Tales of Yea Forums

>Tales thread
>non-shitpost & non-bait OP
>got 404'd
I am speechless. Keep discussing Symphonia and the rest of the series, if you desire.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who would win?

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>2 Judiths & 2 Ritas
Not even a question.

Would the mods relate to Sodia?

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Symphonia was ahead of its time with the reverse route thing.

That was so fucking cool. Also who else /throwing anus/ main here?

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Heartless bitch that wants to kill everything she doesn't like? Probably.

how do i play vesperia i keep dying

Block, backstep, set Estelle to Recovery in the strat menu, disable certain artes for each character's AI, utilize free run.

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thanks user

>meanwhile pokemon threads run rampant despite /vp/ existing
>not even a single containment thread, just pokeshit spam every day for the past 2 days

Better get used to it. They’ll be 2019s Smash threads.

At least smash is Yea Forums.

Explain to me why Xillia, Graces, & Hearts haven't been ported to anything yet.

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I love celsius.

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Kinda bummed we didn't see any other spirits in Vesperia.

MFW the combat became slower and shittier after ToS
MFW Techs renamed 'Artes"
MFW 'block-canceling is a skill tech'
MFW Dawn did not keep Scott Menville for Lloyd
MFW I'll never play ToS for the first time again

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>Undyne: Zaude
>Ifrit: the crag or the underground magma zones
>Gnome: same (crystal dungeon)
>Sylph: same (releweise)
>Volt: Barbos' gear tower
>Shadow: Caer Bocram, maybe? Zaphias sewers, maybe? The cave with the bat boss? Asspio?
>Celcius: Zopheir
>Aska/Luna: Zaphias sword tower? Halure?
Obviously need to make new some entelexia bosses, but hey. Origin and Maxwell can go where ever.

>tfw the GC version is the only one with 60fps

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which is fine the extra content ist enough to not want me to play it on the cube with a tube tv where it all started

here you go
drink up

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Oh hey it's Yuri's wife.

rate my squad

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I guess the retard janny 404d it because this image was used in the OP.
Since when is cleavage against the rules?

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Which Vesperia character is the most fun to play as?

>no head turner patty or spa patty with wonder mask

if only the hat muffled her voice too

What's the verdict on Abyss?

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yeah man when is /e/ against the rules on a blue board ahahah

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This is the ideal Patty.

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It's decent.

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Too much back & forth backtracking in the latter half/third.

Actually, since forever. Especially since the image is a vidya character that is also SFW. Shame that actual off-topic threads aren't deleted, though...

the ideal patty is a dead one

t. Rapscallion

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Don't kid yourself. There's far worse OP's pics that get posted on a daily basis and don't get deleted.

The only reason the other thread got deleted was because it was a template "Play X" thread and mods are bipolar when it comes to either leaving it along or not.

It's shit

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hay kid wanna /ss/

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I was pretty surprised to learn Judith is only 19. I thought she was older than Yuri. So how old is Raven? I thought he was 40+ but now I'm leaning of 28 or something equally dumb.

raven is in his mid thirties or something


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Delicious, refreshing Sodia

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This bugs me more than it should. PS2 I could get but why the fuck didn't they bother fixing up their PC port when Symphonia is one of the more prolific entries in the series?

Last third of the game made me want to kill myself the backtracking was so awful. Still has some really inspired moments, but overall I don't feel too strongly about it.

When does Vesperia Definitive start to really diverge from the original game?

They didn't give a shit because they were only offering it as a preorder bonus for Zestiria

The decision to offer it separately didn't come until after they decided to put as little budget and effort into it as humanly possible

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It doesn't. Don't tell me the never ever fags managed to meme you into thinking PS3 Vesperia was that different?

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I mean I've played long enough to go through a whole new dungeon when Dahngrest was under attack so it's clearly different already, girlbrains. I'm wondering how much more different shit there will be.

If you picked Zelos over Kratos then you're shit.

We still have 24/7 smash threads talking about shitty fake leaks

playing tales of berseria coop.

Is Velvet just flat out better then every other characte? I've been swapping off and on other folks, but I stick to Magilou mostly. We are playing on the hardest difficulty we have available, and while most fights are a breeze, if we get into one of the double fights, velvet usualy carries while everyone else dies.

It honestly feels like hes playing on easy mode, while I'am struggling to not die if a group of enemies looks at me.

Haven't played Berseria, but more often than not characters in Tales of are not created equally. Having played a lot of the games in co-op, I'd say specially earlier games usually have the main character be ridiculously better than the rest of the cast.

Not that it can't still be fun but Balance ain't really a Tales of priority

Graces, a Wii game, was already ported to the PS3, silly.


I've really only extensively played symphonia before this, and while I always felt Lloyd was a step up, velvet feels flat out broken.

I actually just got Destiny 1 in the mail yesterday, bought it on a good deal for my birthday this month
I've wanted to play it for years
Friend of mine from middle school days (circa 2002) was very influential in exposing me to RPGs and stuff back in the day, he always told me to try ToD, just never did but I tried symphonia and the rest and always loved them
It's really sad actually, can't find that friend at all on social media and i lost his number to text in high school
Brian if you're out there I still have your Xenogears, and I've beaten it several times and still take care of it to this day, thanks bro

I felt they got better after Symphonia with giving characters more to do, but stuff like Phantasia is almost laughable with how much better Cress is than the rest of the cast

>velvet feels flat out broken.

She is. You'd have to play as any of the other characters for a real challenge.

>two flynns
nah dude. that shit will be gay AF

>having daddy issues

>double the dragon thighs
Wooooohhh mama

I am, like I was saying my friend is playing velvet while im playing Magilou.

Hes a fucking machine, even when surrounded, while being surrounded means im dead.

yeah but then estelle awakens her child of the full moon powers and raven goes full schwann
team 2 is done

Whats the best wast to play Phantasia?
I bought the GBA port when it came out and I was in middle school (I miss the Nintendo Power RPG section) it was rough but I got like halfway through
But I hear there's better versions. What do?


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Velvet is literally invincible while in demon mode, that's probably why. If playing Magillu, focus on using Spell Absorber for easy damage.

Does someone have the Lloyd Irving coffee version of the spicy keychain picture? I have searched for it everywhere but can't find it

Please, I know it exists. I've seen it before; Idk why I didn't save it that first time

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hahaha fat face

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Everyone loves yuri

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>Do not exist

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Is there really no training dummy in Berseria other than the timed minigame? I want to test out everyone and get good trees going but doing it in a normal battle is a clusterfuck.

Has anyone uploaded the Vesperia ost from the collectors edition?

Search google images for "symphonia hot coffee" and you will find it.

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