Will Nintendo learn their lesson...

Will Nintendo learn their lesson? Will they stop chasing gimmicks and go back to making real consoles again for their next console? This is sad.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>corporation : make a full game
>one dude : load a tutorial area and 3 stolen models and call it a day


slice up for results



Everyone forgets that gamefreak isn't owned by nintendo at all. Creatures inc. is though.


Should Gamefreak, dare I say, hire this man? His talent is not to be questioned

The bottom one looks like unreal garbage

>Everyone forgets that gamefreak isn't owned by nintendo at all
That's because the only ones that still have interest in the series are dumb normalfags and literal retards.

woah... amazing... and only by one man... nintendo should give this guy a job...

based one man created unreal engine himself

that's because of the default shaders, bad texture, bad light, and generic realistic environment from the epic store

I really hope I'm just falling for bait but holy shit. These are just stolen models put onto a random Unreal Engine 4 map made by multiple people. PLEASE tell me I got baited.

Whoa... totally Unreal®...


Show me any gameplay footage of the bottom one.

Name something dumber than people who see some unreal scene and shout "OMG DEVS HIRE THIS GUY IT LOOKS AMAZING" or "THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER. ALL MY MONEY XD"

Every month we get these clueless morons whether it's with Zelda, Pokemon or whatever.

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If it’s that easy why aren’t game freak using UE4? Oh right because they are talentless hacks

>low poly models with default shaders dropped in Unreal's "How To Herb" tutorial scene

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>corporation: make a full game ever year and make billions
>one dude: spend 6 months on a tutorial area and three stolen models, get a cease and desist



You didn't understand my post at all

Literally soul vs souless.

I mean, bottom one looks bad, but it somehow manages to look better than the top pic.

You honestly think that one person is capable of creating an entire playable world and the hundreds of pokemon in a reasonable time frame? You're bloody retarded OP


>contrarians trolls are now spamming hire this guy

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>WoW dying has Blizzard fans backlash from years of being treated like shit
>Nincels still hype for anything as long as it says Nintendo on the box, no matter how bad a title gets westernized

You actually lived long enough to see Blizzardfags become more intelligent than NIncels.

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why can't Gamefreak do that then?

>people are somehow pleased with getting ps2 graphic games for their toy system in almost 2020
big yike

>load up some default free assets then insert some ripped models
>nintendo hire this man


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holy hell.. hire this guy already...

Because it would like shit.
>b-but it looks like shit now!

I'm getting the product I want and you aren't.

Boy ps2 games keep getting better and better. Can't fucking wait to see what ps2 games look like in 2020.

But it actually is a technical improvement. Whether or not you like the visual style is irrelevant.


>all the HIRE THIS MAN meme spam

Yes I totally agree that bottom is just unreal garbage but at the same time can you guys not accept its time we finally got a fully 3d open world pokemon? No more of this fixed camera angle 2.5D random encouters bullshit?

Yeah but memespam is fun

>no random encounters bullshit

They ditched the objectively superior Pokémon appearing on the overworld design though, because the backlash against LGPE was so strong they just kept none of the improvements

>It's time

Because essentially we have been getting the exact same game with very few tweaks time and time again since the 90s

>Its j-j-j-just unreal garbage!!
>Who CARES if its miles better than our game.

Nincels on suicide watch
Nincels willn ever recover
Nincels hire. this. man.

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Because the world needs a Breath of the Wild Pokemon, that has all the regions and the battle system from Pokken.

>Le unreal engine man
wow good job he uses someone elses assets and engine to fuck with, literally fucking anyone can do that

Hold my beer.

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The pokemon formula has been stale as fuck since emerald. Even the 3ds games which was the first venture into 3d for game freak was the same shit

Every region would have to radically be reimagined to work in a BotW-style game. It would take an insane amount of time and resources to have a game world that large ON TOP OF having all 800+ Pokemon in the game with unique sounds, models, and animations with actual physics and collision. This would be possible if the number of Pokemon were slashed to about 150 and scalling it to a single region, but what you’re asking for is not feasible.

