>game takes place in the doomed timeline
Game takes place in the doomed timeline
By golly, I sure regret fighting the krauts
>Implying the Nazis weren't closet degenerates themeselves
>op can't post on topic without it being political
>twitter screencap
>political shit
>tranny crying
>literally who
Not only that, but also jewish instruments
Pretty much every souls game
if youre trained like those kids on the left you wont be posting on the internet you fucking sissy bitch retard
This is literally how Rome fell.
seething tranny jews
off topic twitter screencap threads?
Cringe but redpilled
Good goy
youre only allowing it by posting here dumbfuck
normal hardworking people dont play video games, watch cartoons and stare at a screen 18 hours a day
At least we can have fun watching it all go to shit.
hes right though
if someone punched the ears of every single fuck here and gave them cauliflower ears Yea Forums wont even exist.
Nips telling the hard truth
soo this is amercia hmmmmmmmm
Who was the 1 based white nationalist who put his own country before Israel? And how do americans not go apeshit at the 424 who choose Israel over America?
Nothing changed though, Germany are still trying to unite all of Europe under their control and dominate the world.
They just decided to do it a new way, by creating and having full control of the "eu"
rugby players still post on Yea Forums
because america is their puppet
and if u try to deny isralei ur an "antisemite"
49% of americans are non white.
Me at the back
Both of these are trash
t. 800 IQ radical centrist
>good guys
Yeah but even based blacks and mexicans should approve of their own country more than a literal occupied desert.
Yes, because this would have happened regardless
LOL for all the romanticizing and psuedo-macho posturing the ones on the left still lost. Proves all that the whole thing to be bullshit. If they were so "alpha", they would've won. Doesn't excuse the right pic. But it's typical emotional memery.
>implying the eternal anglo had any other choice
It was rather evident Nazi Germany couldn't be trusted and surrendering would have been just as cucked.
rome fell becuase they are faggot omegas
and pastaniggers
I’ve heard dressing boys as girls is actually a thing they do in European elementary schools now. Is it true?
Rome fell because germanniggers will always be niggers.
they literally lost because of the russian winter
>good guys
I'd say it doesn't really matter. If anything, the way it's now is much more preferable.
The Nazis would have used force to get rid of the mentally ill. However, whenever a country forces such stuff it's inherent that a rebellion will happen. The way it's today nobody has to force the mentally ill to shut down. The degenerates remove themselves and their children from the gene pool on their own.
Haven't most jews been moving out of the EU due to them EU inviting masses of muslims?
>was a transwoman
things that never happened
fuck of tranny
Because they're cucks.
we should have slaughtered every single anglo at dunkirk
Britfag here, it's true. Girls are given first dibs at lunch time too. The boys who identify as boys aren't allowed lunch until everybody else has finished theirs. They also aren't allowed out on the playground. Some boys have started wearing dresses just so they can play like normal.
in sweden
Our grandfathers were weirdos too. Thankfully, social media didn't exist back then so most of it disappeared quietly
>not dressing up as a girl then fighting other boys
OP's pic turns me on.
ahahahahahahahaha you are all failures i......t will go down I promise memeing into real life never happens grow up Yea Forums
>The way it's today nobody has to force the mentally ill to shut down.
instead they are celebrated and funded.
havent you seen the new trans kids trend, prepare for pedo-acceptance in 10 years. i just hope everything burns down like weimar
except it was russia and its weather who defeated them the eternal anglo didnt do fukkin shit especially murikek
user, don't tease the yanks. They're so thick they actually believe this bollocks.
based and "ahahahahahahahaha you are all failures i......t will go down I promise memeing into real life never happens grow up Yea Forums" pilled
I can see the exact moment your ADHD kicked in.
go back to
Crossdressing has always been fun. It is low-brow humor, but that's the truth. Go to any anime convention and you'll see guys (who aren't trannies) dressed as girls.
I'm sure the Nazis were doing it too unless there was doctrine specifically against it, which there probably wasn't.
I'd say it's less competition for your kids. But you're all pathetic virgins ahah.
remember remember, the 5th of no-
On a positive note, almost none of those people will have children down the road. A genetic dead end.
>I love my child
Wow! Powerful.
Same for white men at this point thankfully.
Your grandfathers? You guys are still considered weirdos by any non autistic country weirdos.
>tfw parents don’t support you being a fag
Yea Forums - Video Games
I can't wait for Bioshock style gene splicing to happen. I don't even have gender dysphoria but I would be happy to change gender into female. In fact, when it happens [ability to actually change your chromosomes and grow a working female reproductive system] I envision a world where men are so rare you won't see a single man in a crowd of a hundred thousand people.
Didn't they fight so we could have the freedom to do whatever we want?
crossdressing has always been a taunt.
people in the wild west would sometimes wear lipstick during their duel so the losing side would forever be known as the guy who got killed by someone wearing makeup.
he is vory hairy liek animal
i dont have adhd, it just all so tiresome you know.
im turning myself into a vampire fox (the animal)
but what if they lost and died like a faggot?
>black people in the 50s
/pol/ is uneducated Gen Z retards
Exactly. /pol/-fags are the most cucked people in history they even get cucked by their own people.
>not covering ur lips in blood
The european union is very jewish, and very pro immigration, anti white
its a handicap so its understandable
>prepare for pedo-acceptance in 10 years
If you don't think that's cause to celebrate you need to leave, election tourist
Please kindly fuck off back to your containment board
>t.faggot cd
These are all probably coordinated attacks from 8/pol/
4/pol/ is infinitely more stupid.
>trannies in the thread
>bb-bbut le nazis were *wait let me put that dick out of my mouth* le nazis were degenerate too xDDD
fucking kill yourself you subhuman
>not taking risks
What are you, some kind of faggot?
Fuck jews
What's so good about kids punching each other? And what does it have to do with videogames?
>What's so good about kids punching each other?
Well, both of them are being encouraged to punch a Nazi
>tfw born 20 years too late to bully trannies in school
tfw your great grandfather probably went and murdered nazzis but you're here on a taiwanese cartoon postin board defending them because youre easily influenced by internet shit
doot doot doot
I troubling development but not Vidya