Godspeed, my dude. Fought real hard against the odds.
Should i get one, any worthwhile games beside Persona 4?
At this point? Soul Sacrifice Delta, Freedom Wars, Killzone Mercenary and Lumines Electronic Symphony are probably the primary culprits. Many of its other good games have been ported off over the years, Tearaway and Gravity Rush probably being the most notable examples.
Fuck, now how do i get a pstv or vita for cheap?
muramasa has some exclusive dlc that are pretty damn good
nothing much beyond that though
So much potential wasted. Now where will the weeb games and VN's go?
fuck Sony for not supporting this gem of a system. ATLEAST PUT IT IN YOUR E3!
Just recently hacked mine. Help a retard out, is adding Vita titles on it as easy as it is adding PSX eboots and PSP isos?
not quite
you need the nonpdrm plugin. you also need the ref00d plugin if you want to run games from newer firmwares.
the easiest way to get games after that is to use pkgj. it's basically the same thing as freeshop was for the 3ds
>Bought a Vita to pirate games
>System is so bad I couldn't even be fucked to do that
Maybe I should have bought the first iteration.
You can find a lot of useful tutorials on YouTube. It's easy to set up
>tfw no more portable playstations in a world dominated by mobile gaming
Smartphones destroyed it.
Remember when this thing was supposed to destroy the 3DS?
I still do
>better res, ram, cpu, and graphics then the 3ds
>still failed
its not fucking fair, i loved the original PSP.
Not even I drop dead.
>Xbox One X
>still failed to get any traction against PS4 despite being most powerful console
Geee it could be all the games are mostly shit.
This makes me so fucking sad. What a waste of an awesome system. Come on, Sony. What the fuck were you doing?
I'll probably get a spare just in case mine bites it someday. Still got the OLED version and plenty of cards.
Goodbye my friend, I'll see you in Valhalla!
there will be another time Vita-chan
It makes a great portable emulator if you don't have a hacked switch.
no it doesn't, it can't even emulate gba games at full speed
Unless Sony stops going full retard, either the Switch, Smartphones or PC
You'll have to beg first.
Such a fucking waste. It's an absolute crime that the 3DS dominated just because you devs didn't exactly have to put much effort into making their 240p games.
I would gladly let Jill crush my head between her thighs to bring Va-11 Hall-A and N1RV ANN-A to switch.
I hope you all appreciate my sacrifice.
How did they fuck this up so badly? Didn't they realise having extremely overpriced proprietary memory cards would backfire?
It didn't work on the PSP Go with the M2 cards.
Weird how Persona 4 Golden didn't get ported to the PS4. With Persona 5's success it would've been easy money for Atlus.
Sony filed this patent a while ago. I'm betting it's the PS5.
You could argue that dedicated handhelds outside of Nintendo were kind of on their way out, but really it felt like Sony didn't want to put in any real effort for the thing from day 1, and the thing wasn't powerful enough for most PS3 ports either compared to the Switch as it is now.
And nothing of value was lost. Just humankind envolving the usual
This is very old. Like pre wiiu?
P4 remake and P3 remake coming soon.
SCEA's fault
still a great portable, especially worth it if you never had a PSP
how many times do you have to bury it?
Perfect time desu
Will all VN and shit ceasing to exist
It's the games
and I say that as a big VITA fan
Ahhh one of these threads.
Vitafags will go on and on about about how sony fucked over the vita but will flip the fuck out when you start criticizing this extremely flawed system.
It had no games and the games it has run poorly.
It was a mistake and they should have either scrap the idea earlier or have a major rework on the system. Thats one of the many problems vita has.
But will there ever be a better indie/retro machine though?
I'd still recommend the Vita 1000 over any other handheld device for that low-res, low response time OLED and good buttons.
Even now it'd be a good buy and mods will only get better so get one while you still can.
>the games it has run poorly
not true
Sure it can run bare bones animu games decently but for most of its AAA titles, the frame rate is at a constant unstable 20 fps.
Even if you crack it and overclock it, it rarely runs over a stable 30 fps.
Its ok to like the system. I have a vita. I dont hate it but its just so fucking flawed.
most of them don't even run at native resolution
90 britbongs in CEX. I’m tempted for a Ys machine and ps1 games.
Do it. They're only going to get harder to find.
>It has no games
>[list of games]
>but I can play those on PC [now]
>'doesn't mean they don't exist'
>lolno games
It's a waste of time discussing it here. Have a 3DS, too, and I only like about 6 games on it. I'd still consider it okay, at least, although the hardware is garbage.
Install a plugin, download the game files, plug them into the proper directory, reload the Vita, and that should do it.
Don't you think Sony not making any games is big enough proof they fucked it over?
why would I want to play games that run worse, look worse and have shitty slippery controls
>ys and ps1
Depends. Most of these games can run better on other systems.
Ys 8 is really not fun on the vita.
Most vita exclusives are gonna be ported.
If you really really like the idea of a portable system, then maybe.
Dungeon Travelers 2
I’m really tempted to pick one up but I don’t have a computer at the moment so I wouldn’t be able to hack it to put ps1/PSP games into it
Also how much better is the OLED screen? Those neon coloured slim models are real nice looking
don't even bother unless you can hack it
Should I get one as an emulation machine?
They're both good quality screens. If you prefer more saturated color, the OLED will look better to you.
Yeah but im just sick of people who bitch about these and the moment you say
>games dont run properly
>only has jrpgs
>most exclusives are gonna be ported over (if they havent already)
they sperg out.
the emulation is kinda shit
It was on track. For the same price of the 3DS, the Vita looked like a far better value. It was sounding great up until they reveal the memory cards are proprietary and their prices were insane. Then came the 3DS panic price drop and that suddenly made the Vita a lot more expensive.