Not really, Nintendo just needs contentment devs. BOTW was wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. It took them years to make it because they've never made games of that type before not because it was taxing. Meanwhile Ubisoft cranks out the exact same thing every single year

Ubisoft has never made a game on the scale you’re asking for.


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Because they operate on the year to year base. They release a BOTW every year. Cut them back, give them 3-5 years and they'll have your "BOTW but its pokemon" game no don problem.

Hey fuckhead they just started the current gen with the only current generation console you stupid cunt

You've never actually played Breath of the Wild have you?
Either that or you know literally nothing about game design and are actually so stupid that you think Breath of the Wild and Assassin's Creed are the same game because they have towers

>this thread

Again, you’re talking about a studio making a world larger than any open world on the market on top of over 800 uniqur models with their own audio, animations, physics, and collision (as well as all the stats that Pokemon games track). No dev can pull this off.

are you actually retarded. do you understand the time and manpower it would take to make a game that looked like the bottom but not shitty? Seriously actually think about what you're saying you stupid fuck. Holy shit you have no idea how much it would cost.

You mean like how countless other games exist on the same scale? Shut the fuck up GF employee

They don't though? You realize most games have like a default skeleton and shit applied to all characters? They don't have 800+ fucking individual models. Please show me the game that functions simillary to that. Not to mention how expensive it would be. No company is going to invest that many hundreds of millions of dollars with that long of a dev time.

Nah gen 1 is the best gen so they basically just need to use red as a base and remake that world

Will retards learn their lesson? Will they stop thinking that porting models into unreal engine and smothering them with visual effects is actually hard to do and good looking? because it's not.

And how exactly will they learn anything when you retards keep buying this shit up. LetsGo proved that they can half ass it and it sells like mad


So why can't Nintendo do it? What exactly prevents Pokemon from going to UE4? Is it the complex physics simulation required for a Pokemon game that UE4 just can't handle?

>He doesn't remember labo

>They don't have 800+ fucking individual models
If you have 800 unique monsters, you do, you fucking retard. It's not the skeleton that's hard to make, it's the animations.

Skyward Sword sold shit for a main Zelda and got lambasted so hard Nintendo pulled a complete reversal with Botw though.

They can literally just use the models they have and throw a nice shader over the top, while focusing their development efforts into the world design.

They did that in advance though. They said right at LGPE's reveal that gen 8 would come in 2019 and was too far along in development to take inspiration from Let's Go.


You mean a new direction. BOTW is heavily westernized trash. Zelda has never been this.

why do brazilians and reddit like all these shitty unreal fan screenshots

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Nintendo should legit hire the Ocarina of Time guy.
Also you're an incel faggot zoomer fornite baby wojack poster so your opinion is instant shit

That’s what I said here A scaled back Pokemon game could be made like this, but not a game with every region and Pokemon in an open world with realtime combat.

because they're "muh realism"fag and have no artistic vision

This is going to sound crazy I know but perhaps the guys in charge of marketing what has been the most profitable entertainment franchise on the planet for the last two decades think the franchise does better with a cartoony art style over Unreal trash.

>They don't have 800+ fucking individual models. Please show me the game that functions simillary to that.

There’s nearly 200 personas in Persona 5 and they all have unique animations. And the Persona brand (and budget) is nowhere near as big as what Pokémon could have. Pokémon is one of the biggest franchises in the world, they could literally make ANY game they wanted but we are still getting 90’s tier game design. That’s why people are so frustrated.

The multi million corporation doesn't have to bother to impress anyone

>interactions with the world and other Pokemon

It’s much more than “throwing a nice shader over the top.”

When I saw the direct i threw my switch right away. Am saving for a PlayStation now

Persona also isn’t an open world game with realtime combat, so I have no idea what you’re trying to prove with this comparison (and 200 is hardly close to 800+).

Why did you list the same thing three times?

Persona's also going to be reusing those models for the next decade. Watch SMTV have them.

Cool now do that for 1000+ pokemans.

