What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Not enough smooth mcgroove tracks
Sumo Digital seem to make shit third sequels of games (Crackdown 3).
PS4fags only play sport games or E3 shilled AAA cinematic vidya
not Media Molecule
not canon
The story was ass.
The first game has you on a world tour, helping out people with their respective issues, and ultimately stopping some guy that wanted to collect everything, who was ultimately motivated by his lack of friends, and at the end he redeems himself.
The second has a large war of an army of wooden made robots against an evil Vaccum Cleaner, with a large emphasis on showcasing the characters you met along the journey, as well as their respective mini arks.
This game has you forcefully helping a spoiled brat to break the container where three dangerous titans are held captive. While he ultimately had good intentions, this backfired massively and now you have to undo the damage done.
Delete this
strayed from the arts and craft style way too much, and also by that time the phenomena of the lbp community had been chugging strong for many years but now was petering out, probably because of the general playerbase getting older and just video games generes changing in popularity
I think playing lbp 1 and 2 was a very special place and time to be
>strayed from the arts and craft style
but it didn't
at all
I'm actually mad that lbp stuff is gone.
when i got my ps3, i was a poor boy, so i had to play it without an internet connection, so by the time i became a real man, i didn't really have enough time to enjoy the breadth of what the community had created.
I never even knew this existed wtf
it really did, compared to lbp 1, where you could even see the barebones logic parts in the campaign and in many community levels, lbp 2 still stuck to it pretty good but by 3 it felt too smooth and plastic if that makes sense, it didn't feel like a toy anymore
>lbp stuff is gone
it's all there still
i feel like i heard that it went away, so I never bothered anymore because i'm a faggot I'll have to plug up my things then.
god damn now I feel like getting the ps3 out and playing this, I still want to make all those intricate levels I constantly thought about making and getting ideas for as a kid but never did
i miss playing lbp 1 at my friends house
the games literally use all the same art and models
the style is exactly the same in all LBP games
stop being retarded
Hard to explain but despite adding 3 new guys and more plains, it didn't feel all that new
all the servers are still for the PS3 games
and the entirety of the user created content and even dlc costumes carry over to the PS4 game
the only thing that shut down was the LittleBigPlanet Karting
if you're gonna sit down to play lbp1 and lbp3 back to back and tell me they have the same charm then I don't know what to tell you
that's a fair and objective way to judge whether or not a game has an arts and craft style or not
ok then not a good arts and craft style that actually fits the game
Its a case of SOUL vs SOULLESS
LBP3 was missing the LBP charm
Also the singleplayer campaign was short and boring and the online comunity sucked
I think Sumo expected the community to build the value for LBP3 and it failed massively
Resulting in a game with a poor story and stale online
keep moving those goal posts
moving goal posts is a language issue not a argumentative issue if you think otherwise you've been talking to yourself the whole time
>you claimed LBP 3 strayed from the arts and craft style
>it clearly didn't
>you then said it lacked charm
>no one was arguing that
you are just retarded, and moving goal posts
I'm saying whatever you're calling arts and craft style in lbp 3 should be called farts and crap style in lbp 3 because it's shit and shouldn't even pretended to be that especially having come from such a prestigious example
He still has to adjust his jumps mid-air
It's fucking floaty
the majority of the models used are from LBP 1&2
what the fuck has that got to do with it? a majority of your atoms are from stars but you're not one of those are you?
the style is exactly the same because the game is almost entirely made from reused assets from the previous games
how is this hard to understand
sony alienated their own fans to make them hate their own franchises
Levels got so fucking complex that they lost their soul.
LBP1 had all those happy soulful levels.
I know this is an ancient webm, but I’ve got to say that I put over 1,000 hours into LBP2, so I can say with certainty that the physics are garbage. The best levels were always the gimmicky ones, because anything is better than LBP platforming.
just because it's added on doesn't mean it's not different, again if you play the two back to back you will see the difference in what they're going for, just because it all controls the same doesn't mean anything in the regard to it being a faithful sequel
some lbp1 levels were genuine art, guys like Teebonsey and Poms really used what they had to make fantastic stuff
Shut up, youre just a mindles-
>remembers LBP platforming
>remembers sliding to a stop
>remembers momentum
You know what you’re right
page 10
I used to spend shit-tons of time doing hard platformers, the kind where you had to know glitch hop techniques to advance and do very accurate movements to defeat obstacles
>Different dev team
>Horribly buggy at launch
>New additions were largely pointless (who the fuck asked for new characters?)
>Story was short and mediocre
Dreams is the real LBP3
Nothing much
LBP was always an awful series. Media Molecule is an overrated as fuck company and the games always had terrible controls.
based and beardpilled
t. baitfag
what other games from the time period allows you to build things like this
>gamer cross
Sumo shits on everything they touch
>Crackdown 3
>that shitty Sonic racing game they're making now
Bad studio
it's a german ww2 plane, ok retard?
>every jump is from standing still
>then zooms about at various speeds in midair
Floaty as all fuck.
Why roleplay as a loser when you're a loser irl?
Why roleplay as anything when the point of these pics is the extent to which you can make faithful recreations of things that are awesome? Do you think people who like the Tiger tank like it and depictions of it ingame because they want to larp as ww2 germans?
LBP3 kinda sucked but based japanese autists made some cool stuff as always
>Do you think people who like the Tiger tank like it and depictions of it ingame because they want to larp as ww2 germans?
Yes. Not all of them, but the crossover between nazi worshippers and people who are 'just in it for the history' is broad as fuck.
Like, lol, why obsess over the weapons of a losing army from forever ago unless you have a weird obsession with those people.
I also make a bunch of soviet cold-war gear
Most of my creations are done because nobody has done them before in any capacity and that's why I spend a lot of effort in making them
>Demon's Souls will never get a PS4 rema-
You're retarded. It's pretty obvious what user is talking about. LBP1 levels are something that players can see how they were made and create themselves. Tags were visible, you could see pistons and strings, characters were cardboard cutouts with mouthpieces stuck onto them. This is all stuff the player can achieve and even improve upon.
LBP3 comes around and it has these soulless fancy animated cutscenes, the levels are filled with unique 3d assets the player cannot create, the logic is all hidden and it feels like a crappy modern disney movie with these cringey voice actors. Absolutely soulless.
Bad perfs (consoles lol) and convoluted menus.
Bad transfer files from PS3 to PS4.
I love LBP, I'd love to have it on PC.
>tfw nobody plays the level you spend hours and hours on
picture for ants
what do you do in the level
>tfw Soiny removes your level with 10k plays and 3k hearts for no reason
post your creations
One guy plays as the bad guy, and can control the top sliding canon. The other 3 players must survive by hiding using the props.
As time passed the bad guy gets stronger weapons.
Player also have bonus like Black screen, or a cloud popping, stuff like that. The vehicles were controlables.
Sad thing is of course I reached 100% of allowed construction super fast. And that the online system never paired me with people to play it. I got to test it one day with a buddy but that's it.
A video of a guy who played a level I made during the PS3 3 weeks hack.
Story was uninteresting and short as fuck like a launch title but it wasnt a launch title.
Also fucking broken, holy shit it was buggy. And none of the charm of the originals.
Part of an unfinished level from the LBP2 days
Sony really fucked up by handing it to Sumo Digital. I know Mm were busy with other stuff, but I'd rather they just put the series on hiatus than sour it with such a phoned in entry
there are a couple of reasons, but youtube.com
>community being shit
>bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs
>level creation downgrades and level theft
>game itself was literally unplayable at times due to profile corruption bug
95% of the issues are because SUMO fucked up