What are your favorite coop games to play with your gf?
What are your favorite coop games to play with your gf?
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with my what?
Your girlfriend.
Imagine actually actively seeking companionship/romance/friendship with a member of the female species
literally fucking disgusting
Dead by Daylight I 'spose.
I've had one for about a week. The more they tell me about themselves, the more I hate them.
No, but I play multiplayer games with my sister.
Cook, serve, delicious 2
I’m not allowed to touch her ass until marriage though, she’s saving her virginity
MK8, Splatoon, Puyo Tetris, Pokémon
No need to push your gay agenda friend, society does that for you.
Soul Calibur, Gang Beasts, VR games
Also >> 452831071
but I have no gf user, I have a bf
I intentionally make her go on tf2 and pocket my soldier/heavy, dom a few matches and type "gg" and tell her to type "gg" once we win every single time. Then I type "love ya babe" and she usually sucks my dick later
My girlfriend loves HoMM 3, so we hotseat that every now and then
Society needs to push harder, then.
What games can you only play with your right hand?
Trust me as soon as you have a long term relationship the last thing on your mind is ‘sharing hobbies’, instead you will be actively looking for hobbies they hate purely so you don’t have to share them. Game time is my time, I don’t watch her stupid Asian soap operas and she doesn’t play my games.
Wtf how did you find a pure girl in this day and age?
anyone here wants to be my gf (male)?
Gave my gf Super Mario World world 1-1.
She couldnt get past the first level. It angered me immensely. Pic is her
Nu Gran Turismo on the PS4
your controller is touching a stinky girls ass which she is shitting from
Recreational penetration.
>Con someone into a relationship so I don't feel so alone and also sex is nice.
>Immediately regret it and desperately seek to viciously protect my alone time.
Every fucking time.
It this a trick question?
>play with my hand
Pretty much any game.
>instagram Bog filter
are those like gal pals?
we co-oped mario odyssey
there really arent any. we finished all the RE games we could coop but everything else is shit.
I used to play so many games with my sis, fuck steve jobs for taking away my sister, literally all she does now is muh iphone
This is a fun game we've been playing together lately.
what is it with girls being into HoMM3?
I suggested playing it in hot seat as a joke and two of them immediately go
>yeah let's play this map
and proceed to lecture me about the game
wtf bros
Resident Evil 5 & 6, Sonic All Stars Racing, EDF 4.1, Terraria, Minecraft, Bloodknights, Portal 2, A Hat in Time, Megatagmension Blanc + Neptune, Sonic Mania, How to Survive and some others, with my little sister
I miss my exgf so much
like your sister but not related
When you’re with someone nearly all the time then you will possibly understand how having something you can enjoy alone is actually great.
That's just like looking for a trouble
It helps that mine doesn't have much of a social life and hates social media.
Then again, she's 20 and she spends most of the day playing games, so i'm afraid she might be kinda autistic.
I don't know, it's incredibly simple and turnbased so they don't get stressed. It also has unicorns.
I mean, it's a good game, but they do seem to get almost fanatical about it
I want to date your sister
Not that guy, but I'm not gay yet I wouldn't seek companionship with something incapable of basic human emotions like love or loyalty.
i'd bury my nose so far up her ass whoever could pull me out would be crowned king arthur
Uh, what's the point then?
*makes a gf obsolete*
why should I have a gf, when I can be the gf?
I'm sorry you lost your hand user. At least prosthetics these days are quite good.
I could be your gf bud
that doesn't look like a very comfortable position for the gf, no?
t. never cuddled a person
>tfw little sister still sits on your lap to play vidya
sounds nice
Can u online coop them?
Also looking for coop games
All she does is take silly filter pics and watch tv series' on netflix.
I tried to get her into gaming but shes a stubborn stupid bitch
That boy ain't right
let's date then
hope you don't have a penis
you feel less regret after having sex with her
Delete this thread at once
>thread about pushing the heterosexual agenda
>one gay user post that girls are icky
How can real women compete?
it sounds like you don't like her
I'm sorry I'm not an incel like you user
keep the hopes up
> *rakes in 20k USD just by sitting in front of a camera for a few hours looking pretty*
God, (attractive) women have it so fucking easy.
She's better than survivor than I am so it works. I can't stand playing stealthy. I wanna run loops and pallets but my tracking is shit so I always end up losing sight.
I also farm people off hooks which doesn't help with rank.
Still got rank 1 when I try hard'd though (with no perks as well.) cause it is a rather easy game.
I prefer killer.
What is this thing sticking out of her vajayjay
>taking dick
Why would you want to do a reverse shit?
