Reminder that there are no girls on Yea Forums
Reminder that there are no girls on Yea Forums
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This thread blows
I'm a girl only when my daddy is around
No shit?
The entire internet is nothing but traps
Hows 11?
I only play games with old men armpits, and there arent a whole lot of those so i dont post that much
>bass and 5 that high
>4 that low
11 is fucking great, but since you suffer from a chronic case of absolute shit taste, you'll probably hate it
I'm a girl
>9 best
It dethrones 9's special weapon game as the best in the series. Level design's not quite on par but holy fucking shit, dat special weapon synergy.
Can you become pregnant?
Didn't think so, delusional faggot.
Oh fuck
Are you telling me Capcom gave us a game where Special Weapons have actual uses outside of curbstomping bosses? I fucking loved how much utility 9 gave you with its special weapons. Is 11 the same case?
I know for a fact Kayona Kim lurks here and has posted many times before.
Great, we’re posting with a psycho.
t. female(male)
A literally who that looks like my brother with a wig, wasn't expecting it this morning
But you can fuck it so what's the difference?
You're always posting with at least 5 at any given time, but she's not one of them. Unless you think autism = psychotic. In which case, all of us are psychos.
Didn’t she once say she wanted to drink Sonic’s piss? Or cum, or some bodily fluid...
We're also posting with a dog fucker, a dedicated shitposter and a gorefag who works at a daycare so...
No, you're thinking of Alix Henriol, a different Sonic slut who likes exposing herself.
>gorefag who works at a daycare so...
Wait, what now?
The guy that lurked Megaman threads in january and posted Lan/Hub gore. He once said that he also works at a daycare but hates everyone there
That’s terrifying.
shut up incel
True, but there are a lot of bitches
Does she still have that Deviantart account where she posts nudes?
Ah that's the one, thanks
inb4 seething trannies
Yup, no girls, only trannies
there are but you permavirgins lose your shit every time
And we're posting with you and we don't make any fuzz about it, fag
And the search continues.
>autistic manchild thinks he's above another mentally ill person
>Lan/Hub gore
Not all females can become pregnant, retard.
don't act like you wouldn't fuck that in an instant
Eh. I’ve seen worse, seen better.
not in your bedroom you haven't
You have a minute to claim your Mega waifu/husbando
No woman would ever be in my bedroom.
you know you like her
Grow her hair out some more maybe.
>unironically shilling your shit portfolio
Post your fuckin tits or get the fuck out already. Holy shit.
But she did...
user, YOU could become the woman, and my bitch~
>telling Kayona to post her tits
Don't give her any ideas.
just post the transparent helmets already
Well then get an AIDS test, 'cause your female's a dude, faggot!
there are some on /vp/
also a classic from Yea Forums
i was told everyone here is a cute little girl
what the actual fuck
Tell me what's your favorite Megaman game and i'll say the 3 worst things about it
>little girls are not females because they can't get pregnant
>menopausal women are not females because they can't get pregnant
>infertile women are not females
Of course there isn't
Seriously. She posts them every chance she gets.