Why does Blizzard (American Company) not release African-AMERICAN characters?

Baptiste is Haitian, Doomfist is Nigerian, Orisa is African robot, Winston is British Blackperson, Ana is Egyptian, Pharah is Egyptian, Lúcio is Brazilian.

How many people do play Overmeme in Haiti or Nigeria?

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>African robot

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Blizzard is run by rich white liberals with a heavy dose of white savior complex, that's why they keep hiring minorities they don't need and putting bullshit into the game.

Their market is white, i guess

Pretty sure Blizzard is staffed by 1/3rd asians

I'm Nigerian. Don't play doomfist though. But I thought it was neat

>Winston is British Blackperson
very good post

They are so bad Activision had to step in and fire all the useless niggers they hired.

Why did they create this guy instead of some and not "Roshanda Shaneekwanson" of "urban" race.

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>Wiston is british blackperson
Kek, I'm Nigerian tho and I actually didn't know Doomfist was Nigerian.


People in Nigeria? Not many. Nigerians in America/europe? More than you would think

His name is Ogundinmu. I forget his first name but they went to the trouble of giving him an authentic Yoruba name

Literally play from Nigeria. I play on the EU servers. There's more of us than you think. Nothing else to do here but play vidya

African Space Marine

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His accent is a generic african one so I thought otherwise.

Akandi, was not it?

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I am Russian and I am just saying that very interesting that an American company (which is 'pro-diversity') don't give a damn about its fellow African-Americans.
In terms of size of a market to make literally Tyrone Jackson from Harlem or Michaelle Obongo from Chicago is more reasonable from business perspective.

It's as bad as black panther

Aren't you worried about the protests and all that shit that will probably blow up your government soon?

To be fair, he did build the robots from scrap, which is pretty cool.

Akande. It's a Yoruba name

>Not even a girl with Afro
Why Soizzard so lame

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Blizzard likes to dump ethnicities on their character and never actually get the voices right. Pic related's accent doesn't sound anything like an actual Australian and they didn't even fucking try at all with Roadhog.

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Nah fuck African Americans, they don't know how good they have it so they don't deserve shit. I moved to the UK when I was 16 and I can never go back like the country is fucked.

Widow also speaks proper english and I can assure you the french do not speak proper english

>3 American characters
>two whites and one Hispanic
Seems pretty accurate to me, American blacks are overrepresented in media and despite being only 13% of the population...

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No. If they want to kill themselves let them. I'll be in my house, in my gated compound, in my gated estate in the nice part of Lagos. I'm good

It makes me wonder why Blizzard doesn't go out hunting for authentic voice actors. It's not as if they're a small indie company on a shoestring budget, so they could easily find someone suitable for the job. I bet a lot of people would leap at the opportunity too. I dunno, it's kind of amusing that a company making a big deal out of representation couldn't be arsed putting in that little bit more effort to make their characters more authentic.

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Tracer's voice actor is a British person, yet they still managed to fuck that up. They cast someone from Yorkshire to do a Cockney accent and it sounds completely fucked.

How many people that play overwatch are sentient moon hamsters or elderly egyptian women retard
They probably throw a dart at a map and the. Say "Alright, lets make the next hero be from here"

They want to make money, not make authentic games.
If you look at the map design in OW, it's equally terrible as their voice picks. They just wrap it up in some nice package and make it pretty enough

Wait a minute..if blacks only make up 13% of the population then how could they possibly commited 50% of...OOOO

Can someone please tell me why Baptiste is quite literally just Demoman? I think he’s easily the laziest character design so far.

overwatch cuck shitter will say their game is not a blatant boring libcuck copy of tf2. it is.

yea but valve literally left tf2 to rot because they want more money

we need MORE SPICS
all sa bullying chile when

at least you can play custom TF2 games on a private server. not to mention mods, cant do shit with overwatch

Nigeria even has a thriving movie industry. They could have gotten a good one

Because if Blizzard ever had an original thought in their heads, they'd mistake it for a brain tumor and try to saw it off, lodging a chunk of their brains in the process.

good god I don't wanna know how long it took that guy find everything that was needed to build that scrap crane.

Reyes/Reaper, dude?

Why did you list egyptians with the niggers?

Egypt in Africa
>He was born in Los Angeles.

Go back please. Or at least to France or something,

Nah I'm busy with my degree and English is the only language I speak.

You won't use it for anything. And then Germany; tons of people speak English in Germany.

Maybe, my step-father has German citizenship but I'm not a big fan of muslims.