Playing vidya all night long with younger sister.
Sleeping together with younger sister because too exhausted to move.
Waking up younger sister with a big kiss on the cheeks and a hug.
Younger sister smiles, kisses you on the cheeks says good morning, I love you and how fun last night was.
Having breakfast together with younger sister.
This will last forever, right Yea Forumsros??
Payday 2
imagine the smell
birth control
my dick lmaooooo
Your gf is better off without you.
looks like an ohmibod, or however its spelled, its a sex toy usually used by camgirls set up to vibrate when people donate
If you fuck her it will.
looks like you've never tried it
you should give it go, I know no one who didn't liked it
>heterosexual agenda
imagine thinking evolution is pushing an agenda on you.
I didn’t like it, but I’m an Ace.
You might have something to talk about if you like MGS.
She has like 400 hours in MGSV, even though she said she was dissapointed in it.
Dont let someone who got rid of you make you feel like half a person. Live life beyond her and make her realize that the only half person, is her.
why does she feel the need to put herself into the video? seems pointless
Overcooked 1 or 2, both pretty fun games to co-op, 2 improves over the 1st one
being straight isn't an "agenda" lmfao, it's the default sexuality of almost all life forms.
Homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality faggot.
>gf (bf)
what a chad nigger
roastie forever be seething for not getting attention
>thread about pushing the heterosexual agenda
Imagine being this delusional lmao, you will always be a freak bro.
it's as natural as cancer.
If you're looking for an unironic answer: Snipperclips for Switch.
what game is she playing?
It’s as much of an angenda as homosexuality. Literal camps where gays get shocked to force them straight exist.
Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.
Can't blame him.
Describe your sex life with a game title, I'll start
>bioshock 2
perfect woman doesn't exi-
Lego games and Modern Warfare 3 co op missions
Modern Warfare
thots need to be center of attention 24/7
Half-Life 3 aka never happening
Looks like Bioshock 2
and the overwhelming majority of people don't approve of that.
>People will go to lengths to ensure their genetic legacy endures
Imagine my shock
Alone in the dark XDDDD
I fucking hate dum bitch who are filming or taking photos and they have to put their facial expression inside the frame
You are correct as an ace male I will always be a freak and not a cute girl.
I bought and hacked a Wii U to play games with her because she's fucking terrible but still wants to play games with me. She can't even beat most levels in captain toad without help
Beat Saber
Hmm nah i liked MGS1, also 3 somewhat, never played the others
4 felt too much like a movie / third person shooter and was an instant turn off
Still an authentic autistic girl is a rare sight for me. My sis just goes on parties with her friends every weekend.
It's really not. Only mentally ill animals do it.
The rectum is meant for shitting, not coating it with semen.
Alone in the dark
In case anyone wants to know, yes ass tastes pretty good
>he says, as he posts a famous tranny
So? It still exist.
Someone being gay doesn’t mean thier genetic legacy has to stop...
degenerate and disgusting
please don't post more
i dont like this videogames...
Dead Rising 3: Super Ultra Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX + α
>Snipperclips for Switch.
That's more of a games for bros and not for hoes
how is this fetish called?
You wish.
We evolved from lesser apes yet insecure people still claim that to be agenda-driven.
T. Professional dogfucker
it was kinda mutual, since we lived in other cities
ending a chapter in life is sometimes hard but it has to happen eventually, and I'm in that last part, being my old me
thanks user
>believing in evolution
The same day we first had Sex we also co-oped DKC2, and I started her on MGS for the first time.
Good day.
Fucking annoying cunt. All she probably does is "binge on Netflix".
Why does it make me rock hard
This is no rabble of mindless crossdressers!
These are Discord Trannies. Their dilators are thick, and their shoulders broad.
oh god i wish that were me
>Yea Forumscels
and a seething child appears in record time
>tfw you missed out on middle school love
>tfw you missed out on highschool love
>tfw you missed out on college love
Beat Cop
Love is a social construct.
That's why you're a minority. Evolution sees to that.
And you binge Yea Forums so you can’t really talk incel
Fuck my sister is like that too. She's always playing games and fucking talks to nobody except her fat fucking loser girl friends on steam. She reminds me of that dumb black haired pale loser that Yea Forums spams all the time. I told her to cut that shit out and get a life. She could easily get a boyfriend and some friends but I think she's just to nervous or was bullied in school.
only missed out on the last 2
So what if it exists? You're preaching to people that already agree with you, people who hate gays aren't going to "come around to it." Tbh all of the traction of lgbtqbbq etc in recent years has probably done more to harm those communities by openly flaunting their sexuality in degenerate ways then demanding that it be accepted and spread to their children. Just keep it to your fucking self and nobody will care aside from some extremist retards, just like every other thing that people take issue with.
