Will Dante die in DMC5?
Will Dante die in DMC5?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dante must die edition
Will Dante and Virgil turn into Devil Arms when they die?
Dante won't die, but Vergil definitely will (totally for real this time)
Can half-demons turn into DA? Are there even other hybrids beside the Spardas?
Will we be able to use Dante's summoned swords outside of his new demon sword?
I wish they were glued to him all the way when he just has the thing equipped, and not in the active slot. Imagine the possible shenanigans.
He must.
I am more curious where the fuck is v during all this
They are hiding him even in the final trailer, probably because he is even more spoiler heavy than Vergil
I have only noticed that Donte's coat is inside out, holy shit this is retarded
in his grave
Balrog broke Cerberus kek
It seems we just need to have Dante equipped, not necessary in active slot, in order to use the summoned swords.
Fuck, forgot pic.
This is fucking cool. Imagine if in swordmaster they can continue attacking and holding enemies off independently of what Dante does.
In the trailer we see him using them while also attacking with Cavaliere
Dante also has a new gauge. In the clip showing off summoned swords this gauge is not filled up or affected, so it must be tied to something else. My guess is that it's Sin DT gauge.
You posted this 20 times so far, fuck off you spamming monkey
is this is the biggest character rape of DmC? Worse than even Vorgin and Donte?
IIRC don't they just offhandedly mention that Sparda is being tortured by Mundus in hell & no one gives a shit.
Vorgin even says it’s impossible to save him, so they never bring up trying to save him ever again and leave him to suffer
If you haven't played them on old or other systems for some reason:
>Luigi's Mansion
>Ocarine of Time
>Majora's Mask
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Dragon Quest VIII
>Tales of the Abyss
>The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
>Cave Story
>Code of Princess
>Shovel Knight
>Star Fox 64
>Xenoblade Chronicles
maybe even >Corpse Party
If you like things at least a few of these should apply to you
>Animal Crossing: New Leaf
>Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
>Bravely Default
>Bravely Second
>Etrian Odyssey IV
>Etrian Odyssey Nexus
>EO Untold
>EO Untold II
>Fire Emblem Awakening
>Fire Emblem Fates
>Fire Emblem Echoes
>Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Liberation Maiden
>Monster Hunter 3U
>Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies
>PW Spirit of Justice
>PW Trilogy
>Professor Layton: Azran Legacy
>PL: Miracle Mask
>Layton vs Wright
>Project X-zone
>Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
>Rune Factory 4
>Senran Kagura 2
>Senran Kagura Burst
>Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
>Shin Megami Tensei IV
>Devil Survivors Overclocked
>SMT: Strange Journey Redux
>SMT: Devil Summoners: Soul Hackers
>Story of Seasons
>Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
>Zero Time Dilemma
If you really like first party nintendo shit
>Samus Returns
>LoZ: A Link Between Worlds
>Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
>Pokemon X/Y
>Pokemon Sun/Moon
>Pkmn Ultra Sun/Moon
>Pkmn OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire
If at least a dozen games on this list(which is only overseas releases, even) don't seem good then I would just question your dedication to the hobby
Maybe it's like disaster gauge aka new weapon?
yes they spoiled vergil neros new dt and dantes new dt and sword yet v gets all these cut off on his scenes hmmmmmm
It could possibly be tied to damage taken, and when it's full you can use Majin.
Dante's new DT isn't a new spoiler
He absolutely can't. He has to fuck Lucia first.
Maybe it's a Pandora type firearm
This certainly ain't tied to summoned swords since he uses them with zero gauge and it doesn't seem like normal attacks increase it either so this leaves some situational moves.
>already watched the final trailer like 5 times
>still get goosebumps when Legacy kicks in
Does it really matter? Aren't Heaven and Hell tangible, existing realms you can get out of in DMC? Wouldn't Dante dying just means DMCVI would start with him fighting his way out of whichever realm he was sent to?
>>Etrian Odyssey IV
>>Etrian Odyssey Nexus
>>EO Untold
>>EO Untold II
>no EOV
I liked the edit better
and i forgot the link
I have a friend who's a huge EO fag and they didn't like it, liked it less than IV.
But if you'd say it's worth it all the more power to that list.
Since this is more of a demons thing, and Dante is supposed to embrace his human side, I really don't think so.
so DMC5 is the same engine as REmake2 right ? can we put characters from one game into other ?
oh wait so v is in that place with them wtf????
Bleeding to death next to Shadow and Griffon in a burning falling apart area with a heaven motif
>forgotten about mundus
where is he?
>we will get a new Dante vs Vergil fight
>now with both shitting out Summoned Swords
Here you go user, official capcom upload.
fuck blackbelt and his shitty quality rip
I don't wanna listen to it now cause want that full autism impact when I hear it properly in game
but god damn is it hard to hold back
Yes in other threads with barely any one wanting to discuss. I have never spammed it multiple times in the same thread.
so v is in the same place with dante and nero where vergil awakens you faggots said he was dead he has no cracks either
fuck im crying
>mfw Nero grows motivation wings
>Are there even other hybrids beside the Spardas?
