How do you deal with online bullying? Do you open tickets against the player that was mean to you? Ignore it...

How do you deal with online bullying? Do you open tickets against the player that was mean to you? Ignore it? Call them a bad name and move on?

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Other urls found in this thread:Çhad

Do you know what this is?

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cute bird

A literal Chad

Let go.

This is like the normalfag version of people crying about PvP on a PvP server.

I troll them back with shit like "who hurt you"

Can't get bullied without chat

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I like to bait people into saying really bad things towards me then I’ll use every avenue possible to report them. It’s not that I’m offended, I just enjoy knowing that they’re unable to play the game. It’s the best form of trolling.

i call the Bullyhunters ofcourse.

Name the bully.

cumnigger99 called me gay


What a nigger

>getting mad at some stranger over an mmo
It's like getting mad from soneone here calling you a faggot.

what's going on in that picture?
Is it about the fag spamming chat asking for heals or the trashtalking?

I've seen someone post before about filtering the word "faggot".

people who insult others in online games have already lost. they want you to wade in the muck of unhappiness and salt with them so i just ignore

If an insult doesn't slide off of you, it's either because the opinion of the person who insulted you is important to you (making you feel threatened by the fact that they don't like you) or because you know that they're right.

If insults from random people get to you, go find a psychologist. If the psychologist tries to tell you that other people are the problem, find a different one.
If you know that they're right, fix it.

chad is a fucking welfare nigger and queues arena skirmish as a tankÇhad

Either fuck with them or do nothing. Reporting/ignoring is for gays

I have never in my life gotten upset over words typed by some anonymous faggot, ever. The only people who can hurt me are my close friends and family.

>Gets called a nigger in a game
>has an emotional breakdown
upvote if agree :CC

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Even Yea Forums gets upset if you say nigger now.

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he says to the void wondering why

Thread should have ended here.

good lord this roastie has nothing but selfies and wow screenshots on instagram

>getting upset over a word

wow fuck off bitch

A bone snake?

>online bullying existing when you can just right click their name and ignore

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You just ignore it if you had a spine. But since the pills you are taking make it so you cannot have one you should kys and fuck off this board.

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Made me sit up straight. Thanks, user.

Situation A: Hurtful words being thrown your way are completely baseless. You are expected to not be a complete idiot and realise this. The weight of these hurtful words is heavily reduced and you would have to be mentally challenged to take them to heart.

Situation B: Hurtful words are an apt descriptor for your current situation. At the end of the day, they're just pointing out a fact. Maybe there's something you can do to make your current situation better? Maybe you should be working on that. Instead you're playing games or browsing twitterbook. You deserve to be ridiculed.

Close your eyes, nigga.

What if I get annoyed at people in online games being faggots to their team mates? I don't care if they talk trash at me, but it burns my ass when they whine and complain about how bad their team is the whole session or act like a cunt to a new player.

Bitching on fwitter is far easier than any kind of selfreflection or self improvement.

Butthurt fag for sure

>go into male space for attention
>tantrum until rules change to accodate you
>changes ruin what made space attractive
>seek out other male space

I usually report them and wait for them to get banned, then message them on other media saying "haha"

PLEASE tell me that that thread was shitposting

Mute and move on like everyone should

Tanks are good though. Pala for example can spec into 8second silence wich fucks every healer comp.

Some games don't let you, unfortunately.

Getting offended is so fucking stupid. I'm surprised these people haven't gotten past bullying after so many years in school

Ignore it, but if it was up to me I'd ban anyone like that. If left unpunished it turns everyone else toxic as they hurry to defend themselves or look to shift blame on other people, then you struggle to say anything to people on the game because a simple "Hey could you do x?" turns into a massive argument. I play games for fun, not constant verbal warfare. If I wanted that I'd make controversial statements on Yea Forums.

I am the online bully.

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Le ebin win resetera! XD

what a nigger
wow fuck off bitch
trash ass cunt

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Of course ignore.
Welcome to the internet, the mirror of humanity. Nothing to worry about. If you are an intellectual you won't give a fuck and maybe just bully back.

>Ignore it
>Call them a bad name and move on

You're answering your own question

This guy gets it. Reporting some seething nigger ice the icing on the cake.

Start trolling them until they put me on ignore

Imagine being so much of a pussy that you cry about someone calling you names in a videogame and go make a post about it.
Meanwhile, this used to be a mark of honor:

I bully them harder. Back when playing COD4 on PS3 some kid called me a nigger, so I made him cry. Then his mom came onto the mic and I shut her down for being a shitty parent letting her kid call people niggers and play M rated games

I'm doing something like this when classic hits.

What games r u playing that dont have mute wtf

Im the one making faggots cry

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If i'm on a bad day i make sure to trigger the retard as much as possible and then send all the evidence. than i laugh really hard since the faggot can't play thanks to getting banned. I just ignore it most of time

mute button

can you censor the bad words so I can share it with my friends?

Nobody's offended, nobody's feelings are hurt, they're lying
They lie, and try to leverage their "emotional pain" against people and things they don't like
They don't feel anything, they lie and act like they do

God women really do ruin everything don't they. No one cares about game flaming, literally no one, I've been through the meatgrinder of dota 2 for thousands of hours, literally nothing my team says gets me hung up, I just communicate to win if that involves flaming someone for a shit play so be it

Wish you luck but everyone is doing it
Plus I don't know if you can so much as say "nigger" without Blizz banning you.

Why are you streaming without making money, mentally challenged?

I don't mind it, I just disregard them.
However when their retardation actually starts effecting the gameplay, such as when they refuse to cooperate are constantly spamming the chat to make it tougher for the team to communicate.

Sorry, didnt thought of this, here:

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Thanks Lori

Is this the new ManlyTears?

Now that's not true.
Imagine underperforming in a game because you are just having a bad day or something and your teammates keep telling you how much of a shitter you are. It can really get to you. Not to me though because I've been playing games for decades so I take nothing seriously but there was a guy the other day while I was playing LoL who was doing bad and everyone was insulting him even though he apologized multiple times saying "sorry guys :(". That was sad.

You don't even have any good videos up dumbass

>Playing World of Tanks
>Throw out "your president is a nigger" as bait every now and then
>Some guy gets really mad and starts insulting me, and ramming my tank all the game instead of playing
>We lose but I'm artillery so I still get more kills than anyone in my team

I don't know whybut I actually behave like that "Chad-Thrall" dude, I can only have fun on online team games when my team is toxic as fuck, or I start griefing, it got many accounts banned, and my rl friends avoid playing with me even tho i never spill my spaghetti around them.That's why i avoid mobas now.