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>Nintinnies actually want bad looking games

>tfw no gf employee gf

So they should, Game Freak should do the same thing too.

yeah okay he designed models and placed them in a generic unreal engine models, that's how games are made

If you want Pokemon to look 100% real you are stupid.

It should look like an anime.

>No pokemon game has ever included the full roster but ill insist an actually well designed one simply must!


>all those fucking useless tris

Bank you retard. Outside of LGPE new games have to have data for the old mons so people can bring them in.

The difference really is that the bing bing wahoo machine can't run the second image.

Are you fucking retarded?

>I don't like the style, therefore it's bad

>No pokemon game have full roster.
>When pretty much all pokemon games allow you to import pokemons from past games.

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Hire this man
i m a n
e N O W
Game Freak

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Why doesn't nintendo just hire this guy????!

This looks worse than the OoT remake for the 3DS

>No pokemon game has ever included the full roster

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lol i legit forgot about that shit

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is scary isn't it? if companies catch up to it, they may start putting even less effort into graphics.

>This is sad.
No, you are the sad one here.
>learn their lesson?
The only lesson for Nintendo to learn here is not to listen to idiots like you who think the bottom is superior to the top.
>stop chasing gimmicks
You call them gimmicks, I call them unique features

How can you seriously think mixing ultra realistic environments with cartoony characters is in any way good looking?

Because fans want realism while Nintendo refuses to give fans what they want and still uses graphics for toddlers.

Literally not one objective opinion. Wew.

Please stop trying to sound smart.

>objective opinion

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You’re the one defending a multi-billion dollar franchise that’s still making games from the 90’s

Hire this man nintendo!
Stop with turn based garbage!
Make the games open world!
Keep only the original 151 monsters!
Do this and watch the money raining!

"Styleized" is a replacement word that bad artists use when they dont want to admit they cant make something look good.

Nintendo chase gimmicks because they feel they're special and different from Microsoft or Sony even though they're a console maker and game publisher just like them but of course retards here eat that shit up because "MUH NOSTALGIA"

No, I’m pointing out that designing an open world pokemon game without severely cutting back features require much more than “throwing some nice shaders on the top.”

Pokemon don't really benefits from uber realistic graphics, shit is fine with anime artstyle, it does need polish to make look better.

But I bet you retards think that jump force is a marvel of graphics.

>tfw a Wii U game Breath of the Wild looks more impressive than a mainline Nintendo Switch dedicated Pokemon game

Nice avatar, I see I shrunk your brain from my extremely high intelligence


>people actually defend GF and their garbage

So fucking sad.

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The one on the bottom is just a few pokemon models dropped into the UE4 Kite demo. The person didn't make anything.

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Stylized is a word to describe a visual style that doesn’t strictly conform to reality or what something might look like in reality.

jesus fuck imagine unironically posting images like this

top pic look like a Wii game lmao

>No pokemon game has ever included the full roster

T. brainwashed Nintendie

Everything should have uber realistic graphics, it's what devs have been striving for since the 5th generation. Cel shading and other forms of stylization are obsolete and have no place in an era where you can achieve realism so easily

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15 fucking years
And this is what we get as console owners?

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these 'one man teams' who buy all their codes, models and textures are fucking ridiculous.

hire him to do what? rip content off of the unity store? any assclown can do that, user even you

Kill yourself tasteless zoomer

Open world
Real-time weapon change

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switch is handheld

>everyone keeps asking for an open-world MMO
>friend talks me onto trying out FF XIV
>it's like $200 plus over $100 of yearly subscriptions
>90% of the game is retards not playing the game and ERPing instead
>the actual game is shitty fetch quests and shallow gameplay simplified for multiplayer
I'm so glad there isn't some shitty Pokemon MMO.

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gc/wii can be modded into a gameboy

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>Because fans want realism
I just want a nice art direction and lots of content, almost all of my favourite games didn't bother with realism but had a really unique and memorable art direction

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>I have no argument so I'll just deflect

Can't say I expected much else from Nintendo fans

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Holy shit bottom looks terrible

to this day, super nintendo box covers give me boners

I just want a realistic kanto, is that too much to ask?
Seriously pissed at nintendo.

