In your opinion, what is the most satisfying mechanic of any game?

In your opinion, what is the most satisfying mechanic of any game?

Attached: 942743679_preview_Rocket Jump.png (300x314, 63K)

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bunny hopping

Engineer is a very satisfying mechanic

headshots with the torquebow or sniper in gears of war

Traversing mechanics like Prototype, and the spiderman games. Theres nothing else like it.

Skiing in Tribes.


Attached: 9hj2e0kj5lb11.png (899x570, 161K)

Parrying, especially if a game gives a slight freeze frame or whatever when you do it.

Any type of active dodge system that forces you to get gud or die
also these

Movement in 3D space, in whatever way.
The most notable examples are platforming and driving, but it's important in any game where you move in 3D.


Attached: when you nut.jpg (377x567, 15K)

This whole game.

Attached: 321338-super-mario-64-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg (800x1131, 199K)

Warframe's bullet jumping. Or unlimited speed enhancing movements with little to no cool down.

good taste

Rogue stealth World of Warcraft.

>i can fucking hear the laugh
get out of my head

>sneak up on braindead sniper
>stab him on the back
>ragdoll glitches, catapulting it forward at the speed of light

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Firing any sort of room clearing megaweapon in any not-serious scifi shooter

20+ years later and firing the BFG9000 still has an amazing sense of feedback when you fire it.


Ganking in an MMO.
>roll fotm broken pvp class
>spend wagie $ p2wing it
>use every buff imaginable the game lets me use
>just fucking gank niggers
>type gg, bad, sweety, oopsie, ? in chat after every kill
>if they re-work my class, simply spend $ to roll to the next fotm
It's like heroin, and if I start losing I literally just run away or use the escape function which no one ever uses


Ah, you are literally me.

We need to form a union of people like us, and mega-gank everyone. (I'm being serious.)

double jumping and dashing

GunZ k-style