I don't think so, Sparda became a legend because he did what no other demon did before him, so the only hybrids out there that we know of so far are the Spardas
post pics
Huh, so he is
>only bloody palace because Nero is the only one who gets to fight Vergil
No please, don't tie it to damage taken.
I don't want to have to get hit to use a mechanic.
so v is not vergil?
I don't understand anything
>I got a duty to see this thourhg
are the cracked scenes before or after the final battle is my question now
holy shit, we'll only know the real plot when we play it fuck
at this point im just gonna stop speculating about V, Vergil and Urizen and just play the game when it's out
gonna leave this place when we get our first real leak spoiler
I guess dust is left v
>Nero has Victory 2/Turn A Gundam wings
>Dante has Quanta flying swords
>V has ???
Im guessing mundus will be the big surprise final boss, they're keeping him hidden pretty well. V really might be moondust.
I hope this means v isnt vergil he might be mundus though since they since they have a story before and keep mentioning him
some user already wrote (its from novel i think)
>Novel V is very handsome not merchant.
V is very hard to place on an alignment chart.
He seems to have a genuine desire to save the humans of redgrave city and the bird says that until recently he wouldn't have done that (Griffon is just called "bird" btw).
The bird confirms that V is a human, at least at the moment.
It also seems that all events currently taking place were foretold in the book V carries. V most definitely knows the real identity of Urizen. Even if it isn't Vergil, he absolutely knows who it is. He can't be Vergil, because he observed what took place in Fortuna as well.
They're trying to hide the reveal he's Mundus. The scene we see of him cracking is after the lil Chickie fight but there's another scene later where he's even more fucked up and has purple light all around him.
Nero gave him a glass of water, that's nice
Big twist: V fights Mundus
V was never vergil you fucking redditor, dont know why or how those trannies came up with that dumb shit, you fags are reading way too much into this, urizen was always a cocoon that vergil used to restore his fucked up body and gain more power, simple as that.
everyone was saying that would leave this place when they see Vergil's face
now everyone is saying that will leave this place on the first real leak spoiler
face the truth, yall ain't leaving this place
>being supported by Nero like when he's full dehydrated
>but completely free of cracks
there is a possibility that they just swapped the cracked model with the healthy one, as they have a history of editing models and leaving stuff out of trailers, but this is still odd
v must have killed a demon or something since he looks uncracked
>it's real
>it's not shopped
>but he's still stumbling
Someone give this guy a glass of milk and vitamins, he's not gonna climb that tree with a flimsy cane
Or the cracks are not permanent and his body is restored when he ain't overusing his powers
not him but the V theme composer leaked that V was Vergil, but maybe he was full of shit and was a retard
Still no upload of Subhuman with Michael Barr?
he killed his summons
He's a fucking mage forced to pair up with literal superhumans user, cut him some slack
Why is everyone speculating that Dante dies? And I've seen speculation that he fucks Lady in the end?
We technically haven't seen Vergil's face
Why would someone draw something as edgy as this for DMC?
>V us Mundus vessel
>Vergil appears
rip bui
Did they edit him out in the trailer then? Sneaky
fujos are mentally damaged
thank god I wonder what powerup v gets though
It doesn't even mean he actually appears cause of all the mirror shards falling
>Forgotten about Mundus, Lady & Nero?
Why did they pick these 3, Yea Forums?
Playing through the series for the first time, up to 4, got the SE.
Are Lady/trish's/vergils missions canon? are they actually part of the story, or is it just for gameplay purposes.
Also holy fuck I'm trash at playing dante, too much of a brainlet to switch styles or weapons mid-combo.
>Mundus has changed thanks to the time he lived as a human
>final battle is to not let Vergil kill him to avenge Eve and stop the circle of violence
the state of vergilfujos
vergil gets keked by mundus how much asshurt would there be???
>V is human
>V summons Vergil from hell
>Vergil starts taking over V's body (cracks)
>Vergil takes full control and takes Nero's arm
>Vergil starts turning back into V ("I'm running out of time")
>V starts to lose his memories ("I have no name")
>V's memories get replaced by Vergil's ("I know how stubborn you can be, Dante")
>V knows Vergil wants the fruit
>V knows Dante's the only one who can stop him
>during the final battle with Urizen V(ergil) takes the fruit, huge explosion happens, and a fully restored Vergil appears
nero looks so fucking confused
I bet vergil knows v
Lady/Trish/Vergil missions are not canon. Even the cutscenes are debatable, but Vergil's allude to him visiting Fortuna and probably knocking someone up while he was there to make Nero happen.
Aside from one or two new prologue cutscenes none of the alternate character missions are canon, they just let you play the game as a different character. Still fun though.
dude stop with the v is vergil meme
"I know how stubborn you can be, Dante" can easily be applied to Mundus since Dante did murder everything in his lovecraftian horror castle
Can't wait for interactions beetwen Nero and daddy
Dante looking smug as shit.
Do we know if it's coming back?
Corrupted Vergil doesn't have cracks and I've dealt with retards like you saying this for the past 8 months and i'm SICK OF IT
They didn't ignore her, she is just so memorable you don't need to be reminded she exists.
they keep hiding v consistnatly I wonder why????
