Bruh... look at this dude

bruh... look at this dude...

Attached: Pokemon-Sword-Shield-vs-Lets-Go.jpg (680x400, 39K)

nice to see they've made the graphics better instead of straight porting all the grafix over from LGPE

oh no no no no...

Attached: pokemon-sword-and-shield-gameplay.jpg (1366x768, 100K)

Same model, retards.

Gen 8 looks more like a 3DS game whereas LGPE looks like an actual effort at having console graphics
They both look bad for the Switch anyway

Yeah? You wanna go on?

Attached: LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD.jpg (1308x1866, 140K)

You should get your eyes checked

It's just sun/moon HD and anyone who expected anything more from nu-Gamefreak is a moron

>tell people for two generations now that GameFreak future-proofed their models and we'll probably keep seeing them for a while, since they were way too complex for 3DS only
>some idiot on Yea Forums still tried to shitpost years later
Fucking hell, get a brain user.

>Using screenshots of a livestream

>YouTube video of alpha version vs screenshot of actual game
Are you retarded OP?

>LGPE looks like an actual effort at having console graphics

Attached: what is what.gif (531x354, 3.6M)


It's been abundantly clear that they intend to re-use these models for as long as they can since X and Y. The #1 excuse for the 3DS games running like such ass was because the models were clearly made to last even on stronger hardware, although maybe Gamefreak were hoping they wouldn't be forced to jump ship to an HD console once the 3DS dies.

Attached: 1551290616368.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Gamefreak made hi res models so they can use them in future games without making them again and again

You don't know what an alpha version is.

Left looks better desu

Nice water...

wait are people actually upset they reused models?

Do you actually want another fucking X and Y you morons?

Anyone else find the lighting and shadows in gen 8 a bit odd? Like there’s something really offputtibg about it

What the fuck? They are making another Pokemon for 3ds? And people said that 3ds is dead

I'm happy Gen 8 is keeping the too shading. I think it's a nice throwback to the original sprite's style of shading.

They made it more anime-like, instead of semi-realistic baked in shadows.

wow, user, you're so funny

Isn't the reuse of models what people expected anyways? I remember threads where people pointed out that every Pokemon model in Sun/Moon was made with HD console capability along with walking animations for every single mon.

The problem with GRAFICS is that all it's used for is rendering boring-ass reality. At least Pikachu is cute.

Attached: 1522850057528.jpg (1920x1080, 1001K)

It was practically confirmed with the release of the trailer that this generation was rushed out the door because Nintendo needed new games for the Switch, so it was cancelled for the 3DS and all the textures and models were upscaled.

Why is she crawling in bushes

look so fucking annoying


Attached: Magearna tris.png (524x467, 68K)

Looks like the sneaking mechanic from ORAS.

As a pokemon fan, i've accepted GameFreaks laziness. No I am not justifying it, I think they are fucking assholes for never putting any REAL effort into graphics. I'm just saying I dont get annoyed by it anymore

Why do they keep making Pokemon games for the 3ds?

It has nothing to do with laziness and everything to do with the schedule they have to keep in order to release these games. They simply do not have the required time to drastically overhaul and improve game to game.

Artistry > Grafics

Attached: WVW69in3EOQIB12Gr0.jpg (400x240, 73K)

I'm not sure what kind of Bizarro world you're from, but Pikachu never had a black stripe on its tail.

>all it's used for is rendering boring-ass reality
Gotta love this boring-ass reality.

Attached: 1543661697403.jpg (1920x1080, 983K)


Attached: 1537415224426.png (607x607, 241K)

Compare it to any Nintendo game and you'll see how soulless DQ11 really is. Even the music is bland

How is that even relevant to graphics? If you've actually played DQ11, you'd know it had some soul. The music does suck ass though.
Any Pokemon game released in the past 5 years is the definition of soulless. Yearly churned out garbage, even more soulless than Assassin's Creed these days.

user, I'd love to talk with you, but first stop using meme words. There is no such thing as soul or souless. Gen 7 looked great, they really tried to push the 3DS to the absolute limit, especially with the Ultra releases.

So? They made futureproof models for gen 6 so they don't have to redo everything when going next gen.

They've been using the same models since X and Y, hell, probably since Pokedex 3D.
And they were extremel high quality model, why do you think the framerate was so shit during battles?
They probably did this with future games in mind, so they wouldn't have to remodel and reanimate an ever increasing amount of Pokemon.

Fuck off with your faseflag, I love most of what Nintendo puts out, but you're clearly shitposting if you're writing shit like this.

As long as they replace the textures, it should look ok imo
the models weren't that bad

go looks alot bettr

but the lighting is completely different you blind fuck

Attached: Zombie-Land-Saga-20181013-Figure08.jpg (957x535, 54K)

>Soul is about graphics.

Attached: 1516598431875.gif (350x272, 1.41M)

Maybe Dexnav is coming back.
But most likely not. In a rare case, it will most likely be worse than it was in ORAS seeing how the Festival Plaza and Battle Agency turned out.

