Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

So what is it going to be?
A remake?
Whole new game?

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The only thing we know for sure is that is going to be shit.

hoping for a real remake with modern engine and improved combat leaving the rest untouched

I'm going to expect nothing and it will still be a disappointment

Paradox streamed a bunch of bullshit and showed off Santa Monica Pier from Bloodlines.
They posted something might happen on March 21 which is when GDC is held.

it's gonna be SJW trash with no sex appeal

Remake is pretty likely, why try something new when everyones buying the old games made with prettier graphics.

Wait what.

As much as I love VtM:B they'll never capture the magic of the original. They'd be better off doing something new.

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>with modern engine
There's not a single engine that can mimic source engine facial animations without relying on extremely expensive mo-cap.
VTMB without those animations can go right into the garbage bin.

It's going to be shit.

This. We can not have good things anymore.

a mix of both

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Remakes are making mad dosh right now, its wishful thinking that a company would try to make a sequal to a game like this.

I'm hoping for a remake and then a sequel. Well, that is as long as they don't fuck it up. I don't know how much the devs have changed during all this time so I'm hopeful.

>I don't know how much the devs have changed
Is a completely different team. They just own the license.

Wonder if they are going to use Unreal or if they're going to keep Source. I really hope they don't fuck with the engine and try to touch up the blatantly unfinished parts of the game. As well as unfucking combat of course, though I suspect that's impossible.

Oh well fuck that then.

Wasn't Tim Cain and whatwhashisname, basically two troika founders working on some secret project for a long while now?
Could this be it?

for some reason it will have feminist vampires and soiboi antideluvians. Mark my words.

open it lol

could still be source desu

tittyfall and apex still use it

they're working on The Outer Worlds at Obsidian, it's not exactly a secret, there's been a whole months worth of coverage in March alone

I really enjoyed solving the tender riddles, are there any games with similar puzzles?

seeing as every fucking movie/game nowadays is a remake or remaster because everyone is to fucking lazy to come up with new shit and creativity doesnt exist anymore, i would say it could be an hd remaster

February* oops

Every time they come up with new shit you call it shit.
Why risk it?
You've given them no reason to risk anything, sticking to remasters and remakes at least ensures people will buy their shit and shut the fuck up for once.
This generation everyone is obsessed with nostalgia so there's no other solution.