Everyone forgets there was a period where the 3DS looked to be a flop.
I know it had a lot of weeb games, but what’s the loli situation?
What’s the ‘ideal’ firmware for hacking?
3.60 is foolproof, literally just visit a website and you're done. But any firmware up to 3.68 works and has the same feature set once you've actually hacked it.
do you like grinding? cause ive got the game for you
I remember being pissed at launch
3.60/3.65 altho ive heard that 3.67 also is pretty fine
I love my Vita. It's unfortunate that it got fucked in the ass the way it did, but so far the system does everything my PSP did but better.
It can't end this way...Vita means "life"...
That ain't the fault of the Vita. Devs kept pushing useless crap on it, prioritizing visuals over performance. It's the same shit that plagued the 360/PS3 gen and is still an issue today.
I wish the Vita was just an N-Gage, that would have been the perfect phone of all time. Fuck norms and their fucking shitty phones and shitty phone games.
I agree, taco phone was ahead of its time
Disgaea 3 and 4.
Not just visuals over performance. They prioritize what shareholders think sells well instead actually making stuff that's fun to play as a consumer. That's why PS4 keeps getting cinematic shooters because it sells not because it's "fun".
Why buy a vita when you can get every single disgaea on pc? Why buy a vita when you can get most disgaea on ps4? Why buy a vita when you can get disgaea 4 and 5 on the switch? Why would you even recommend a vita for disgaea in the first place?
How shit? Up to what systems can I expect to emulate?
show me another portable that can play the best versions of Disgaea 1, 2, 3 and 4 with all the DLC bundled in
To be fair it's a waste of time discussing anything here.
what ended in japan?
It's a 50/50 shot for SNES or GBA games running at full speed on Retroarch. Everything earlier is fine.
In a pinch you can fall back on the PSP's emulators, but the SNES one doesn't run as well as it did.
Im not tryimg to say its vitas fault.
Sony overestimated vita, falsely advertised to both devs and buysers.
Vita games are just disappointing overall because of this.
I know people here likes to shit on the 3ds, but nintendo at least did some quality control. The performance is stable overall.
Good hardware has no merit when you run like shit with most games.
I got mine 4 months ago.
I still need to buy a memory card but in the maintime I'm enjoying mine.
(The weapon leveling is too much fucking much)
disregard what the faggot said, he sucks cocks. you can emulate up to PS1 and PSP
memory cards were never the problem
the problem was it didnt have any big exclusives
Not the guy you're replying to but what's the point in playing old Disgaea? Doesn't the gameplay only get better? I've only played 3-5.
What is this, another psp revision? I already have a psp.
It launched with a damn Uncharted game.
>show me another portable
For one, ds. For two, the psp. Three didn't have a portable until later, so I guess you win that one.
>the best versions
>With all dlc
Pc minus 4.
Its shit becase not enough devs work on emulation on vita.
>snes runs good
>gba has frame rate issues and audio shits up
You can always run psp n access psps emulator.
It not great
I disagree sony doesn't give a fuck about the vita, and that's why they didn't advertise it.
It's a Super PSP. Better screen, faster hardware, dual analogs, Bluetooth support for headphones and controllers, and the battery inside isn't chink quality or 14 years old
Nobody in this board talk about golden abyss this is a rule.
if you want to see impressive, go lok at how fluid Fate/Extella runs on the Vita. i still cant believe it runs that well.
Yes, and then what followed it? Sony single-handedly killed the Vita when they themselves jumped ship months after release.
Similarly, the 3DS had a real shitty launch in 2011 but Nintendo kept releasing games for that shit until it became successful. I can't say the Vita could have been a success, but Sony certainly left it to starve in the woods the second any sign of adversity showed itself.
playing them in order is the best way to experience them as they got better in each sequel that being said, Disgaea 2 is my least favorite and I would of liked it if it were more like 1
so 2, 3 and 4 right? I mean shit, the DS version of 1 is pretty damn shoddy due to the performance issues being on an underpowered console and all
Golden Abyss wasn't even a bad game, it just had some unnecessary controls.
>so user sony did not care about their console and thats why its shit
>no i disagree
All these problems also apply to the Switch.
Did you mistake me for some sort of Nintendo fanboy?
They put more effort into making games run stably.
God she's so flat...
On top of what the other user's have said, I recommend NoPayStation as a source for downloading games. It's literally baby mode, it even sets up the directories for you, and it has PSX and PSP titles in addition to Vita.
Pkgj is alright but it's too slow imo.
Your first point was to show you another portable for disgaea, one and two had portable systems years before the vita was a thing. Only three didn't have one because exclusive.
>underpowered console and all
Then you're not playing disgaea on the vita either, since you can play all of the disgaeas on pc or ps4 with a much higher and stable fps than the vita could ever dream to reach.
"much higher and stable fps than the vita could ever dream to reach"
>He hasn't hacked and overclocked his vita!
Vita 3 and 4 come with a shit load more content to play that a lot of people enjoyed. They along with 2 also have the dark world to play through too, which is something that DD2 and 5 never got.
>sub 20 fps
>after over clock
>sub 30 fps
Stop lying to yourself user.
Its okay. I also wanted it to run better.
sub-native resolution isn't that bad when you look at the competition
low framerate is disgusting tho, looking at you Jak and Revelations 2
Bitch find me a vita that can hit 120 fps then you can talk.
