Outsells Breath of the Wild

>Outsells Breath of the Wild.

Attached: aloy.jpg (640x640, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Picture unrelated

why is HZD so cheap?

It is a better game.

Yes it is.

Attached: IMG_20181227_030739.jpg (1152x2048, 281K)

botw has sold at least 13m


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at 12.33.17.png (505x203, 67K)

Horizon did great considering is a new ip though

Horizon zero porn

Attached: even the roasties know.png (905x181, 15K)

Well this was an absolute fucking failure of a thread.
Promptly kill yourself, OP.



To be fair this game is dirt cheap now,and has been for a while.
Breath of the Wild still sells for full price (on Switch at least)
Also a fuckton of people own a PS4.
With that being said is this game worth playing? I own it and have around 10-15 hours in it but I just can't get into it. The bow just feels so unsatisfying to use to me. I'm not real far into the game but I have a few upgrades for doing more damage yet it still feels like some of the robot enemies take forever to kill.
Bows in other games are usually meant as sort of a risk vs reward weapon I suppose? High damage if you can land a headshot and they're quiet but you have to be able to have decent aim.
Just slowly plinking away at the machines in Horizon is kinda dull.

>u mad?
Ur shitty snoy game literally sold less, I have nothing to "cope" about, you fucking loser.

and that's just switch, wii u copies sold at at least 1 mil, likely around 1.5 mil but I can't find a source of wii u botw sales figures more recent than 2018.

user... BotW hit that milestone like... a whole year ago.....

Didn't plan HZD, but it's probably a better game than botw, unless it's story is worse somehow

>comes out first
>price reduced mere months after release
>still sells worse - see
>HZD now sits at less than $20, DLC included
OP should be embarrassed.

But that's not what the thread is saying

HZD was bundled and sold for cheap and it still couldnt sell more than BOTW at full price.
Looks like people want to play a game thats fun over SJW trash with a giant boy as MC


BotW numbers are shipped and it had no competition on WiiU/Switch

It's embarrassing that Horizon managed to outsell BotW while facing much bigger competition on PS4

HZD didn't outsell BotW.

>this whole post
[citation fucking needed]

He's right though

>new IP vs fucking Zelda

Instead of improving herself and her lifestyle she decides to sperg out about fictional characters that are better than her.

>outsells both
Pssshh...nothing personnel kiddo

Attached: red-dead-redemption-2-video-thumbnail-02-ps4-us-07jun18.jpg (575x324, 106K)


your are fucking retarded but it doesn't mean you are allowed to lie like that.

Attached: nigerian_bant.png (369x406, 30K)

>b-but if wuz shipped!
Before hitting "Post", do you even think about how easy it would be for someone to just make a simple google search and prove your dumb ass wrong?
Go ahead, tell me this source is incorrect, I've got another 500 that I can whip up.
Cope harder, you stupid fucking snoy.


Right because Switxh had so many other games right?

Meanwhile Q4 2016 to Q2 2017 totally wasn't a monster period on the real consoles with tons of quality releases that competed for people's wallets

>LOL Horizon sold more than BotW!
>*gets proven wrong*
>l-lol it's a new IP of-course it's not going to sell as well.. h-haha
Boo, get off the stage.

>doubling down on fanatical lunatic nonsense.
Not wasting time with the retards. Take your made and fuck off.

>HZD was bundled

I love how people bring this up as if here were people who bought a switch without BOTW

Coping is something tendies are familiar with.

This to be honest


Unless you're fighting a Stormbird nothing should take all that long to kill if you've figured out how to approached them. The main thing to keep in mind is finding/targeting canisters or other weak points and making liberal use of the Status effects (seriously set shit on fire all day)

Also get the slingshots, they feel more fun

These "tendies" don't need to cope because they've already won the argument: BotW has sold more copies than HZD.
No ifs, and or buts, it's an objective fact, a matter of simple mathematics. The fact that you're trying your hardest to turn this around to make it look like the Nintendo fans are "coping" is really, really ironic.
Go ahead, reply with "cope" or "obsessed" or "seething", because that's all you CAN do.

>zero porn
There's some blender (or sfm, I forgot which) stuff, I think.

There's a reason Switchlets are so obsessed with this game and shitpost it every chance they got. It makes them insecure because it's the better game.

>Got this game because I'd just gotten a PS4 and people said it was good
>Hate it even by open world standards
I didn't like BOTW very much either but at least the world felt interactive enough. Horizon just felt like trite triple-A without any real creativity of its own.

Not that hard 2bh. You just have not to be a complete turd.

>t.coping tendie

No it didn't?

- Horizon Zero Dawn sold 10,000,000 units
- Breath of the Wild sold 13,000,000 units across both platforms
- Horizon Zero Dawn is a new IP, however has been included in bundles.
- Zelda is part of a known and popular IP, however has done even better than most standards for that IP.
- Both are considered extremely major successes, few games sell that much at all, regardless of platform.
- Install base is meaningless for comparing games like this because the platforms have vastly different audiences as a whole (Nintendo platforms typically only sell for their own games, while PlayStation and Microsoft systems sell for their own games and major third parties).
- Attach rates do not scale up 1:1. No, Horizon Zero Dawn does not need to have sold 4x as much to be considered a success just because the PS4 has sold 4x as many units, and if Zero Dawn had sold 40,000,000 it would be utterly absurd and unheard of.

Attached: 1410378834465.jpg (466x545, 17K)

nobody gave a shit about horizon 1 week after release, but the count started to add the dlc as one sale, then they put the game in bundles everywhere to artificially continue that shit.

The thread literally exists because some snoy want to do a dick measuring contest with Nintendo. But sure, believe what you want.

>but the count started to add the dlc as one sale

Need a source on that claim.