>Corrupted Vergil doesn't have cracks
I'm glad they removed time in the rank system, i like to explore places without worrying about getting a shit rank
>Mundus will be the final boss when the songs are literally listed as ReBirth, Swordfight, THe Duel and Massive Power
you need help, denial like this isn't healthy
Those are veins retard. We've literally seen Vergil's corrupted face since the first game and people STILL get it wrong
pretty sure they deconfirmed it but there is a possibility for a weapon DLC
fuck that image always gives me the keks
So, yeah. I have a friend reviewer that he is playing it already. The only bad thing that I kinda heard so far is that you have to buy the same abilities between the 3 chars and that the gems are in the common.
those are veins you fucking idiot, just like in dmc1, 3 and 4.
Fucking nice. So what are the conditions now?
>that the gems are in the common
come again?
No, but DMC will die in DMC5
Game looks boring
>she is just so memorable
>even Dante barely remembers the events of 2
I don't have a laughing Okabe big enough for this
Dante barely remembers anything but Mundus.
>the gems
the what
>all media name dropping mundus
>game has throwbacks to 3 and 1
>dante seeking revenge
You're the delusional one faget.
orbs found
damage taken
Purely Style Points. You get bonus orbs depending on how fast you finish the level, among other things, but it no longer affects rank
Red orbs are shared
what do you mean in the common?
if you earn 100,000 red orbs as nero, spend 50,000 and switch to dante/V, then you will have 50,000 instead of 100,000?
what if Vergil judgment cutted V
maybe V drinks some protein shake and grabs a suit of armor and that's the reason why they said he becomes "more brutal"
Oh. How is that a negative?
what the fuck guys
The red orbs that you obtain in the game are shared between the 3 characters pretty much.
(Also V apparently doesn't have jump cancel ability.)
Yeah, but he said that the game gives you a lot of red orbs to go around this.
Style in combat
No-damage give you 1.5 multiplier
More multipliers in the full game
What are the chances it turns out that the Vergil in the trailer isn't actually Vergil but just a shitty hook like "Les Enfants Terribles" in MGSV's Elegia trailer supposedly alluding to Liquid and Solid, only for it to something completely else.
I mean, the first time through I'd be exploring anyway, you know? If they want fast clears for rank on later runs that's fine.
>(Also V apparently doesn't have jump cancel ability.)
He remembers all the important characters, this doesn't include Lucia and the old hag, for obvious reasons.
V gets shredded.
dude, I barely care about vergil. I just want mundus dead.
I doubt it if v is mundus he hasn't revealed himself yet probably wait for a dramatic moment
Yeah, the reason being Alzheimer.
But what does that have to do with fans' memory?
Its why im keeping my expectations in check, TPP ruined games and fun for me
Not him, but it still kind of turns it into a rush. You need too much of a "gameplan", especially if orbs found still count. "Go here, grab this hidden thing, don't miss this bonus"
maybe he meant that V doesn't have JC tech?
Very low, cause the game isn't made by Hideo "Master of over-complicating" Kojima.
It's a Devilman reference.
Me, you dumb tree.
Well, Urizen said about nightmares. Can be a mindfuckery considering the whole sky cracking and shit
Itsuno isn't a hack like Kojima.
Rise again
This is your legacy
Fair enough.
It'll make it easier, I think, but not in a way that I think most people against. I shan't complain.
My dualshock 4 doesn't work with the trilogy, what the fuck? Tried x360ce, same shit. Why?
Pirated version btw.
>V is Munds' soul reborn in a human body
>Vergil gathers all the power he can get so he could exact vengeance on Hell, Mundus and other demonic overlords for killing Eve
>but in the process he loses himself and becomes the same demon lord who kills countless innocents
>all while Mundus became a good guy as a result of living a mortal life and losing most memories
>finale is going to be a bizarre reverse of DMC1's ending promise, with Vergil's son stopping enraged Vergil from killing V so they could end the circle of violence forever and move on with their lives
Try me bitch
Urizen's body break apart when vergil appears, wouldn't that mean he's kill.
What did he mean by this?
He looks fucking pissed, and you do not normally see Dante getting pissed.
If he can JC, he can JC tech
V is vergil confirmed
Yes exactly. He specified how playing as V is very fun, but he has a slower playstyle compared to Dante and Nero.
That V is mysterious.
I prefer him being Dante's son so this is fine by me if true.
lmao what you gonna do, stab me?
Mommy PTSD kicked in
I think you just answered your own question
It's kinda his whole jaw structure, I don't think he can smile in that form even he wanted to.
The Vergil in the trailer is born from Dantes mind
Urizen is showing them their worst nightmares
Dante doesn't want to have to kill his brother again
>tfw this will be the first time since DMC1 we see Dante get legit mad at someone
in case you haven't realized, there's been a lot of theory that V is Vergil's human side and Urizen is Vergil's demon side that was split by Yamato.
The soundtrack and mission achievement names say you're wrong.
Very low because it's made by Itsuno and Itsuno, compared to Kojima, is not a hack.
Works for me, I use DS4Windows.
