Eurogamer trashes DOA 6 because of cute girls

>Honoka, who according to her bio is an 18-year-old Japanese student but... come on... is low hanging fruit for thirsty kawaii fans. Similarly, Marie Rose, officially an 18-year-old Swedish maid, but, yeah... come on... is kitted out to be some sort of teen sex slave. Wrestler Tina Armstrong's skimpy outfit at least makes some sort of sense, in a WWE diva kind of way, but her interactions with wrestling partner and father Bass give off more than a whiff of that most uncomfortable of relationships: Donald and Ivanka Trump. I can't help but feel embarrassed to have Honoka and Tina's physics-defying boobs float about on my telly. Dead or Alive 6 is a video game that includes characters I steer clear of because of how grim they are. What a world.

The state of (((western))) people

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Other urls found in this thread:

Show me the lie.

dead or Alive IS embarrassing though.

The review is spot on Marie and Honoka though.

why do leftists hate girls with big boobs when they promote naked men touching kids in LGBT pride parades?

>is kitted out to be some sort of teen sex slave.

>The state of (((western))) people

What? You mean not being pedophiles? That's a good thing, you silly user.

Am I not free to enjoy what I like

>it's a over the top fighthing game with cute girls

t. discord tranny

Why the fuck did he mention Trump? That's retarded and i don't even like Trump.

Then don't play the game?

>needing to read reviews for doa6
>implying you don't already know what it is

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>but... come on...
But "come on" what? They're officially stated to be 18 years old. There's no "come on" to be had here. Or does this person think they know better about the characters than the creators?


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Shut the fuck up Marxist tranny. Reminder trannies will be edited out of the gene pool by the end of this century.

I'm a cordant tranny, thank you very much.


They associate everything that is not pic related with white supremacy and ku klux klan
In other words: cute girls = fascism

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>didn't find the 5th grader attractive
Feels good


They cant go one minute.

Can’t go one minute.

Eurogamer is getting worse than Kotaku. My brain hurt after reading the article about THQ doing the AMA on 8ch. "Hate speech, pedophilia and "something else I dont remember. I don't even read Digital Foundry because of the SJW-faggotry written by Eurogamer.

they imply no 18 year old looks like that

of course honoka is inspired by ai shinozaki who already had giant bazongas when she was 18 but it's not like these trannies care about reality

Are they really doing this because they believe it though, or just for the purposes of clickbait?

>bringing up Trump out of nowhere


She had them by 14, but yea the point stands.

Not gonna look at that shit, but are the comments at least calling him out on that?

anything that pleases the white straight male is bad, everything else is good and progress

Bruh who still plays doa more like dead on arrival lmfao. if you wanted a game with sexy grills, go get laid IRL. If you wanted instead a good 3D fighting game, Tekken has always been superior to this trash ass series lmfao. Fuck doa and fuck the retarded weebs who still latch onto this shit series!

rent free

The state of you scouring Yea Forums to attack donold scrumpf. Fucking vermin.

It's almost like liberals hate attractive women.

>leftist reviews a fighting video games
>mentions Trump

The only time a Vidya site should bring up Trump is to talk about his bad Sim City ripoff game

this is from the same guy that wrote that lmao

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I think he might be gay.

male characters almost naked and nobody gives a fuck but a girl on a swimsuit? REEEE

>drumpf posting in your game reviews

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More than likely he's trying to score good boy points. I mean he might turn out to be gay later on down the line.

based DoD

What a fucking hypocritical little shit

Why is the west so bigoted against asian people?

asians are close to white people.

i'm not from resetera, but i agree



sjws consider asians to be white
americans also have a long history of hating asians, especially japanese people
>muh purl hurbur
the jews also hate asians because they dont control them and seeing as the US is a puppet state of israel it's not hard to figure out

Rent free

holy fukcing christ this review REEKS of orientalism

Ugh....come on.......

Words just don't have meaning anymore, huh. Hard to believe a man wrote this.

The only thing better than seeing journalists get upset over sexy women in vidya is seeing Yea Forumsirgins seethe and obsess over the journalists.

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Back to t_d with you, sweaty

Because they want to destroy the beautiful and elevate the ugly

This person is a fag who writes like a dickhead but they're not wrong in that these games are extremely mediocre as fighters and only appeal to a small group of people, and if you don't belong to that group, there's nothing here for you.

It's like Neptunia or Senran Kagura. If you're not into the specific niche it's selling to, you're better off buying basically anything else in the genre. Nothing inherently wrong with that.

something something 10000 year old dragon loli

They shouldn't of censored it then, now they annoyed everyone.

But isn't that extremely racist? What happened to "FUCK HATE"?

So? See

I think gamer dudes get extra mad about this stuff because deep down they know they're creepy and lame as fuck for being into this anime girl shit.

>try to pander to these cunts
>still get trashed
How could this happen! It has never happened before!

>and only appeal to a small group of people, and if you don't belong to that group, there's nothing here for you.

So why do fags like the writer keep insisting on pushing themselves into these niches and then complain?

Are they not free to not enjoy what they don't like and recommend against it, considering their entire job is to decide whether they enjoy something or not and recommend to others

Eurogamer is pure SJW propaganda now and has been for 5-6 years.
It's a shame, because they used to be actually good in the beginning. Now they're Kotaku/Polygon tier.

What a cunt

haha, a naked man! that sounds epic! epic for the win!

>Try to pander to the SJWs
>they still trash your game

You guys were actually right. I'm not sure why they're trying to take away what made their game unique.

Is there any actually good site for console news?

Yeah, kind of like how virtue signaling faggots go full retard when they're actually predators trying to hide what they are

racism is okay against slanteyes and gooks according to SJWs and the left

>mentions Trump
How to spot liberal refugee-welcome faggot.

Don't link that shit OP.