You still give a shit about it to this day considering you're in a HZD thread.

Attached: smug-face-_-_3-_nuetella-21226663.png (500x524, 113K)

- Horizon is sold for a quarter the price that zelda retails for

Tom Clancy's Ghost Record: Wildlands ** (Ubisoft) - Best selling Ghost Recon ever, #2 Tom Clancy title debut behind The Division.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild * (Nintendo) - Over 900K physical between Switch and Wii U. However, keep in mind that these are ranked by dollar sales, not units.
Mass Effect: Andromeda ** (Electronic Arts) - Second best Mass Effect debut ever, after Mass Effect 3 (which sold 1.3 million in its first month).
Horizon: Zero Dawn * (Sony) - Best Guerrilla debut ever, selling twice as much as their second highest debut, Killzone: Shadow Fall.
MLB 17: The Show * (Sony)
Grand Theft Auto V ** (Take-Two)
For Honor ** (Ubisoft)
NBA 2K17 (Take-Two)
Nier: Automata (Square Enix)
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Activision Blizzard)
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 = 4.0 Remix (Square Enix)
Battlefield 1 ** (Electronic Arts)
1-2 Switch * (Nintendo) - 19% attach rate to the Switch.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (Capcom)
Overwatch ** (Activision Blizzard)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege ** (Ubisoft)
Super Bomberman R * (Konami)
FIFA 17 ** (Electronic Arts)
Lego Worlds (Warner Bros)
Madden NFL 17 (Electronic Arts)

Notice how Second place is 900k, that means Horizon was 100% sub 900k and possibly below 800k in the first and most relevant month. NPD for the next month

April 2017:

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe*
Persona 5*
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*
MLB 17: The Show
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands**
Grand Theft Auto V***
Mass Effect: Andromeda**
NBA 2K17
Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Yes, Black Ops 2, from 2012.)
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Horizon Zero Dawn

May is identical. So let's say it sold 1.5m worldwide at launch. Who bought the rest? Bundles, like Ratchet and Clank, Motorstorm and Resistance or Killzone Shadow Fall which is a turd and sold 10m too. End.

You have absolutely no source for that claim that the count includes DLC as a sale. Back up your claim or get out of this discussion.

Not him but I came into the thread because I saw that OP made a statistical error and had the urge to correct him.
That's just what I do, maybe I'm autistic.

Plus BotW can be both pirated and emulated, HZD can't.


>two years after launch
Wow what an achievement ...

Breath of the fail

You do know NPD is Burgerland only right

this thread is an absolute joke, the numbers prove that HZD did not and never has outsold BotW, and that's despite the fact HZD is a small fraction of the price compared to BotW - at less than $20 compared to $60, and that's including the DLC for HZD.

All this thread achieved is demonstrating how much of a failure HZD truly is.

Nintendo fans are SO obsessed with Horizon it's now to the point where these toddlers actually BRAG about Nintendo not doing big discounts

Not even Berniebros are this fanatically loyal as a cult

>7.78 million games sold
>32.27 million Switches sold
24.1% of Switch players own Zelda: BOTW

>10 million games sold
>94.2 million PS4s sold
10.6% of PS4 players own Horizon Zero Dawn

Also worth noting that BOTW is still above $50,
while Horizon Zero Fun is in the bargain bin.

Why isn't Zelda 100%?

the only person obsessed here is the OP for making this thread in the first place with incorrect information to bait for (You)s

it was for a while
outdated, see 11.6m copies sold on switch, a further 1m+ on wii u.

HZD had to compete with all the other Sony exclusives as well as third party games that Sony gets. Reminder ReMake 2, Ace Combat 7, Kingdom Hearts 3 came out in one month alone. That's just a small sampling of the amount of competition Sony games always have to face. Meanwhile Nintendo games literally have no competition. Also HZD is a new IP. By that measure HZD is actually more successful than BoTW.

So why it isn't 100% now?

Can't expect much from a fanbase who still plays on childrens tablets. There's a reason they're so insecure.

Stop replying to yourself, you fucking loser.

because some people didn't want to buy botw and/or have it already on wii u/pc.

How? He's right.

But the OP is literally a snoy obsessing over Nintendo?

Yeah, some people, not 80% of them. Isn't it weird? That's the only game that you buy a Switch for, and you and your friends all have 3 copies each. But it's still not 100%.

sonegrois have no games so they are forced to buy the latest inflated score ps4 games

no he is not. The numbers don't lie, zelda has sold more than horizon

HZD launched on a system with a large built-in install base coupled with a tone of prerelease coverage and advertising and it STILL couldn’t beat Zelda on an new system (keep in mind that Zelda does not sell extremely high numbers historically).

I don't get the appeal of this game. It looks so bland.

>That's the only game that you buy a Switch for
no it isn't, many bought a switch for odyssey, or xc2, or smash instead. Some got a switch just for splat2.
I only got a switch recently and I don't have botw for it since I prefer emulating that game.

Yeah, I remember the time when I got BotW with a purchase of a Nintendo Switch instead of buying it seperately.

you can literally apply the same logic to the Switch which in fact has less games

Which one of those three games have 100% attach rate?

That's funny because PS actually has thousands of games yet still, this sells like hotcakes, but the shitch has literally, unironically nothing but Mario and Zelda and they still sell like shit.

Attached: 1442980022547.jpg (250x241, 11K)

oh look it's that game everybody forgot existed

excuses, excuses
I don't think it's Sony fault that Zelda is only decent game on Switch so every Nincel buy it yet still failed to reach Horizon sales.

Whatever happens to the "port machine" meme?

That's the point, who even cares about ports of mobile games and games over 10 years old, it's fucking hilarious.

