Game consumers

Are ‘GAMERS’ the dumbest consumers on the planet? Just look at how many people will go out of their way to get next gen systems even though games aren’t even out yet.. how many people STILL bought games like fallout 76 and even the collectors edition.. everyone buying shit like ANTHEM.
Seriously is there ANY incentive for the video game industry to change when you can constantly cut corners and get away with it because of retards who will give you their money anyway? I honestly don’t think so.. and it won’t change.

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Gamers are idiots based on pre-purchases alone

>pay full price for false advertised, incomplete product
>still defend the producer
It's hard to beat that

it's hit or miss with those games

early adopters probably have more disposable income, and so it would be unsurprising if they were moderately above average in intelligence

This has nothing to do with gamers, this is just consumers in general, like people who buy the latest iphone every year, or people who buy lottery tickets, or people who go see the latest Marvel movie in theaters without reading reviews first.

Capitalism encourages thoughtless spending and consumers eat it up every time, who would have guessed?

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Define intelligence

Games are up there, but phones are definitively #1

i think they make phones less durable so that they can break easier causing you to spend 1000+ dollars for a new phone. is that correct?

I guess they miss every single fucking time holy shit

I mean, probably. Glass backs are retarded but allow for wireless charging (I think) but performance gains per year started to slow down so all the manufacturers just stopped allowing for easy battery replacements so people have to upgrade their phones more often. Shit like that. People who follow and hype up all these stupid features on phones every year are retarded

Defenetly, I used to buy one phone that lasted years and still work today but for about 5y now I basically need to change it every 2 years, everything just brakes about them, battery mostly

I think general movie goers are worse

True. That's why I don't buy any modern AAA.

As a whole I'd say "gamers" are the dumbest. But there are some that are even worse moneywise like retards buying overpriced tvs for the world cup of divegrass/handegg/etc.

I will buy cyberpunk and that's propably it for AAA

Consumerism is the problem

probably true, but if you're paying that much for a phone, that's part of the problem. you can get a perfectly capable smartphone for $200-$300

Good point

>I will buy cyberpunk
spotted the retard

S u n

Idiots don't deserve to be paid as much as they are, yet idiots are also the ones most willing to give up their paychecks on ridiculous frivolities so it makes sense from an economic standpoint to pay them the most.

Of course they are, they will buy ANYTHING, just look at the quality of AAA games.

You fat fucking faggots complain all the time but still buy them

Its hilarious when I watch Yongyea or whoever and they shit all over a game but then still purchase the most expensive edition for "review purposes"

iphone as a basic product are functional though

no other industry does shit like the game industry

Most of those game review guys get those games for free if they’re worth shit at all

It's because games are entertainment and the only justification after criticizing it and it's practices is just "hurr don't buy it."

Obviously it's #NotAllGamers but I have trouble thinking of a dumber culture than gamer culture. And corporations exploit them to the max. From the pointless gamer gear and even gamer food to the games themselves being little more than a store front or casino full of manipulation to get people spending more. As if that wasn't bad enough you get to look at Twitch. Twitch thots aren't even the worst thing. Even the regular streamers are disgusting. The streams themselves are filled with annoying noises and looping gifs. The chat consists of constant emoticon spam and people pay to HAVE THEIR MESSAGE READ by Microsoft Sam and donate to millionaires.

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I don't understand what you mean. What does the game industry do that other industries don't?

I know no other industry where you can literally show a completely different product and get away with selling over a million copies of something else

>Capitalism encourages thoughtless spending
Not really, a vast majority of people are not going to prioritize a game over basic needs and security.

In a capitalistic system the goal is self-actualization; the maximalization of yourself. The purchase of everything belongs to a ladder of hierarchy to further yourself. What you call thoughtless spending is more connected to the innate wish of satisfying a need, which actually is almost always conciously motivated unless you are an animal, which you seem to imply humans under capitalism are.
The higher the hierarchy, the more sophisticated need. There is a huge difference between deciding what your next meal is (more subconciously decided) and whether or not you enjoy a game.

Anthem for example; people bought if for two reasons. The first reasom was to see if it was going to be something worthwhile leisurely spending time on. The second was to see if it would be the resurrection of BioWare. The consequence of both failing regardlessly leads to satisfying the need of knowledge, making you feel superior when knowing something you are playing simply sucks. On Maslow's pyramid, this actually goes into the second highest tier, self-esteem meaning the purchase of high-consume products like bad games elevates esteem.
The same does go for phones and other technological high-consume goods although games are probably the easiest product to fail due to their long expected run time of 5+ hours and the high consumer standards of today.

You are right except people do not thoughtlessly spend as much as you imply

I worded that weird but you get what I mean

You forgot this gem.

It's a toss up between gamers and current day hard rock fans for sure

>Are ‘GAMERS’ the dumbest consumers on the planet?

Gamers are the most anti-consumer cunts you could ask for. Never understood the blind faith some people have in companies like Sony or Nintendo either.

Interesting take I guess. Doesn’t make the situation any better that’s for sure.

Hard rock fans still exist?

Whose that rad lad in the video shitting on those Jews? I see him a lot but I forget the channel

>Are ‘GAMERS’ the dumbest consumers on the planet?

Not even PC is free of this shit. The amount that people fanboy over hardware is insane.

I guess they never miss huh

post h(is)er tummy

shit or piss
I guess they're always shit huh

He said it

In this hellhole a lot of those are just shitposters.