Because they are reviewers and that's their job, to analyze a product, inform the reader of what it is and whether they liked it

You are perfectly free to say "this reviewer does not align with my tastes and therefore their review is not relevant to me"

some people look over 30 when they're under 18
some people look under 18 when they're over 30
should the law be determined by how people look instead of their actual age


It is fair to bash a game that has so many squeals for being the same old thirst bait it always was. It is low effort.


Siliconera? Unless I overlooked something they seem to only ever bother posting news and updates for games and don't bother with "opinion pieces" that clutter everything.

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nah just a beta orbiter with no self-esteem
they worship the female gaze or gay gaze and shit on themselves because they're desperately trying to escape their nerdy past and fit in with hip metropolitan liberal culture


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>that ending
based doc

>You are perfectly free to say "this reviewer does not align with my tastes and therefore their review is not relevant to me"
Funny I've been saying this for the past 10 years now. It's worked out brilliantly. I don't need to listen to any of them and can enjoy the vidya I enjoy.

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hes virtue signalling
he will be jacking off to all sorts of hentai

Yin pool is a fucking neo colonialist fuck head who uses his fractional Asian heritage as an excuse to say the most bigoted things imaginable.

He white, and I mean WHITE knights to tell professional Japanese women how they are allowed to look and what they are allowed to make in their own country. Even as his own country refuses to take steps in multiple mass pedophilia scandals.


Marie Rose looks her age exactly. So does Honkers.
American minds have been poisoned by TV-shows that have 30-year-old actors playing teens.
>but Eurogamer isn't-
Eurogamer is honorary American.

It was a political tool all along.
Notice how you can now get banned for saying the n word even here but you will never ever get banned for saying any kind of slur against japanese or asian people in general.

it is SOMEWHAT coherent in a way, some women unironically feel sexually assaulted by men looking at video game characters that can't "fight back" because they don't exist. This is the friendliest interpretation of their motivations though


for now

He’s not claiming that it’s just mediocre. He’s claiming that it’s immoral.

Why do poltards insist that they should be able to maaturbate to every female character in a game?

I don't think there is one. At least not one that'd be famous enough for me to know it.
There's one decent gaming magazine left in the world and that's not available in English.


Fascinating. This is pure hypocrisy at it's finest.


He also trashes the game for being a piece of junk mechanics-wise, but saying that wouldn't get (You) those replies you were looking for, right?

they really seethe over trump this much, it's the basically schizophrenic-conspiratorial thinking in which all evil has a singular origin in le orange man


Who do you work for?

Because beautiful things are superior to ugly things.

What is their end goal with all that shit anyways?

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>inb4 random mod bans you just to prove me wrong
Thankfully, that would imply they are actually doing their jobs.

Weak males that cannot compete physically must take other measures of insuring their genetic survival. This consists today of aligning themselves with what they perceive to be the modern female perspective.

>3 characters from the last game are locked behind day 1 DLC
Fuck this game.

Of course, but if they engage in bigotry, ignoring simple physiology in an effort to gin up clickbait or moral scolding, it’s also perfectly fine for them to be blasted over it.

What were you expecting? They are SJW central alongside Kotaku

Just go on pornhub you incel

>this shit bait
"poltards" are not trying to get games without this content to put it in it, while the other faggots want games they don't even play and won't play to remove it.
At least the "poltards" just want new games for them and not games changed to fit them.
Now fuck off faggot
>using "poltards" with no /
Really don't deserve the (You).

It would be hilariously ironic because I'm actually an ABC (American Born Chinese) and the left's hatred of Asian people is what drives me to the right.

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imagine you're so fucked in the head you are embarressed watch at tittes but you're OK with playing video games made for children.

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Nigga we fap to EVERY character in the game. Get the fucking basics right you noob.

>Marie Rose looks her age exactly
Are you fucking kidding me?

SC6 got a lot more shit for this than DOA, why is that?

Most of the main stream media in EU does that. They try to force leftist propaganda everywhere.

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Kotaku gave the censorship its seal of approval:

>On the other end of the spectrum, those embarrassed by the mere idea of playing a Dead or Alive game in mixed company need not fear. There are no egregious upskirts. Bass hardly makes any inappropriate comments about men lusting after his daughter, Tina. The only character with a revealing starter outfit is Lisa, AKA La Mariposa, whose luchadora gear would look silly with a button-up over it. And if the bounce is still too much, it can be turned off in options, along with sweat, dirt and blood effects

>I’ve enjoyed the Dead or Alive series for more than two decades, but for most of that time I’ve been hesitant to admit it. Since Dead or Alive 3’s infamous “She kicks high” commercial, which portrayed fans as socially awkward perverts, it’s been hard to muster the will to try and convince folks the franchise is more than a showcase for breast physics. Now Dead or Alive 6 can do the convincing for me. It strips away the tawdry trappings of past installments, leaving a fabulous fighting game with compelling characters worth caring about

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Global corporate oligarchy where anyone can be liquidated on thought crime charges or just by laws made up on the spot.

Here is a cosplayer who looks dead like her in cosplay.
Try not being a basement dweller.

>>>I’ve enjoyed the Dead or Alive series for more than two decades, but for most of that time I’ve been hesitant to admit it.


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eurogamer, pcgamer, pcgamesn
theyve all went to shit
copying their amerilardbrain masters

>that´s because you envy the young

I have an idea of who wrote this

No issue with that. The bits where he implies the game should never have been made are the problem.

You're schrodinger's race to the left. A minority when they need you to be and white when not. It's like 1984 already with this level of doubletalk.

>sexy is okay on the Latina because it would look weird and against their culture!
>but fuck any of Japans culture!
This faggot should just drop dead.

Every single fucking time

It ate my damn image again.

Attached: Eurogamer.gif (500x373, 1021K)

They say that every fucking time.

The amount of racism they exhibit is staggering

Remember when hot vidya babes were printed on the covers of gaming magazines and everyone was fine with it?