>slim model with the inferior screen
Meh, who cares, only a fool would buy that instead of the og vita
the blur of noninteger scaling really is that bad
show me a a handheld that can play those 4 games better then faggots
I rarely even find overclocking to 500mhz necessary. Just restoring the clocks back to 444/222 pretty much help every game hit it's target framerate. You can combine it with VitaGrafix to some pretty amazing effect. I reenstated the 60 FPS cap to the Sly Cooper collection and managed a smooth 60 FPS in Sly 2 and 3. Sly 1 still has performance problems for some reason but it's a lot better.
Dragon crown and odin sphere
It doesn't bother me that much for 3D graphics on a small handheld. Thankfully most games that run at sub-native res still have a native framebuffer so UI elements are crisp.
I remember how hyped I was when Cave announced some of their games on vita. Nothing came from it
Resistance (on hard difficulty)
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Sly collection (unlock the framerate with the vitagrafix plugin)
Tearaway (better graphicaly on PS4 but it's otherwise worse in every way. That game was made for vita)
Little Big Planet Vita
Tales of Hearts R
Dragon Quest Builders (only portable version you can get to run at 60 fps.)
Oh, and Touch My Katamari. It's very short even by Katamari standards but it's still a must play.
Which 4 games? Disgaea?
user im talking about the system as a whole.
nah, i grew up playing Genesis and SNES games with composhit, I can bear that
yes, is that not what we are talking about
Vita would still be alive today if they used micro SD cards on day 1 and they got Monster Hunter 4
>I know people here likes to shit on the 3ds, but nintendo at least did some quality control. The performance is stable overall.
That had a lot more to do with the 3DS having the resolution barely above the SEGA Genesis rather than any form of quality control.
>and they got Monster Hunter 4
That only would have made a difference in japan and the Vita still managed a healthy install base there anyways. MonHun remained niche in the west until World.
>Fought real hard
>Creator cut all 1st party support after just 2 1/2 years
No not in this post chain.
For me trpg or srpg like disgaea is not bad on the vita. You dont need top tier performance for turn base games.
But everything else, arpg, racing, shooters, or fighters just dont run well.
I when i got wipeout on vita, it was impressive at first but i just constantly got bothered by the framerate.
Its stable but 30 fps with occasional dip was so disappointing.
So? It runs great.
No one gives a shit about speccs if it cannot run games properly.
oh then, yes I agree the performance for some of the games that were ported from consoles is pretty abysmal (looking at you Borderlands 2)
All the vitas in my uni lab have horrible burn-in. Is this a common issue?
It's common because people didn't know how to treat OLEDs in 2012. If you get a model 1000 vita, just enable the auto-sleep setting after 3 minutes and you'll be fine.
Yes, OLED technology wasn't so mature back in 2011.
I got mine used from gamestop 4 years ago and to this day the only issue I've noticed is you can see black blobs if the screen is pure black and you're in low light. Aside from that its been fine.
I guess people would leave them on or something? Beats me, but it does seem like its been an issue worth noting for a lot of people.
Burn in is only a common issue for normies who haven't heard of screen timeout setting or it's a show floor model that's supposed to be on all day. It's rare for actual reasonable consumers to experience it, especially on Vita. What the fuck are you doing to display the same image without changing a single pixel for hours to the point it gets burn in?
I remember the day I bought it: Sony had oficially dropped, but I got one because I was moving and wanted to play Dragon's Crown. Then it became my main console.
On other topic, can you downgrade the Vita to 3.65 then apply the hack so you can SD2Vita it without using the normal Vitacard again?
I was delicate as hell with my Vita, made sure to take great care with the screen, then suddenly playing Spelunky late at night, when the screen went black when loading, I noticed small blobs of burn-in. Sure I can only see it when the screen is entirely black, but it goes to show that you can look after your Vita as much as you like, it will likely still happen to you.
Those blobs on a black screen are called the Mura effect. It's a common thing for old OLED displays. It's not screen burn in as burn in implies the pixels are burnt when turned on but the pixels are turned off when the screen goes black.
Tim Cook was shitting on OLED in 2013. The Vita came out in 2011
>buy used vita from ebay years ago
>really good condition
>notice one day it has a tiny 1mm scratch right near the middle of the screen
>completely ignorable
>playing gravity rush; game makes the screen go completely white every 10 - 20 minutes
>tiny scratch lights up like a fucking christmas tree
gosh dang it i was a bit peeved
Should I buy a backup one?
>memory cards were never the problem
They were literally half the price of the system on release, they were a huge part of the problem
You can always get a new digitizer. They're dirt cheap on AliExpress and all you need is a screwdriver to replace it.
Burn in doesn't show on black screens on OLEDs because the pixels are turned off. To really see if you have burn in, display a white image that covers your entire Vita screen. You'll be able to see odd colors or retained images.
ape escape 4 could have saved it
Spelunking has major slowdown in snowing ice levels and levels with water under them
A lot of vita devs have hopped ship
The 3DS had 3 secret weapon against smartphones
1. physical buttons
2. 1st party games
3. People will happily pay 40$ for a 3DS game but an app game for 2.99$ is too much money.
If they add Danganronpa to Switch I’ll be satisfied
Nigga that’s the Sony Switch
I’m sorry the PlayStation Swap
Man that's a great shirt. Wonder where I could get one.
one of these jiggaboos?
They’re just moving to Nintendo
Pretty much every vita fag has given there’s basically nowhere else left to go
Goddamn the first year or two of the Vita looked so bright. What the fuck was Sony thinking?