>game plus dlc becomes 3x cheaper than standard price months after release
>takes 2 years to sell 10m games with 80m consoles circulating in the world
>was completely forgotten until it reached the 10m mark
>trying to drag a nintendo game that still out sells it with a console that only sold 20m or so

Absolutely embarrassing my friend

BotW sold more than the fucking console. It had an attach rate of more than a 100%.

HZD was barely bought by 10% of the install base.

Attached: Kek.png (1080x580, 62K)

Considering players on other platforms have more games to chose from Nintendo's first party performance is pretty crappy.
You fags can't deny this, you're always begging and will even resort to shit like pic related out of sheer seeth.

Attached: Tendie Genocide Now.jpg (1024x644, 120K)

You have to deduct for the nintendo bump

>what about everything else?
Classic cope.

OK ok. For once Yea Forums was right, this game is fun and comfy, love the atmosphere just wish the crafting mechanic was deeper

I'm not sure you understand attach rates, no system in history has a game with 100% attach rate.

There were no games on the Switch when BoTW came out. What else are you going to fucking buy for the Switch when it launched? That's a weak argument.

people buy nintendo switch's solely for those games to begin with, though.

actually the reason that happened was due to major stock shortages of the console compared to the game, especially in the US. You couldn't buy a switch for weeks.

So there's only 10 million or so Zelda fans? So attach rate doesn't matter because no matter how much the handheld sells, there's only going to be 10 million Zelda fans?

No, it hasn't. It's sold around 7 million. Breath of the Wild sold 11 million. Here's the source. It's on pg 9

Attached: PS4 Has No Best Sellers.png (728x402, 28K)


are you retarded

>Yea Forums giving this game so much shit since release date that they come together in droves to still shit on it when the world stopped talking about it as soon as it reached 10m sales
>Yea Forums was right
so, shill, just how much are you being paid? i'll shill this game as much as you want as long as i get paid too


What's the attach rate of Zelda on Wii U and PC?

wii u about 2 mil
pc unknown/not measurable

not just that, but zelda will be around in 10 years, 20 probably. fucking Horizon won't be.

You didn't answer the question.

are you retarded?

>Gets an emulator created just to play it
>Gets bundled with PS4's


Attach rate nigger.

fiat sells way more than ferrari, but is it better?

Someone post the physics engines comparison

>It's sold around 7 million

>outsell BotW
>nobody talks about you after a week has passed and paid astroturfers have ran out of contract

It depends on preference. Like anything else.

Who knew that a good game with sole and content would outsell a shitty bland game with next to nothing to do.

You're in a HZD thread talking about HZD though.

Dumb comparison. Ferraris don't cost the same as Fiats.

Attached: 5555767.png (500x562, 465K)

You are so dumb it's funny. Nintendo NEVER discounts ANYTHING. So you're points are invalid.

Nobody is talking about the game though

You're right about BotW outselling Horizon. IT'S NOT FAIR SONY BROS

Attached: 1488021313257.png (591x797, 310K)

WHOOPS, not to mention those 11 millions are at full price, while Horizon has been sold for dirt cheap and being giving away in almost all bundles.

Attached: 1529889147749.gif (540x441, 583K)

So? Nintendo never discounts their games.

Except they are. You are factually and connotatively wrong.

>Mentions BOTW on the OP
>With the picture of a hideous woman


>Moves goals like a faggot

Attached: [Loud Laughter].gif (500x339, 143K)

Except it didn't even outsell BOTW? BotW was at 13.3million as of december 2018

>Nintendo NEVER discounts ANYTHING.
>what is nintendo selects range
>what are eshop sales (xc2 and torna were on sale recently, as was mario odyssey)

>Nobody is talking about the game though

You are.

Aloy thread

Attached: Horizon Zero Dawn™_20170528144547.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

Holy shit, what a bitch. There's buff, sweaty, half-naked dudes in a fuckton of games but I don't lose my shit over it because I know not everything in life is about me. She needs to get over herself and stop being so self centered.

Attached: pathetic.png (800x450, 294K)


You're posting in a HZD thread.

Attached: download.jpg (310x162, 9K)

Why is this allowed?

No mention of it on the OP

Loving every minute

Attached: 1495763047597.jpg (1280x724, 133K)

>>Outsells Breath of the Wild.
Pic unrelated


Why are snoygroid so consistently retarded

That was quick.

Attached: 1369165728332.png (368x264, 131K)

I saw BotW mentioned in the OP.

Why does the success of a Sony's IP make tendies so assblasted? They act like just because a Sony game is a successful someone is going to take away their childrens games.

Cute, I'd marry her

People are talking about how much it sold and shitposting about BoTW, not a single post about the game itself.

The only games that outsold BotW are other Nintendo games.


Why is (s)he so damn ugly?

They're mentally unstable wrecks.
Look at this thread from just yesterday boards.fireden.net/v/thread/452721352/#q452721352

>Nincels were so thirsty for a cute girl to play as that they made link into one

Attached: what if link was a banana.png (548x765, 825K)

>Why does the success of a Sony's IP make tendies so assblasted?
You're saying that like it wasn't a sonybro making a thread about a Nintendo game when they get the sales numbers of Horizon

Just correcting your factually incorrect statement, snoypony. You seem to be projecting very hard right now.

>boast with false information
lmao sounds like you need to get a grip tbqh

You're not wrong about that but there are plenty of games that outsold BoTW.

Attached: RDR2 sales.jpg (726x188, 38K)

Zelda also did great for selling on a dead console and new system that was well below 10 mil in the game's peak.

Jesus. Almost Lovecraftian, like the dying screams of a madman

Says the obsessed tendie posting in a Sony thread.

Attached: 13350200.jpg (615x409, 32K)

I can walk into a gamestop right now and get HZD for under $20 with all the DLC included. BotW is still $60 AND sold more copies.