>tfw he pulls FUCKING EYE LASERS out of his ass again
Then who was the guy that made Nero significantly less symmetrical?
What does it matter if its pirated tho?
>bro where's my arm?
>splitting fool
lmao we're gonna keep replaying the game, we'll have millions of red orbs in no time.
>Dante doesn't want to have to kill his brother again
I'm not sure about that
No, Trish will.
So, this time they're gonna make Vergil playable on the base game.
>This set of tree armor used to seal my power has been broken.
>yfw Dante's Summoned Swords + Faust's hat hovering projectiles and meteors will be a baseline for Dragon's Dogma 2's mage class abilities
>the goddess isn't a furry anymore
has he said how hard of a boss Urizen is?
Nah because when Vergil appears in the blue light beam the illusion glass sky shatters.
Vergil breaks the illusion
Mundus is V also
>all media namedropping Mundus
Because he's the only actual important villain besides Vergil?
That's before vergil appears, we see him smiling in the same area later.
Wait, the book implied he remembered Lucia, just not Matier.
>Urizen is Vergil, his motivation is More Power
>V is just a normal human, not Mundus
>Mundus has no role, the story is about dealing with Vergil and his unrepentant lust for power once and for all
Would you be mad?
V is still with them up until that forest like place it seems.
None of Itsuno's twists have ever been twists for the sake of twists, he's not going to do this.
He remembered Matier too, just not her exact name, same with demons, as he remembers fighting a gorilla.
After, Virgil appearing causes those cracks in the dome-like place they are in.
Urizen has to beat Dante when he goes Majin the first time, otherwise the game would be over right?
He also looks super pissed when he sees Vergil appearing after shattering everything.
>Green Gainer
I didn't ask him any story related shit to be fair. He has the pc version and he told me that runs very well.
(In case you are wondering he has a 970.)
>V still with them during that "Forest" area
What does it mean?
why do i keep reading it as Green Gamer
What was the point of your reply? I did write that v was mundus in my original post.
We don't know when he goes Majin for the first time. If it's before his month long nap, then yes, Urizen beats him. It could be after, meaning that's how he defeats Urizen.
More green orbs while using Nightmare
V's always called the Mysterious Man, it's like his moniker.
Or he's opening the doorway to the human world because the trees are clearly floating into the air but when the cracks appear, all we see is the demon world around everyone.
I think that's the ability that makes enemies killed by Nightmare drop green orbs
I never knew V would be nsfw
He could be smiling before though. Or at literally any point when the trees start to float.
He's finally done it!
what's his CPU actually, I'm with a 1060 6GB but my cpu is pretty much the only thing that has me worried
That V is Mundus and Vergil is the main antagonist.
If he defeated Urizen, he'd destroy the tree after it immediately.
A i5 4k series. I dunno which specific model tho.
He is on 1080p and he said that he is able to run it at 60fps steady and he could go beyond if he wanted to.
It's before. Look at the background it has trees and the sky, when vergil appears it looks like they're back in urizens room and the shards of glass falling have the trees in them.
those are clearly veins user
It's the game's way of making sure DT can do it's job of 'healing mechanic'
Those are veins you moron
Those are veins.
wait so v is still with them even after vergils been revealed so how can he be vergil then you all should stop taking articles as facts
Is that V's sandal?
But if they're floating in the sky, doesn't that mean Vergil is opening the gate to the demon world?
V should take a page from /tg/ and start shitting out flight spells
and start casting fist
>Urizen has to beat Dante when he goes Majin the first time, otherwise the game would be over right?
When the space reaching Qilipoth falls that's where the girls say "I thought it was over", Majin Dante and the others defeated Urizen (or so they thought), but something else happens, Vergil (out of Urizen or not) and whatever else is what likely happens
I don't see any sandals or anything shoe-related.
He's there before Vergil judgement cuts the sky, what happens to him after fighting whatever is there that turned into Vergil is anyone's guess.
Why would Vergil be the antagonist when they have Mundus to fight?
if v is moondust then wouldn't the best moment to shit on the Sparta family when vergil and dante fight
Let it all out user
Hold the fuck up, i've never noticed Majin has fucking 8 summoned swords behind him.
So you will be either able to upgrade their amount Vergil style or Majin naturally powers them up
They say "I thought it was over" when they're already high in the sky considering all of the bright blue around them compared to when the trees on the ground. Them saying "I thought it was all over" refers to the fact that the tree starts forming into a sphere shape as it ascends rather than just ascending.
We haven't seen Majin in gameplay, it's likely Majin form just adds more.
Because he dethroned Mundus and that's why Mundus is left as a shell or else why V, his puppet, gains free will and sets out to save humans.
>dante gets his own devil arm called dante
Is this a death flag
wait is the tree falling or ascending?
This is actually in Vergil's pocket space. See the sky, it's cracked.
Not really, it just means he has made rebellion/Sparda truly his own. I wonder if Yamato becomes VERGIL too.
Where do you get that name?
The opposite. It means Dante is finally becoming his own legend.