This pisses me off to no end

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yeah but it's bad for the goyim
Two men kissing is more 2019

What has to go wrong in your life to turn out like this?

Most people are corrupt
Most people end up working for the current year issues in order to make 70k a year + benefits
Most people accept promoting current year issues for 70k a year

It's simple as that

Tldr cuck

Why do Westerners hate attractive girls and boobs so much? Why are they so scared?

Because they're cucks.

Thanks user. I created an account, posted that image and called out that faggot for what he is just for that. Let's see.

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White people only like ass if it's a man's (or underaged cross dressing boy's) ass.
Otherwise titties and ass are a plague on humanity in their eyes.

And Rocksy is older than Marie Rose.
What SJW retards don't get, or pretend to not get, is that beautiful girls look young. That is what beauty primarily means for women: looking young. So when they see a beautiful girl, real or fictional, their brain goes into "that's a child" mode instead of where it should go, "she's beautiful" mode.

why do yuros hate cute girls

Too many guys raised in single-mother households with no firm hand to guide them, so they defer to their mothers who don't really know how to raise them and instead baby them, leading them to form complexes where sexualizing any woman would be an afront to their own mothers.

Would be my guess.

We gotta tell the world eurogamer is slutshaming those poor girls

They don't. Westerners in general love hot girls with the hot bodyparts as much as every heterosexual human has always loved. But a small minority of bitter, bitter non-hot women and their orbiters has managed to make it "culturally inappropriate" to admit that.

intense cringe, especially the 'why did you even' part, makes you sound like a crying lil bitch

we need to start cataloging every sjw writer in vidya and every sjw supporting game website and developer and QUARANTINE THEM before it gets worse

It's not racist if it's people who are against my political belief.

you got downvoted and your image aint showing up lol


literally meaningless who gives a fuck about your feelings

So the cucks tried to appease these retards and they still complain? Damn thank god Team Ninja tried to pander to SJW it is clear they love the game now!

But that's hate crime against gaming journos!

It's ok tranny. It's ok.

That should have been done years ago. Just list them all with links and references. Don't dox them, just list them in a convenient online resource so that people can avoid them.

Men don't complain, women do.

Japan is learning the hard way. Japanese devs will have to understand nothing will please western audience because they are agitators

>Reading trash from western cucks

Plenty of things can please western FANS that actually buy the products.

>Wesley Yin-Poole

Subhuman insect chinkoid libshit nu-male who hopes to score pussy by being all pc sjw progressive. Fucking asian dicklets in the west are the most pathetic worms on this planet.

>get woke a bit
>go broke a bit

We need more accelerationism like this. Only then will people learn.


Maybe white people need to come to terms with the fact that the issue is white people in general, not just Americans.

but they don't understand how things work in the west
they actually think 99% of men are ultra liberal feminists
They only learn about the west through CNN and Buzzfeed

>So the cucks tried to appease these retards and they still complain?

Obviously. For SJWs, nothing is ever enough. Even if you kowtow fully to all their demands, they'll just invent new and increasingly ridiculous demands until trying to meet them kills you. Because for them, shitting on people, companies, products and concepts they have labeled as "evil" is a goal in itself. They get a thrill out of it.

Harrison Bergeron

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Hate to tell you this, but bitter, ugly women make up most of the western female population.

1. That's not true. Girls show more flesh than guys
2. There's a big difference between being naked and being sexualized

The reviewer must be writing a negative review for male ally good boy points.

When are we gonna get the cool floating super mutant?

And yet he still can't get laid.

Are you white?

there is a zack costume where he is literally only on shorts how are any girl showing more than that?

Fuck leftists and fuck america.

>japanese devs censor game for westerners
>still get shit on by sjw reviewers
when will they realize the people they are trying to appeal to want them gone from existence?

the zoom out always kills me

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>we need to start gamergate2
Yeah sure that went well for the first time...

A male character could be running around with nothing but a leaf over his crotch and it still wouldn't be considered "sexualized" to people who complain about that sort of thing.

Californians are not American.

>Name drops Donald Trump and wife out of nowhere

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we totally killed gawker brah
what? who's Hulk Hogan?


wtf I love ugliness now

>blaming asians for white weakness
no, he's one of yours

Ivanka is ~technically~ not drumphs wife

That's why I decided to pirate instead of buying it the second I heard they caved to sjws. No developer should be rewarded for this shit

According to ugly women, of course.
Sorry, but feelings have no value whatsoever.

>attractive women are only allowed in porn

Does anyone else find this line of thinking ass backwards?


Who the fuck types like this?

our 'cord group

This video game reminds me of RONALD BLUMPFT. Two (2) poops out of 10.

Millennial trash.

Fuck westcucks

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oh no no no

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SC doesn't have a dedicated DOA forum that sends its shills over to damage control every day

White people unironically believe it, which is hilarious.

Thats why you should pay to youtubers and reviewers to chill your game

No. Their job is supposed to talk about the game in general, not how the characters look like, or how they should, or their ideologies, or about politics, or what is right or wrong. Just explain what the game is about, the "story", how the gameplay handles, how is the soundtrack, how is the online, what content it has, if the game is solid or not. Obviously thats asking too much, because they would rather rant on their personal views instead of looking to that game, the genre it is and think "is this good or bad or alright compared to other games?"


>Eurogamer writer
>bitching about woman who look to good and are too sexual
>"but her interactions with wrestling partner and father Bass give off more than a whiff of that most uncomfortable of relationships:
>Donald and Ivanka Trump.

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Why do right-wingers always feel the need to appropriate outspoken socialist writers? Orwell, too. Is it because conservative writers are too dull to have any mainstream appeal?


>you must be right-wing to be against this

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Uhh, you realize that having mainstream appeal IS the dumb scenario in this instance, correct?
The average person is largely retarded.
Especially white people.

A fully nude and erect male would be considered a "tool of harassment". There is literally no way to win with them. They simply want you to surrender to any demand they make at any time

>Street Fighter fan
Guess it's okay when Capcom does it.

