Uh... Yea Forumsalvebros... how did this happen?
Ape Legend Still Losing to Fortnite
new season retard
The true king never left BR niggers
All of the Apex characters are ugly. Can't get excited to play them.
>I-i-it's just a new update
>A-a-apex's update isn't even out
Here's where Valve fanboys are
>A-a-apex's update wasn't even good
>T-t-the next season will kill Fortnite
This is where they'll be
it's nearly like streamers only cared because of the money.
EA can't afford it?
>All of the Apex characters are non-white. Can't get excited to play them.
Almost as if people stopped giving a fuck about apex as soon as the paid sponsorships with big streamers ended.
Doesn't look like that on my homepage, that's a bit funny.....
Its actually a really good game. Probably the best BR I have played so far. But kids still prefer cartoony, simplified looking games. Thats why League always did so good. Which is a good thing, I dont want these 12 year old Fortnite kids in my team anyways.
>Imagine calling a game a failure because its not nr 1. on Twitch
...please delete this.
what's the difference?
Hmmm...so you mean to tell me, THIS is the fortnite audience? Multiple streams of the exact same thing???
Very cool ! Let's check on Apex Legends in the next post !
Ok. What is this supposed to mean though?
>how did this happen?
Dotard give 0 fucks about streamers. Not even acrive pros want to stream even if it is free money
forget image, oopsies.
Basically abandonware. If it isn't Source 2 valve probably isn't making that much
Wow, so after the disaster that was that Fortnite "gameplay streams", lets check on Apex Legends, let's see if people are actually playing the game or if they're all just making duplicate streams !
hmmm, interesting. From my hypothesis, it seems Apex Legends players, actually play the game! Very cool !
See guys. I'm telling you. This is what happens when you put your P in a V. Or also a B.
it's literally on the title on the streams you lazy fuck
Who the fuck cares about Twitch viewercount? Youre all a bunch of zoomers I swear
welcome to Yea Forums
It's not even that, they're just poorly designed. Even characters with masks and shit
you know someone from the alphabet soup created the zoomer/boomer memes right? you're regurgitating marketing
Apex is getting a new season this month
hope to see you posting new thread by then OP
If you ignore the server issues but the unbalance of hitboxes,netcode and constant crashing (never experienced it myself but I get many teammates who suddenly crash)
and b owned
It has some issues sure. But way less than any BR I have played in the past. Most of them were early access buggy bullshit. This actually feels like a finished product.
They already said fixing the crashes was a top priority and they are looking into the hitbox differences. So I have no doubt these issues will be gone soon
its not like theres a tournament going on or anything.. even games like sfv will get top viewercount if theres a tourney going on. it means nothing
>the game is on origin
sasuga shitposter-kun
See: Valve fans thought Apex would kill Epic Store, but it didn't turn out that way
People think using a heavily modified engine makes it still a valve product
it doesnt,just because amazon lumberyard is a heavily modified cryengine doesnt make it their (as in Crytek) product
it doesn't have staying power or epic dab moments
pic unrelated
The important thing is: can you crouch-jump?
This shit again.
the reason, as it always is when you make this thread, is that shroud isn't streaming at the moment
so you're bringing console war tier shitposting to PC
Press D to dab on EA shills
*braps on the supposed king*
So what's the purpose of these threads?
I thought Yea Forums hated Fortnite the moment it became popular
I hate Fortnite because it's a meme game, but I hate Apex legends even more because it's EA.
A legitimate Apex shill, huh?
I'm curious to see some statistics on character skin color / usage ratio
Do zoomers care? Or is it just a silicon valley fantasy?
You're in Yea Forums, consolewars are sophisticated compared to the average post.
I don’t see why both games can’t coexist? Fortnite is a much larger brand in which people have invested tons of time and money into. Just like LoL, these games will always have a bigger following. It would be stupid for EA to not see the potential in Apex and dump more resources into making it the competing BR game.
Looks like a tournament is going or for fortnite, and shroud isn't streaming right now.
Fortnite was beating Apex last night when Shroud was on.