Ok but understand you're in a a very small group who feel that way and are dwarfed in mumber by those who want realism. So you're going to be shit out of luck unless you only play whatever half assed product shat out on the floor by Nintendo

But this is like saying cartoons need to stop being made because cameras have evolved to the point where we can record live action in 4K
Some people still just want a cartoon sometimes, that doesn't mean you can't have amazing animation or styles.

Yeah because that's working out real well for Detective Pikachu, right?

Nice deflection, faggot

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>So you're going to be shit out of luck unless you only play whatever half assed product shat out on the floor by Nintendo
I mean yeah, I've basically just ignored PS4 and Xbox One this gen and I've been doing just fine with PC and the Switch.
Graphics aren't the main selling point for me anyway, so I really don't care how bad a game looks as long as it nails the more important aspect of game design.

What are your favourite games by the way?
What would you like Nintendo to look to when they take inspiration from these modern games that they need to catch up to?

>Implying any of the Pokemon in the official game that aren’t new will have new models


>worrying about graphics
>in pokemon


In all seriousness, there are far more important stuff to worry about the new pokemon game

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Lmao it's like saying that my tablet has a hdmi port therefore it's a desktop pc.

If you've played a pokemon game since X or Y you would have already known this would be the case.

Gamefreak is in such a hilarious position. The Mario and Zelda and (AC)Splatoon teams are excelling while they made a half-assed 3D recreation of a gameboy world, and now everyone expects them to make Breath of the Wild 2.0.

On top of Gamefreak being hilariously incompetent and useless, people forget that Breath of the Wild was a stupidly massive project that hogged development from other games at the time, it required so much manpower to make that dev teams making OTHER SWITCH GAMES had to be redirected to work on BoTW. Xenoblade 2 was made with a tiny fraction of the people that made Xenoblade X because most of them were working on BoTW.

hey guys i made remake of pokemon in new graphics please enjoy i made it in unreal engine subscribe and donate to my patreon

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>Comparing cartoons to videogames

And you had the audacity to accuse ME of baiting? Watchable media and videogames aren't the same and comparing the two is retarded. Animation exists to show and do things you can't do in real life, meanwhile graphical styles for videogames like cel shading were only done because of technical limitations at the time which no longer exist rendering them pointless and obsolete

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Please give the sauce user.

While I absolutely agree with this, people are really overly hard on XY. They had to recreate every Pokemon in 3D, it was their first time doing a 3D region, they were attempting full 3D models for trainers and more.

Of course, XY is still a trainwreck, no denying that, and it especially doesn't excuse ORAS and SunMoon from being short fucking pieces of shit.

wow, that guys post and pic got deleted so fast I didn't even get a chance to open it

what was it?

No more sauces, Will


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This is a retarded comparison, The Switch is a home console with portable capabilities as it's gimmick. But what else do I expect from someone grasping at straws to defend fucking GameFreak of all devs?

The game looked like shit with Wii’s low resolution. In a higher resolution this art style is pleasing.

Sorry. I removed it 'cause there was a typo

In general XY really deserved an enhanced version that could fix all of it's flaws. Alas, the 20th anniversary was near and Gamefreak went like "screw it. let's port all the features we had planned for it to a new gen instead"

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It's going to be kino and smash box office records. Stay mad Nintendie

>default assets and imported models
How could anyone top that?

fuck I did forget that shit.

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I can't believe I'm replying to this, but... I guess you are new around these parts.
''Please Nintendo, hire this guy!'' is a meme which is posted whenever someone compares games made by Nintendo and some guy in Unreal engine.

>Animation exists to show and do things you can't do in real life
Do you not see how this applies to literally every art direction outside of "realism"?

>grasping at straws to defend fucking GameFreak of all devs
It's called being realistic. These niggers have had like 20 years of incompetence and struggled to make 3D games on handhelds, and now you want them to literally make huge console games complete with big AAA graphics, you are literally demanding something they have never provided.