That's precisely why it fought hard, Sony screwed it at every turn and it still lasted over 7 years on the market with support from third parties.
Yeah. Make sure you get the one that's right for your model, there's a OLED one and a Slim one. The one in your picture is for OLED.
How easy/hard are these to fit?
I heard those Ali ones are all LCD like the 2000s, even the one's made for the 1000 model.
yeah my baby is v1000
i'll probs get a blue one!
>all you need is a screwdriver to replace it
and a heat gun, a plastic pry tool, and a lot of patience
You can easily tell if one is for LCD or OLED by the design itself. You can't interchange them because they simply won't fit, both slim and OLED have different form factor sizes
Borrow your sisters or moms hair dryer, grab a guitar pick or old plastic card, and it doesn't take long if you aren't retarded.
He means the display panel itself, not the chassis. And considering how cheap they are, I wouldnt doubt they just slapped LCD into every chassis
I already have one with original 3.60 online henkaku, but I want a slim one brand new. Is any firmware hackable now?
Tearaway's port is different from the Vita version. Different gimmicks, different takes on levels, different progression. Both are worth owning, the PS4 version is more expanded, sure, but the Vita version has different level setups and different area progression (Hell, even different puzzles) compared to the PS4 version. For example, picture related is entirely different in the PS4 version, it's this light farm-like area where you use the touchpad to make the wind create platforms for you while in the Vita version it's this autumn-ish area where you have to use the back touchpad to jump across platforms and use the gyro to slide platforms around.
A slim LCD won't fit in a OLED digitizer. LCD is too bulky compared to OLED.
>don't touch the inside of the screen
i just know if i tear it apart it'll flop out or something will slip when i try to put everything back together. fuck
You can tell just by checking if the screen has backlights. LCDs have them, OLEDs don't.
How many fucking years did it take for this shit to finally DIE
>Will all VN and shit ceasing to exist
PlayStation Trinity is coming.
So they're both worth playing in your opinion? I got Unfolded and let it sit on my shelf for awhile. I recently got a Vita and downloaded Tearaway. I heard the Vita original was better so I was considering selling my Ps4 copy.
It died in America since like 2015-2016 at least. Stores didn't carry anymore new models.
It finally died in Japan.
>tfw didn't but a pstv when they were 20 bucks everywhere
PS4 expands a lot of the levels first of all. The port area has this entire Moses parting the Red Sea moment, you can fly around on a paper airplane which wasn't in the Vita in multiple levels (Picture related for example), there's extra levels all over the place, there's different puzzles, things in the Vita version progress differently (For example, to get into the barn with the pumpkin you just had to get a key I think) while in the PS4 version there's more areas you visit to roughly do the same thing (The same area required you to go to a brand new side area where you learned the ability to absorb items into your DS4 and spit them out, you run back to the barn, absorb a cannonball or something, and then spit it at the barn door to open it), etc.
They are both worth owning and playing, but make sure you play the Vita version first as it's shorter and you'll immediately see the differences in the PS4 version with what they added and changes.
which hardware gimmicks of the vita does tearaway use?
Neat, thanks. I'll plan on playing both then.
it looks like you are right, all the 1000 model screen replacements are LCD.
if you intend to keep the original OLED screen you will also need to desolder and resolder the digitizer. I doubt it is possible without a professional repair shop.
The time for that was a couple years ago when they were on fire sale but yeah if you can find one now.
This one is 100% oled. you can tell by the mura effect and no backlights.
why the fuck does this tearaway shit get so much praise
I pirated it and I couldn't stand the amount of onions. the constant sjw speak, use of the front facing camera to put your face everywhere in the game like on the sun like what the fuck is this teletubbies? then the very first gameplay is to rub all over the back touch pad to poke enemies.
Front touch screen to move stuff (Like that shiny disc you see )
Back touch screen to lift things (Like some trees in the spooky woods)
Back touch screen to bounce objects (Like some drums in the first area)
Back touch screen to bounce the main character.
Gyro to move platforms.
Touch pad is used to control wind direction by flicking up, right, left, or down. This is usually used to make bridges or move something.
The light bar is used as an in-game gimmick, it doesn't rely on the real bar but it uses an in-game one based on the controller's gyro when you hold L2 I think it was and you point to stuff with the gyro.
You can absorb certain items into your DS4 and spit them out which you aim like the light bar.
I think they also had the sliding gyro mechanic as well but my memory's not too great with that and I can't remember if it did have bounce platforms or not.
This is what happens when you think not buying the LCD 2000 will make Sony bring back an OLED for the Vita 3000 4G
so they are parting out dead vitas, limited supply then. it comes with the entire front panel assembled so for that one all you need is a screwdriver, pretty good deal.
here's to hoping PS5 is at least compatible with vita games
Thanks for the comprehensive breakdown. As long as I don't have to use the camera I think I can make it.
it's always been limited supply since they discontinue the OLED model. get them now before they sell out or the prices go up from less supply.
it would be simpler to just port the last few exclusives.
lmao how fucking delusional
Front camera is used for the sun (But you can opt not to use it at all from what I remember and it just becomes a normal sun), and the back camera is used to create textures for certain items (But it's only done twice if I remember right and I think you can avoid doing that as well).
On PS4 they also have the ability to use the PS Camera but again, it's never needed if you don't want to use it, I know I didn't use it on my PS4 run because I don't have one.
Sony has a working psp emulator for ps4 that they used for parappa. They could easily make a vita emulator and make it at least compatible with digital games
Sony doesn't want anything to do with the fucking vita and made it abundantly clear.
