Dead or Alive 6 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) - March 1

Dead or Alive 6 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) - March 1
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove (PC, Mac, Lin, Switch, Ps4, Xbox One) - March 1
Left Alive (PS4, PC) – March 5
Total War: Three Kingdoms (PC) – March 7
Devil May Cry 5 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – March 8
Kirby's Epic Yarn (3DS) - March 8
The Division 2 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – March 15
Super Robot Wars T (Switch, PS4) - March 20
The Sinking City (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – March 21
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – March 22
Tropico 6 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) - March 29
Yoshi's Crafted World (Nintendo Switch) - March 29

Attached: dayone_na.jpg (1920x1080, 380K)

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Looks like Left Alive is the first big game with a story campaign.

I'm not interested in any of them. Maybe it's time for me to quit vidya.

yeah gaming sucks now, I hope they all bomb.

I'll get Left Alive when it's on sale (I hate bullet sponges), DOA6 already has that DLC shit. I'll wait until the free version comes out and individually pick what I want. I'll get Sekiro on sale. I'll wait until the Division 2 "ultimate" edition is on sale for $25. Holding storage space hostage, bunch of pricks.

Not even DMC5 or Sekiro? what's wrong with you

I was never a fan of games like dmc, I usually just button mash my way through and never touch them again. I'm also burned out on from soft games, I couldn't finish dark souls 3 and when the first trailer of sekiro rolled out it looked almost exactly like more of that.

>definitely buying

>definitely renting
Devil May Cry V

>might rent
Left Alive
The Sinking City

>hard pass
everything else

Glad March is a ghost town for good releases considering all the stuff dropping in april

>Devil May Cry 5
This is the GOTY
>Super Robot Wars T (Switch, PS4)
Can't wait and laugh over how censored the PS4 version will be
>Dead or Alive 6
Already pirating
>Left Alive
day one pirate, I'm still interested honestly.
Still skeptical over how the combat and stealth works.

Attached: 1524336772629.jpg (240x262, 14K)

DMC5 is actually going to be pretty shit.

Only The Sinking City and Left Alive for me. Not a fan of the rest.

Sekiro is the only real obligatory purchase




Already preordered
>Left alive
Preordered, probably won't be much but eh
on sales later

Elaborate why.

Just look at it.
>shit graphics
>shit art style and characters
>story looks completely retarded
>gameplay is ass
>DLC and microtransactions

>Total War: Three Kingdoms (PC) – March 7
>Devil May Cry 5 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – March 8
>Kirby's Epic Yarn (3DS) - March 8
>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – March 22
>Tropico 6 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) - March 29
>Yoshi's Crafted World (Nintendo Switch) - March 29

Those I'm interested in. Skip the rest.

For me it's
>Left Alive

>fine maybe
>who cares
>who cares


You are incorrect. I stated facts.

Nah, you're just lying

No I'm not. You'll see in a week when you get to play it.

Yeah just like you'll only get to play it next week, you seething fag

What's the source for this? I want somewhere that lists new releases.

Stop lying.

I doubt it will be cracked day 1. I'll play it only to point out exactly why it's bad to mad fags like you who bought it lol.

I'm not.

I won't buy it because I don't like the art style they went for. However it's absolutely going to be the best action game ever made and no amount of trolling from you will change this fact.

Keep telling yourself that.

Right back at you m8

I'm just telling the truth.

And yet you're full of shit

Left Alive is probably the only one im getting this month since i just finished 100% MGSV (This time with Infinite Heaven) again and have still a urge for a STELF ACSHUN GAEM, not like Konami and Kojimmy gonna deliver on those anymore, might as well give it whirl, not like im expecting something budget blowing like MGSV out of it, what i seen of DMC5 just doesn't click with me like 3 and 4 did and im all SRW'd out Tropico could been interesting if i hadn't already played Tropico 3 3 times already and blatantly gonna shit out DLC and complete edition cheaply if i wait. Crafted World simply doesn't appeal to me either.

The fact im getting even one game means it is a good month though.


Left Alive and Sekiro are day one for me. I'll buy DMC5 when Capcom finish adding DLC.

Attached: left_alive_characters_group_art_1.jpg (1200x675, 163K)

Quick rundown on the game?

Do I need online to play that? Can it run on a shitty laptop?

Left Alive? Discount Metal Gear in the Front Mission universe.

From what i got it has a couple of semi-open worlds that you have a mission in that have GIANT ROBOTS wandering that will probably rather easily kill you, you can tackle in various ways like Stealth, Crafting or hijacking a one and such things, don't expect god-tier AI since there are some videos showing off how dumb it is and the GRAFIX aren't exactly amazing, i can understand people not being interested or waiting for a sale.

Basically the concept seems to be: Survive a Warzone with Mecha as a weak disposable Foot soldier/Survivor.

total war was delayed

Getting DOA and DMC. Maybe Sekiro too.

>still no proofs

then quit faggot

Do you only have a switch and you are mad you cannot play it user?

That list is missing some games like Fate/Extella Link, Caligula Effect, Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists, etc.

I'm torn on Extella Link. I enjoyed the original quite a bit but am kind of burnt out on it. Definitely getting Nelke though. Caligula Effect looks interesting but I don't know much about it.

>rent video games

I played the Vita version of Caligula for like 5 hours or so before dropping it because of the shitty framerate and confusing combat system. The remake seems to have fixed all the problems and adds a ton of new content including a new female protagonist/route, so hopefully it'll be good now.

you might just have appallingly shit taste user

Attached: disgust.png (320x320, 129K)

>I have never played a DMC game


In all fairness DaS3 was pretty shit.