Not him, but they have literally unlimited supply.
They are basically printing money and even then they use scummy practices like mtx or w/e.

Yes. YouTube comment sections are all the evidence you need.

I'm a gamer and I've only paid money for 1 of the last dozen games I've played. I don't feel dumb or duped at all. Yo ho yo ho motherfucker

In a "capitalistic" system, the goal is not self-actualization, the goal is dopamine rushes after buying shit you've been tricked into thinking will self-actualize. Nobody actually needs a $100 pair of shoes when a $20 pair will protect your feet just as well, but advertising companies know how to manipulate the human psychology into believing that you will be happier (or as you put it, become self-actualized) if they buy the $100 pair. When I say "thoughtlessly, I mean without much consideration for long-term gain and consequence. Getting a dopamine high from buying expensive shoes doesn't satisfy a need, doesn't self-actualize, and I don't see what's "consciously motivated" about being controlled by your brain's monkey-tier reward system.

Now apply this shoe analogy to video games. Buying the standard edition for $60 will give you just as much long-term enjoyment of the game as pre-ordering the $120 gold edition, but gaming companies manipulate your unconscious reward system into believing that the gold edition will make you a happier person. The truth is that when you look back years later on the great time you had playing that game, you won't care whether you had the gold edition or not.

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I literally regret every peso I spent on video games and I still fuckin play every day

I still don't understand. Limited supply of what? How are they printing money? And video game companies are by no means the only companies that use scummy practices. Sticking with the iphone example, Apple uses off-shore workers in hellish conditions to make their products for pennies a day. Not to mention the many many companies who completely avoid paying taxes through legal loopholes. I could go on and on. The gaming industry is no different than every other industry out there, they're all scum with the same old tricks.

Hype culture's put this industry in the spot that it's in now, publishers have that shit down to a science. So yeah, on average I'd say gamers are pretty fucking dumb. I certainly don't identify as one anymore.

ironically the only thing that can save gamers is the EU, which most gamers hate because it globalist jewish crap

>More money than common sense

I mean, they're still doing something right but...


Top guy, thanks. Don't care about the fatass


Ths is a test

>Doesnt preorder a game
>Woah I cant find this game

It took awhile but I made $2000 on 6 Rule of Rose preorders (one copy for myself ofc).

They are addicted to novelty now and there's no way to reverse it. Gamers used to say "___ console looks cool, but I'm waiting for the games." Over time, the groundswell of marketing and fanboy wars fed into each other and now people buy shit off brand loyalty alone. It will eventually fuck up the market. Gaming got too big for its own good, but it was inevitable.

Twitch is entertainment industry, Mr Analogy Andy. What's next? You gonna complain about pop artists earning millions for lip syncing on stage for 2 hours and why a subway vendor like you deserves more? Piss off.

because the internet outrage is literally vocal minority, for one person who says he wont buy a game there are 9 other people who will buy

Every 2 years?

I was using the S3 until I got an S9 this year.

>when american movies exist
>when gmo food exist
>when homeopathy exists
>naahh it's the market with the only customer base that actually complain that is le dumb

>In a capitalistic system the goal is self-actualization
There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but that leaves people open to the exploitation of their psyche by said wishes of satisfying a need. If a hierarchy of products is created where those owning the most expensive ones are portrayed as the most successful ones, people will forego their necessities in favor of owning those things. And that is exactly what the consumer culture had done. Your primary goal is to buy and consume and buy more and better things than someone else, turning it into a twisted competition. That's why you can see poor faggots that live with their parents and work a dead end job with the latest iphones that cost $999+

this picture is why women should wear make up starting the age of 10

It can be worse. You could be an Iphone user.

The thing is with the amount of information/demos/reviews/(piracy).. do you REALLY need to actually play a game to get that ‘knowledge’? I understand the whole buying shit because you have disposable income shit honestly and it doesn’t matter but still. There are smarter ways

Don't you have some donations to read?

You're correctly identified the problem, but it's not inherent to capitalistic systems. A consumer culture can be created in any economic system, really. What needs to be done is educating people about their own biology and how they can become addicted and influenced by these things and how to notice attempts at doing it If you don't know your enemy exists and can't see it, how can you fight it?

If by "GAMERS" you mean entitled fans or just people buying garbage because of the FOTM bandwagon, then you're right



There's no such thing as an "entitled fan" if they're paying for the product. You're part of the problem.

"The customer is always right", ever heard that adage?

disdain for leisure is retarded though

Why do people keep posting this picture on Yea Forums? Is it some meme I missed?

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What’s that supposed to mean eh

Nothing wrong with smartphones you dumb assholes. As long as you don’t go out of your way buying the newest shit every time

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... go on

Pretty dumb yes but not the dumbest. More like the whiniest and most entitled.

People who buy apple products (at least the ones that will buy the new thing every year) are actually retarded.


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Every group of consumers is retarded simply because most human beings are retarded, but if anything, GG is proof gamers are the smartest consumers overall, no other group of enthusiasts have fought back and caused as much controversy as us.

its called "Planned Obsolescence", is a legit business tactic
also look up the rules about tortious interference

You can’t be serious . Nothing’s changed and in fact shit is probably even worse now

Just because you pissed a couple of glorified bloggers doesn't means that people still buy all the shit publishers push.

I know but that's not the point, it's the fact we tried, more than anyone else.

>pissed off a
>people still don't buy