Euthanize all vita fag now.
>They could easily make a vita emulator
after seeing how they would rather stream ps3 games to ps4 instead of emulating it, i don't think so.
the ps4's garbage babby cpu can't emulate ps3
and the vita is too obscure to be worth emulating
That's likely because the PS3's CELL architecture is notoriously complex and the PS4 wasn't up to the task of PS3 software emulation.
I still don't get how Sony fucked the Vita up so hard.
It was LEAGUES more powerful than the 3DS, it had a great opportunity for third-party support, and the company that made the fucking thing has multiple studios that could make games for it, but it all just sort of...crumbled.
I can't even think of much they could have done differently other than the obvious not giving up on the damn thing after two and a half years, they could have reduced the price by using a shittier LCD screen instead of going overboard with the OLED, the back touch panel seemed pretty gimmicky and not actually used that often at all so that could have been cut as well, I just imagine there were ways of cutting a few corners and still having a wonderful machine, that and doing away with the weird 3G/WiFi split when realistically fucking nobody was gonna buy the 3G thing and it just ended up probably costing them ridiculous amounts of money due to the deal they probably had to set that up.
even ps2 emulation is iffy on ps4. I don't have the highest hopes for vita emulation. at most you can expect digital only ps4 ports that would have been on vita originally.
I would disagree since there are at least one or two Vita titles that a lot of people probably wanted to try but didn't because it was on the Vita.
Persona is probably the least obscure one, but others like Gravity Rush simply got ports.
I wonder if they were selling the 1000 hardware at a loss or not.
Why is the emulation so weird anyway? I don't get why huge companies can't get emulation right and fucking hobbyists end up doing a better job, in some cases on the same platform as the struggling emulation from the big guys.
I imagine they were, honestly. Hell, they might have been selling the 2000 at a loss if that's what they went with for the original design, too, but at least it would have been less of one, or losing the same amount with a reduced, more accessible price.
That's true I suppose, but even the more obscure games likely would have had their audience if it wasn't on the Vita.
2 things:
1.) Console manufacturers give no fucks about high/perfect accuracy because the average end user gives no fucks about high/perfect accuracy as long as it works. I happen to care which is why I'll never support Nintendo VC or Sony Classics.
2.) Consider that the PS4 has a literal laptop CPU in it and software emulation is mostly CPU bound
The PS2 and PS3 have really funky architecture.
Also it really cannot be overstated how bad the PS4 CPU is. It was outdated back in 2013 - repurposed laptop tech.
It's over.
On the bright side, I'll be able to snag all the games I ever wanted for it super cheap.
With this part are you able to just pull it out and replace it without worrying about anything else?
They needed to scale back their expectations for sales. For some reason they thought throwing millions into each of their AAA games like Uncharted and Killzone was the way to go rather than scale back their spending to more reasonable handheld levels. They also needed to stop giving titles like Resistance and Call of Duty to a developer that already proved they shouldn't be trusted with anything after both Playstation Move and Resistance Burning Skies. The biggest thing was that they simply needed to keep at it, make the 2000 do MicroSD instead of proprietary, drop the price to $180 or $150, try to get in more indies and third parties, don't let Bioshock just disappear from your lineup and don't push inFamous to the PS4, give Japan Studios more projects, etc.
Sony seems to think everything needs to be AAA outside of Japan Studios and so they go out of their mind with their games spending who knows how much. I can't imagine how Days Gone is going to go with how bland and generic it's looking.
I actually had no idea about the PS4's CPU, frankly. I thought there were ways of making emulators work with GPUs in tandem with the CPU, though. It just seems so weird to me that the guys who *made* the system either don't know or more likely don't care how to do it.
Resistance Burning Skies is underrated. The AI shits the bed on occasion but it's a solid 7/10 game and especially worth checking out if you liked Resistance games prior. It didn't deserve the total review thrashing it got.
How's /vitagen/ coping?
I honestly forgot about like half of the details you mentioned, it's been ages. I forgot all about fucking Black Ops Declassified or the Uncharted game.
Really the Vita should have just been an indie machine with the occasional big budget game, but not nearly as big budget as home consoles obviously.
Frankly, the entire thing was fucked as soon as Sony decided to treat it like a new home console in terms of budget rather than treat it like a handheld, I genuinely can't understand what they were thinking.
>It was LEAGUES more powerful than the 3DS, it had a great opportunity for third-party support
This is the problem, and the thing that haunted the PSP to an extent. Portables are considered "cheap" in the markets eyes, meaning the games are cheaper and weaker, and devs can chug out games faster and easier. The VITA was frankly too powerful and spooked devs at a time where devs and publishers were scared of investing into anything period, especially a console that was not Nintendo which has dominated portable gaming. If you're thinking of making a bet on where your property is gonna sell, do you sink more money for a higher end product and something with less install base or do you cut some corners and shove it on a established market leader? So VITA came in where devs were comfy on the 3DS and others were comfy on the booming mobile phone market leaving VITA in a uncomfortable niche and relegated as a visual novel, niche jrpg system.
Now Nintendo Switch came and put the final nail in the already dead coffin, realizing the goal of what the VITA was using newer tech to cut costs and making it "sexy" since it coadapts to both console gaming and portable gaming while backed by the Nintendo "portable gaming" brand. VITA got the PSTV which was very attractive to consumers but it came too late and as a separate hefty cost. VITA for all extents and purposes got Game Gear'd (VITA is nowhere near as bad as Game Gear though), and time and time again you never want to be first in the tech world, all you do is pave the way for someone to follow after with more convenience.
hobbiyists collab together through open source. big companies keep things proprietary and locked down. big difference in terms of how progress is made. everyday there's a new ps2 emulator build released on pc, you would be lucky if sony updated the ps2 emulator on ps3 once every year.