I have never even held hands with a girl.
>Fuck my sister
Sure why not, give me her number bro.
Only missing the last one. It was so much easier in middle and high school
this gave me a boner
cont writefag!
God Hand
She was always kinda awkward, only felt comfortable when she was with family members, so we grew up close, and ended doing a lot of things together, including playing games, and from there she started playing other games on her own.
She also watches anime but nothing too weird, just mainstream stuff like Dragon Ball.
Mine wasn't bullied, we went to school together and she got along with everyone just fine, it's just I guess she didn't really like socializing.
She still goes out with her friends every one in a while, but she ends up coming back after 2 or 3 hours, says she gets bored fast.
The only thing good about having a girlfriend is the sex that's about it. It's probably the most overrated form of human interaction I have ever experienced
Did someone say CELLS? INTERLINKED
women are disgusting and annoying
change my mind.
Pretty good recommendation. If I ever finally bring myself to buy that 10 year old outdated hardware I'll probably get that to play with her.
>Rugga !!W2tC1kLe/oc
>he fell for the love meme
Damn I remember my friend did that to some emo boy when he was sitting on a hard plastic chair in class
Shit rumbled hard as fuck.
God Hand
Mirrors Edge
You dont even know me newfag zoomer
/u/ is that way
Wii sports
dont @ me faggot
We play some Apex legends (really good game full of strategy and excecution), insurgency sandstorm, vermintide 2, and tales of berseria.
Seems like a nice girl, would date if she lived in my 3rd world country (brazil)
The Phantom Pain
Would look 10 times better with a cock inbetween their mouths
Did she think he was pretending to pound her ass? Narcissist.
Bros my gf won' have sex with me uness I lick her pussy, however I made it very clear that I'm not going to do that. What do.
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
That is all, we haven't gone beyond that, sorry user, is not that easy
lmao, fornite zoomer btfo.
wh ho god my stom
oh god it here it CoMES Oh God Im Gunna
What's the point of having a girlfriend if they all suck at video games? I might as well just pretend to be gay and get a gamer boyfriend.
It's acceptable to punch her back right?
I get the joke. But I wonder if this was staged.
My GF is also my BFF for nearly two decades now. Theres nothing better getting to live and play with your childhood best friend every day.
find a new gf. Only basedcucks eat pussy
Shit man get that pussy checked for STDs.
I never go down on a girl unless she's clean. Even then it's only after she showers.
I wouldn't even think of pounding someone like her. I've known women like that before, they're just fucking disgusting both in looks and personality, they're full of themselves so they'll act out like that bitch since they think they're ''powerful''. God fucking damn it I hate this country.
desu it looks like he touched her ass or something from the way he stops just before she looks behind her.
This. One day at a work conference, I ate my Hispanic coworkers ass in a hotel room.
He came in literally seconds.
me in a vrchat
>not liking licking pussy
you gay? I love it
Also should add she's married but we're still best friends.
Based gimli
You could engage in the stalemate of the century with no winner for eternity, knowing that at the end you'll be the winner for holding out as the hero the world needed.
or you could lick her pussy and then have sex, you autist, it's not that terrible.
I would do it if she had never done anything sexual with any guy before me. If not then it's highly likely that she has latent HPV and will infect your mouth with it if you put it on her cooch. That is a really big factor in oral and esophageal cancer that not a lot of people know about.
Loser. Maybe learn to respect a woman's boundaries next time?
>That big grin as hes flossing
>He looks down in shame just as he gets socked in the face
>see this
what do?
We live in Norway, so it's far away.
But yeah, she's a sweetheart.
>she's married but we're still best friends.
best friends but she relegated you to being her side man
Ask which one has dik
Then suck dik
What does kissing feel/taste like?
start flossing
ask which ones mother was a mudder
How do you even meet a cool girl who's into shit beyond Disney channel drivel? I see plenty at conventions, but it just seems weird to go up and start talking to them. I suppose that's how it went for people whose parents met at dive bars but I can't fathom doing that and it not coming across as forced.
I need this exact video. Please user, don't make me search through all the porn sites with just "sloppy girl"
How does grabbing a girls ass feel like? I always wanted to do that, but I never had gf.
i notice that 5 of those whores there are thirsty as fuck for cock
unzip dick
Bro, why the fuck don't you want to shove your face in/around your girls puss? Is she gross? Are you not attracted to her? Do you have the gay? Wearing her vagina like mask is one of the best things to do in the bedroom, and you have little tic tac balls if you disagree.