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Because the best socialist writers are the ones who have been burned by communists. You're goddamn right Rose is for killing Rosa , filthy kike scum had it coming. Think about it this way, of we didn't have socdems or Syndicalist we wouldn't have had Hitler or Mussolini.

What a terrible world to imagine.

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>...but... come on...
What exactly did he mean by that? That characters who look to be in their late teens aren't in their late teens? Does this guy even know what teenagers look like, or did he just drink the "Anybody who likes aesthetically pleasing characters is a pedo" kool-aid? Oh, right.

>Especially white people.
Keept telling yourself that, blackie

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cringe and lame attempt

Cringe. Delete your life desu.

The jiggle physics have not even been patched into the game yet.

thats probably the biggest lie so far.

>The average person is largely retarded.
>Especially white people.
Explains the outcome of the 2016 election

I'm fucking white but whatever. It just fucking boggles my mind
>these idealized depictions made up of ink and pixels are grotesque and wrong and should never be allowed as they do not represent reality in any way shape or form
>now with that said, beautiful real life women REALLY need to devote themselves to being as slutty as possible and taking as much cock onscreen as possible

Wait... that author is the same guy who REALLY liked seeing the nude Tyrant mod for RE2 and wanted to see one where his cock wasn't censored.

Sorry, but the proliferation of SJW politics and straight up denial of reality in white countries tells me that white people are genuinely retarded.

So he's a faggot?

Tbh I think it is kind of pathetic that they whine this much over exposed women. I never hear these people complain about actual pornography.

Have you guys ever tried asking SJWs what motivates them and how they reason, instead of making wild guesses and challenging each other to come up with the most retarded strawman?

No really, you should pay attention more to Africa sometime. A small amount of brainwashed morons is nothing compared to an entire nation of the borderline retarded.

Either that or a feminist.

Man it's becoming a hellzone there. We are in enemy territory but still. I wouldn't normally care enough about these kinds of leftist bullshit, but I feel a little bit more hot-headed today and I've had enough with that kind of hypocrisy. In video fucking games of all things.

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Why do idiots ignore the point the post brings up and instead assume their political viewpoints? A cheap hit of superiority? Brain worms?

Is that from the article? Who the fuck gets paid to write like that, holy shit.

Nah, it's not just an American thing, ALL white people are utter fucking morons, and the state of relations in your countries kind of proves it.
I think we genuinely need a great white extinction event, even if it means the Asians take over the planet.

Who else feels embarrassed to play this with his kids and in front of his wife?

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>liking attractive women now means you want to kill jews

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Nice blog.

So the horde of incels who constantly whine about the lack of sex appeal in games are all going to buy this and DOA6 will be a massive success right?

Its not far off from being a strawman.

Attached: won't someone think of the fictional women.jpg (750x1000, 215K)

But its born out of a sense of superiority and pity over people who never built anything on their own.

>this is his twitter user image

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I hope that the irony of complaining about virtue signaling while posting on Yea Forums isn't lost on your meager mind.

Based orange man living in SJWs heads rent free

>wanting you to masterbate
When did /pol/ just mean "anyone I don't like envisioned by a neckbeard"? You really think hyper reactionaries want you jerking off? If you don't have a family at age 20 you're a failure in their eyes

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t. discord tranny

are you actually implying people don't know who Hulk Hogan is?

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I don't know, are the hordes of s oyboys going to keep complaining about how uncomfortable they are with female sexuality? If so I'm sure millions of people are going to bug it just to annoy them

>he calls himself deputy editor
What the fuck?

Maybe stop being a pussy and grow some balls like the kind Tyrone has when he's plowing your wife.

You can taste the leftism.

I get the feeling this guy is either headed towards or already had an Anthony Burch situation, where he'll try to date a guy to show how "with it" he is, and just completely screw the pooch.

>b-buy my censored game
No thanks Koei Tecmo. Get woke go broke

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Marie Rose is Swedish? Why is her face so round then? She looks like a japanese girl with dyed hair.


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I'm not the one who brought up a work of satire from a socialist author in an apparent attempt to criticise "leftism"

Where were you when brought politics into it?

>using echoes wrong
>directly linking to eurogoymer
Fuck off, shill.

Cultural imperialism. Cultural appropriation is the same shit. Stomp out other cultures.

My bad, I thought she was. I keep confusing her for her mother, both have dumb names and I'm not into american politics enough to know who is who, and who is what.

That entire thing is a response to something. You want the something.

Is this why so many comic books made stories about notTrump getting BTFO?

>You can't criticize the left wing from a left wing perspective
Oh yes, because leftists definitely don't criticize each other all the ti-

Oh wait

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fucking fag

Is that supposed to be less stupid?

It is but it still gets the point out. The point being that certain people push for this, and they have a certain leaning political, and since it's the UN I doubt it's "conservative".

>a tit
What a sexist pig.

these types always have skeletons in their closet, and the skeletons are usually related to the things they vehemently fight against at an attempt to blend in

Harrison Bergeron is more like a satire of what clueless right-wingers think "the left" wants, including the brave Aryan individualist superman who should have ruled over them all by birthright had he not been cut down by the forces of mediocrity. It's completely over the top.

>politics don't match with a lot of things, with video games even more so
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

Attached: vidya IS political.png (1235x721, 836K)

>But in real life women don't like being dominated or sexualized
See what bothers me most about this is just the flagrant virginity of the guy who made this. He's so scared of female sexuality that he's advising his friend to censor himself in order to establish a false reality.

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That woman is a fucking angel

>that certain people push for this
What is "this" though, and why?
>since it's the UN I doubt it's "conservative"
I dunno, does that make sense?

>a satire of what clueless right-wingers think "the left" wants, including the brave Aryan individualist superman who should have ruled over them all by birthright had he not been cut down by the forces of mediocrity.
You wouldn't happen to know what a tankie is, would you?