They don't care. That garbage fire of a general has been predominately waifu posting and cringey as hell ERP for years.
Emulators, broadly speaking, work like this.
>Translate the emulated CPU code to the host CPU code
>Run it so you can obtain the GPU commands
>Translate the emulated GPU commands to the host's GPU commands
>Run the emulated GPU commands
The first three can only practically be done on the CPU.
But given how simplistic the final GPU commands are, you tend not to need a powerful GPU to pump up the graphics quality dramatically as long as the CPU is keeping up.
They don't seem to be reacting at all. I think they've probably accepted that the Vita is long dead.
It was my first Vita game and it deserved the thrashing it got. Textures go from looking PSP level to N64 level depending on where you look (The bridge level in particular), the gimmicks like the axe feel like they never work, Chimera feel like they take forever to kill compared to the older games, if I recall correctly there was only one new weapon outside of the axe, you couldn't take screenshots without a capture card and this was never patched out, and the multiplayer is one of the laggiest things I ever played next to LittleBigPlanet Vita. You would die to a guy you were still shooting and everyone zipped around the map constantly.
Thankfully I got it for $20 but as a fan of Resistance it was just terrible.
When the Vita was first released, wasn't the 3DS having difficulties catching on, though? That, and devs could have easily just made cheaper games for the Vita, they didn't quite need to take full advantage of the hardware, unless Sony was breathing down their necks to make sure they did, which could very well be the case.
I genuinely wish the Vita did better. I remember being blown the fuck away when playing Rayman Origins on it and having it run at a buttery 60FPS, being blown away when playing MK9 and, even with the downgraded visuals, having it play so fucking well, even playing Gravity Rush which I wasn't a fan of at first just made me lose my shit over how amazing it felt.
Godspeed Vita, you could have had a chance in this world if Sony didn't fuck you over so monumentally.
3DS was $250 same price as Vita until it got cut to $180 just a couple of months before Vita launch. Then the whole memory card fiasco thing happened and it drove away consumers which in turn drove away devs as the installbase wasn't there.
It was. Remember that it was $250 at launch and they panic price dropped the thing to $180 while giving out hastily put together Ambassador games. They also didn't have much on the horizon from what I recall when the thing first came out, I think it was mainly just Mario games at the time? It took several years before the 3DS finally took off like it did and required a lot of effort put into that by Nintendo.
Holy shit, I forgot it was ever 250 honestly.
Frankly my memory is so fucking fuzzy of the entire beginning of the 3DS/VITA.
Is it? I just go there for the updated vita games pic.
Difference is Nintendo went into full panic mode and doubled down to make sure it picked up momentum. Price cuts, early adoptor rewards, bundles, and getting big system sellers like Pokemon, animal crossing and Mario Kart out the door. I think the Vita could had seen a similar resurgence - The difference was that Sony had the very succesful PS4 as their main market and it probably didn't seem feasible to invest large resources in the hardware.
By the same token, I imagine that Nintendo pushing the 3DS so hard came about since portables have historically been very important economic pillars for them. In hindsight with the Wii U performance, them going out of their way to sell the 3DS was probably one of their most important strategic decisions.
How embarrassing newfriend...
I wonder if the push with the 3DS was part of what led to the Wii U getting fucked by them too. Like in some alternate universe, do you think they could have allocated those resources to the Wii U and had it be at least somewhat successful?
3 meme arrows, bro
Yeah it's been about 9 years since 3DS came out. Nobody really remembers the early days of it back when it was overpriced, had no games, and it was just not doing well in general. Vita was a very promising competitor during that time. Better hardware, same price, can cross game voice chat and do a lot more stuff with it, etc. But Sony ultimately fucked it up with the memory cards, marketing, and prioritizing PS3 ports instead of Vita original games.
Thank for reminding me how abysmal the 3DS launch and first year was. The first thing worth playing on it IMO was Mario Kart 7 and that took almost a year to come out.
Yes and no, Nintendos advantage is its brand power is simply just too huge. They have to release a real hard flop of a console like the Virtual Boy or Wii U to get blown out of a gen and they've just been so dominant in portable gaming that if they attrition out they will inevitably win. They adapted, they bled out initially and eventually the devs came home because there was a ton of games released on it that were "main console dodgers", series that used to be console based but didn't want to try and compete in the PS3/360 and eventual PS4 market. Remember all the series that suddenly sprang up on it? And as soon as switch came out suddenly they all shifted to console releases on that instead?
Sony came the closest anyone ever will to messing with that market, but at the end of the day they just didn't have the momentum and drive nor the consumer attractiveness with the VITA. Hell even the name VITA isn't as sexy as PSP or 3DS, at least with PSP I understand it's a portable playstation and 3DS I know it's a successor to the DS. We all saw what the Wii U name did to its sales.
it's funny because if you look through the code of vita files, there's lots of mentions of psp2. so it implies that sony originally was going to call it psp 2 but changed it to vita for whatever reason.
Nothing after 3.65 could be considered ideal, but any differences are largely trivial-- just slightly annoying.
They're already around $260, they'll probably increase in price.
I was holding out for a price drop when they were $200 more than a year ago.
Anyways, the proprietary memory card screwed them and ruined the VITA and it was still hacked in the end.
I can find used vitas on ebay for around $100. but I bet if you're trying to find a rare color model or one brand new in the box it's expensive.