OP just made a false claim and he was promptly corrected. It's not being assblasted, its just, you know, facts.

Remember games like this when fanboys try to say that their failed game only flopped due to exclusivity.

What sony thread?

I think it did great by being the best selling Zelda in history.

>new IP with female protagonist destrpying Zelda
Just goes to show that people outside this shithole don’t like uninspired Nintendo toddler garbage

In case you forgot, the OP intentionally made this thread about Nintendo as well by name dropping BotW.




how many times does this need to be said.

No other platform runner in the history of the industry has attach rates like Nintendo has, and this is because people almost exclusively buy Nintendo hardware for Nintendo games. Stop acting like their attach rates are a standard. They're not.


Probably meant exclusives. but yeah, obviously.

The fact that the Switch got 5 (6? dunno if Let's go got 10 mill yet) 10 million sellers already is crazy.

You're basing your conclusions on false information.

And Nintendo games literally have no other games to compete with. Sony games have tons of great third party games to compete with. For example in the month of February alone ReMake 2, Ace Combat 7, and Kingdom Hearts 3 came out.

It's cute that you're trying to take my "says the snoyboy in the Nintendo thread" phrase and turn it on us, but this this is literally about BotW. It is the only name that OP mentions.
Sope. (combination of seething and cope)

Ignore the retarded manchild who can’t into logic. It’s the only “argument” they have to cling unto.

No, we're posting in a delusional snoy thread

Remember to report console war shitposting like this thread and you're contributing to make a better board.

Literally admit to being a samefag autists. LOL.

Attached: 11444002.jpg (720x428, 54K)

neither does $20 HZD vs $60 BOTW

>Breath of aloy

Attached: 1544850310476.jpg (3120x4160, 2.66M)

>t-they are bullying us!
Get over your victim complex you sad beta virgin.

what about the fact that Zelda actually sold more than Horizon? What is your excuse then?

>Nintendo boasting about sales Good
>Sony boasting about sales. MODSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

No wonder you guys are known as babies.

Those are all multiplats, you can't just label them as "sony games".
There's a big difference between "sony games" (e.g The Horizon Zero Dawn, The Order 1886, ect) and "games that Sony got" (e.g any multiplat).
That's like calling Saints Row The Third a switch game, it's not wrong but the terminology is misleading (and I'm assuming that's very intentional).

I'm not even going to check that, I believe it. Good on Nintendo right after having such a failure of a console.


>It doesn't
>Being part of a budget bundle
>Being less than half the price of it so it's even shittier in profit

>Nintendo game sells a lot
>Sony games sells a lot
Every time, and it's not even true.

Not only are you wrong, but why would that matter? The point is that despite the game cost,in 3x as much as HZD, more people buy it.

On two platforms and from a widely known IP that has existed for decades.
Zelda did pretty bad considering that

Same-fagging is pretending to be multiple different anons. The fact that I revealed my identity like that goes against the very term "samefag".
Get a better understandninf of your lingo, bucko.

BotW is the best Zelda game in history, I would say it did pretty good.
Also the 11.6 millions is only on the Switch, so it doesn't need those 2 platforms to be more succesful, again, what is your excuse?

Watch out, user, he's going to hit you with another comment about nintencels that makes you question if English might be his second language.

Holy shit you are stupid. PS4 exclusives have to compete with a huge amount of multiplats while the Shitch has no games at all

>BotW is the best Zelda game in history
I mean best selling.

We're not boasting about it. OP made a false claim and we simply just corrected it.
Nintendo fans only ever talk about sales when prompted, unlike snoys.

What excuse? My excuse for not wanting to play it? I’m 23 and too old for that braindead lazy toddler shit.


Shit, if that's bad then you're calling Horizon the Hindenburg disaster. Horizenburg diaaster.

>he says this while posting in a Sony thread

See you pathetic little victim

Itt: One nincel false flags as a die hard Horizon fan to try and make Horizon bros look bad because hes literally still mad that some literal who sony company made the more fun game

Attached: makeup.jpg (1295x721, 168K)

You're excuse that it did pretty bad, or are you not the same guy.


Attached: zsdr.webm (900x600, 2.87M)

Weird shit but i had more fun with horizon instead of botw

For a zelda game it didnt feel right

Heres hoping the "links awakening" is pretty g.

>enters the thread saying "excuses excuses"
>proves wrong
>he ends up being the one making excuses
>backpedals and moves the goalpost
Guess we're done here.

Attached: 1551373015660.jpg (911x600, 74K)

You must be new here.

Nobody bought a wiiu and PS4 is the best selling console of the gen so what does that say about horizon that it still sells less lmaol

>They have to compete
Why are you fags so hopelessly desperate to pretend a AAA first party game is the underdog?
Andwhen it's something like GoW and Crash (legacy franchises) or Horizon and TLOU (game fad me-toos given top level marketing), you act like its unexpected.

huh, thats christina applegate

>Nintendo thread talks about Nintendo
>Sony thread talks about Nintendo
Every time

Attached: 1522123434452.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

Done with what? Nincels crying and moaning?
Yeah go kill yourself or make your own thread manchild

You do realize it sold this much because it’s really cheap now

nice to see HZD used for it's only purpose: dead meat used as bait

>but but Nintendo
>pic not related
Yeah, thought so, Cuckarot.

What do you have to gain from going onto an anonymous imageboard to lie about the sales of some shit game?

Technically, the selects are separate releases given the hideous boxart.

I don't think it's the nincels doing the crying ;)

Would that falseflagging nintenbro be you? Because your posts are so retarded that it's gotta be intentional.

Thanks for proving BoTW has PS2 level graphics compared to the gorgeous next generation visuals of HZD.