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why would you even do that

Nah the author isn't a virgin, but he was definitely one of those dainty sensitive grunge/alt guys that littered the 90s who grew up to be even more limp-wristed.

Mixed race goblin mongrel bong writing about Americlap politics for a site called EUROgamer.
Absolute state of bongs.
Westerners bitching about tiddy in their games, yet they are all degenerate about open relationships and casual fucking.
The absolute worthless state of the West.

>Marie Rose, officially an 18-year-old Swedish maid, but, yeah... come on... is kitted out to be some sort of teen sex slave

And they say there are no stupid questions.

I didn't yet. But tired of playing it hidden in remote mode on my laptop.

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>reviewer knows that talking about over sexualization will get clicks
>rage mongering is just clickbait for hate boners
>reviewer laughs as every retard takes the bait and go comment on the site he writes to
>he also knows the link will be posted on forums and social media
I think its about time for people to stop letting a bait headline get to them.

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He's completely right about Honoka and Marie Rose. They're cheap waifu bait.


A mythical being, far as I can tell. I've certainly never actually seen one. I see Nazis every day and Yea Forums constantly tells me those barely exist, so how incredibly irrelevant must tankies be then?

Go on, answer them.

Don't they mean adult? 18 is an adult. Also dont they think 3 year olds have sexual agency? Why is this pretend character suddenly being exploited?

>cosplayer looks like character they're cosplaying
You are truly thinkers for the ages.

They really can't stand young looking anime girls huh? It's funny as fuck because real women look like that of age. It really seems to be an attack on body image, trying to make small petite women a bad thing while also attacking big breast but leaving ham planets alone or even promoting them.
That don't make them "pedo" though faggot.

Makes me wonder when they're going to kick gay men out of their sjw club. Naked muscular men are evil after all.

>"there is no way a real adult woman could look like Maria"
>"here's one"
>"uuuuuhhhhhh okay whatever"

You... never went to /cgl/, right?

Attached: cgl.jpg (1288x1304, 308K)

>this girl in this game is under age because there is no way a girl of age would look like that!
>oh what does this cosplayer that looks exactly like the girl I just said can't exist in real life have to with anything? Fucking genius!
Joggin my noggin.


Here's an 18 year old girl that has Marie's body type.

>b-but muh Americans are the prudes constantly upset about hot women
Get fucked, yurofags

its part of our culture bigot

>They really can't stand young looking anime girls huh?
They can't stand anything asian.
See pic, she's from Kazakhstan.

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I mean if we really wanted to we could just post tons of Elevens, most still look that young in their 20s.
It is always nice to have more grown women to throw at them though when they spout this stupid shit.

>all comments are from ugly crooked "women"

I'm not feeling so well right now...

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sure thing achmed

can we just stop making threads about retarded SJW journalists
we could just ignore them you know

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Yes, lets ignore them while all out games keep being influenced by them.
Next DoA won't even have girls at this rate, at least the Western version.
I'm not an ostrich.

>it's your fault we're cucks
Cope. Free will doesn't exist and it's much more sane to believe you have no self control over your own opinions because they're forced to mirror some agenda pushing faggot on another continent, right?

good point I guess
but if people stop visiting these journal websites entirely they won't have an influence anymore

>there's no way an adult woman trying to look like marie rose could look like marie rose

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Have the last years taught you nothing?
Ignoring won't stop them. We need to start killing.

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Japanese devs know that these guys don't represent us, right? I hate how visible these people are.

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But she looks like Marie Rose even without the make up and outfits and everything.

>ignore them
>when they're AGGRESSIVELY trying to destroy everything "we" like
It's a losing battle...

Damn, that anime girl got rekt by facts and logic. Baser Doc

These are the people the devs are talking to. The DOA competitive community is also full of SJWs who hate fanservice. They are also the only ones who get to speak to the devs personally.


Trump derangement syndrome is fucking real brah

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>but if people stop visiting these journal websites entirely they won't have an influence anymore
That is a nice dream you have.
The people who visit the sites for these articles are not into games and don't give a fuck, they want this shit gone as they don't like it. All of us could never click a link to any "Game Journalism" site and it would not even dent their butt-buddies in ideology's numbers.
If we don't speak out all they will hear is these faggots and their blogs.
Her fucking body is not changing size though you faggot. Her body size and type is Marie's without even trying, it's her base form.

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The devs need to ignore them, not us. It's like telling someone to ignore the man burglarizing his house. DOA devs straight up told us they censored the game to appeal to western audiences and didn't localize DOAX3 for that same reason too

I imagine the ones who say adult women can't be petite are the same shit-eaters who unironically think Khloe Kardashian is attractive

It's useless, steam forum is filled with cucks who actually believe Shimbori's lies.

It's fucking wild shit, my mom is that small. It's super fucking common to see petite women but they act like it's unheard of and only children can look like that.
This body image shit has been going on for awhile but it's getting out of hand now that the only body type that is apparently okay is fat ham beast.

>ignore them
Why? They are the ones who started ruining our games and forcibly injecting their IRL polical agendas in video games. Why be passive and content? We are not content, we are annoyed because of sudden, uncalled for actions.

Just visit /leftypol/ and you'll see plenty.

Gay men are pretty low on the progressive stack unless also black.

Not saying that any body type is bad, just that the push at first was "any body type is okay and sexy" and it has moved away from that drastically.

>If we don't speak out all they will hear is these faggots and their blogs.
So how will we actually get them to hear our voice? It's clear that sites like Yea Forums are considered a niche even though our visitor numbers are much higher than blogs, but for some reason they focus on them instead.

>The people who visit the sites for these articles are not into games and don't give a fuck
Is that really, actually what you believe?

One of these days Netherrealm is going to release a Mortal Kombat game that is just the cutscenes with no game at all and they'll still give it a high score because Muh story telling.