I've used to be a Vita fan boy when I got mine in 2017. I could hack it and I could play an insane amount of games. I could also run retroarch and Scumm.
I would heavily defend the Vita and be like
>Look at how many games the Vita has!
>Fuck the Switch
I have the habit to have symphathy for the underdog. YES the Vita could have been a great system but I eventually stopped crying about wasted potential and spilled milk.
I got my Switch in 2018 and I feel like it is carrying the torch and keeping the Vita's legacy alive. Vita was the Indie game console, the Switch is now the new Indie game console.
I don't care about visual novels so I would say the Vita is wrong for me.
I've stopped caring about the Vita, it is collecting dust while my GF still plays mine only to play Plants VS Zombies.
It helped that I got the Switch in 2018 because the Switch is also lacking games. I would have been pissed off if I had gotten my Switch in 2017 already so spending one year with the Vita was a good and fun year.
The PSP just had more fun and nice games. Really wish the Vita would have been PSP 2.
Yeah, may partner uses my Vita more than me to play Katamari.
If feel like people would be more happier if they treat the Vita as a "upgraded PSP" rather than its own thing. It definitely acts as a better PSP once hacked.
Who actually played this besides the kind of degenerates that have anime body pillows and a framed picture of their waifu?
I've never gotten a definitive answer as to whether the vita is emulating the PSP (or partially emulating it at least) or if it's all native. That's what has kept me from letting go of my PSP GO.
it natively plays psp games. it has a co-processor inside which uses the same chip psp used.
it's ps1 that's emulated.
>to play Katamari.
Which also exists on the Switch.
That's just a no-frills remaster of Damacy though, a game we already played to death on PS2.
Partial emulation. It has MIPS but no media engine.
move the goalpost harde,
every katamari is the same shit
Why comment on a franchise you've obviously never played?
Is it worth getting a PSP Go? Can you still buy and download stuff from the store?
Not interested in the Vita because I already have all the games I wanted to play on PS4 and PC.
That's what means. PS1 games use the Vita processor for emulation of sound due to the absence of the media processor. But the co-processor is the same main processor found in PSP so PSP games are played directly on it natively rather than emulated through Vita's main processor.
In the US? About 3 years if that.
Japan give it a much better life as VN fags flocked to it
I played one, they all look the exact same.
I'd recommend get a 3g model because you can replace the 3g modem with a micro sd card reader and you can keep your game card slot
Too bad VN are not video games.
Treat the Vita as the PSP Pro and it's pretty much the best handheld of all times.
t. was a DS guy, PSP library is amazing, Vita's native library is a pretty nice bonus too
If I hack my Vita,will I be able to play uncensored PSP eroges?
Such as?
You tell me
>It was sounding great up until they reveal the memory cards are proprietary and their prices were insane. Then came the 3DS panic price drop and that suddenly made the Vita a lot more expensive.
Sony was so close to winning but they let their greed get the best of them, AGAIN. If the Vita just used basic SD cards or Micro SD, it would have been over.
>dude vita had so much potential, it was a power house handheld!
>wtf the switch is fucking weak it can't even run huge open world rpgs at 1080p 60fps
I own both and I honestly don't get why people who owned the Vita wouldn't want a Switch since it's actually got a shot at reaching the potential they were always talking about for the vita.
I know that's what he means but the user wanted a clear answer so I was being specific.
Moero chronicle, theres a patch to remove the hearts on the minigames, your turn.
PSP had eroge?
You know damn well that was the case.
PMed you the list ;)
depends on the price
yes but why would you if you can just pirate
Or just used SD2Vita like everyone else.
Switch is still too expensive for my tastes. $300 for a handheld. I could buy a PS4 PRO with that same money.
Switch hardware with the Vita's form factor would be perfection for me.
But the ps4pro got no games.
and it kept releasing games for the rest of its life
the vita fought so hard to live
The point is why buy something vastly underpowered and more expensive? Might as well wait for a NEW Switch model with better hardware like DSi or New 3DS with price drop. Hopefully by then the Switch will have actual games besides Wii U ports.
Most VNs aren’t but there are a few gamey VN but those are closer to walking simulators
There are none, retard.
I actually kind of agree with this, I think the Switch should be around 6" instead of 7", pretty nice to have a large screen but it can be a little too heavy etc. But then again it also makes it possible to detach the controllers and play with it standing in front of you
Meme Pro
Netflix looks exactly the same in 1080p as well as 4K
>The mental gymnastic of sonygro
Do it.
I would have bought one on launch if it hadn't been for those idiotic memory cards.
Switch has shit battery life, no dpad, and it's too big. Also, since the games on switch are bigger than most vita games it requires more memory to hold them which leads to a need for a large micro sd card which are currently expensive as fuck.
I'll probably pick one up at the end of its life cycle or once a smaller and better battery one comes out. Still pissed about the d pad though. Gunpei Yokoi would be rolling in his grave.
Switch no games. Vita has no games. Just get a pc.
the psp store shut down years ago but you can still download psp stuff from psn store on a web browser and it gets added to your psp go download list.
or you can just hack it and load any iso/cso/rom you want.
I didn't give you my email new tag how could you possibly pm me
too big, also I hate the joycons. the d-pad buttons can fuck off.
switch is nintendo's only home console now and it is slightly better than the wiiU in handheld mode, which was slightly better than the wii, which was slightly better than the gamecube. it's just fucking sad.
