What is it about this company's success with playstation that triggers Yea Forums so hard?

what is it about this company's success with playstation that triggers Yea Forums so hard?

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Because that success may not have been a result of all the variety titles the PS1 & PS2 had, but these titles were actually there, as opposed to the PS4, and to a lesser extent, the PS3.

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Because the only time you sony loyalists make a thread, it's to force a narrative about Sony being the best and everyone else being stupid and jealous.
Case and point, this thread.

It's because PlayStation is more popular, successful, and culturally relevant than Nintendo. That's literally it, they can't stand the fact that Sony beat Nintendo as the definitive games company.

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oh no no no no

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see what i mean? just the mere sight of the sony logo gets you all riled up.

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>has to combine nintendo consoles with handhelds because otherwise playstation BTFOs nintendo consoles damn near every time

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because we're a bunch of contrarians who will be upset no matter who succeeds.

dont worry so much about other peoples opinions.

>I'm gonna shitpost about console hardware sales!
>But only the ones that make my favorite brand look good!

This is Yea ForumstendoGaf. Also Sony being a new player who came out of nowhere and took the top spot since the PS1 have caused irreparable damage to Nintendo. Nintendo fans can't forgive this fact.

Because PS4 games fucking suck and they want to push walking sims even more

>top spot

Damage control.

>a thread died for this
Why do you have to be such a faggot, OP? Holy shit!

meanwhile nintendo is making fisher price games with cardboard

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>muh success
>reduces PS+ free games from 6 to 2
>pic related

dont worry though snoyboys based snoy gave you an extra 90 GBs of cloudstorage in exchange for all those games so you can save more movies

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>It's because PlayStation is more popular, successful, and culturally relevant than Nintendo.


Hey Sonyfag, whats the spoiler image on this board? Oh yeah, its from a Nintendo game.

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Two reasons for me.
>They didn't win, Xbox just lost
>The most acclaimed games they've made are inferior to the prior entries in the series.

Forced viral marketing for PlayStation, you mean. Beginning of style over substance gaming with PS1, the uncanny ability to make PS2 an insane success with a ton of medicore games, and the following insanity of a legion of dumb followers that continued buying Sony's BS onward.

Nintendo was the same way starting with N64, and Microsoft's XBox was a cancer to gaming from its very beginning. Consoles should have died long, long ago, before they started infecting PC gaming with their bullshit. And now gaming is dead to anyone who knows what gaming is fucking supposed to be.

Pretty simple. The age of the majority of posters on Yea Forums has gone down so much that most of them Started gaming primarily on the xbox and xbox 360. They believe that Sony stole their place by becoming the biggest selling console and are extremely bitter about it. Alternatively it's 40 year old hardcore Nintendo fans that shit on anything not Nintendo. Console warring is for chumps though.

I find it odd how shitposters are the only ones who ever bring up labo these days.
You faggots think of if even more then the kids who bought it and enjoyed it.
Even funnier how you always forget to mention how Sony copied that idea and ran with for their own toy line in japan.


In Japan

You can do any stupid shit you want in Japan and be fine, it's Japan.

Nintendo stopped and sold shit tier games with overpriced cardboard worldwide, shit is legit hilarious.

Won't deny that, but that doesn't excuse them

>actually trying to defend labo in any way

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Nobody's defending labo you braindead loser. Go back and read the post again.

To come on Yea Forums, you have to be a libertarian.
Because that's the most free space on the web, and thus we are absolutely against any form of censorship.


Reread your false equivalences?
Fuck off. Labo was ridiculously shit on basically every level.

Mario and Zelda are more CULTURALLY relevant than anything Sony will ever produce

They were culturally relevant two decades ago. They are relics now. Still recognisable sure but ancient fucking relics.

>muh false equivalences
Nigger im calling you faggots obsessed retards
Nobody remembers labo and even the people who bought it have moved on. And it comes off as desperate and pathetic every time one of you faggots post
>H-hey guy I know the Switch and PS4 are both doing well but remember that time Nintendo made a origami knockoff for babies? T-that sure was funny right bros?

No matter how much the PS4 sells, it doesn't mean better games for anyone, Sony will release their 2 movie games each year and call it a day. They now want to do even less games.
Meanwhile Nintendo's success means more games and more funding for studios like Platinum to make even more amazing games.

Zelda BotW sold more than any Sony game.

>still defending nintendo labo

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Because they are extremely anti consumer. What is it about fanboys that get triggered so hard by this fact?

Why are Sony fags so obsessed with Labo? If if weren't for you I would have forgot it existed months ago.

It was funny.
And shitty.
And deserves to be made fun of always.
You're a fucking spaz.

>I have no idea what defending means
Whatever buddy. Keep shilling Nintendo's cardboard for fucking free I guess.
And remember kids there's no such thing as bad publicity!

Yea Forums is full of people who love pretending to be outraged and baiting people into actually being outraged.
My gripe is that Sony is pushing movie games to be something that supposedly defines video games as a genre, slow walk cinematic immersive bullshit that retards praise because they dont have to do anything but watch the pretty graphics while fellating themselves for indulging in such a deep narrative.

Video game board finds massive failure hilarious.

>being this upset because someone made fun of nintendo labo

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Have you played literally any ps4 exclusives at all.

Spouting movie game movie game is the Nintendo fanatic chat at this point.

>i don't like sony game

These fucking sony niggers, i bet they enjoy the taste of big black smelly wet dick shoved 12 ft down their esophagus. working out is a million times better than playing "vidya" but you virgin losers wouldn't know that, brb fucking your mom.

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Not that guy but I played Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us and he's completely right about those. God of War gets a pass because the gameplay is good and fun, but it's also filled with walking and talking shit.

>My gripe is that Sony is pushing movie games to be something that supposedly defines video games as a genre
they're pushing those games because those are the type of games their customers want. Spider-Man, God of War, Horizon, and Uncharted 4 all sold over 10 million each

My mom is a drugged up pathological liar. Have a field day champ.

>resorting to CAPS LOCK sputtering because you have no real arguments

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>Implying you had any arguments to begin with
And no, you posting gifs of people having a sensible chuckle anytime they said something you don't like are not arguments.

Couldnt care less about them until they pulled the whole censorship bullshit. Now its starting to affect games on other platform because of it.

I'm so sorry your visual novels and ero games are getting censored