But the sensible thing to do in these situations is if you're having a shitty day just preemptively /mute all. The option is right fucking there. I know if I'm having a shit day I just /mute everyone in whatever multiplayer game I'm playing and just play.

a back snake

>getting so riled up about someone that you invest time into making an instagram video and letting him get under your skin

Generation Z, everybody.

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>Stacking is breaking item mechanics
Wait what? Is it an exploit or just people QQing?

A fantasy sex toy?

People that overreact like that are either underage or autistic, so you're doing the entire playerbase a favor by getting rid of them.


People who don't know how to deal with bullies deserve to be bullied. Your social incompetence is the reason for why people derive great pleasure from actively trying to humiliate you.

The fault is with you for lacking a . In forty years, everyone who has shielded you from reality will be dead and you'll be left to fend for yourself. The future is real and it's well on its way. If you can't even deal with someone making fun of you on the internet then you may as well just neck yourself now while you still have people around to give a shit.

just people crying. even in dota 2 they removed the unique item mechanics for the most part.

>social incompetence

Here's a serious question. What if the reason that you get bullied is far outside your control? Say a companion/family member had done something or maybe an example closer to Yea Forums, a game very beloved to you gets you bullied hard for being a fan of it?

What then? All your points can't apply to the scenarios I laid above.


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If you genuinely believe in the thing that you are being bullied for then you need to stand your ground and tell the person insulting you that they're wrong and that they need to fuck off. If you shrink back the second someone starts to make fun of something you are insecure about, then clearly it's something that doesn't deserve to be defended, even by a self-proclaimed advocate like yourself.

Defending something you believe in is always within your control. I can't fathom a single scenario where this is untrue.

Mute and also this

What if they are right though? How can you defend the indefensible and call it "Standing up to bullying"?

I ignore it. Also

If they are "right" then obviously you also agree with them and you can't possibly hope to defend it. Defending something passionately and convincingly means you actually, genuinely believe in it. If someone makes fun of you for something and you agree with them, then there is nothing more to be said. You deserve the insult and you deserve to be humiliated for siding with something that you can't even come up with a coherent way to defend.

In situations like this, you need to take a step back and try to grasp the issue at hand from an objective point of view. Feeling upset over being unable to react appropriately is the first sign that something about your character desperately needs to be changed.

I mean to say that they are actually objectively right. As in there are actual pertinent stats and measurements to show that they are right and I'm not talking sales numbers.

Are you even reading what I am posting? If they are right then they are right and you are wrong. You deserve to be made fun of and challenged. End of story. Bye bye. See you later.

>censoring a "weird fetish pic" so that you can post the screencap on reddit


If they're objectively correct then you refusing to accept that is literal denial of reality and you deserve to be bullied.

>Triggered retard
Damn this shit is already getting results

masturbate with the mic on

fucking garbage racist! fucking die white people!

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There is no feeling more satisfying than getting the 'We've acted on a report you've submitted' notification in a game.

Whenever I see someone type faggot or nigger it fills me with joy, because I get the dopamine high of knowing he's about to get assblasted by moderation.

Either tell them to fuck off or just ignore them and watch it piss them off

>mfw I harass people on Rocket League with sexual innuendo
>they tell me they're going to report me and that I should get ready to "enjoy my ban"
>ban never happens as long as i don't say nigger or faggot

The best part is egging them on to do it. Knowing that I'll never get banned as long as I don't use those two words is absolutely delightful.

Well that sucks then. Perhaps I put it into a concrete example then.

Say I like a certain team/player in a huge competition, say for personal reasons. I'll always back them up and believe in them. However they constantly come in last or close to last. And then I get bullied for being a fan and believing in them.

What then? Is that actual denial of reality and deserving of bullying?

Always, I want to be with you
And make believe with you
And live in harmony, harmony oh love

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I been calling people faggots in a Ubisoft game of all things and the worst I've gotten is a 1-day chat mute.

Mods do jack shit, it's universal.

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Why would you ever support a loser? Sounds like your own problem.

Not him but I spent a fucking month opening those bottles at work when that fad was a thing, no woman can open them.

If you can't defend your reason for supporting them, then you will be bullied and people will experience pleasure from watching you and that team/player suffer another humiliating defeat.

That's just the bottom line, dude. If you don't have the social skills to defend the honor of something you believe in, then you either have to learn them or suffer the consequences of supporting weakness.

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either ignore them or act like an intentional degenerate and see how they react back.

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Post some trophies.

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It's a personal reason I just said.

Because of personal reason...

Report them and get the last laugh when they get banned

fake and gay

Oh fuck PvP happened on a PvP server

cowards way out. act like you want to fuck them and weird them out and they will never bug you again.

never should have come here!

>personal reason

Nobody fucking cares. Nobody knows your personal reason, they only know that you are supporting a loser. Making fun of someone who has an inexplicable feeling of sentimentality towards something pathetic is very empowering, user. Like I said 10 times already, unless you can develop an effective defense for the reason why you support a loser, then you will be bullied and you will deserve to be bullied.

What’s cowardly is just sitting there and taking it like a fag. You end it on your terms

this is by far the vastly superior shitposting.
reporting fags is such a lazy passive subhuman zoomer thing



Okay well, how about, I live near them?

Reported for online harassment

What, they shout "loser" at you every time they pass you on the street?
This scenario is getting more and more specific user, something you want to tell us?

Sounds to me like you are a desperate, lonely loser.

Sorry, user, but I can't take you seriously at all. I hope for your sake that you are trolling. If so then well done, you made me reply for 30 minutes. If not, then GG BRUH.

You don't take it, you dish it out twice as bad. Asking daddy to ban them is everything that's wrong in this pussyfag society.

which i literally told you to do. zoomers are super self conscious about their sexuality and won't know what the fuck to do if you start acting like you like the abuse. unless it turns out they are a degenerate themselves or know what game you are playing then congratulations you have a new friend.

I like video games I do that's why I'm on Yea Forums but at the same time I'm a fan of the Chicago White Sox, a team that's become the national laughingstock now and I can't go anywhere on the internet or in real life (with my sox gear on) without getting mercilessly mocked. It fucking sucks and I'm at the end of my rope here. I never understood bullying/cyberbullying but now I'm suddenly a victim of it all because of my loyalty to my team.