>Switch has shit battery life
It's got one hour less than the vita on avarage, and please no anecdotal "dude I'm pretty sure mine lasted 10 hours lmao"
>no dpad
It feels exactly like a regular d-pad to me, I don't get this complaint other than that it doesn't look like one.
>and it's too big.
I'll give you this one, but we'll also have to assume that making it smaller would've had to cut power from it and it's already pushing the "home console" aspect of it.
>Also, since the games on switch are bigger than most vita games it requires more memory to hold them which leads to a need for a large micro sd card which are currently expensive as fuck.
I buy physical since most nintendo games never drop in price so I can resell them down the line only like 20% cheaper than what I bought them for. It's what I did with my Wii U and 3ds games.
Does this work on the Vita and switch?
a big microsd card will cost you literally a fraction of what a big vita card cost lol
What killed the system is that the handheld market collapsed. They did try at the beginning. Look at all the first party games they released in the first year. It didn't sell because nobody wanted one and they didn't want portable versions of those games. Because of that they didn't make more games, so nobody wanted one, so nobody made games. It was a positive feedback loop.
Last handheld gen was over 150 million DS sold and over 80 million PSPs sold. This handheld gen was around 70 million 3DSes sold and maybe 12-15 million Vitas sold. So combined both consoles sold about as well as second place of last gen, and in only one generation the overall market shrunk what, 60% percent?
It used to be people would get a gameboy or GBA as a portable time killer to fill time on the bus, train, between classes, etc. Since smartphones became popular people browse the internet, play some shitty mobile game or read on their phone instead now. They're also so small that they fit in a pocket and are always with you so no extra planning is needed to use or bring one with you. No matter what Sony tried the Vita would have failed because the market for a dedicated handheld no longer exists.
I loved my Vita and had a launch model 1000. When the weebshit really picked up in the mid 2010s i was in heaven with stuff constantly releasing for It AND getting english releases it was fantastic. Its a shame SNOY happened last year and cucked us all out of the last few weebshit games on the thing.
I do have a Switch but the thing is too big for me to consider it a real portable like the 3DS or Vita and desu I barely played it all last year and there isnt anything coming ip that I’m particularly looking forward to that isnt also on PS4
Does anyone have the chinky "top player" 1000 L2/R2 grips from ebay? How are they?
>449 burgers for 1tb
Wii U was a pretty substantial jump from Wii.
Yes, both the vita and switch can handle up to 2tb of storage.
But for vita you'll either need SD2VITA or this Also you need to hack your vita
The PSTV was better imo
Cheaper and easier to hack
Too bad it got discontinued early too
>That time Sony filed a patent for a Vita with HDMI out but never made the model
Blunder of the century desu
It's a good thing we got pretty much that with the Switch.
yeah the $20 PSTV deal some retailers did was a insanely good value. they could have easily rebranded it as a the PS Classic and it would sell a ton.
There is no arbitrary size limit on Vita. Meaning the only limiting factor is max volume size for exFAT partitions.
That patent was for the dev kit.
PSTV got discontinued because it sold so bad it took over 2 years of a price cut to $20 stand alone or $50 or $40 bundles to get rid of the stock of the initial launch batch they made. It was cheaper to buy a PSTV bundle that came with a new dualshock 3 than it was to buy a dualshock 3 by itself. I can't even imagine how much money they lost on those things.
excessively shit touchscreen stuff in it are making it painfull to play. speically th e fucking melee shit
pstv its as good as the switch docked
both are pointless and pathetic on "console" mode
>pstv its as good as the switch docked
blatantly false
The Vita's failure is the ultimate proof that sony aint shit without triple-A support.
Their exclusive IP's are nowhere near popular enough to justify a console purchase, no matter how much their exclusives get meme'd.
thats normal
>Game comes out for Vita
>”I’m not buying a Vita for one game!”
>Repeat 100 times
>Why wont you buy a Vita?”
>”Because it has no games! Btw please port all these Vita games to PC.”
Name a couple of those games because apart from Persona 4G I literally can't think of one title people want to port from the Vita.
Have you perhaps considered that different people are asking for games in each of these different niches
more like vita's failure is ultimate proof that marketing and sd cards are a big factor.
The Vita had 3G support.
>He hasn't experienced Soul Sacrifice Delta
lmaoing@your life
never even heard of it let alone anyone begging for a port.
>I think it was mainly just Mario games at the time?
They were having trouble getting Mario games on there which is why they hired Retro Studios to work on MK7 so they could get it out by christmas.
>It's got one hour less than the vita on avarage
Vita only had 3-5/4-6 hours
>Their exclusive IP's are nowhere near popular enough to justify a console purchase
Gran Turismo and God of Ware probably are
Vita didn't get the former and only has inferior ports of the latter
Yeah honestly I might've been too generous because from what I can gather online they have pretty much the same estimated battery life. But since most Vita games people actually care about were really small less demanding games they probably last longer on avarage than for example the Switch's killer apps like Smash Bros and Breath of the Wild. They're both supposed to last between 3-5 hours, all depends on how demanding the game is.
how can something die if it was never alive in the first place?
Oh shit, can someone quickly list any good Japanese games to get for Vita?
How do you feel about the fact proper handheld consoles are finally dead? Do you think they'll return someday in the future?
Every single fucking time a Vita localization got announced comment sections were filled with “Pls PC port”
Doesn't matter, they were only producing the inferior 2000+ models.
Give me some fucking examples, mate.
No, I don't think they're economically feasible when so many people already own a smartphone they play games on.
Its a damn shame. We’re left with either AAA cinematic trash with lootboxes on console/PC or beloved series turned into gacha/freemium trash on Mobile