>b-b-but Soýtendo!

Shit, didn't know you were a Nincel.

Done with you, since you were wrong and ended up embarrassing yourself.

Attached: 1551293809992.jpg (597x1000, 66K)

Both games are pretty fun. If OP wasn't such a faggot, we could have a regular HZD thread, but noooo, we gotta pull in BotW fags into the mix.

OP compared them first you seething retard

fucking /thread
pack it up, everyone

They're not the underdog but when you have big hitters like RDR2, ReMake 2, and Kindgom Hearts 3 are you seriously saying those aren't competition for first party games? That's some cope.

Soýtendo sounds like a combination of Sony and Nintendo.

Aren’t you a little too old to play Pokemon lmao?
How about you go get laid instead

As someone who is far too good for open world trash they seem like basically the same game.

Maybe in the future user, but the Switch doesn't have a single game that looks appealing to me for the time being.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1288x732, 184K)

>still posting in a Sony thread

Attached: smug.jpg (213x236, 8K)

The thread is about NIntendo.
You're shitting on Nintendo.
.You even used the meme wrong where But [console] is making an excuse to compare to make the negatives less prominent.
.Where you're the only one trying to downplay a console's negative traits and the wrong one at that.

>plot twist: this user was the falseflagging "nincel" all along

>autistic switchshitters shit up another thread

Attached: 1523893945036.jpg (1024x1024, 413K)

Totally not samefagging huh little incel?

>Get a better understandninf of your lingo, bucko.
You shouldn't be able to make this up yet here you are.
Thanks for the keks retard.

Judging from the threads about HZD no one here probably even plays the game.

>b-but the soýtendo shitch!

>tfw I actually play Pokemon with my girlfriend
Stay mad

Attached: 1551293147171.jpg (1447x2046, 827K)

So you always get this upset when more than one person disagrees with you?

>Those are all multiplats, you can't just label them as "sony games".
He didn't. In fact, his wording specifically referred to them competing with Sony games.

Imagine being this upset over a children's toy

I thought this was a BotW thread.

Attached: 1547832881239.png (974x1024, 901K)


Boy, the sonyfags (questionable plural) in this thread just keep digging their grave deeper.

>b-but in my opinion it’s fine to be a fat manchild virgin!

>When you have big hitters like [literally none of those even came out near a first party title].
Ok then.
ANd if you're gonna say Nioh and For Honor are the same demographic as Horizon, that's hiiiilarious.

I get that some of them are actually trolling, like the OP probably. But a lot are genuinely stupid and don't know what they're fucking arguing about.

like bro just think you're attractive and you literally become attractive lmao lrn2confident

shitendo btfo

Only to a Nintendcoper who's obsessed with Sony.

Multiplatform vs exclusive... of course it did you retarded fuck.

>Nintendcoper who's obsessed with Sony
Isn't that the other way around?

Attached: 1520837072787.png (559x566, 612K)

stay salty nintentoddler

Attached: 8B80C28B-E5D5-4205-A896-31291A673F4C.jpg (447x297, 54K)

What makes nincels so pathetic in life?

Attached: 02E71A0B-95D6-4A06-82D5-A483748D325A.jpg (1440x1374, 132K)

It didn't outsell BotW, though.

But unlike BotW, Horizon is a good game.

I'd have to agree.
I mean, you don't give something a unique nickname (e.g nintendcoper) unless you're obsessed yourself.

Improve yourself you fucking cunt.
I’ll never be a 6’7 550 lb flamboyant Android man but you don’t hear me complaining

that's an even bigger lie than the OP

Considering you're posting in a Sony thread. Nope.

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>A console barely anyone bought and launch release console vs one where it gave you the game for free
At this point, Yea Forums isn't even shitposting, these are actual autistic manchildren too privileged to be Chris Chan but too loosely disciplined to not be a shithead on the internet.

Horizon Zero Awards

Wasn't this a BotW thread?

Attached: 1549211804403.png (700x791, 2.11M)

>Sony thread
>instantly crawling with pathetic fat Nintendo virgins
How surprising

and sony fanboys act like the victim when they make threads like these. pathetic.


Where's the mention of Sony on the OP?

Not even close.

Tendies are obsessed with Snoy, it's action and reaction, sonyggros are the latter.

only because you have shit taste in vidya. probably from being molested by your other father.

Seriously the price cut shortly after launch pissed me off because I brought this game because BOTW was sold out
Then a week later 30$ when I paid 60$
Go fuck yourself Sony

>said no one in this thread
You're >her, aren't you?

Attached: 1549521755587.png (331x340, 123K)

How the fuck is this a Sony thread? This is clearly a Horizon vs Zelda thread.

What PS2 game is this? Looks like shit I play on my phone

>Zero Dawn had sold 40,000,000 it would be utterly absurd and unheard of.

So a game can't sell 40M copies in a year or two? Someone should tell Bluehole

>unheard of
OK, but PUBG sales are mostly on PC and a good chunk of them are Chinese, and those sales don't count because fuck chink bugmen, amirite?
Let's look at another game, say GTA V
95 million copies sold. Let's allow 30M or so to be on Xbone and 20M or so to be on PC. That's still a healthy 45M copies sold at least, on PS4.

Is this the power of ausfailia shitposting?

user, that's not even the right Smash.

Source: Dude just trust me

I can probably count the amount of times on one hand where I’ve seen a thread about this game without comparing it to anything else.

>he doesn't know what game the GOTY 2017 is
Why are you on this board?

no way, this can't be true?

Woweee that projecting little Timmy. Why don’t you get a job and lose your virginity lol.

It's always been a Sony thread. Stay obsessed.