I'll never understand being offended by some random on the internet, let alone let it get to you.

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>getting bullied over a sports team

Does this actually happen? Are people really so emotionally invested in sports teams that they actually let this happen to them?

Reported for harassment, again :^3

Well then man up faggot, do you need external validation to support a team you like? And if you like them it's for a reason, so why do you care?


Verbal insults only work on people who hate themselves and have low self-esteem

That's why name calling exclusively bothers leftists because that ideology is predicated on being racially insecure and dysgenic.

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I don't play online, so I never really have to deal with assholes. When I did, I'd usually just tell them to fuck off and move the fuck on.

>tfw aware of my weakness back from when I was a little shit and used to let shit on me and fuck with me constantly
>Had a vegetarian moment where I said fuck it and started telling people to fuck off, ignore them, and be incredibly degenerate/retarded just to see how far the envelope is pushed
Granted there were times I overdid and rightfully got shat but it is what it is. I don't regret any of the shit I did

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Wow, this Chad seems like a rude jerk...wait, that second line is from the user's end and he's also acting like an asshole.

imagine being so dumb you "support" a sports team

Console wars know no boundaries user.

MODS HE MISGENDERED ME AND MADE FUN OF MY DISABILITY. You better unban me before I report your company for being sexist.

>How do you deal with online bullying?

I don't play games with active chat features. The fact is a good sum of you fucks are cancer and the last thing I want to deal with are retards online messing up my gaming experience.

Well it is when people say stuff and laugh in your face all the time. I guess I should man up and ignore it. And no I do not need external validation to support them.

>took a picture of his fucking screen

What's your weakness?

in short they are incapable of taking a joke and take everything as personal and at face value.

How dare you, you bigot...

I love reporting stupid obnoxious faggots, and a lot of popular games these days are pretty vicious against it. Which is great.

Kill yourself, you stupid miserable spastic

call him daddy and ask for more to see how they take it.

Getting shat on by anyone for what you like sucks dude. But that’s the entire theme of this board

Something Yea Forums wishes it had.


Wrong. You act like dealing with stupid faggots is a ubiquitous part of life. Fact is, we don't need to deal with people that walk into a room and start angrily shitting themselves. They get removed because no one likes them, and subjecting ourselves to an angry shitter isn't going to prove valuable in life, it's just trash.

Report and ignore.

>getting your aggressor horny

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Isn't that one of those BR servers where 90% of the players are literal gibbering retards? I know Ragnaros is another one.

Generic issue of not telling people to go fuck themselves/not properly sticking up for myself due to fear of me not being able restrain myself if I do retaliate. Turns out the first time I did actually retaliate I didn't go retard like I had feared a great deal back then and that I was cucking myself by doing that shit. With that being I merely just ignore 95% of the shit people spew at or do towards me pick your battles and all that shit

it's called baiting your aggressor into acting like a sexual predator. then you have terms to ban him for harassment. either he backs off or he goes so over the top he implicates himself.


Sounds like a justification to do some gay shit

The mute or ignore function has existed for two decades now.


Masturbate furiously while begging the tanks forgiveness for being worthless

I don't deal with bullying, because I'm the one that does the bullying.
I go by the name NiggerOppressor420

What the fuck even were the Bullterhunters anyway?

A viral marketing campaign by steel series

>tfw wish I had a degradation fetish so I wouldnt feel bad about people attacking me

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Say "lmao" and move on

Only an actual child would get that mad at videogames and go out of their way to trash talk. So getting offended by a 12 year old as an adult is quite funny. Call them a nigger and move on.

There are three ways to handle the situation with bullies.

1) Beat them at their own game
2) Report them to the authorities
3) Ignore them

IMO, #1 is the only way to truly deal with a bully. Removing them or ignoring them pacifies the problem, but it doesn't solve it. They are like weeds, user- you can remove them all you want but they just keep growing. The only way to remove them for good is to plant something new in the place where they grow.

Dealing with stupid faggots is absolutely a ubiquitous part of life. It's a fundamental aspect of the socialized human condition. Deal with it properly or the problem will persist.

People that report people are the biggest fucking nigger faggots. The internet should be just like the Wild West.

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a little column A a little column B

Amazing. Thanks user. I'll leave you all back to it.

I never mute online anyone because I actually enjoy people getting mad at me over the internet. It's completely different in real life, though, where I will most likely break down into tears. The fuck is wrong with me?

Might as well not exist thanks to creatures like this

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Reporting people is the new trolling, since all these automated systems are so abusable

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You can't be bullied online, you can walk away at any time.

I'm not a loser, so I'm not the one getting bullied

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I dunno, trauma?

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especially in wow its great
back when that report shit came out you could go into a bg with a 5man group and kick out anyone on your team by voting him as afk
in ratedbgs your entire team could report someone on the other team and he would actually get suspended right out of the battleground
and now you can silence people if enough report them
really great

i mean she's completely right. perceived anonimosity turns people into cunts. this website is the best example for that.

I wonder if it works on GMs or if there’s a failsafe for them.

>tfw toxic as fuck in game, detriment to my team, complete piece of shit moron that i'd hate to have on my own team were i taking the game seriously
>people call me names, completely justified
>i report them
>few days later
>"This is a message letting you know we took action on a recent complaint you filed. Thanks for helping make the community a better place!"
Gotta be honest, automated wordfilter bans are the best and worst thing to happen to video games. On one hand, I can't say what I want. So it's not really worth it. But at least I get to troll the shit out of teenagers who have no restraint

fuck you, you fucking nigger faggot
choke to death on fire ants, you miserable fucking garbage pile

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>the weak advocate preying on the weak
Interesting thread


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Oh boy I was waiting for a thread to get this off my chest, here was my first incident with online bullying

>playing resident evil operation raccoon city pvp
>was actually godly with lupo/leader class
>would just auto win games once I was in control and only lost a game once
>last game I was our team managed to shove the enemy team back into their spawn point
>For the first 5 mins I couldn't find anyone but they were just outright shit so once I got to them naturally I took top mvp because I learnt where their exact spawn locations were
>whilst the other players literally fucked off killing random enemies, possibly to be fair to them
>after game noticed a weird noise in my headset, turns out it wasn't fully mic muted
>one of the enemy players specifically said my player name threatening to hack me
>Tried to talk back saying what did I do to deserve this
>in the end cowered away and stopped playing the game

That game was 100% dlc completed and player base was dying, so lets jump into a later game

>battlefield 3
>still outright prick but since I suck at fps I stuck to vehicles
>jets was my claim to fame, using just the machine guns alone to kill everyone even taking mvp
>to lessen chances of being taken down I would fly over to enemy bases and steal their jets
>would often get rage pm's sent to my account
>threats of violence, hacks, rape, name calling
>just sent a witty comeback, blocked, and reported
>never saw those players anymore

I only stopped playing when I got bored, I guess because I heard a guy literally frothing at the mouth via mic I freaked out but seeing it in writing was hilarious

Needless to say these days I don't get any bullying, I exclusively stick to co-op games or single player only and almost no fps (because I can't shoot for shit unless its a vehicle)

Thank you for reading my blog, please subscribe to my youtube channel its dead like my competitive side

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You did this to yourself.