And while I'm not gonna be that dickhead who says storymodes aren't important to fighting games, I'll be the dickhead that says anyone who puts story mode above fighting mechanics in a fighting game and docks points because no japanese fightan dev have Warner's budget and resources to put hollywoodian prodution values on their fighting games is a fucking dumbass and should stay the hell away because it's clear this person doesn't care about the fighting and gameplay at all.

It's fat bitches trying to make skinny girls feel bad about themselves. That's why they say "you need to eat more" or shit like that

>>Bass give off more than a whiff of that most uncomfortable of relationships: Donald and Ivanka Trump.
uh, what the fuck?

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The world that lets me know that your opinion should be ignored.

Define "plenty". Is a half-dead cripplechan board really supposed to represent "the left" now?

>current year
>people still say dude just ignore them and they will leave lmao

Liking cute 18-20 year olds in America is considered as bad as pedophilia.

DONALD TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, people who are supposed to been long time fans are wanting things changed.

Because (((they))) want to control the human population on earth more efficiently.
And also raep lil kids

Bombard their pathetic sites and blogs in an organized fashion and without knowing who came from where. And I'm not talking bombard them with porn and gore like in the past.
Let's hit them with facts and logic for a change. In-action will encourage them on their crusade of wrong-think and censoring.

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Well ever since thiccfags started meming fat as sexy it's only gotten worse.

>inb4 thicc doesn't mean obese
Tell that to the landwhales that describe eachother that way on tumblr

It's a crime to be a white man. It's a crime to want boobs
It's okay to want naked men in games. It's also okay to have kids being sexualized at a gay parade
Fuck this world

They want a global weimar republic


>Creepy, toxic, gross, incel, yikes
The words that signal retardation.

Did he play the game or? Fighting games are the most deep and complex games and people are focusing on the fucking appearance.

This hobby is wasted on dumb people, fuck.

This user is right, we need to actually be making a big stink about this by making them unable to drown it out or hide it.
If we keep doing this passive "maybe they will stop?" then nothing is going to stop and things will get worse.
I mean, the guy in the OP is literally trying to equate petite women to pedophilia (though not in those words, he uses "teen" but we know people still read it as "pedo)".
At some point this has got to be stopped.

I remember when "curvy" used to mean this.

Pedophiles like cute things, ergo if you like cute things you are a pedophile, I see no fault in this logic.

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Wow, surprise. Japan is filled with pedophiles.

If you even stare at ANY of those, you're a pedo.

Go to /his/, there are dozens of them. Marxist Leninists aren't the only authoritarian leftist ideologies either m8

You can't just throw out what the doctors who made your term a legit term say user.

Damn what a crowd of harpies lmfao

>there are dozens of them

I can say that if if you're interested in any teenager girl, you're a pedo.

Japan is where all this pedoshit comes from, I don't give a shit about what they say.

>if you like hot girls you're a poltard
The absolute state of counter-arguments

nice direct link marketing shill
kill yourself


>I can say that if if you're interested in any teenager girl, you're a pedo.

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So is the game good or not?

These reviews are going to seem so random in 10 years, if the western world hasn't collapsed by then. You don't go back to a Super Mario Sunshine review and see bitching about Bush out of no where.

>pedo never existed before japan
Are you retarded?

Just stop that faggot. Even if that was true, the article still stands and exists, along with so many others, and continues to affect public thinking in video games. And more will come if we don't stop this.

that freedom should exist no matter what faggot. left is a bunch of nazis that want to censor what they don't like.

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But creations of the mind CAN influence people's behavior, that's what propaganda is. Are you retarded? Nobody blames the drawing, they blame the artists.

if you care so much then stop direct linking it and post an archive or screen shot you obvious fucking marketer. kill yourself

>NRS pushing boundaries in fighting game story telling.

You can tell this nigger hasn't paid attention to story telling in games previous to MK9. Wanna know what's pushing the boundaries in good storytelling for a fighting game. SC3 non linear path for each character than leads to secret encounters with unique NPC's and a secret hard as nails boss with endings that can change course within them at your will. NRS only gets praise because it had the budget to present itself as a Hollywood blockbuster. That isn't pushing boundaries in storytelling, that's just conforming to age old motion picture storytelling.

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You can make a big stink all you want, but journalism is the fan that blows the stink back into your face.

Actually, pedo is sexual interest for pre-puber child, not teen.

>I can say that
So you know more than the doctors who coined the term and study it? Wow user.
Eat a bullet.

It's not mine you retard. And links exist for convenience you irrelevant shit. You don't even care as you are implying, why reply to this thread?

>Small/short girls can't be 18 years old
Do these people even talk with people IRL and outside twitter?

obvious fucking marketer

Mortal Kombat Deception had Konquest mode which basically had you going through all the realms telling it's own story as a new character to the game.

No! 16 years olds with big boobs, ass and hips are exactly the same as 7 year old children! if you even think about them sexually you are a baby rapist!

I honestly feel that these people are just closeted fags

How the fuck can they write that shit and get paid for it? Not even a bloody school paper would let them in on one fucking article with shit like this.

>NRS only gets praise because it had the budget to present itself as a Hollywood blockbuster.
Of course. Money is king in the Nu-FGC. You think SFV is where it is due to its quality? Capcom put money up to force SFIV out. It's all money.

The funny thing about these articles is that these "feminist allies" and "progressive guys" always end up being pedos, rapist or wifebeaters

>not even a bloody school paper
This would get top marks in a school today. Where do you think they learn it?

Kill all Americans. Kill all Ameriboos.

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I don't think they go beyond their office, home and whatever gay bar is currently "in". My ex was 5'2 in her 20s. According to them I guess I should be locked away for eternity.

Just wait until you find out he calls himself deputy editor.

Reminder that if you want to fuck a 17 year 11 month old girl with massive tits and hips then you are LITERALLY a disgusting pedophile and need to be locked up for the good of the nation

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There is a project like that on 8ch if you want to check it out.