DMC jp twitter did an oopsie and showed something they weren't supposed to show. Dante's new sword is called "Dante".
it's taking off to Mars
>Nero receives Vergil in postgame
>it allows him to use Vergil's true Summoned Swords instead of a mere copycat he had in 4
jap dmc twitter tweeted this clip and mentioned the sword's called dante, they deleted the tweet later on though
So Dante, Trish, and Lady fight Urizen, both women get btfo. Dante struggles, gets btfo, Nero arrives->Urizen 1, he gets btfo. V arrives, Dante goes DT, tells Nero and V to fuck outta here. Urizen breaks Rebellion, Trish somehow wakes up and throws Sparda to Dante, Urizen attempts to wrap Dante with the twigs, goes DT then charges with the sword, this time he gets thrown away, and I'm assuming he lands somehow at the graveyard, the Sparda sword also thrown away. Urizen wraps Lady and Trish, and will soon be inside of Artemis and Cavaliere. Am I right?
>DMC6 comes out
>Son of Sparda difficulty replaced with Nephew of Dante difficulty
itsuno isn't the king of overcomplicating shit like kekjima
when he shows kino he will follow through with it
feature Kars from the Jojo's bizarre adventures series?
>Spectral Yamato judgement cuts
Wait, this makes sense, actually. Pre-11, at least. Although I don't know if Lady would be Artemis.
>tree turns spherical
>ascends into space
>the eclipse in the void
It means that the glass has already been broken by Vergil but V is still there.
She is. That got spoiled as well.
Seems like it so far. It all lines up
Dengeki stream loading screen confirmed that Lady is in Artemis
>The Summoned Swords can slash enemies
Itsuno is a devilman fan after all
>trish looks like trash
>Eva looks like trash too
Wondering if we will get to play as Majin Dante in-game or just in a particular mission. Please, don't pull a Kamiya on us Itsuno.
To Moon more likely
You said V is mundus now he's not? Keep being delusional man, mundus is going to be the final boss, you have to be dumb as hell not to see this coming. This is the end of their arc and mundus is the main thing that prevents them from resolving their story.
The deleted tweet shows an new bar between Dante's HP and DT gauge. So we are gonna be able to use that form, but we don't know hot it works since doing damage doesn't fill up the bar.
Oh. Post screen or whatever? That's a touch disappointing but I guess there's not really anything else she'd be in.
son, we MGS, Evangelion and Killer is Dead now. If Itsuno really delivers pure kino I might just die playing
there's what's probably a majin gauge, see
Even better: they seem to work with all styles and even stay with other weapons, probably as long as yo have Dante equipped in your weapon roster.
>yfw sword slashes enemies while Dante charges Real Impact
>tfw it works like it did in DMC2 but you can get an upgrade that makes damage fill up the bar instead so you can activate it even without being on 3 HP
Fuck I can't read nip but I do see Lady in there.
griffon says in the novel that usally v doesnt care about humans now all of the sudden he does
I wonder how they’re activated? Is it with shoot, because in the clip Dante has E&I out but they aren’t firing.
Although unless Artemis is only in kanji I don't see any katakana saying artemis.
Might as well, there is no reason for Trish to keep the pendant now that Vergil is back
Shoot when they are in Gunslinger mode, melee attack when in swordmaster, dodge when you're in Trickster and probably on defence when you're in royal guard.
>V found out about "power of humanity" power-up in dmc universe
The term used is "light manipulating demon" or some arrangement of that.
From what i've played of Nexus until now it seems pretty contraditory to like that one but not like V considering Nexus is almost a re-skin of V, but yeah V does seem to be pretty divided in the fandom for some reason but the people who do like it tend to place it as one of the best, myself included
It said Lady is trapped in a light-controlling demon
He's not vergil and he's alive, thank god
probably something about nero rescuing lady when the previous mission is flying hunter
I think Matier ( old lady from dmc2) actually has demon blood in her.
Also technically all the people in the games who tried to become demons are probably artificial hybrids
He has to be Mundus, come on. All the story recaps and Before the Nightmare emphasize him like crazy.
I mean he could still be...
I am guessing Vergil comes from urizens corpse
>They compliment the styles
Stop, I can only get so erect
Not him, but in the clip, Dante shoots the summoned swords while in GS, without shooting E&I.
I think most people had issues with the race thing, in the end. Numbers getting too high, too. Doesn't Nexus bring it back down, though?
At the same time I hear Nexus' class selection is pretty debatable.
Fuck off faggot.
Someone ask him if he know the series or have played any
He does it when he rolls. Swords don't seem to be tied to normal animation restrictions
For now
How will I fare out for DMC5? RE2 runs decently enough, but I wonder if this game will be more intense on resources.
Here's the Dante Sword clip
Why Dante looks so happy here
Because vergil is back and is a good guy until the end
he's happy to see his bro after almost killing him twice
Actually, it has more fps on consoles than RE2 on consoles, so it's better ported
Same, I'm a bit worried
>that screen
thanks doc
>Because vergil is back
Well yes but..
>is a good guy
oh nononono
but does he heard of the series before being nero's facemodel? Dante's facemodel played and knew Dante and even worked harder before the scans so Dante could be more buffed
>so it's better ported
Who knows, this could very well be before Vergil shows up so they are all relieved Urizen is defeated.