>Defending gamefreak
Fuck off.

They have a 300+ team. Stop giving Game Freak excuses. They're not that tiny indie company from 25 years ago. They can literally just ask Nintendo for more time if they wanted to if time really was an issue as they own a 1/3rd of the franchise.
It is 100% laziness because why would you put in effort when the games will sell 15 million anyway? Game Freak realized this after Gen 5.

Soul isn't a memeword. It's a real thing.

nice to see that they have an actual lighting system for gen 8. just changing that alone makes things look a lot better than LGPE.


The success of let's go is proof enough that no efforts are necessary.
pokefanboys just gobble it all up, no matter of shit it is.

>Game Freak can ask Nintendo to delay the huge holiday system seller title and likely Nintendo's blockbuster game for the year
the only way that would ever happen is if development had gone way off the rails and the game was in an unplayable state

They really can't ask for more time, Pokemon is too big now, it isn't even up to Nintendo. Every facet of this brand relies on the games coming out on schedule. TCG, merchandise, spinoffs, the anime. All of it depends on the main series, and there's too much money involved to just delay the linchpin of all of that.

They can, however, ask for more (or better) people. And they should. Because their current employees (or maybe even just their directors and producers) are no good.

I'd wager it has much more to do with Nintendo than it has to do with GF

Smash Pikachu looks the best

Some models are actually lifted all the way from PBR.

so much this

Pokemon would be of a much higher quality if you raging autists wouldn't scream for another new game + remake + spin-off + remake-spin off every year

Pokken Pikachu looks better than Smash Pikachu.

>They really can't ask for more time
Well they shouldn't, considering each generation gets a 3 to 4 year development cycle, which Game Freak has confirmed multiple times in interviews. The moment a new gen comes out, they're already 6 months to 1 year in development of the next generation.

The game looks ok. I'll need to see gameplay features like how long, how many pokemons or maybe even DLC.

Maybe. Its just pathetic that Pokemon look their worst in Pokemon games.


They made those models with really high quality and poly with newer games in mind. They're gonna be using those until 4k becomes standard for consoles. Nothing wrong with that. Guess why the framerates in the 3DS games were so shit. Also the lighting is waaaaay better in SS you blind fuck

Ever since Melee Smash had the best character models for everyone.

When LGPE came out, you guys were saying "T-The real gen 8 won't look this bad!". Now you're just... pretending gen 8 looks good?

Graphics aren't everything, but this is the worst-looking Switch game I've ever seen.

Attached: rouge_sigh.png (350x274, 141K)

Clearly going for a look similar to the anime. I think it looks good. We’re never going to get Pokken tournament aesthetics.

nintendo just publishes it they dont actually work on it

>go to google
>type in Pikachu
>there are literally no images of Pikachu with a black stripe

Attached: 1441086865156.jpg (1211x1200, 464K)

Nintendo have little to do with actual games aside publishing.

Pokemon is almost entirely handled by pokemon company. Nintendo owns them but it's a entirely different branch.

The water looks great and isnt just LOL BLUE anymore

Also Gen 8 is better animated, Lets go used polygonal

>Compare it to any Nintendo game and you'll see how soulless DQ11 really is.
As a life long Nintendo fan, I WISH they'd bring Toriyama in once in a while and make some games on the level of quality that Dragon Quest always has.

Even if Square has been slowly ruining the company ever since Enix saved them from themselves, they still manage to still bring out that Enix quality with every new DQ even if Square has been rotting them from the inside out for like two decades

I'm more concerned with how shoddy the ground and backgrounds look in battles than the creature models. Those textures are out of date by a good decade or more.

Imagine paying 60 dollars for this and pretending you like it. Switch owners are so pathetic!

>this is the worst-looking Switch game I've ever seen.
imagine being this stupid lol

Attached: ConcernedApe_Switch.png (735x488, 715K)

>Graphics aren't everything, but this is the worst-looking Switch game I've ever seen.

Attached: Screenshot_20190301_154045.png (829x703, 424K)

Its just kids being fucking stupid because Pikachu has black tipped ears and his tail gets brown at the base and we got our shit mixed up while drawing him.
I used to draw him with a black tipped tail too, but I can admit I was just being a stupid kid.

This is one of the dumbest ones because its so easily explainable, its not a dimensional merge its a stupid 7 year old not remembering what pikachu looks like properly and putting the dark part of the tail at the top instead of the bottom.

You know why this shit doesn't happen anymore? Because we all have phones in our pockets and can fact check anything instantly, back when your 7 year old ass was drawing pikachu in class you couldn't look up a picture and just did it by memory. Turns out your memory is shit cause you had dumb brain, a common condition for children.

Attached: 6sDlF2P.png (250x233, 92K)

>blocking the access north with mayonnaise machines

I know you can go around and through the grass but damn

How different were you expecting it to look, exactly?