Luv' me wife

luv' me wife,
luv' me pints,
luv' me footy,
luv' me Pokemon Sword and Shield Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

rather play tetris

'ate rocket leeg

What will the legendaries look like? I seriously hope they'll be set aside for more unique content.

North of England > South of England

>No acid attacks
>Literally all white
>Quaint countryside villages and towns
>Party student cities of England including Newcastle and Leeds if you're not a social inept virgin
>People are always having good banter over a pint
>Most people aren't miserable stuck ups like they are down South
>Get on well with Scottish and Irish bros, who hate Londoners

Attached: Northern_England.svg.png (1200x1457, 267K)

>this is what brexiter want to believe

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What have they revealed so far?

>North of England
>Literally all white
in your dreams lad

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what a miserable and stuck up post

I don't even know what "norf" is

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Exclusive leak of legendary for Sword version.

Attached: Exor.jpg (480x455, 17K)

the starters, the region, some environments, one npc and the female mc


Nice try, heres the real leak

Attached: Excalibur.png (469x2160, 826K)

is wales considered norf or souf?
because that post describes it pretty well

simple as

Is this the thread where angry Americans who got BTFOed again pretend to be of the proud masterrace?

Yea Forums is leaking

Do you even live in England?
You people are as bad as the 56% mutt insult that goes around against people in America, which is equally stupid.

>Pokemon centres replaced by Greggs
>Potions replaced by bottles of Stella
>Rare candies now Tesco meal deals
Sound lad

I'm at uni in Hull which is definitely in the north and definitely full of non whites you thick fuck

Would northeners like the southern US?

you guys can kindly kill yourselves

I never said there weren't ANY none whites you fucking retard, just fewer than in the South. It was clearly a piss take that down South there is a much larger diversity than their is up North, which you should know if you live in England you inbred swine. Also
>Hull university
Opinion discarded, and it's barely North at all.

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go back to your containment threads

I just realized
They're totally gonna use that name.

Birkenhead is the best part of england you slag

By God I despise the north and, even more, I despise the working class. I'd like to say the middle class make up for it, but they don't; they're just as bad, if not worse. And the upper class has almost successfully bred itself out of existence.
Feel free to cut yourself off from the South East. You are nothing but dead weight.

There are NO white people in the north. You are not even human. You are less than apes.

SEETHING Southerner
As expected

>Literally all white
So ugly women and tiny dick men? No thanks


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Meet me in Bradford and say that to my face, if you can even speak comprehensive English (most of your kind cannot). """White""" north, lmao.

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The countryside is shit, I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere and we get 100 kilobytes per second download

>white "people"

>Water gym leader
>His pokemon uses Dive
>Your pokemon gets red carded and sent off

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You wanna go son?
Eyup, Bradford? Nah that's a fookin' shithole mate.
Meet me in fucking BIRMINGHAM instead and i'll giv ya a proper clap!

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lmaoing @ all these northerners who've clearly never been down south except to London
You think the Home Counties are full of poor brown people?


I wouldn't live in the Lake District or Scottish Highlands but i'd rather have it on my doorstop as a place to go for the weekend than anything else down South.
What animals do you raise?

wow niggers really are monkeys

Exactly, you potato-faced gravy-drinker
Would you prefer Rochdale? Halifax? Seems you're just full of shitholes up north, eh?

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he was exaggerating for comedic effect
That is an understandable, but incorrect, point of view. The correct opinion is to live in a small southern town close to London, so that you may visit but not live there.

british accents is some of the most ear grating shit on earth

16,000 chickens (eggs) and around 50 or so cattle

jump kick.webm

Me in the road innit.

>16,000 chickens
too many chickens

Is it wierd i look at this and think it looks like genuine good fun to go to Southern England for a weekend drinking?

There's no way this isn't staged.

Fucking WRONG
Scottish accents are great, with some exceptions
Welsh accents are great, with some exceptions
Received pronunciation is great, and all other English accents are abhorrent
There are no good northern Irish accents

will it have slag trainers?

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Born and raised South West, literally 1 designated nog in the entire town I grew up in. You sound pretty stuck up and miserable yourself.

I mean it's exactly like that up here in Leeds, too.

He put "Greggs" as an advantage, his life has hit rock bottom.

luv' Galar
'ate Kalos
simple as

which county

You’re god damn right

I heard about Leeds and Newcastle and this faggot here mentioned it to.
What is drinking culture like in England and why does it always look like genuine good fun and banter? Are people just chill as fuck?

People are ((chill)) as in passive aggressive (if you’re middle class)

Norther Irish accents are the most painstakingly annoying thing in the world, but when you're fucking a Northern Irish lass there is something quite satisfying about the accent.

>t. Have never left the house

That's Manchester bruv



No, not at all.
You get drunk as fuck in some faggot's house/flat, there's plenty of petty cliquey drama, then you all slowly migrate to a club where you dance for hours and then some girls start crying (again) and then you go home. Probably with one of the girls.
I'll take your word for it. Personally, I'm pretty proud of the fact I've SOUTHERN'D my northern gf's accent.

