Post god tier vidya drinks
Post god tier vidya drinks
Enjoy your diabetes while I will be drinking pic rel
this or black cherry cream soda float
For me, it's water.
Enjoy your boring life
Cum from a big dick
Black coffee is the only thing you need.
but I also need my splash of milk
You also need a splash of cum you poof.
based and H2Opilled
More like Gamergay
What does that shit even taste like?
like nothing, literally
you just swallow it
Anons who will live a long and healthy life.
I hope they have ICEEs!
delicious gaymer g-fuel
I drank that a few minutes ago
Looks like a glass full of cum
Light craft beer
what does it taste like
im eatin blackberries and drinkin water
Not vidya.
ur mom is not Vidya
joke's on you, I had diabetes before I knew what video games were
you seem to be projecting. there's nothing inherently gay about milk considering it's just milk. you must be obsessed with gayness if you see gayness in everything. who would be obsessed with gayness but a fag? i believe you are a fag.
It's only 2/3 full. Kind of like a spunky outlook on life.
b-b-but I have a gf...
Why would she be vidya? Living beings can't possibly be vidya, that's preposterous.
so? you're clearly in denial. you didn't even know you were gay until i pointed out the fact that you see gayness in everything.
>telling lies on a whalepleasuring chatbox
I only see gayness in people who feel the need to add female cow cum to their coffee
Not like I can prove it
Maybe if it had the green tint
>female cow
See? You're so gay you find gay things about FEMALES. Dude, you're gay as hell.