I get depressed (even more than usual). If someone is mad at me then I must have done something wrong.


Apply yourself next time.

What's wrong with settling down and eating a nice tasty roast beef sandwich?

>Settling for used beef flaps

When you are bullied irl you can't get away from it, they will beat you with their fists and boots.

When you are bullied online you can block them and they no longer exist.

I'd rather a refreshing salad, preferably from a different restaurant each day I order it

usually if someone's mad at you over a video game it's because they're insecure about something and are trying to make up for it, whether they recognize it or not. even if someone makes a mistake it's just a fucking video game, instead of getting mad and yelling at my teammate which is just going to make him do worse, why wouldn't I tell him not to do that shit and show him the proper way to do it so I don't have another angry bumbling retard dragging my team down?
video games are mostly for kids and manchildren. just remember that next time someone is yelling at you for doing poorly in a video game. ask them why it matters to them so much? odds are it's because it's important to them, and it's important to them because there's not much else going on in their life.

I underperform all the time. If I'm having a bad day I just won't play with randoms because I know they're going to frustrate me. If I'm playing with friends then I just acknowledge my poor play and try to fix it. If I can't I just take a break and go do some other shit or browse Yea Forums because getting frustrated over video games is not worth it.

sauce on this sad qt?

If a restaurant is selling you used roast beef, then that can be grounds for a lawsuit.

Yea Forums's a weird place, ain't it?

I didn't
I stood up to bullies, but I also stand up to other people's bullies. Something this pathetic egoist board will never get.
It's just funny to read this Stockholm bullshit every time bullying is brought up

Why is this image so unsettling? I don't think I had that fear of trypophobia or whatever?

that's called fairness
why would the weak not deserved to be preyed on? just because i'm weak? if the weak didn't deserve to be preyed on, we wouldn't be weak

>Online bullying
If you don't know those people IRL, then there's no such thing.
Literally just ignore them or trashtalk them back. Not like I go around and say shit like that every time when I'm in an online game, but Jesus fucking Christ, of it happens I'm not going to be fucking offended. I fucking hate this 'toxicity' whining. People are so fucking spineless.

Sylphynford Tachibana from umaru chan, note this is her child form but there is charm in the older version if you can get past the clear autism

this is the only correct answer

Depends. Are you aware it has vaginas edited into it?

>first character was on Thrall

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only character i thought was cute desu. still not gonna have anything to do with the hamster show though

self hate doesn't make for good opinions, user. hope you'll get better soon.

What the fuck?

Preying on someone for no gain but self satisfaction is pathetic and stupid

Kek hasn't noticed
>Omg vaginas don't look like that!
>Stop perpetuating this false image!
>Wait, are those.. actual vaginas?
Top kek

I troll them into a frenzy in a way that is no reportable, then report them and move on

t. prey

I got into a full blown discussion with my family over online bullying, they all said it was real and is a bad thing, even though you have so many options online to ignore that stuff
They even raised the point that even if they dont chat to you online or shit, the exclusion is online bullying which i disagreed.
Online bullying does not exist and if people are talking about you or spreading rumours using online means without interacting with you is the same as if they did it at a workplace or school.
Cyber bullying is a crutch qeak parents use to divert blame away from themselves, or as a way for people not to look at the adult thrmselves and just blame something to appease others
People need to be told more that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"
Or people just need to learn not to give a fuck what people say about them

Don't these games usually have mature language filters or something you can turn on? If you don't want to see words you don't like, there's a way to not see them.

ironically based
I hope you kill yourself faglord

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Why the fuck do you care if random people talk shit about you supporting the White Sox? It literally does not matter. Guess what, bullying only works if you take it to heart. You have attached your identity to something external to yourself so you feel personally attacked and victimized when someone makes fun of that thing. Your perspective on reality and sense of self is completely fucked up.


Nice blog, nobody cares. This isn't plebbit you retard.

>i don't understand the most basic thing about humans being extremely social animals
listen to your parents more, you need them.

>which i disagreed
I mean, you're wrong. It is a form of bullying. What you meant to say is that they shouldn't be bothered by the bullying because it's harmless. It's still bullying, by definition, even if it's harmless. Your parents are way smarter than you are. You'll learn that one day

Yo, dude. Guess what. Even telling someone their shoes are untied is considered bullying in this clown world we live in now. You’re nothing special


>Slander and defamation is real enough to be written into legislation and enforced by a magistrate.
>but words are somehow meaningless.

you wrong unga
parents right bunga

ironic post


The problem is when it ruins your online experience or actually leaks into the real world.

>it's harmless.
what? ostracization causes people to turn suicidal. it being online doesn't change anything with how big of a part online life plays in almost everyones life by now. not to mention that it happening online leads to the conclusion that it also happens in real life.

Oh no they kicked me from my guild that sucks :(
Oh hey this other guild needs someone like me! :)

Too bad I was talking about real bullying.
But we can't all be heroes, sorry you


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You have to understand that most people view the Internet differently from us.

On the one hand you've got older people, like your family, who get horrorized if you tell them that I, an user you will never talk again with, tell you to eat shit and die. They will equate it with some random pedestrian saying as much in the street,
On the other you've got this faggot generation that grew up with an Internet that was already developed, with rules and safeguards everywhere, lest someone gets upset and disrupts the moneymaking of the big companies that sanitize everything.
The Wild West form of the Internet we grew up with are not coming back, and it only lives on, very poorly, in places like this shithole of a website.

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O-Oh cyber bullies are back! THEY GOT HIM

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People who help others out with bullies are pretty special among all the sheep
Keep crying

Reported for harassment.