I did say MK9 and specifically MK9 because NRS wasn't around until then as it was Midway. Keep in mind that the article is making out that NRS is pushing boundaries when there are other examples before that including Konquest (a mode that I fondly remember). The reviewer isn't someone who has any weight behind their opinions, just your typical opportunist trying to make something of themselves in the industry with little knowledge and no respect for the past.

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>Eurogamer reviewing a Japanese video game
>brings up drumpf
People like to say the "OBSESSED" meme is overplayed, but...

whether you're sexually attracted to anime and manga girls, 25 years old, 16 years old, 13 years old, 6 years old, fetus, same-gender, elderly or even ANIMALS and their shit, It doesn't matter at all. there's nothing wrong with that. as long as you don't "act" on it in the society that we're living in. We're not animals who act purely on our instinct. We're human beings with intellect to control our desire and to not go against the social norms of our society.


It's always the same shit with those fagtards.

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BIG if true

at least in this case it's a female (I hope)
a guy saying that is beyond pathetic

Because leftists are literally faggot pedos.

>invoking donald trump in an article about a japanese game that has nothing to do with him
jesus christ trump really does live rent-free in the heads of journos

To trigger people so that they comment on the article. It's all about the clicks.

Simply because Asian people generally don't go along with the whole "fuck white people" thing. They're viewed like "Uncle Toms".

>I’ve enjoyed the Dead or Alive series for more than two decades, but for most of that time I’ve been hesitant to admit it
Yeah, sure.

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>at least in this case it's a female (I hope)

Its still hypocritical either way. It shouldn't get a pass just because its a chick.

Based user, keep up the good work.

I hate fat cow Americans with their trans fats and distorted views of what women look like.

Here. This is a 26 year old Russian woman.

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It's the opposite if anything. White people are generally treated with underserved courtesy and admiration by asians.

>is kitted out to be some sort of teen sex slave
It's funny because in every wester country, every 14 years old girl dresses herself like a teen sex slave.
Fucking whores lmao.


How is that the opposite of what was posted? If Asians treat white people with courtesy and admiration then they aren't going along with the "fuck white people" narrative.

that's bullshit but i believe it

not thicc enough

Really, how many more examples need to be shown before people fuck off with complaining about adult women with youthful looks and petite figures?

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But these are children! They have to be! They are not fat ham beasts like me.
It's some sad shit that this is actually someones thought process.

I meant opposite of the "fuck white people". As in, they aren't just neutral to white people, but lean toward favorable. I think that is what makes asians more of an enemy for progressives

26 is pretty young, you might have a skewed perception due to only seeing women that don't take care of themselves.

>but her interactions with wrestling partner and father Bass give off more than a whiff of that most uncomfortable of relationships: Donald and Ivanka Trump.
I would've said Hulk and Brooke Hogan since they're both wrestlers, but hey, gotta fit that anti-Trump rhetoric in there somewhere.

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>due to only seeing women that don't take care of themselves.

This really is the crux of the issue. Even women in their 40s with multiple kids can still look youthful with even the barest minimum of effort, but a lot of hambeasts don't even want to do that.

These people are really dumb, they think that since liking young girls is bad because they ARE immature, if you like someone who looks young then you must be bad as well.

Judge other humans as individuals not as a group by skin color. That said if you wanna attack white people or any race attack those that partake in and perpetuate the culture thats killing your society.

legal age in anglosphere is going to be 35 in like a decade, isn't it?

Since when do anime loli look anything like real child?
Seems to me that a lot of people tend to forget that.

>Meanwhile DOA is a product specifically designed and sold targeting horny guys
Sure faggot.

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I think she's 23, but here's an actual 27 year old.

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More like anons insisting that there should be fanservice characters in a fanservice game.

Only for the natives. There is no legal age that "Asians" have to adhere to.

I know most of you are underage but here you go. How do you handle ugly women at work? I can't really hide my reaction so I always look away or avoid eye contact. The hate is real, they will try to shame you about things you can't handle.

The fuck kind of post is this even trying to be?

Just as people forget a lot of things when the word "pedo" is involed.
Never has a better scapegoat been made.

why do you trannies want every character to be as ugly as you are?

>we need to start cataloging every sjw writer in vidya and every sjw supporting game website
here I already did it
>it's every single one of them

Quit being dramatic, you just can't argue for shit.

Some do.

Garbage review.

There is your problem, it's a fake gaming website run by political activists sjw faggots (literally). Never take anything from them seriously

What anime ?

>can't go one review without mentioning trump
lol fucking pathetic

Pop it in Yandex guys. I'd do it but what is the point? You get links this way.


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Been posted several times m8.



Black people also voted in Hillary on the primaries though. Outcome was fucked passed that point

Yeah sure.
At least I argue faggot. I am in the mouth of the faggot wolf, saying my mind and "defending" gaming as we knew it (if you are not underage at least).
I am not sitting my fatass on Yea Forums passively complaining how games are needlessly changing and crying about how vulnerable I am.

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Many people refuse to read long threads user.
"tl:dr" is a phrase for a reason.

>No. Their job is supposed to talk about the game in general, not how the characters look like, or how they should, or their ideologies, or about politics, or what is right or wrong. Just explain what the game is about, the "story", how the gameplay handles, how is the soundtrack, how is the online, what content it has, if the game is solid or not. Obviously thats asking too much, because they would rather rant on their personal views instead of looking to that game, the genre it is and think "is this good or bad or alright compared to other games?"

for gays

That's not enough for these people. No one should be able to enjoy these games because journalists don't like it.

You make it sound like you hate freedom and /pol/ is fighting for freedom.


that's a big yikes from me

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It's like 5 or 6 paragraphs before the gameplay actually gets discussed. What a shitty review.

>*angry roast beef flapping noises*

>the absolute state of game journalists

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Wow what a faggot

>noooo I don't have enough SJW ally points to see boobs

I can't wait for day of the rope, etc. etc.

