
This might sound autismal... but does anyone else hate it when people start off Undertale doing a pacifist run? You're supposed to play it like a normal game, realize in the end that you've been a heartless bastard, and then go pacifist on your second playthrough. The game is literally designed for this experience, with references to your previous actions in the last playthrough. Pacifist on a first run is skipping part of the experience. You aren't dumb for killing people like Toriel or Undyne the first time, you're just doing what any normal game would demand of you.

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You can't get pacifist on your first run

When I first played, I noticed that sparing an enemy required a puzzle to do, and simply found it fun to try to figure out everyones puzzle. It wasn't a true pacifist run, since a few guys died before I figured it out.

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The tagline for the game was "The friendly RPG where nobody has to die."
It gives you a pretty big hint right there.

this, it's impossible to get anything but neutral on first run

IIRC you can get very close, then restart from a save near the boss and do it. Either way you're still sparing a ton of enemies just because you were told to.
I never saw that.

>advertised as the friendly rpg where nobody has to die
>you get told within the first 5 mins that you can always spare a monster

Undyne is for

Attached: marreeps.png (1173x1221, 603K)

>I never saw that.
It was in literally every piece of promotional material.

>still thinking undertale is anything but a pain in the ass storygame with shit gameplay
WORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSok find the pain in the ass obscure way to not kill this guy while doing fucking bullet hell bullshitWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS

Fuck that game.

You alright?

Game's tagline was LITERALLY "no one has to die." It's what it was advertised on. So, it's perfectly acceptable for people to seek a pure pacifist run their first time through.

Getting arrested and frisked by.

I bought the game based on word of mouth from Rabbidluigi, and went in as blind as possible.
I saw that, but didn't take it that seriously. My thought was "why should I miss out on experience points" like your typical RPG.

Also, at the time the game came out I wasn't even browsing gaming forums. So I came shortly after the initial hype and discussion, where everyone would've been talking about pacifism.

>pointing out obvious flaws in games
>brainwashed kids always refuse to acknowledge the fucking truth
Jesus fucking shit. You kids need to be banned from playing any game released in the 90s or afterwards for a couple of years. Maybe you will start to understand what makes a game good, eventually.

The game was advertised as a game where you didn't have to kill anyone, so that's what I did. I've been aware of undertale since the demo, where I killed toriel, but my first run went pacifist when I got the whole game
Yes, you are autistic for getting mad about people playing a game a way that the developer intended.

>oh hi user~

Attached: und-nippon.png (677x891, 675K)

I just wanted to know if you were alright...

I just beat it this week, started off killing but then pacifist just so I'd know what to do for the pacifist run. Then I beat pacifist pretty quick after.
Playing Deltarune now, the NotAsriel won't shut up about being nice to everything so the pacifist ability is a bit more obvious.

I always aim for play perfect pacifist runs in all games that I play, if they allow it. I think it's a habit which grew from my obsession with stealth game. There's something oddly rewarding about doing things the hard way.

You’re “supposed” to feel remorse after you kill Toriel. Then you restart and get called out for sparing her.

I was told in the beginning of the game of an interesting game mechanic that was more engaging and interesting than the carnival minigame whenever I would attack. Asgore was a legitimate shock to me and made the game more impactful I feel than if I had gone in like a normal RPG.

you absofuckinglutely can, you lying cunt.

Not the guy but just wanted to tell you that you’re a right proper faggot.

undertale is an autism game just like fnaf, bendy and tattletail

Would fug

Sexy fish

people should approach it however they want but optimally before even knowing that genocide and pacifist exist. only then its natural.
now that so many got stuff spoiled a big chunk of the experience is fucked.

Its not even about people that want to play pacifist that are problem
its those faggots who recomend this game to their games but says shit like
even if you wanted to not kill anybody but played it blind, you would still kill toriel because you would think that she would give up after you deal enough damage
and then you deal fucking critical damage
thankfully I could avoid somehow spoilers for entire year, but my other friend had retarded collagefriend who ruined it for him

>who recomend this game to their friends


I beat it 2 days ago. I didn't read anything about the game other than it was great and that i should beat it forst without any advice. I did fight any enemy that came to me as any other RPG, but the plot twist at the end was shocking. I had the omega flowey ending and it was creepy as fuck.