I'm just not interested in Platformer#33358. My SNES still works fine and all the platformers on it are massivelly superior to their Switch equivalents. There isn't a single title on the Switch that makes me think "Man I want to play that!"

How is it a Sony thread?

I don’t watch onions journos garbo

Fuck off Queerwig

I didn't know they still made PS2 games.

it's about $15 now lmao, including the DLC

How do you cunts still enjoy open world trash, it's all the same.

Yeah people who like Mario
We just gonna forget Odyssey also got a 97 then dipped

Wasn't BOTW also on WII-U?
Those sales ought to be included also

I see sonyboys claim Horizon vs Zelda threads as their own just as they claim multiplats as exclusives.

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>99% of all the snoy posts in this thread are just synonyms of "u mad" (cope, seething) and ad hominem fallacies
God, this thread is so one-sided. I'm leaving, this is boring.
The thread ended ages ago: 13 million BotW sales > 10 million HZD sales.

Attached: IMG_2922.jpg (290x299, 15K)

>OK, but PUBG sales are mostly on PC and a good chunk of them are Chinese, and those sales don't count because fuck chink bugmen, amirite?
Honestly yeah. They’re fucking subhumans there

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Bunch of seething SOnY niggers. That's about it.

They take any opportunity to look at dicks user
They’re fucking faggots: both figuratively and in many many cases quite literally

cope loser

This is He-Man

>But look at this game that's on sale constantly, runs on shitty pcs, has key gens, is on mobile, was the only polished game of its kind in the right time, and the Adam Sandler of battle royales where no matter how buggy, shitty, and unbalanced it is, there's some third world people playing it
This is like saying Minecraft is a valid comparison for fighting games.

Why are Sony fags so obsessed with Nintendo? Just buy a Switch and have a good time.

Attached: 1527650085982.png (324x487, 104K)

>irony: the post

>meanwhile Zelda threads are picture spamming of gay Link

>Whistles into your path

Attached: B6F038F6-531B-480A-BB94-20B3BE87A970.jpg (481x679, 44K)

I don't really need to say anything if you're comparing it to GTA V, the single most successful product in human history.

And you forgot, GTA V was also on PS3 and Xbox 360.

>No Switch Sports
Nintendo is fucking retarded seriously. They have the winning formula but no, let's release some other shit no one wants.

With what games?

And people wonder why I don’t buy Sony exclusives
Once my PS Netflix machine dies I won’t replace it with a new PlayStation like I did with my PS3

World of Warcraft has made more money than GTA V.

lol, yeah it seems so

>just eat shit and enjoy it

BotW changed the genre. And HZD just feels bad in comparison. Any open world game that tells me where I can and can't go, can go fuck itself. I dont care about your 2 ft. Walls, or special clickable vines any more. I want to scale mountains.

With the games you're so obsessed about, probably Mario Odyssey, Zelda BotW and Smash I would say. Have fun user.

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He says this while seething in a Sony thread.

Attached: okay.jpg (225x224, 6K)

It's not a lie.

Horizon is a 7/10 or 8/10, BotW is a 6/10 boosted by the Nintendo Bonus.

It literally didn't though. What compels you to deliberately spread false information OP?

Is this the daily snoy cope general?

>Still refuses to answer how is this a Sony thread

lol retard

>change the genre
>looks like a PS2 game


>"Well over 10 million"
Pic related are some numbers FROM SONY

Attached: oh.png (980x551, 143K)

The envy I feel for male video game heroes has nothing to do with how they look and more to do with never being able to accomplish such feats.
>tfw I can never eat a ball and become a ball

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They all fell for the
>Nintendo will go 3rd party meme
They’d suck a hundred dicks for this to be a reality

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I waited 5 years to get a Sony platform this time, because it was lacking exclusives so much. After I got it I fucking regretted it, I played Persona 5, Bloodborne and The Last Guardian, that was about it, they weren't even that good. The rest of the exclusives I tried I ended up hating, but God of War was kinda okay.

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Considering you're coping in a Sony thread. Yep.

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it's why I only get sony consoles right at the end of their life. There is no reason at all to get these games as they come out, their prices always plummet after a year or even a few months.

The name just sells itself

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He says this while obsessing over Sony in a Sony thread.

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I'm a pc boy. There's like 2 switch games I want. It was the same with the Wii U.

You can't just keep replying with that if you're not gonna back it up.

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>But based on Scientific evidence there are only two

Proving once again discord trannies are mentally ill Snoykin, and cannot accept actual facts if it does not fit their made up reality

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They could release the same game, or even give it away with each Switch, people would buy it just for that, whoever is in charge of that is out of touch.

Ah yes, so seething. I'm absolutely furious.
>my face right now

Attached: current year.jpg (1200x675, 72K)

This is why women are objectively inferior to men. Men don't whine like that over buff video game dudes

Being transgender was removed from the mental illness list some time ago my man. You need to come up with a better insult.

except Alloy has a perfect body so i don't think this collection of words posted to an internet forum holds water

I did love Nier Automa but I found persona 5 lacking
Spider-Man was decent but not worth replaying
Bloodborne was just god awful and really made me question why anyone in they’re right mind wants this
I just went back to GTA V, Minecraft and a little bit of COD because my normie friends

God this image brings back memories. It was getting spammed so fucking much when Switch was first announced, everyone acted like Nintendo was finally, totally done and had no choice but to pull a Sega. The Switch would be Nintendo's swan song, a blunder to make the Wii U look tame.

And then BoTW reviews started coming in...

Thanks for admitting it.

Men are also jealous catty bitches. I'm in great shape and dudes make pussy ass comments all the time.

I own both games, why does everything need to be a fight ?

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>cry until you get your mental illness removed from a list
>this somehow makes you not mentally ill
COPE harder tranny

Gender Dysphoria is literally still a mental illness you can't be trans without it.

