Post formerly good game series that turned to shit and argue with eachother about it

Post formerly good game series that turned to shit and argue with eachother about it

This one makes me sad

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Silent Hill
Final Fantasy
Paper Mario
Star Fox

Both of you are correct. No fighting over here.

You first.

>caring about any halo after 2


>implying halo was good from the start

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Master chief should have died in Halo 3. After the warthog lands in the hanger he should hobble out of the wreckage, showing his age and the beating he’s taken. He goes up to Cortana and takes off his helmet, gray hair in a buzz cut, paper white skin, covered in scars, with piercing blue eyes that sharply contrast with his haggard appearance. He speaks with Cortana, concern shows on her face, and he lies down in the cryo pod for a final rest. Two heroes drift off into the abyss Viking style. Instead, 343 resurrected the poor man and drags him through some Star Trek knock off.

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I agree with you, they still could've kept the final cinematic with the 117 carved into the aircraft part at that memorial. Would've been the perfect ending

I'll permit Reach but that's where the Halo series ends, as far as I'm concerned Chief is still in that cryo tube but will one day wake up but that's where it ends. Also books count.

Anyway Little Big Planet fell far with 3, not that 3 in itself was entirely bad, although I didn't like it, it paled in comparison to the general experience of the first two games, which were very much a time and place kind of thing that doesn't come about often. Really anything in that series that came out after the steam had run out in the community was bound to fall flat, so let's hope Dreams brings the thunder back.

Also Empire Earth but the less said about that the better.

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Yea, sequels could have either fleshed out the war or followed the remaining Spartans in the aftermath.

I'll admit, I got emotional

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Replace 4 with ODST and Reach.
Halo 4 and 5 are just fan fiction.

I'm kind of glad it was killed so it wouldn't suffer the same fate as ME

Halo 4 was good

>This one makes me sad
Bungie's downfall was literally the turning point in video game quality by large developers. No other devs had garnered such a massively loyal fanbase before or since then, and once everyone realized the best of the best fell, there was no point in even trying anymore and relied on microtransactions and games programmed by Indians for quick $ instead.

ODST was the best in the series, and before you try and say 2 was the best not counting multiplayer , the story ending sucked, the brutes where rushed and really shitty bullet sponges to fight, the flood was the same. The only nice part was the parallel covenant story line.

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Wtf you talking about? DS3 was flaming garbage.

it was an okay game, and a decent 'Halo' game, but it wasn't actually a Halo game at all, it all felt like a community project with a professional team behind it, and the ending was enough to fucking ruin it completely

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I unironically love Halo 4. The story might have been cheesy but Chief and Cortana's relationship was CUTE.

I cried at the end. I am man enough to admit that.

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Halo is faggot-tier shit

Their downfall is truly unfortunate, it was the last community I was actively involved with. The old forums where amazing, full of good content and discussion (most of the time).

i never wanted to fuck cortana more than when I was playing halo 4. even tho I despised it, I cant deny the fact that she was fucking thick

Halo 2 was the game that taught me to be distrustful of AAA games.

yeah but it's still cool

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Cortana's design in H4 is literally the only good thing about it. And 343 couldn't even help but fuck that up like they did the rest of the series.

if you didn't like Halo 3 then I don't know what I can do for you

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Looking at the concept art for ODST is sad, because the game itself doesn't come anywhere near capturing the same feeling. They didn't even try really.

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>Regret, Regret, Regret.
>Catchy, any idea what it means?
>Dear Humanity, we regret being alien bastards, we regret coming to Earth, and we most definitely regret that the core just blew up our raggedy ass fleet.

Johnson was so fucking cool

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imagine being an odst during the war, basically having a 100% chance of dying

So you want a Deadspace andromeda?

Fuck off of my vidya series you johnny come lately child. You slow as fuck TTK, autoaim, moba playing bitch.

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so was Mass Effect 3, but somehow they made Mass Effect worse after that

do not insult me I will ruin you

ruin me

Reminded me of this trailer.

Holy shit they used to make amazing stuff.

ODST was a s close to that as you're gonna get mate, because it's still a Halo game, and the style of Halo is very based around being a super soldier fighting a whole army, so if you aren't remaking the game you can only stray from the core so far, that and ODST and their whole aesthetic are still just background to the main story so they will never be able to be given justice by their creators because they have very much of a Boba Fett aura, as in they're cooler the more imaginative liberty you have to regard them with

123reach are godly
Aswell as pvp

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Were we supposed to do that for you or something? The only reason I say that is because Halo was never good.

I'm fine with him being lost in space indeterminately. It's the hero getting his long awaited rest. You know he's taken care of and out of the way, and there's a hope that he'll one day return to the peaceful world he's responsible for creating. Immediately returning him to the protagonist role and undoing most of his achievements was fucking ludicrous. Have the decency to use a side character for this shit. ODST and Reach both sold well enough to prove you don't need Master Chief.

The relationship was cheesy because it didn't fit Master Chief at all. He's just a cold husk. Not an emotional faggot.

paper mario hits so hard.
loved playing Paper Mario the thousand year door

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didn't master chief punch a nuke at the end of halo 4? and was protected by cortanas lady boner? you can like it if you want but it fucked the story to death.

The only thing you ruin is your sheets when you wet the bed.

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My brother,

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It's oorah you dumb halo 2-3 nigger.

knew what i meant, no need to be a unyielding autistic about it.

would honestly prefer endless ODST style spin-offs over another direct sequel if they're gonna keep going at this level of quality.

still a higher chance then the average marine though