Where my fellow Boomers at?
The new Toejam & Earl game is out today, anyone going to give it a shot?
Where my fellow Boomers at?
The new Toejam & Earl game is out today, anyone going to give it a shot?
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Just tried making this same thread and got a duplicate file error. I'm glad someone else is interested in this. I waited my whole life for this, but I"m at work until afternoon. So... is it the sequel we always dreamed?
Never kept up with the development. Is it as unpredictale as the original?
I wanted too, and I was gonna go in completely blind. But then I watched a gameplay video, and I dont really like how floaty their movements are. Also they talk a little too much imo.
Havent played it yet, will be buying it when i get home from work
i just loved the originals too much to ignore this and its made by the original creators
Really excited for this. Anybody played it yet?
we're all on twitter, resetera or /vr/. we're too old for here.
looks cool except for artstyle/animations but i havent played yet
Destructoid gave it a 9.5/10
I’m not saying scores every everything, even if they overrated it, there’s still some fun factor to it
Makes me happy to hear. Nobody can really accuse a small company like that of buying reviews, so I'm glad they earned a good score. (Not that review scores mean much, but the first wave of Steam reviews are all positive too, for what it's worth.)
The trailer is funkilicious.
Funnily enough, I was playing the first game the other day. I think it's a fun game and quite tense sometimes, but man, the walkspeed is sloooooowwwww. (But the secrets are cool)
I hope it's solid.
Buyin this today
First headline I see is “back in the groove might be too retro for its own good”
Doesn’t bother me because that may as well be sonic mania
I don't like the artstyle, looks too clean in comparison with sprites of the good ol'days, but the game looks fun so I'm trying it.
SEGA has nothing to do with it, right?
I hope they optimize the Switch version, I get the thing isn't powerful compared to other consoles but
a game with mostly 2D sprites and a bunch of simple 3D terrain shouldn't drop from 60fps to 20fps because the camera zooms out.
Off topic, you have to be born between 1946-1964 to be a boomer.
Is it 60FPS on consoles? Trying to decide between PS4 Pro and PC.
Shit no, those games were retarded garbage back in the day and I'm sure this one will blow.
Adult swim published it but they have some quality shit as of late.
It looks like Regular show.
Why is that?
Fixed mode is a tad easy, random is way better
Lives up to the original
I would but they made toejam a faggot.
old school versions are in the game from the start stop being a faggot yourself
Actually, they lost the Adult Swim publishing deal Midway through development. I kinda want to know what happened in this he's development because it just seems like 4 years of Trainwreck but we ended up with a good game at the end of it.
Would be a good starting point for someone who hasn't played a TJ & E game before?
>We got an actual Toejam & Earl sequel 17 years later
>It's good
Any downsides to the Switch version? Would rather get that one.
I'll wait for some reviews to be honest. So far I'm seeing it's "good" overall. I still greatly dislike the animation though.
Fuck off animation hater, go watch your shitty animes.
I'm sorry you have terrible taste. I just don't like the puppet-styled rigging that makes their movements seem awkward. I would've liked to see less tweens.
Is it on Switch? My computer is a toaster so even if it's not intensive I'd rather get it on something I know it'll run fine on.
This game probably won't ever be modded, so no. Get whichever you want.
The og developers decided not to deal with SEGA'S bullshit and just make the game they've wanted since 1.