what are gacha games? And why are they so popular?
What are gacha games? And why are they so popular?
usually pretty mindless fun where you build a team to take on events but the only way you can build a team is by summoning which costs premium currency which you get a limited amount for free or purchase them to summon
>what are gacha games?
p2w gambling games where you bet money to get a picture with stats
>And why are they so popular?
said pics are waifus
play games of chance for money; bet
that's the official definition of gambling
it's fine to not like gacha games but try not to lie in your post
> And why are they so popular?
You've never felt the dopamine rush after getting something you really wanted out of a lottery machine? Gacha games exploit that concept and turn it into addictive "games".
2. take risky action in the hope of a desired result.
wow it's like dictionaries have a secondary definition or something
what risky action are you taking in a gacha game?
I see, so I should avoid them thank you.
yeah if that's not your type of thing no point in playing them
Losing money, just like every other gambling game. "Risk" does not necessarily entails "life-threatening".
the games are free to play and you don't need to put any money in the game so how is it gambling
But not free-to-win. Any game that sells power does not presents a level field for its players therefore winning relies on spending and taking the risk of "drawing" crap.
no it's also free to win
family has gambling addiction problems, it'd probably ruin me
No it's not. By design Gacha games relies on serial escalation, where taking the time to "win" the non-paying way just gives the developers time to crete new, stronger content for those that pay.
Plus, time is money. Even if you rely on grinding the non-paying way, you're still losing something and ultimately at the mercy of the "draw".
why do you ask questions to which you already know the answer
show me a single gacha game where you have to give the developer money to get a specific item that is used to beat the game that f2p players can't obtain
why do you think i knew/know the answer to this?
There is none because game devs aren't retards, and you clearly don't understand the difference between "pay to win" and "locked behind IAP".
Pay 2 win is exactly how it sounds
you pay someone to win if you can win without having to pay then it isn't pay 2 win you brainlet
Because if you know what they're called, you probably know everything else there is to know about them.
you're wrong I only knew what they were called and knew nothing else honestly.
okay i hope you are much more informed now
>you pay someone to win if you can win without having to pay then it isn't pay 2 win you brainlet
That's not what it means at all you retard. You can parade your own make-up definitons all you want, but p2w will forever be a term used by the community to define games that give an unfair advantage once you purchase content.
"Hurrdurr but it's literally what it means...", yeah no one cares. That's how language and popular expressions works, don't like it go back to your cave Grogg.
I feel like I am, thank you for sharing your insight and concern.
>your own make-up definitions
the word itself it made up by a bunch of fags on Yea Forums it's not even a real word so any definition i choose fits just perfectly
True, except you're one retard, and no one cares about your opinion. If you don't like what the popular definition of the majority is, as I said, go back to your cave.
it's ok that i'm right