>It's not
yeah, nah - you're a nigger-cunt
anonymous online interactions are a different breed and you should either figure that out and accept it or leave the internet you thin-skinned whiny faggot

are you really this dumb? online socialization is a massive part of daily life and you are just conveniently ignoring 99% of all it encompasses for a shitty little meme. i can't believe people can really be this dumb but this is Yea Forums so i don't have much hope.

That shitshow was amazing. I need to rewatch that livestream they did.

Fact: most of you are upset because this issue hinders you from playing out your asshole persona online which you hold back irl

>this clown world we live in
but the clowns make everything better

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Hey dude that’s pretty intelligentist of you. Do I have to report you too?

Because they were a bunch of pussies who couldnt take shit m8
Just imagine it, getting hurt or offended over words. Like honestly its embarrassing
Nah, i honestly will never see cyber bullying as real bullying.

>get thrown out of my online sekrit club
>find new sekrit club

Unlike real life, where you are forced daily to go to the same workplace, online "social" interaction is extremely fleeting. It's why tinder has so much success, because you are in the comfort of your own 4 walls and you can just choose to do whatever you want, then move on extremely quickly.

Literally this song

The mygot csgo videos where they get people banned for 7 days by making them team kill were pure art.

Was still talking about real life bullying

I hope I can raise my rank in the server from 3 to 1.

Oh thank god you haven’t been reported

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I did this the other day. Some 16 year old in voice chat said the n word. I claimed I was black and offended and somehow got him kicked.

"cyber bullying" isn't just people saying "fuck you nigger" over a chat room. It includes shit like spreading lies and slander about you potentially by people who are around you personally and can make your life (real life) hell.
I mean yeah if you're using a handle and it's people in a video game or some chat room that don't have access to you personally then sure just turn it off.

how young are you
seriously what the fuck

that link made me want to die. please never post here again

>he still doesn't understand that online isn't a secret club
>he still doesn't understand that online and real life intertwines in every facet of socializing for the vast majority of people
>he will never understand because his mental capacity is just too damn small
>he just posts a song instead

>report them
>they get banned
>or just mute them
Is it that hard? I don't even getting offended by shit talk like that online, I just report them in the hopes they get banned and lose their progress for kicks

>online socialization is a massive part of daily life
Huh, guess it's strange I never had Facebook and still have a shitton of friends. Maybe it's not actually as important as you make it out to be.

You raise a good point and i honestly never thought of it like that. If i my family ever talk about this again i might raise that.
One thing to notr is unlike most of my family i am not around children much if it all, so they probably see it more but i only see it as a non issue

If people actually believe the lies being told about you they’re retarded.

mute and report

>i'm the exception so it must be true for everyone
must be nice living in your own reality and blending everything else out

Cyber bullying IS real and dangerous. Its just that snowflakes have warped the definition to include random nobodies calling you gay on a message forum.

Why do you think there's this continuity where trolling people online because it's fun if they bite means I must be an asshole all the time?
Jesus Christ even this place forgot what "for the lulz" means.

Yes, most people are retarded. Especially bullies.

People believe almost anything they see on the internet at face value user...

Like this user saidAnd slander and defamation and libel are still just words m8
Imagine getting offended over words

why would someone bitching about being called a faggot hinder me from calling you a faggot
you can bitch all you like - people will still mock and insult you

Some good banter between two people with extremely low quality sounding game chat is fun though. Now everything is reportable and words like "fag" actually have more power now because of it.

.... Jackie Chan?

Think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize that half the population is dumber than them

Because everyone is a one dimensional character now. If you’re an asshole once you’re an asshole forever and blah blah

What I mean is that everyone can do that. You can literally turn off your PC, delete your FB or whatever social platform and thus negate cyberbullying. You can't 'just' switch schools, or workplace if that's where the bullying takes place.
That's the massive difference. And like you say, if it bleeds into your REAL LIFE then it's called regular bullying. Hence, cyberbullying is not a thing, but real life bullying is.

When can we go back to nothing on the internet is true age?

in legion there were true FFA zones where anyone could kill anyone. if you did enough in these areas you got a mount so guess what crowd came to play every day for 2 years? Feral/Ass team ganking everyone and anyone lead to so much general chat salt

Delicious. I haven’t played more than halfway into Legion but man that sounds great

Report them and laugh, knowing they'll get banned and have wasted hours of their lives on the game

Do you have any reading comprehension skills? Its not about the words offending you, its about other people believing whatever they hear or see about and then having those lies impact you in real life

This is why I pretend to be a girl and ask for dick pics.

I doubt a little faggot like you have one

>if it bleeds into your REAL LIFE then it's called regular bullying. Hence, cyberbullying is not a thing, but real life bullying is.
That's your own personal definition though. It's still considered cyberbullying in real life. If some kids in your school make a facebook group where 30 kids just post shit about you and harass you then it's still cyberbullying even if they know you in real life.

No I KNOW people are stupid, something in me just tries to have that little sliver of faith that everyone isn’t a complete and total retard

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>one person on the internet singling me out is the same as being exiled from the internet
are you a hypochondriac or a narcissistic drama queen?

>Verbal insults only work on people who hate themselves and have low self-esteem
i think there's a sweet spot because i already hate myself enough that nothing anyone tries to insult me with can beat the things i say to myself every day, so you can't offend me

>online bullying

Attached: How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real.webm (852x480, 2.28M)

That is why i always say to people, everyone is an idoit including yourself
Makes life much easier

>People this melodramatic
I can guarantee you that you tell yourself this as a coping mechanism and you're actually very much affected by what people tell you.

>>What I mean is that everyone can do that.
no, not everyone can do that. why would you think that? you see all the people who are on their phones constantly, you see all the people who spend most of their day chatting through online programs, you see all the different online socialization websites and programs. how the fuck can you just blend out reality completely and just make your worldview everybodies? that's not how it works.
>i'm just gonna twist the definitions to support my worldview
the fuck? i have no idea what made you post that, are you braindead?


>If insults from random people get to you, go find a psychologist.
Fucking americans cant figure out anything by themselves

This. Cyberbullying is when real life bullying (usually at school) carries over into the online space. Spreading rumors. Harassing your social media. Posting shops of you. By itself it's really not that bad, but when you're a kid and you're getting harassed all day at school only to come home and also be harassed online, it's hard to deal with. Kids don't have the coping skills of adults and they can't easily remove themselves from the situation. THAT is why cyberbullying is real and awful. Cyberbullying does not happen to mentally sound adults because an adult can simply put an end to the situation at any time.