There is a difference between a fan mod doing it to a game focusing on other things and actual game developers making an entire product revolving around it


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It was weird as fuck to go on /his/ and see everybody there praising the Weimar Republic.

>Funny I've been saying this for the past 10 years now. It's worked out brilliantly.
Yeah but if you did something more think about how much better your vidya would be.


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So, what are some good game journal sites that don't focus on politics? I know game journalism in general is a pretty dumb idea but it seems like developers won't start ignoring them anytime soon. I think PC Gamer is pretty good from what I've seen from them.

this is the average person who promotes censorship btw

completely hypocritical, self-righteous, arrogant morons, every single fucking time

yes im fucking mad

Unironically Christ Centered Gamer

PC Gamer has gotten just as bad with the "ugh really? Current Year, people!" shit.

There are none.


It’s more that these guys are total scumbags behind closed doors so in order to sleep at night they have to virtue signal the opposite of how they really are. It’s all a deflection. I would bet that this dude actually has child porn, or sexually harasses/assaults women, or does some other shitty thing that would make him a complete hypocrite. The people that are most vocal about this kind of shit are ALWAYS the ones doing it when nobody is looking.

there are unironically some youtube channels who do a good job
check out bellular news

I'm sure the niggers in that pic. Apreciate young pussy more than westerners.

siliconera doesnt have any politics and only has video game news from what i've seen
but it mainly focuses on japanese games, so if that's not your thing too bad

One Angry Gamer.

I hope they fucking learn their lesson about what happens when you pander to sjws

siliconera is good

>but it mainly focuses on japanese games,
Are they on the whole hate Japan for all its media and icky pedoness? Cause that seems to be the running stance these days.

Far as I've seen they stay neutral on that.

havent seen anything like that

that site does nothing but shit on sjws.

Well that I can deal with. I don't need the place telling me about games trying to gaslight me into hating said games, so they sound like heaven in this day and age.

>raided by the left daily
>media bias
>he doesn´t know why they mention doland

World War 3 needs to happen. Even if it said to end and wipe all civilization as we know it. Its fucking worth it.
Fuck this faggot earth, just end it already.

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>imagine being this cuck
>mfw I left my laptop without password with just one user available
>mfw my sister and dad can see my browser history & favorite bookmarks full of porn and Yea Forums shit
>mfw they don't say shit to me since that's the only computer in the entire house since both are to much of a stingy jews to bought their own ones

>bringing up Trump (yet alone his family) in an article about a video game.
Automatically void of any credibility.

It's not like she lost them by 18, the fact is 18 year olds can and do resemble honoka and Marie, no matter how much austrialian lawmakers want to pretend flat girls are all children.

I play DoA since the second game. I wish trash characters like Honoka or Marie should be fucking removed from the game. Not because they have big tits or are too young, they are just fucking gutter trash characters.

They represent just how shitty Japan's tastes are though.

Why do you trust Journalists? They are literally all Corrupt, like these are the same people that listed FF7 Remake as one of the best games ever before it's even released.

climate disaster will destroy 90% of the human race at least. all of the denier bullshit you hear is just hopeful delusion. we have 100 years tops and that's an extremely optimistic estimation.

look up the actual science yourself, don't just believe me or anyone else.

From an economical and stability standpoint the Weimar Republic did pretty good considering. The republic suffered greatly from being the rest of the world's punching bag and the great Stab In The Back, that ended WWI in the first place, leaving behind a lot of socialist and communist sentiment unsatisfied. It was also a cultural hellhole unless you enjoy progressiveness.
Fact of the matter is that Hitler's National Socialism managed to unite and turn around the country in ways that the Republic never managed to. Couple that with anti-nazi propaganda in the west trying to make Hitler look bad and the republic seems really incompetent.

And your Kasumi (anon1) and Christie (anon2) taste is better?

Siliconera, One Angry Gamer, NicheGamer, The Escapist, Gematsu and Destructoid.

Then don't play them you spastic.
>only Japan likes them

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Ha, no.

I main Jann Lee since DoA 2

Also yeah Kasumi and Christie are miles better as characters but also as fighters.

>europe likes best girl

not surprised

I know, and sometimes it's pretty sensationalist, but it's better than nothing.

doa6 is a piece of shit
tecmo are a bunch of hacks
the pc port is trash
the 90$ dlc is insulting
doa needs to crash and burn togheter with tecmo, fuck all of them

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i wish this wasnt true

That was the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

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>that's because you envy the young
Nailed the dismount

Do you actually have a life outside of Yea Forums?

While that might just be the case, we really don't need more "think of the digital pixel could be misconstrued if you're blind children" going on.

Siliconera, Gematsu, Christ Centered Gamer

You mean Muslimgamer, Eurogamer has been far from Euro for a while now.

Mmm... What SJW Journo shit has Destructoid commited recently?

I use this site for gaming news, so far I haven't seen any site politics injected into reviews there. Could be wrong.

Are they okay with Nip media also? I thought I saw a piece from them a little while back saying good things about something censorship related, but since I don't pay a whole lot of attention to these kinds of sites after most went "fuck our readers!" I can't really recall it.

"pedophile" has to be one of the most overused and misused terms of the last 40 years. I am so sick of hearing that word. Anytime I hear someone use that word and they're not specifically talking about pre-pubescent girls, I assume they're an idiot that can't think for themselves.

Yeah, but the board praises the Weimar Republic and regularly shits all over the Third Reich. It's pretty much a /leftypol/colony.

One Angry Gamer and NicheGamer are completely obsessed with politics, they just come at it from a right-wing/anti-sjw angle.

They specialize on japanese gaming news, Im pretty sure they dont post opinion pieces.

gematsu is actually neutral about this but some of their staff member are against censorship.
Which is impressive given how the comment section and a large number of the userbase are sony shills and pro-censorship.