What's wrong with the working class?
It seems all these posts and memes from Britbongs comes from the working class and they seem to be the ones having the biggest laugh. When you say middle class what are you referring to? Wealthy students?

>you will never shag a slag

>>Literally all white
come on son, stop dreamin
we are fucked up here too

>be galoran
>get stabbed by a bisharp
>gardevoir gets BLACK versioned
>muk uses acid on my face

Look at the beer bottle. Guy's laying on the ground but it isn't spilled nor is the glass broken.

The mandatory Mew/cute event-only legendary will be a Leprechaun. The reason Ireland isn't on the map is because it'll only be accessible through an event ticket to catch that legendary

You sound like gary memes.

>Nintendo fans will defend this

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literally me in the back of the white taxi

That picture was taken in Manchester, outside the Arndale which is in the norf.

Sure, it looks like it. But you're looking at a specific portion of that population (the kind of people who post on Yea Forums). The rest are actually worse than the middle class, who, as he says, are shark-like in their passive aggressiveness.


Two NPCs, Youngster and Lass

Middle class lads like to pretend to be working class for a larf.

It's not hard.
Tinder is the easiest shit in England.
Second best is a night out with the lads. If you're confident and not below 5ft8' you can get laid easily.

This too

shoo shoo normalfag

Based and a proper legend

What football team do you support?

So if i want to experience "True Britbong banter" i should go to the North for a weekend? Is it more fun than the South?

I don't.

>Potions replaced by bottles of Stella
nah mate, strong arm dark fruit innit

you people that pretend everything is okey are fags
how is the 56% thing stupid? Its just just a fact that the white population is about 60% in america and that's a bad thing

shut up you stupid mutt. you would generate so much cringe the night would die within minutes

You'll get bantered out of the country where ever you go.

100% based and truthpillled

Gunner til I die



>southern england for drinking
you're a fucking foreign twat and can stay in the south for your poncy fucking wine tastings you shitebag

northerners would eat you alive

What? No. Look, you're staring at banter right now. The truth is, working class northerners and working class southerners are pretty much the same, as are middle class southerners and middle class northerners. It's a class thing, not a geographic thing.

But there's more working class up north, and more middle class down south.

Just get drunk and wank yourself off with a cheese grater and you'll pretty much have experienced it.

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>user originally only owed 200 pounds
>But due to high court fees, he now owes the government 36,987 pounds, 3 goats and his left leg

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Official UK City Powerankings (based on cities I have lived in for 2+ months)

Top Tier:

High Tier:
Newcastle, York

Mid Tier:
Leeds, Edinburgh, Aberdeen

Low Tier:
Birmingham, Liverpool

Shit Tier:
London, Manchester

Top kek didn't even notice until seeing it this time

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I highly doubt it.
I've been to London and everyone was miserable as fuck. I suppose that's expected of the capital so i was just wanting some insight on the next best city to experience the nightlife of England. Apparently England is cheap as hell for alcohol but it was pretty fucking expensive in London, and it was a pain in the arse getting anywhere. Fuck your metro system it's shit.

Why is she eating a salamander?

Writing everything off as poncy is exactly why you niggers never get accepted to Oxbridge.

You posted it upside down
Actually York is ok

Man U lad
Fuck Liverpool
Fuck City
Ole's at the fuckin wheel

Oh great ever since the new Pokemon games Yuropoors are coming out of the woodwork

Actual UK City Powerankings:

>Top tier:
London (to visit)
>High tier:
>Shit tier:
everywhere else
>Literally why tier
London (to live in)

>Mid tier
>Top tier
Stupid Jock, ease of access to Heroin makes a city worse, not better.

bro i fucking watched this shit a month ago and it's the best fucking thing

>some dumbass indian rugmuncher moved in with her gf
>they bought an expensive place
>broke up
>indian gets deported

london is one of the worst and most expensive places in the world. don't fucking bother, do manchester or liverpool for a real night. york if you need rough(er)

wouldn't want to spend a tenner to be anywhere near you retards in oxbridge

This, 100% confirmed, though i've never lived in Glasgow or Aberdeen.

Edinburgh, Newcastle, York and Leeds are great shit.
Brimingham and Liverpool are pish and i'd rather die than live in London it's a hell hole and depressing.

It's great, isn't it? You people self-select each other out of any hope of success. It makes things a lot easier for us, I can tell you.
Anyway, I hope you do well in whatever trade you're apprenticing for.

I'm a northerner that hates north and south equally
Lot of inbred sub humans up north, but you get them in the south too plus lots of shit skins
The whites in south are sociopathic mega cucks that like eating shit

Its all trash

I live in Leeds. It's horrible. There's fucking nothing to do, and the city centre is tiny.

Non yuro here. What's so bad about London?

I can hear it plain as day.

Attached: drum.webm (480x270, 2.85M)

It's expensive. That's it. Working class babbies can't handle it.

Wales is not considered at all

The city centre was bang on when i went there for nights out on weekends. Never lived there or been there during the day so i can't comment. I guess it's great for the nightlife but shit for everything else?

45% White British.