Not even close to that level tho. Women whine about imaginary oppression non stop


Horizon had entire Sony's PR machine working in full swing to promote the thing including a main spotlight at the very beginning of E3. Anything can be sold well this way, even a literal polished turd.

>Why are Sony fags so obsessed with Nintendo?

It's opposite kid, nintenbros are obsessed with Sony since the PS1 / N64 era, sonybros are too busy playing the annual FIFA or CoD to care about Nintendo.

t. own Sony and Nintendo systems, but I'm mostly a PC gamer

Sony: hunters
Nintendo: berry pickers


>sequel guaranteed
>older, bustier Aloy

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>proving my point

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You must have a shitty personality if that happens, everyone I know compliments fit guys and even try to get in shape too, unless they dislike you for other reason, then nothing you do will please them.

Yeah it's just extra disgusting from men because I expect better from them. It's like crying. If a woman does it you're like whatever, but if a guy does it it's disgusting.

They really pulled another Wii with the Switch. Hope they just keep making good games for it.

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I wish I would’ve done that but my PS3 died from a power surge.
I keep all my expensive shit on surge protectors now

but which one did you like more

Hell if they wanted to push a beefier Switch and not piss everyone off just bundle Switch Sports resort.
Even if it’s just Wii Sports HD with tighter controls I’ll be happy

>Nintendo is obsessed with Sony!
>he says, in the thread about someone making blatant lies about a Sony exclusive outselling a Nintendo exclusive.

>N-no the doctors are WRONG

But im not the one who needs to cope user.

Attached: 1539564465944.jpg (540x960, 43K)

>new ip
>shits on archaic ip

its like a zoomer bullying a boomer

>My face right now

Attached: 4B3B367D-F5C1-44D3-83EE-2CE4DC74A8F8.png (737x345, 27K)

>manages to play even worse than BOTW
>onions tribes
peak zoomer game

Oh it's mostly that. But they roll out with excuses "I love beer too much to get a six pack hyuck hyuk" and other attention seeking shit. It's embarassing.

The ones playing FIFA and CoD aren't the sony fanboys that post on Yea Forums. Just like the grannies playing Wii Sports probably aren't the nintenbros you're talking about.

BoTW is best selling Zelda game
Odyssey is one of (if not the best) selling Mario games
Ultimate is the best selling Smash by a fucking mile
Mario Kart Deluxe is the best selling Mario Kart (this is actually insanely impressive)

I'm honestly not sure why but Nintendo is breaking all kinds of records with this thing.

Already planning your suicide?

Now compare the sheer number of threads bashing Sony or Sony systems with threads bashing Nintendo or Nintendo systems.

I don't give a single fuck about console wars or brand loyalty, but sonybros are the lesser evil here.

Do Joycons even work like Wii motes? Like I know they have gyros but not full motion sensors or anything right?

So, you bring fitness to conversations for no other reason than boasting about your six pack, no wonder they hate you.

I totally agree. Women with big boobs are marginalizes in this industry, we should fight for their rights.

Attached: 1522902889435.jpg (4208x5610, 913K)

Now that is complete bullshit, I don't care about Sony exclusives, yet I get bombarded with threads shitposting on the games I actually want to talk about. Yea Forums was fucking unbearable during the launch of BotW, Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 because of all the shitposting.

Why lie like this

user, as someone that owes both a PS4 Pro and a Switch, and probably plays the PS4 more, I think you might honestly be fucking blind.

At least you weren't here back when BoTW/Odyssey first came out.

They work better than Wii Remotes, much like the Wii Motion Plus.

>Hahahha horizon Zero Dawn sold more than BotW!!!!!
>is proven wrong
>b....but Zero Dawn is a new Ip and Switch has no other Games !!!!1
Lol sonybros are so pathetic

And Zelda still sold more.

Nah this is at the beach and shit you weeny. See you're just as bad as they are.

Oh believe me they wanted Nintendo to pull a full Sega so fucking bad
Mario, Zelda, Smash on PS4 hardware was a fanboy’s wet dream
They’d finally have something to play instead of something to watch

I'd be lying if I said I played HZD, I have a ton of games on my back log including good of war and red dead redemption 2. Growing up sucks I have such a big back log that I would have blown through by now if I had the time.
Although I had botw on my hacked Wii u and I liked it enough to actually buy it for my switch.
I bought the switch to hack too but that was right when they stopped people from being able to hack them so this is the first Nintendo console I actually buy games for

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The actual people who buy Sony don’t know nor care about this Mongolian underwater basket weaving forum
They just want to play the new FIFA this year

He says this while posting about a Sony game in a Sony thread.

Victim complex, superiority complex, shallow as a puddle, seriously dude, improve your personality, no one is envious of your "fit" body, they just don't like you.

>"He" ran out of smug weebshit

We're not talking about BoTW though.

>Sonybros are the lesser evil
Are you blind, high or just stupid?

Attached: A173EF22-845D-4DD8-975F-BD9B520AC600.jpg (458x458, 28K)

to be honest I don't remember seeing any Bus ads for BoTW like I did for Horizon


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>Googles more weebshit

Who cares. Horizon is just a feminist Witcher 3.

Dead ass
They price cut came fast as hell

Yeah because male characters with perfect facial aesthetics, great hair and six packs are pretty much unheard of.

Of course it sells more. The games quality has gone to shit. That is why its dirt cheap everywhere.

Nintendo knows their quality. That is why they never go down in price.

Attached: 1468942471678.gif (600x338, 1.62M)

Someone should show the DMC5 chad trio to this girl to show what male players deal with without issue.

Who is echo.tone and how it outsold BotW?

Why, I do believe it's time for some Tails Gets Trolled!