I used to get trolled but I found a way to combat it. I do all kinds of stupid gay shit, they can't troll you if you dress up like a girl and kiss them. I don't like doing it but it works

Never. I remember that article I saw about some place in the US making it legal to piss and shit on the street. The first thing I thought was, "Yeah that sounds like bullshit" and when I go to the article turns it out it was fake (no surprise there) yet thousands of retards believed it and started a petition.

Benji seriously get help or off yourself

>only to come home and also be harassed online
there is absolutely nothing forcing a kid to interact with their schoolmates online. this is entirely self-inflicted.

name a better feeling then reading hate mail from a person you have been ganking then reporting them for saying no no words

If they were the sorts to ponder their own behavior and their relationships with other people objectively, they wouldn't be having mental breakdowns over insults.

Good thing I got out of my teens just before facebook took off. All I had to worry about was having an ugly myspace page.

How dense are you?
>Kids form literal Facebook groups specifically to shit on other kids
>The shit the group talks about carries over into their real life
>The group tries to find the kids online handles and harasses them there if they do
>Kid can't have any kind of social media or internet presence because there's 30+ other kids that will come in to ruin it for them at the first chance
>Has to go to school and be harassed by these same kids (and more) daily

100% this and it also shows bad parenting, depending on the childs age why wouldnt you be watching your child online
Its ridiculous how often i see children that id say are as young as 4 or 5 with a tablet or phone glued to their face while their parents are doing something else not even bothering with their child.
It baffles me honestly

He's using an addon that shoots statements and phrases. Usually used in raids and RBGs when it's paramount that said person not be ignored. This faggot is just using it willy nilly in his daily grind.

Getting that message a day or two afterward that says the player you reported was punished for their behavior.

i'm not saying the cyberbullying doesn't continue regardless, but it's entirely up to the kid if they want to subject themselves to it at home.
online handles don't require your real name you know, if they make it possible for people at school to find them online that's their own fault.

That dude is almost a midget


Still chad as fuck.

>it also shows bad parenting, depending on the childs age why wouldnt you be watching your child online
the fuck? how long do you wanna hover over them? at some point you need to step back and let them learn independency and self-responsibility. you can't constantly control a 12+ year old, that would be bad parenting! so your post is completely pointless talking about 4-5 year olds, that has so little to do with anything here.


all of that and nothing about the kid being harassed doing a damn thing

Closet homo.

>Letting your children use the Internet at all

>Blaming children for the concerted malicious actions of others

Kids just want to be like other kids and be accepted. Telling children that are getting bullied that they should just be extra cautious online and not use any of the social media that their bullies use isn't a fucking solution. The solution is to just leave other kids alone when online. You can't stop bullying in real life, and bullying even has a place in real life if we are being honest, but forming a group of people specifically to harass other kids is cruel, and there is zero justification for it. Your solution is for the kid to just not do stuff other normal kids are doing online because they'll be harassed for it. And if they don't want to do that, then their harassment is now their fault? That's the same principle as saying that a woman deserved to be raped because she was wearing a low cut top.

I dont get bullied, Im the funny guy with the deep voice, that girls find very sexy and they send me nudes and get off to the sound of my voice.

I cry on internet forums about my hurt feelings

Kids aren't ALLOWED to do anything. If you fight a bully nowadays YOU get in even more trouble than the bully.


projecting much?

Ahh, the joke is he's spineless!

>do this in every game
>literally nobody cares, usually shit talk back or laugh

i have no idea where you find these uptight losers

I slide deeper into alcoholism personally

>If you fight a bully nowadays YOU get in even more trouble than the bully.

glassing the fat fuck and earning a few social points is worth the suspension. your parents will also understand.

This isn't a nationality thing you retard euros

>Your solution is for the kid to just not do stuff other normal kids are doing online because they'll be harassed for it. And if they don't want to do that, then their harassment is now their fault?
social media also has block and ignore buttons if they're really so addicted to it that they can't just do something else

I ignore it because I'm not a bitch nigger.
Only bitch niggers need to report someone for being a meanie.

While they are using the internet up to a certain age, a parent should be there to easily check whenever.
My main complaint is parents who use technology as a babysitter, and while there are some good uses of it, it shouldnt be used when you cnpant be bothered to desl with your child so you dont actually check what they looking at online.
A parent from work was telling me about some videos on youtube that appear to be geared towards young children, but end up being quite a shocking thing for children to see because they usuallly contain vulgar messages or violence or messages of slef harm etc.
Even at 12 years old why would you let your child be on the internet un supervised all the time?

Only autistic faggots and sensitive SJWs get mad at you if you said something in chat that triggered them. I've met plenty of them. In fact, if they are jealous, bitter and angry at you because you are better than them, they will try to demean you and denote you as a "sperg" or "toxic" to get other people to resent you. It's kind of ironic, because SJWs and autistic faggots are the real spergs.
For example, a tranny went around and fabricated shit about me because according to the tranny, I had apparently called someone an "idiot". And some of the things that gook tranny SJW said about me was quite funny, like, where do they get the air to come up with that shit.

However, there are actual psychopaths who will stalk you until you fuck off and that shit is not fun to deal with. Imagine some autist lying about you and everyone believes him. You're basically fucked no matter what. You can ask them to prove their claims but they won't do it and they'll use their words as "proof". Shit's crazy.

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>"joking" about begging to suck someone's dick
>not gay
What's next? Are you going to try to convince me that traps aren't gay either?

A lot of parents don't though. You have to understand that today's parents are the type to really believe that violence never solves anything and that by attacking your aggressor physically you are actually worse.
You don't understand the autistic lengths children will go to. Kids that do cyberbullying are like the anons that spend literal weeks posting the same exact bait thread every few hours. Except instead they spend every waking moment trying to find their target online and harass them. Imagine being a child and trying to use the tools at your disposal to just be left alone but somehow, some way, these assholes keep finding you and harassing you.

Well, like most other social malaises in the past few decades, all this bullshit concern about "bullying" started in the US and spread all over.

>get called a niggerfaggot for ganking or camping or whatever cheap 1 shot exploit Im fucking around with
>keep fucking with them until they leave
>immediately feel a sense of loss because the only reason I play vidya anymore is to troll

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post body

who said anything about sucking dick and fucking traps? oh right you did.