Oh i guess that is the smiling scene from the other trailer
Humans have a lot of neat books and poems so now they're cool.
it will be a better port than RE2 on pc that's what i meant
wat u sey to me?
Because he gets to kill his brother again.
It's not a port
Guessing user means optimized.
who says mundus is even evil anymore he might have mellowed but I doubt it
At least Eva looks a bit better than Trash, probably because of the bangs.
Yes, the themes of succession are blatant in this game and Demon Sword Dante is the obvious smoking gun. Dante must succeed Sparda as the savior of the world, and while Sparda saved the world by betraying the demon world and leaving behind, Dante must make peace by reigning over them, leaving the human world behind them.
It's like pottery.
Last DMC stream Matt said that they were still playing on a old version of the game and that they were working to optimize the areas in which they found fps drops, so maybe the final version will run smoother.
You are good enough for 1080p/60fps at least
You're retarded user.
>Be king of hell
>Get stomped on by bugman that married a human
>Get stomped on by bugman’s half-human son
Mudus is seething
>thought it was just some random factoids unrelated to the main story
>random major spoiler out of nowhere
I know I deserved it. fuck you, I'm out
>went to a throat doctor regarding a mysterious and quite brutal cough I've been having since October
>got a wire stuck through my nose to check for infections
>seemed clear
>got handed some antibiotics just in case because there was some slime or something in my nose
>have had the worst headache since I took them 8 hours ago
>cough not any different from what it has been since December
If I don't make it, I want you guys to have a great time eating pizzas and doing crazy combos
You'll be ok
You can make it, user! I believe in you!
You'll make it user, we're all gonna make it.
Don't worry user you will make it, remember pic related
Where have you guys been getting these full body shots of Vergil? I haven't been in these threads since the trailer first dropped.
>Get stomped by some bug man with a sword
>Then his son.
>Then get your postion taken over by some weakass demon said son of your arch enemy takes down without any effort.
>then some tree dude takes over from HIM
Oh so thats why its not the original cerberus.
>v is vergil
>griffon hinting
The latest trailer
The train's almost at the station. Time flies so fast.
some japanese site leaked some photos
Get checked for asthma. Some meds will cause a cough too.
well if v is mundus I hope he fucks vergil in front of dante
I just realized I have to pay my debt to a loan company on March 8. Aw fuck.
I guess I'll be shitposting then.
We got the memory difference but i did run RE2 demo with almost everything on max (don't remember what i did turn down but it was small shit) so i'm pretty confident about DMC5
Damn that's hot.
So I was a retard and forgot my screenshot. Give it to me straight fellas.
I have been checked for asthma and been given meds against it. They take off the worst of the cough but it's far from gone
Daily dose style or just a regular fuck?
>Fucking anyone
With how modders work with RE Engine we might get shirtless Dante vs shirtless Vergil for real this time.
In the rain even?
Don't you dare dying, user. You have a duty to see this through.
You got that right.
of course, he said that during in interview for 4 that Devilman has a lot of influence to kids in japan.
This franchise will and thanks god for that.
Nice, thanks anons.
I swear there's some virus or some shit in the air, 'cause my dad has been coughing since December and my little 8 month nephew got hospitalized for a mild bronchitis. Keep that shit monitored user, and stay safe.
The SFM potential when this releases will be a game-changer
V is Mundus reincarnated as a good guy.
[spoiler Itsuno please let this be true [/spoiler]
>know that dante won't die
>but something in the song legacy keeps telling me otherwise
yfw beachboy Dante, Nero, V, Vergil, Morrison and Patty mods
you almost had it user
V is a Mundus-made being like Trish sent out to gather energy for his return. His body is cracking because the more energy he collects, the more he starts to deteriorate as a human
fellas am i going to make it?
>tfw Billy will never fight Van
Eva looks better than Trish, which is weird since they have the same face.
try out the re7 demo
When does the ost release?
>squidward nose
Trish's hair being plastered to the sides of her face hides her jaw whereas Eva's doesn't. In the beginning of the trailer when Trish reaches to pull Nero into the van, you can see she looks alot better
fry an egg on the motherboard
his face has been shown to be uncracked later in the game though
see this
It's Eva's hairstyle being more flattering for her face shape
That's not a bad doujin idea.
For me it's the fact that Nero takes more after Dante than Vergil, so it feels like the song is aimed at Dante, as a farewell.
buy our game or else
any drawfags here? this image is perfect for a Nero/Dante/V edit
Run to safety before your MOBA melts your entire house
Fellas.....I'm fucked, I ran the RE2 demo and RE2 at 50-45 FPS are the default graphics setup at best
March 20
Make poached eggs
lmao that's a bug on speccy
my pc would have died 2 years ago
were you using DX11 or DX12?
What a dick
that shit's gonna erupt user
I think it's the other way around and he starts cracking whenever he uses too much energy
Do we know if there are any secret bosses?
I would love to fight gene, lucia or even demi-fiend
>I die
>shit boy I die
They really are brothers
Do you live on the sun?
I have an i7-6700 and a GTX 980 with 8 gigs o' RAM, and run RE2 on max 60fps except with light shafts turned to high instead of max, and RE7 on all max 60fps.