>tfw you enter toriel house for the last time
>the little monsters telling you the story of her child
>that music
>tfw Asgore saying he misses her and wants to be with her.

Damn, what an amazing game, just bought it physical for the Switch, and obviously i'm starting another run.

game gives you the option to forgive every monster since the start
why aren't you supposed to do this?
so yeah, you're fucking autistic, and should kill yourself

See, this is what I'm talking about. That's how you play it.

If Undertale had a better overworld presentation it would be a masterpiece. Unfortunately Deltarune wasn't a huge leap in that regard but still a little better.

Well the game isn't even fucking subtle that you have to be a pacifist. It literally hides nothing. I don't know why people think it's supposed to be a surprise. The damn tagline gives it away!

Post more fish lewds

>You aren't dumb for killing people like Toriel

About that, doesn't the game trick you into killing her only to reprimand you about it?

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Well when this game first game out I looked at the description and one of the things noted is that you can go through the game without killing anything so that is what I did. I still got the neutral ending because I didn't get the dating scene with Undyne and Alphys because of some letter I forgot to deliver.

Really? You fell for the forced feels and rushed exposition about a charcater that only appears at the very end of the game? That makes the game good for you?

It also needs a less pretentious message, better charcaters and less plotholes.

>game tells you not to kill anybody
>don't kill anybody

Eh, I'll give you one more chance in posting a good lewd fish image.


I guess a sucker is born every minute.

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Imagine being from /utg/....

I'm still mad I got cucked by a fat smelly dinosaur.

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I still don't get how anyone can find a fish woman sexy. I mean really. None of these goofy ass characters are attractive in any sense. You folks are weird.

I knew you could do it.

I mean the game was really light hearted and goofy so why would I kill monsters on my first run? Plus as soon as the doggos came in I knew I was in for a fun time.

Then fuck off to whatever normalfag site you came from and let us enjoy lewd fish pictures.

At the start of the game the dick flower told me to kill everyone and the nice goat thing told me to not, pretty easy choice

The game certainly has some problems with character development. I think Deltarune will be better there, having party members who talk helps.

You're talking about the doggos that straight up say they want to kill humans, right?

It doesn't trick you, its just a cryptic spare solution. She only reacts to you using spare, and you have to do it several times. The first few text boxes are dots so people often think its pointless then experiment attacking her.

That's just the problem when a spoiler heavy game gets super popular. If you go into the game blind, an ideal start to the game would be:

>Start out thinking you have to weaken monsters to pacify them, like Pokemon or something
>Try it on Toriel and fail, think some monsters can't be saved
>Flowey mocks you
>Reset from your last save and try harder to save her
>Flowey reveals the meta twist and basically cements that you can avoid killing anyone

On that note, it's a shame the twist about saving goes mostly unused after Toriel, but it's not that surprising given the extra work it creates.

I dunno, from the get go, Suzie just seems like the tired old edgy, angsty teen trope.

But they're not pitbulls retard

the character was built up from the very start of the game.

Well I'm a fan of cliches so maybe I'm biased.

The game has an NPC tell you an alternate way of sparing, which entails attacking until they back down. The tricking part comes in when you attempt this for Toriel and she happens to be the one monster programmed to automatically die if you try this.

No one should be blamed for this but the game then tries to chew you out for it. So instead of allowing the player to experiment with their options, they should just mash SPARE until things change, even if it looks like nothing is working.

The problem is that Toby literally couldn't think of a better way to communicate this to the player rather than tricking them and mocking them for following an option he gives them.

I'm not too big on cliches if they are too overused. Like the typical shonen protagonist who is a headstrong idiot most of the time. It grows tiresome, really.

I will never touch this trash again

Same, but I still touch myself to this trash.

At least you don't have to wait 7 years to get cucked by a deer.