What is your opinion on Eleanor?

What is your opinion on Eleanor?

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Better than Liz

Elizabeth would rape her in 1 vs 1

She wanted to fuck her big daddy

Best daughter.

she was annoying just like her mother


She cute

Better than that pseudo disney princess.

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Name a better vidya daughter, I'll wait


cute... CUTE

gee, I dunno

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>tries to kill you because you're not going to the right city
she's shit

Doesn't she die like a little bitch in the DLC? I Never did get around to playing it.

I can't.

>spends several seconds struggling to open a tear
>immediately blasts her ass into the sky

She has a hell of a time 1v1 splicers and is a complete fucking retard to boot.

IIRC they give her a lobotomy and kill her because Levine wanted to tie the whole thing back to BS1 and a super powerful timelord still running around wouldn't make much sense.

Also as a reminder
Thanks to Infinite timelines all Elizabeth porn you see online is cannon.

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Absolute best daughter assuming you've been saving all the Little Sisters you came across and spared people, though even when you're an evil shit she can still save you.. Also fuck Lamb, fuck commies and fuck splicers. Delta did nothing wrong and despite getting it good in best ending, still deserved better.

Should be riding my dick. Dumbass story should've been about rape.

>design a daughterfu
>give her massive cleavage and a choker
Ken's kinda fucked in the head, isn't he?

living in your daughters head doesnt sound very nice

It's more about seeing through her eyes I think. Something akin to Piccolo absorbing other Namekians in Dragon Ball. Plus Delta can make sure Eleanor is safe and does good considering she's basicaly superhuman.

Bioshock 2 is my favorite. Never understood the hate, especially after the trash that was Infinite

I didn't even play Infinite, Elizabeth being the thing that made me to not play. Bioshock 2 has the best protagonist out of trilogy even on simple premise of being unique and not mentioning the gameplay and story implication of playing as a Big Daddy. It feels great to be this heavy armed and armored monster and drilling through people, they even give you a charge move.

Plus, Minerva's Den was kino.

why is she so fucking pidgeon toed?

Everyone dismissed it at the time for "just being an uninspired sequel". Now that the video game industry is in an even shittier state we can look back on the game and appreciate that it was genuinely trying to improve on the original.

Yup, mine too. The gameplay in 1 just didn't click with me quite to the same degree as being a Big Daddy in 2 did and Infinite just wasn't as good.

Ryan and atlas were much better than lamb
I also wish in bio 2 they started to fix things and there were some small areas with civilization like in infinite dlc

A really good character and pretty much the best way I can think of for a game’s morality system to evolve beyond simple mechanical rewards. Draw an emotional connection with your daughter, show how your decisions affect her.


I wasn't a huge fan of MD. at least, not the ending. it was too predictable

It’s mine as well. People didn’t like it because they saw it as a soulless cash in, recycling the “genius” is Bioshock. While it’s true that Rapture lost a lot of its mystique on a second visit, most of what people love about Bioshock outside of the setting itself was ripped straight from SS2. So holding up the original Bioshock as some kind of brilliant work is retarded. 2 did exactly what I need a sequel to do, improved upon gameplay and mechanics in interesting ways. The morality system was done way better, even if the villain lacked Ryan’s presence. It is certainly a better game than Infinite

The communist bitch was insufferable. I guess that's the point of being a villain I really hated her.

>Ryan and Atlas were much better than Lamb
If you compare them as villains of the game, sure. But Lamb had an actual personal connection to you (even if she's not as present as Ryan for example). When I think about it, Bioshock 2 story is a personal struggle of a father trying to get back his daughter, with the daughter supporting you. The message is even stronger for me considering that Delta and Eleanor are not related by blood and were forcibly bonded, which didn't prevent them to love and care for eachother after conditioning subsided. Bioshock 1 for me was story about the world, Bioshock 2 for me was a story about characters.

I really hate in the absolute best ending that Lamb lives

At this point I fap to anything resembling a female

She knows how to look cute

is there a way to get the best ending while also getting eleanor to kill lamb?

Best girl didnt want to enter the surface world a monster I assume.

Besides. That bitch wont last long since she lost like a good 90% of her army including her personal guard. What do you think that is gonna do to the already stupid fucking infrastructure of Rapture?

as far as I'm aware I don't think so...killing Lamb requires you to kill one or two of the optional kills and i thought that automatically lumps you into a "neutral" ending which can turn for the worse contingent on whether or not you harvested little sisters

There are two versions of good ending: Lamb lives and Lamb dies. In Lamb lives she's merciful and absorbs Delta to help her become a good person. In Lamb dies version she's into "saving innocent and punishing really fucking evil people" saying that nature of innocence is "chrysalis, a phase designed to end". She then absorbs Delta hoping that with him she will be able to be have a proper judgement.

oh good! I apologize for being incorrect. thanks for the clarification.

both sound pretty good

I feel like this was a tactic to get more porn. It worked.

That's our Kevin

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I want to make love to her through the suit