Rank them best to worst, taking the best version of each game into account

Rank them best to worst, taking the best version of each game into account.

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I could never get into 2, but I started with 3S so take it for what it's worth.

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Alpha 2

3 > Alpha = 2 > 4 > 5

3S>alpha 2>alpha 3> 2 >>5

Third Strike

Street Fighter 2 is a lot like the first Mega Man or the first Animal Crossing. Revolutionary for the time, but if you played the later games, going back to it will leave you sorely missing a lot of the series advancements.

It's really hard for me to appreciate 3S being good when I constantly remember the failed push for Alex to be the new face/MC of SF

3rd Strike
Alpha 3
Super Turbo

This is correct
3S > A2 = ST > U4 > 5AE

Third Strike > Alpha 2 > ST > SFV AE > SSFIV

Ones that have Bison > Ones that don't

>IV worst
I can understand putting it at second worst but I'm gonna have to ask you to explain that one.

thanks for the ign review.

You're welcome, you think they'll hire me now?

with that journalism degree, I'd say you got a good chance user.

If you ask me, they should've tried making Ibuki the face of III if they wanted someone new. A spry ninja girl is much more martetable than hulking wrestler dude.

Not him, but some people like v skills and v trigger more than ultras, and FDC is kinda shit. But it's like comparing dog shit to cat shit. It's still shit.

>Street Fighter 2 is a lot like the first Mega Man or the first Animal Crossing. Revolutionary for the time, but if you played the later games, going back to it will leave you sorely missing a lot of the series advancements.

Worthless post, it's easy to tell you know nothing about fighting games at all.

I don't care if Ryu's crouching heavy kick has 1 frame less ending lag in 2 than in Alpha.


V>St>alpha>4>>>>>turd strike

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ST and HF are the only good ones desu.

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>smash babbs


Haven't played any except 4 and 5 but 4 saved fighting games and 5 brought them to the brink of oblivion. tbqh the only reason the genre isn't dead is dooberz and tekken 7


>I don't care if Ryu's crouching heavy kick has 1 frame less ending lag in 2 than in Alpha.

You really are a fucking retard that knows nothing yet you keep digging this hole.

Nobody uses the term "ending lag" besides smash players and the
fact is that people like the game because it doesn't have the retarded shit that they added like EX moves, slow walkspeeds, valle CCs, floaty jump arcs, ultras, parries, V-trigger, vortexes (besides vega), etc. All those mechanics took away from the neutral game and added more crutches and guessing. Instead you have to deal with retarded gorilla characters, bad matchups, and a bit of randomness.

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Agreed, sfv ruined fgs for me for a while

3s always on top in threads like those all over the internet but fightcade barren as fuck.

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Never played Alpha for a meaningful amount of time.

ST > a2 > 4 = a3 >>> V >>>>>>>>>> Turd Strike

anyone who disagrees with this is a stupid faggot


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V >II >III >Alpha >IV

Dont care if you dont like it, using Chun never felt so good as it does in V.

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I always find matches on fight cade. That shit is great.

>everyone putting 5 at bottom or second-to-bottom
>its the most successful and popular SF game
why is it so hated?

3S has a HD port on PS3 and its on 30th collection. Mustards dont play fighting games.

People hate fun.

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>4 saved fighting games
Online and nostalgia saved fighting games, SFIV was a shitty game that was in the right place at the right time.
I'll let you in on a secret.
Nobody actually likes 3rd Strike, they like the idea of the Diago parry being possible in 3rd Strike

Alpha 2 > Super Turbo > 2nd Impact > 3rd Strike > Alpha 3
Never played much of IV or V to form a concrete opinion about them.

kappa bandwagon. its mostly people that dont play fighting games.

>Nobody actually likes 3rd Strike
spice meatbol

This is peak tryhard

>>its the most successful and popular SF game

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Cant look like a badass on Yea Forums if you aren't selecting the most difficult SF to get good at as your favorites.

How could any of this be tryhard in any shape or form?

The reasons it is hate has been stated in basically every single fighting game thread since the game came out, you are either a newfag or are huge faggot.

Alpha 3 > everything else

I want to hug Juri so tight that she hugs back and tries to hold back a smile

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You caught me. I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.

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I'll let you in on an even more big secret:
people play 3S more on arcade cabinets in secret pockets around the US.

Alpha 3

I dont like 3s because it doesnt feel like street fighter to me and V was the game that made me almost quit SF altogether. I just play ST nowadays if i want to play SF.


3S >> Alpha >> 2 >> V >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IV

on Yea Forums people actually play 3s I always used to get in 3s threads and openly challenge people and would always get matches despite my 300 ms ping connection. I was more surprised how vampire Savior people are super posers here. I did the same about vampire saviour and I remember only getting one game ever.
also fightcade is fairly populated its just rereleases always take few players away from it.

Alpha 2
Alpha 3
Everying Super SF4 and later
All SF2 thats not SSF2T
SF4 Vanilla