Hopefully I can get 60fps. If it's optimized for 60 like RE7, I'm not worried.
ok good. DX12 causes stutters where there shouldn't be
You can always dream. But no, we haven't heard anything about secret bosses.
It's going to become an eclipse like in the void and in bloody palace I think
same GPU and similar processor as you, I'm confident DMC5 is gonna be better optimized than RE2 but I'm not expecting some black magic shit like DMC4.
Because we saw Vergil in the first fucking trailer. He’s there, stealing arms and shit. Now maybe what we saw in the final trailer is an illusion or something, but the real deal is out there somewhere
>DMC4 runs so well on an ancient toaster
How the fuck did they do that? I still have no idea, it's running so well even in a shitty laptop
Will i make it? I have an i5 7400, 16gb of ddr4 ram and a 1050ti. RE2 runs fine but has stutters in certain areas and drops to 40fps in the birkin 3 fight.
MT Framework
>yfw we get something close to this for coop in DMC5
I’d be pissed too if I killed my brother twice, then he showed up ripping off arms, standing in front of our old house, and maybe making giant demon edifices again. Now maybe Vergil didn’t actually make the tree, but Dante doesn’t know that yet.
Capcom fucked over MT framework with the MHW port.
RE2r engine is plenty of dark magic on its own.
I have 970 and in 1080p i have almost everything maxed with solid framerate
Damn, I almost feel sorry for him.
>Balrog strong enough to outright destroy a DA.
Best fist weapon. I wonder if it has more moves than the ones shown in demonstrations?
Are the alt colour costumes preorder only?
Could also be becuase he recognised him already from the eye shot and 'Jackpot'.
It already shows more moves than Beowulf and Gilgamesh
>Cerberus is kill
Wow, I didn't expect that.
>I wonder if it has more moves than the ones shown in demonstrations?
Lunar Phase
Remember when you fags said subhuman didn't fit Dante and yet now its loved. Lmao.
>V is Mundus reincarnated as a good guy.
>Itsuno please let this be true
Are unironic Moondust fags serious?
>I want see biggest DMC faggot who caused all shit to happen and who's behind all shit to be redeemed.
The OG tweet, I think someone has the MT pic
The only thing i don't like about it is how bulky it is, hopefully we get an invisible Balrog mod on PC.
are we getting spoilers anytime soon
Barr's version is a lot better but desu the lyrics are still whack and ill-fitting.
Great meme potential though.
Considering people are hoping for a Vergil redemption arc, I'm not surprised.
Bet Lady regrets when she NWF'd Dante
V is Dante's uncle.
Please have some blackmagic so that my shitty PC can run it, would've bought the console version but mods are the greatest thing
Press F to pay respect
This guy slaps your girl's ass in the underworld, what do you do?
I guess not telling anyone anything runs in the family.
V is Nico's experimental sexbot that escaped
Vergil isn't even close to the level of Mundus though. How can anyone think this?
dark slayer
You had your chance bitch.
oh fuck, source?
Slap his ass.
Looks like a promo pic. Where did you get that from?
I have a review copy
Smother my dick in pizza
FUck, I haven’t even finished DMC3 yet. Any chance they’ll release them later? Deluxe looks good too
>former biggest DMC faggot teams up with the lads to defeat even bigger faggot
could be hype desu
That's kinda terrible comparison.
Vergil is an asshole himself, but one that became that way due to said Moondust. Plus, he's brother of (former) main protagonist of series whose story heavily revolve around him. So, once can have somewhat sympathy for him.
Moondust on another hand is complete dickbag, that was dickbag since forever. There is not "r" of redeeming quality to him. Who wants "sympathetic" Dust can go and play DmC, as that is only game in which he isn't main douchebag of story, but canon DMC? Fuck him.
Hope that it was a finisher in a SSSexual combo otherwise tell him to git gud.
>Dante would rather head into the apocalypse than go to Patty's birthday party
Morrison has bigger chances with Dante than Patty.
is it an 11/10?
Ask him if he's willing to take me instead
maybe they will release them separately
Guess i'll have to ask him to fuck her now.
Give her your babies my lord.
>still have to buy the game
>5000 stores offering very similar prices
>still waiting for last minute deals
being a poorfag is suffering.
All the pre-order bonuses will be DLC as soon as the game launches, they've done it with RE2 and DMC4SE as well.
>Devil May Cry 5 in the corner
Looks like photomode to me
There is no bigger faget in this game than Moondust himself.
GIVE IT A 10/10!
I took it in photo mode
Stop posting on Yea Forums, credo nigger
Depends on how the game plays out, He doesn't have his "Dante" sword when he faces Urizen the first time and we see him later running around with his new sword.
Unless he get the sword in the same fight, he will be defeated at first and then take him again with Majin + new sword.
I still think V's probably a creation of Mundus'/a weapon to destroy him. I don't think Mundus is still alive after getting usurped and it'd make sense if V was created to be a weapon like Nightmare/Trish were by Mundus against Dante.
Him being human allows him to enter the human world at will while having the demons with him gives him the strength of a demon. The perfect assassin to kill Dante. Urizen ruined that plan prematurely though, so V's unstable and falling apart.