>back when that report shit came out you could go into a bg with a 5man group and kick out anyone on your team by voting him as afk

I used to do this in Legion with a 4-man dungeon group. We'd literally do the entire dungeon then kick the random at the last boss.

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If shit like this happens to me i just laugh. It's funny

Being a trap is gay but being attracted to the femininity that traps have isnt, unless it is that very masculine part that you find is what makes the trap attractive because of how it clashes with something that for all looks, appears to be a female
And yes i like traps but i like the penis there, i dont claim im straight and trying to deny it, i know what i like and im fine admitting jt

You have such a short attention span that you don't remember:

>cowards way out. act like you want to fuck them and weird them out and they will never bug you again.
Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire YIKES Back

This. What people aren't getting is that it isn't Stacy and Chad sitting there trolling you on Facebook. It's either one or a group of autistic psychopaths that spend all of their free time trying to make you miserable. It's not as simple as "just block them". They just create multiple accounts and keep coming. They actively stalk you to figure out what you like to do online and attack you there. It's a heightened form of autism that only the internet can bring out.

Just laugh it off you oversensitive fag

>fucking them equals being a bottom



Opening tickets against people is actual bullying. Just giving you shit in a whisper is not bullying. It's not harassment. It's just a dude giving you shit. Abusing the overly authoritative ruleset where the consequences are much too severe to suit the crime to get revenge on someone for calling you faggot? That's bullying.

this is pointless, you have an all or nothing mentality. "all the time" is something you're putting in my mouth as an example. you also don't seem to understand that parents aren't allmighty, and must not be. kids need some privacy and the degree to which they need it starts growing significantly at roughly 12 years old.

>being a participant in gay sex doesn't mean you're gay
Street Fighter III: Third YIKES

>the virgin jenesis
>the chad thrall

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And that's why you're the perfect advocate of post-term abortions. You need to be lined up and shot against the wall, friendo.

To be fucking fair i wouldn't mind fucking dying if it means i can drag with me all the degenerates in my 3rd world shithole, meaning that the few that probably manage are gonna make something work

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I'm both and I was speaking more generally. If somebody, anybody from any background, were the sort to observe human behavior objectively and seek objective self-knowledge (and therefor, could do a better job at looking at themselves than some psychologist who knows them for 45 minutes twice per week for $150 per session), they wouldn't fall apart mentally because somebody called them a retard online.

I suspect that most of these people come from single mother households and are therefor suffering from a lack of a strong bond with family (she CAN'T be home all day devoting all of her attention to her four year old; she took that away from the child when she divorced the dad). That's also why they don't understand the difference between assertiveness and aggression (which starts from rough housing), and why the environment that children are raised in is increasingly ruled by "what if he gets hit by the tether ball, falls over, and breaks his arm?" to the exclusion of "let him push the boundaries and see what he can do; let him GROW". Patriarchy my ass. We live in a matriarchy.

Thank you based modern jesus

Oh SHIT a bone snake

Sure they have a right to privacy just like its a parents job to ensure their child is safe, and monitoring what they do online and offline is a part of that. Which is pnt to mean 100% of the time
If your 13 year old is giving you the shits, dont give him phone, laptop or tablet tell him to piss off out to the backyard or something similiar rather than let them loose on the internet to do whatever

call them a nigger
my sides
i do this in every possible platform to make people more annoyed with unneeded censoring systems

I went off on my tangent and forgot my main point. Point is, they're insecure because they never got that sense of security of being loved and needed from their parents. Now it's up to them to realize that being obsessed with acceptance is self-destructive.

That's part of why conservatives are laughing about this shit while lefties freak out. Conservatives generally come from a traditional family.

I choose to not be a weak whiny bitch that is hurt by words.

I usually report everyone every game because you're all fucking shit and throw my games and the devs won't let me team stack do i can win and force me to play with random fucking shitters.

If you do good, i don't be report you but a that is rare and earned.
T. Climbed 3 divisions this week

based honest post

>play vidya
>some guy calls you a bitch ass nigger cunt whore poo poo face
>quickly exhale through your nose
>slight shrug
>forget all about it 5 seconds later and continue your day


>open twitter and blogpost about this shit so it will stick in your mind for hours
>continue obsessing over it every time you reopen your account
>insult people who tell you to not take it so fucking seriously

Its really how that Jonathan Haidt guy described it. These people have been taught that reacting in the most unproductive way is the correct response.

Yeah but the Internet is a whole different beast. At the very least kids should have 0 access to social media and smartphones.
Once they're of age they can choose to use it, and hopefully by that time they're be a bit better than most of the braindead zombies that can't go around without checking their instagram every 2 hours.

>i do this in every possible platform to make people more annoyed with unneeded censoring systems
Based accelerationist

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I don't know, my parents divorced when I was young and I wouldn't exactly describe my childhood as giving me anything close to a sense of security or being needed/wanted. But I don't get upset when people call me a faggot online because it literally doesn't matter. The only worth a person has is their self-worth. The only thing a person truly owns is themselves. Self-love and self-acceptance is the only way to be truly happy. Maybe I just got lucky and learned how to cope on my own?

>i do this in every possible platform to make people more annoyed with unneeded censoring systems
I'm gonna start doing the same thing.

Fucking this
>Kid on mic
>Is young but good player and asking questions that matter
*Fat neckbeard with $10 mic*

that was always such a hilarious and cancerous snowball build

i have a a literal 1 dollar mic from ali express, i sit as close as humanely possible to it and breathe and snort into it whenever i talk so that it sounds absolutely retarded and loud and talk in a deep black guy voice. i insult absolutely as many people as i can in whatever game i am in that has voicechat this way. i judge them then by whether they laugh or get upset

>surely preventing them from learning anything will help them just magically know how to be a functioning adult once they turn that magic number!
i agree, user, we can see everyday how that approach is working great because there's no teenage pregnancies at all in the US. actually we should do that with everything. why teach kids anything? just throw them out into the real world and hope they survive somehow.

>you are now sitting manually.jpg

eyy based rat bro, i used to main ashe and twitch til i got perma'd out of dmd forever

Not even a good strawman, my friend. Try a bit harder.

invariably, the brain develops with age to a significant degree, and yes. kids are significantly different from adults in how they think. like it or not. biologically also there are reasons we don't give kids alcohol.
there is literally nothing bad about not letting kids on what is essentially a place of absolute chaos and has an infinite amount of things that are "fun" (for kids).