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Attached: 1487321824574.webm (848x480, 897K)

When we last left off Silver, Rob, Blaze, and Elmer Fudd were investigating the Troll City while Tails got introduced to the Defenders. Also Luigi fucking died

Attached: pg1.jpg (900x2049, 493K)

Exactly my point. People are so intimidated by fitness they'll just make shit up to dislike you. I already said the majority are complimentary. Those are guys that aren't insecure pussies. The rest are like you.

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>People are so intimidated by fitness

Yes user everyone envies you and your non existent personality.

Attached: pg4.jpg (900x1974, 408K)

You're prime evidence.

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Halo effect means attractive people are just better. Luckily you can earn a fit body, so just get at it.

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I have fit body user, exercise is not exclusive to you, but if it makes you feel better, picture me as one of those fat persons that "envy" you.

Attached: pg10.jpg (900x1974, 338K)

I don't picture you as anything. Not sure why you take so much issue with me saying some dudes are catty.


Attached: pg11.jpg (900x1974, 331K)

Horizon is a solid 7.5 or 8 out of 10. I can definitely see huge potential in a sequel, primarily fixing a boring/half-assed skill tree and removing human enemies entirely. The last half of the game is so much less interesting than the first half.

Attached: pg12.jpg (900x1974, 301K)

I already told you, they dislike you for other reasons and sees you as a gym rat, you are obviously upset about it so they keep bothering you with that.

If the game is so successful, where's all the pron?

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boi he boutta say it

Attached: pg13.jpg (900x1974, 277K)

Some of them don't even dislike me. They shit on themselves when we go to the beach. That whiny shit is annoying. If you don't like your body fix it.

A few more pages until he does

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I want to breed beautiful white babies with Aloy! I want to fill her womb over and over with my semen until she overflows and fall asleep in each other's arms as my essence fertilizes her and seals our primeval bond for all time.

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They don't need to be visibly upset to dislike you, some are good at hiding that, groups of friends tend to have stealth rivalries, for instance, friends I met on college are huge nerds, I am way better at Videogames than them, they don't stop talking to me but they always try to cope by saying I spend all day playing that I had no life, they stopped claiming that when they realized I spent all day with my delicious brown girlfriend, or going to parties with my other group of friends.

Can't be emulated? Sure.
Can't be pirated? Not so sure.

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I'm fairly confident I have better social skills and more life experience than you do, so you can refrain from trying to educate me.


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>That "I'm better than you" shit again
user, seriously? If you are a fraction of a cunt IRL that you are right now, I wouldn't be surprised if no one liked you, I'll stop replying, you are a lost cause.

>Mario gets NIGGED
A classic

Attached: pg20.jpg (900x1974, 413K)

>unironically shilling libtard propaganda trash

Attached: horizon zero dawn.jpg (1285x301, 97K)

The one he fears

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>still talking about the game years after release
looks like your image is full of shit, huh

Mario brought this on himself

>Libtard propaganda in-game
>ashly burch
>goblino characters

Attached: horizon lore.png (821x1328, 1.54M)


Attached: cover.jpg (756x610, 83K)

Imagine if you'd feel bad by playing all those games with the big swole dudes. If anything it only makes me feel more of a badass.
Fucking women

>implying you can improve your genetics
Chinese CRISPR babies aside, you can only dress up what god gave you.

To be fair the Troll King did kill Luigi

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Back to this gang of losers and Rob

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I'm sure the 40k sales at launch in Europe won't mean much.

Imagine being jealous of some polygons

RIP Underbite Troll

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>im not sure why
how about because its 30 years in the future and every cunt in the world plays video games now

Attached: pg10.jpg (900x1974, 354K)

Poor Christina Hendricks. Getting pregnant ruined her.

Isn't Mario Kart Wii the best selling Mario Kart? It's at 30 million or something isn't it?

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>It's another HZD SJW shill thread

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lol that face

Back to Tails

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At launch, BOTW sold more copies for Switch than the Switch did itself, it had a 102% attach rate

Attached: pg17.jpg (900x1974, 437K)

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According to whom, you?

I mentioned that already in another post, it happened due to stock shortages


Also, ratings >sales. So DOUBLE WRONG. Kill yourself OP.

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Attached: pg19.jpg (900x1974, 410K)

Men whine all the time about this shit, just go to /r9k/ to see the mgtow incels bitching about how women aren't interested in them and only go for "chads".

>Link and 8.8 in the same image
Oh the irony

>did you know that even with seat belts people die all the time in car crashes? i thought that was interesting
fucking hell i haven't seen this in so long and it's still so fucking funny

Attached: pg20.jpg (900x1974, 409K)

Switch then has even less games lmao
Holy fuck I forgot how rabid nintentoddlers actually are, it's fucking nuts

It was a good game, on a way bigger platform. Horizon was a lot of fun, I enjoyed the combat and the story was serviceable. It was worth buying.

>n!ntoddler can't actually understand what he reads
No surprise
"two platforms and from a widely known IP"
Literal drooling retard lmao

Attached: pg21.jpg (900x1972, 435K)

Top 5 games this gen
Yakuza 0
Witcher 3
Smash Ultimate

BoTW isn't even better than Skyrim or Oblivion. You fags have shit taste.


Attached: cover.jpg (756x610, 97K)

I'm holding off on ever playing horizon for the far off possibility that future modders will be able to fix her ugly face and body. While they are at it remove all voice acting. Then and only then will I play this game.

deduct the Nintendo sales bump and horizon sold more. just that simple

Attached: pg1.jpg (900x1972, 400K)

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>zelda is 98
>horizon is 88
both of which are false

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Nice game n!ntoddlers lmao

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>Comic about Sonic characters
>Best part of the comic is about looney tunes characters

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