>bigger faggot than Mundus
Such thing doesn't exist in this DMC-verse, user.
photo mode is watermarked?
Which missions do you get Cerberus and Dr. Faust in??
Did the guy who does the SMT designs only help with the Sparda brothers' devil triggers? Because bottom right gives me stroooong vibes of his.
THank FUCK. I do remember Capcom doing it for MHW. Thanks user.
>Dante was originally Leon
Chris you might be on to something
I hope Majin Dante screams. Just fucking yells furiously
He wasn't though, he was an OC, the concept with Leon was developed after that version of RE4 became DMC.
this copy?
>Who wants "sympathetic" Dust can go and play DmC, as that is only game in which he isn't main douchebag of story
This alone tells you what clusterfuck reboot was. They made most hated DMC character into most likable one when compared to "good guys" in DmC.
>imagine seething for more than 2000 years
Cerberus is Mission 16 and you get Faust Hat from Mission 14. I won't spoil where you get Faust Hat from though
How many red orb packs do I need to buy in order to get Itsuno-san to notice me? this is important.
He's gonna make dinosaur noises.
10 million
Urizen seems to be worse rn.
Sounds good, user, have you already finished it?
Mundus was still a huge asshole. He only became somewhat sympathetic when Vergil merc'd his unborn son.
F You were a good boy Cerberus and you'll be missed. I hope your older brother/father isn't mad at Dante for getting you killed.
Nah. He is just cliche as fuck rn.
Until he does something with actual merit that isn't just Arkham tier of "le evil for sake of being evil", then he doesn't get Mundus' crown for biggest dickbag.
Does Nero get a proper DT form?
So suzi, you actually browse Yea Forums?
It feels like DMC and Devilman would be a ripe crossover to have at this point. Capitalize on Crybaby's popularity and have Akira get his own game or minor non-canon appearance in one of the mainline games.
As if Mundus isn't just a giant bundle of tropes and cliches himself
My dad works as a janitor for Itsuno's personal bathroom and he got me an early copy of DMC5.
Screenshot as proof
delete this image immediately
Not a full transformation but "bigger" than his DMC4 one
I said when compared to "good guys" in the series. Donte and Vergin made him look like saint in comparison. Even his role in ruling Earth wasn't that bad, especially when you consider that Vergin literally wanted to do the same the moment they defeated Mundus.
DmC story was retarded asf and doesn't make sense even to someone who might have 400 IQ.
Suzi show us motivation boy pls
Gib spoilers
Fuck you, we want to discuss video games. How about you go back bitch?
Okay :)
Damn, I guess spoilers are coming our way soon
>a cowboy rides a motorcycle made from the destroyed pieces of a demon that's fueled by demonic powers
Mundus played direct part in traumatizing both protagonist of story and what will be protagonist other trauma, Vergil.
Urizen on another hand is just evil overlord that needs to be stopped in order to save the world. That's about it for now. Until Urizen kills someone important to Nero/Dante and leaves scar to them, he isn't even holding a candle to Mundus when it comes to being a biggest DICK of DMC.
Yup, Kazuma Kaneko from Atlus, starting with the DT forms in 3.
If it is really you, your videos are great.
They're both from TheSphereHunter's twitter.
That user pretending to have a review copy is a roleplaying faggot
Sounds like he gets something like a Susanoo DT
>rise again...
>this is...
>your legacy...
how much does the scarf expand with red orbs?
is it linear or length 1 for X red orbs length 2 for Y red orbs and so on?
Can you describe how fucking good Vergil's DT is?
I mean, it is in every other game. What makes you think DMC5 wouldn't be?
I hope we can actually ride Cavaliere longer than just a short move. V seems to surf indefinitely with Shadow, and Nero can be on Punchline for a pretty long time too. Why is the person with the normal mode of transportation be the odd one out?
Hearing Trish, a demon, say oh god is weird
That won't happen before an SMT crossover into DMC.
>kills Eva because Sparda NWF'd him
>this traumatizes both sons of Sparda; one of them becomes power-autist as result of it
>Dante is forced to fight his brother because power-autism caused by Mundus was this strong
>he enslaves Vergil, turns him into his fucktoy and forces Dante to "kill" his brother, yet again
>this causes Dante's entire depression up to this date
>lets not forget Trish as well, which Mundus created to fuck mentally with Dante
Yeah. Urizen ain't shit in comparison to this level of doucheness.
>it's a "Dante and Vergil swapped personalities" episode
hearing anyone say "oh god" in DMC is weird, because canonically there is no god in DMC. So the concept of a god shouldn't even exist.
fucking retards actually thinking im her(him)
I have never used photo mode before.
power autist deserved it though because he is a faggot
Are there any secret bosses?
I'd imagine Dante having Eva flashbacks and then having to look at Trish is weird too.
Oh great, now I can imagine Nero as Beavis
Nero as Beavis, V as Butt-Head
There is no God irl, yet the concept of God still exists.
Religion can still exist in fiction without that religion's beliefs actually being reality.
Have you cut off your dick yet faggot? Show ass