Checked all 3 Character names on that image
All shit players

Man, we are talking about alliance players here. They are the kind of people that turn pvp on and then complain to you about killing them.

do you even know what a strawman is?
>there is literally nothing bad about not letting kids on what is essentially a place of absolute chaos and has an infinite amount of things that are "fun" (for kids).
there is absolutely everything wrong with it. how the fuck do you think a childs brain turns into a well functioning adult brain? by learning from experience. adult brains aren't some magic thing that just suddenly pop into existence, it develops throughout a life's child and is marked by it's experiences. you're taking these experiences from a child making them a non-functioning adult yes, that's how important smartphones and the internet is today that has to learn the shit others have learned years ago and with a reduced learning capability. you don't know anything about child development.

n-no? i'm not saying smartphones are bad, i'm not saying computers are bad. i'm saying letting kids on the internet to talk with absolutely random strangers and play online games is bad. don't strawman me, tho desu u already did it w the last poster lmao

report them and move along.
the game is better if kids that go " you fucking suck you piece of nigger shit i am gonna kill your mother" get dealt with, especially in a group game.
i still think that 1vs1 games can fare very well with just an ignore button.

>trash talk some gaudy character decked out in microtransaction cosmetics
>roast him so hard everyone else joins in
>at the every end reveals that he was a girl and says that im a kissless incel and leaves the game
the patrician way to play games is to pick as many fights with strangers as possible

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>it's not
It is.
I don't understand how so many people have forgotten this.
You're not on the internet to be yourself unless you're a fakebook faggot.

>don't strawman me, tho desu u already did it w the last poster lmao
a strawman is arguing against a made up argument. i rewrote your argument to ridicule it and then posted a real life example that shows that trying to prevent kids from making experiences or teaching them, which "0 access to phones and computers" heavily implies, leads to very bad things. learn your buzzwords, user.

>do you even know what a strawman is?
Yes, it's a complete mischaracterization of my argument, which is what you did.

>by learning from experience
Sure, and that has nothing to do with what we said. Again, if you have most adults not being able to handle social media addiction, what makes you think the developing brain of a child or a teenager can?
It's analogous to saying yo should just let them try mild drugs when they are teens, after all they learn by experience and if you shelter them it will be worse.

It's not all or nothing. Learning in general doesn't require the Internet, and learning how to use the Internet responsibly in particular doesn't mean you have to just give them free reign on it and not monitor its use.

M8 if people in the past managef without internet im sure children today would be fine as well

you didn't REWRITE my argument, you wrote up a new argument which is not an exaggeration of what i said but entirely different - a strawman. anyways im done replying to you since you are just retarded

>0 access to phones and computers
Another strawman, since I never said that.

too much effort.

Honestly that's one argument for keeping yourself anonymous or at the very least a low profile on the internet. An autistic psycho can only really annoy the shit out of you if he doesn't know who you are. If he knows you are IRL, then it gets a lot more dangerous. I do think it's good when games or apps or whatever have like a feature where only friends of friends can send friend requests you or some auto-reject all friend requests or auto-block all messages unless you personally approve the person.

lmao you don't even know what you are saying. hope you'll never have kids.
see the fuck do i know which one of you specifically wrote what kind of shit, it's anonymous, you braindead retard.
>we said.
not to mention that this is what one of you dumbasses said.

If you see a small dog barking at you non-stop does it annoy you? Probably, but you can usually walk away. What if you were forced to be near this small dog for 20-30 minutes and are forced to interact with it but it tries to bite you the entire time? Suddenly you really want to strangle the dog despite how insignificant it is. It's the same thing with shitters in games. In 1v1 games this sort of toxicity isn't really a thing short of being accused of cheesing but in certain genres like MOBA's it's one of the defining things about it. Turns out being forced to play with someone who's shit and talks shit back to you is really triggering for most people and it allows shit to get under their skin as you're basically hostage since leaving would incur a penalty.

Specify where I wrote "0 access to phones and computers".
You're really fucking confused man, must be all the Internet use.

Yes, and you are going to need this to deal with the ban you are going to recieve for the toxic behavior you have exhibited towards me. :)

Imagine getting bullied by kids on a video game, lol.

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Reminds me of

nitpicking doesn't help you, user. it doesn't change anything about the bullshit you wrote.

>forced to interact with it
good thing there's this button that puts it in a soundproof box

If I'm reading you right (correct me if I'm not on the same page as you), then wrong. A person needs to earn self-respect from themselves by becoming the thing that they respect, and respect is derived from heroes, even if that hero is a mish-mash of things that you've seen from other people and their ideas. We're a social animal, and almost everything about us has its roots in observing other people. People definitely matter to people.

I've never seen a single person anywhere on this planet who went on about self-acceptance and showed a sense of being truly secure in who they are, like they're getting up in the morning and living life in a manner that lets them hold their heads high and then sleep soundly at night. Some of them mope around, openly acknowledging that they're shit, which runs contrary to their claims. Others put on a false front that gets betrayed by their drama elsewhere. Others freak the fuck out if you tell them that they're not that great, because their 400 pound asses know that they're disgusting both inside and out, and they need that deception in order to not off themselves. You don't get to just decide that you're a good person as far as you're concerned. You need to earn it from yourself, and you know both what you need to do and whether you're doing it.

Note that I'm not claiming that what makes you respect yourself necessarily aligns with what the people around you are telling you to do. Actually, depending on who's around you, they might hold you in contempt for being a shining light in their dark little cesspit that shows them for the piles of pus that they are. It definitely includes hard work and self-criticism, though.

I don't report these people because I'm offended but because I don't want such subhumans trash in my games.

>online bullying?

You mean bants?

Generally, I start talking about the deprave sex I had with their mother the night before.

Attached: Stump Grinder.png (960x794, 201K)

Keep fighting against these men of straw, user. I heard the more fire you throw against them, the better.

I wish I had an online bully that was a girl

You see it more clearly with lardbeasts claiming "fat acceptance". Surely if you like your body you don't spend the day saying you do it, and claiming other to do it as well.

I didn't know muting someone gave you a new teammate

Attached: CirnoThinking.png (112x112, 1K)

i really miss TLP

If you report a person because they successfully enraged you with words (not by cheating) you are weak and support ideopolice systems. I grew up on the early internets, marvelous thing that was.

Did he died?