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XYZ and 100% power Zygarde story being anime exclusive was such a fucking letdown, I actually liked Kalos a lot as a region. It really needed a Platinum/ Black2White2 treatment.

thanks for the tip! I just arrived from reddit :okhand:

>grasping at straw
Just because switch has a hdmi port doesn't make it a home console or whatever your Nintendo's daddy say. If it was a home console it would also get home console multiplatform releases like RE2R or Metro.

No one remembers labo except console warrior faggots

No, because videogames aren't a live action movie, so your comparison is retarded.

>Acknowledges GameFreak are incompetent hacks
>Proceeds to then defend said incompetence

Is this bait?

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a handheld as powerful as the xbox360 or even a little more and the lazy fucks in GF can't make a pokemon game with cool graphics

>one person
>3d render

dude, it's a huge difference if it's a whole complete working game or some shitty 3d render or slapped together mini-3d world in the unity-brainfart engine.

Gamefreak seriously needs a kick in the ass.

>Creator of a product says it's one thing

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>Proceeds to then defend said incompetence
You are so desperate to find a scapegoat that you are literally twisting peoples words to fit your agenda. Go on, keep crying and screaming about how people are "defending Gamefreak", I'm sure Gamefreak will make Pokemon of the Wild for you if you ask nicely.

there never going to. People eat it up. What Pokemon needs is a inflated budget so it's easy to bomb like Battlefield

Okay, in that case can you explain to me why every other style is invalid just because you like realism?
Why do you think its inherintly better than any other style?
Would Jet Set Radio Future be better if it went with realism instead of its instantly recognizable and iconic style?
Would Comix Zone be better if it used photo realistic sprites instead of trying to make things look like they were from a comic book?

What is it about realism in particular that you think makes it so good that it should be the standard for everything?
Personally I really enjoy unique and interesting art directions and find striving for realism to be kind of boring unless the setting is really atmospheric and unique, but when I see a unique art direction I'm instantly more interested in a game. You seem very convinced that realism is better, but personally I would disagree so I'm interested in hearing your reasoning behind this.

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Mainline Pokemon always sells well though. Even for games that were subject to some level of boycott like Let's Go did well.

72% of users here are also on Reddit. It's ok.

I don't agree all that much on Yea Forums due to how terrible their criticism are but i do agree on this,that the Pokemon franchise with their game mechanic turn-based battle system is becoming quite stale right now, so having a different game mechanic like other video game company dowith their games,would be very interesting and refreshing,i give that a shot.

>Gobbing every lies from PR marketing jews
If Nintendo freeze shit and advertise it as food and you will eat it.

That's exactly what you did though faggot, don't even try to play the high ground. You fully acknowledge GF are incompetent hacks and then go on to justify their incompetence and laziness in the same fucking sentence. Because "I'm just being real here guys"

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I see this guy's shit all over the place, followed by some clickbaiting title like "The Ocarina of Time Remake we always wanted!". I'm baffled how anyone can think it looks amazing just because it looks 'realistic'.

Doesn't he also gets donations or has some patreon as well?

>how to kill your franchise in one easy step
Please go back to PoGo, zoomer.

GF is ok, it's just that their game just grew way too fast and big which they couldn't expect and cope with.
Instead they seriously need to start to outsource the game to some more studio which know how to handle such big games, a co-op with Monolith would be great IMO.

>You fully acknowledge GF are incompetent hacks and then go on to justify their incompetence and laziness in the same fucking sentence. Because "I'm just being real here guys"
Whatever you say, user. Maybe if you harass enough people on this Mongolian Tea Brewing board, it might magically fix Gamefreak's 20 year streak of incompetence. Keep on whining, it might solve something.

>the switch has limited memory
>even if they had a massive day one download that's just for all the high poly models Yea Forums would complain about that instead of the shitty grathiccs

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>What is it about realism in particular that you think makes it so good that it should be the standard for everything?
This, just because you've got fast hardware doesn't mean you must make realistic games. Instead use it to improve more important stuff like resolution, frame rate and render distance (plus a little AA to smooth it all out)