that worthless weapon?

well duhh its a shit system, jagex are retards.
but youre acting like it was better before

God I wish there was a world for OSRS before all the updates

It fundamentally was, you can't blame the feature itself for something like DDOS etc.

Runescape was all about risk and reward, you'd always be on the lookout for some sucker taking a dive next to you so you could loot his shit. The whole world had this tense presence to it.

Heck, shit like closing the door on some shmuck trying to kill wizards at wizard tower just so I could loot his shit or hoping that AFK skillers wouldn't notice the random event monster killing them.

Now it's absolutely safe, fucking bullshit.

But DDoS attacks exist, so it can't be changed.

God I wish skillcapes didn't exist so the game didn't have thousands of morons begging Jagex to not change anything ever

Get some protection for DDOS or something.
Hell, what about Deadman events? You'd think it would get DDOSed to the max if OSR is so easy to DDOS.


There is no protection from DDoS attacks.

it did

Never heard any other MMO having this issue, seems a bit inane.
Why even have hardcore Ironman? Won't they get DDOSed? You'd think HC ironman streamers attempting a boss or something would illicit an instant DDOS.

Heck, you can still do it in PVP worlds. What's the fucking point?


You can't make hundreds of dollars from DDoSing people in other MMOs.


But you can still make that money in RS if you just do it in PVP worlds.

Heck, what about staking? Put up some ridiculous stake and then DDOS etc.