This is gonna be so fucking bad

sharding , loot trading in dungeon, modern ai, hd graphics, colorblind mode, battlenet integration all that fuckng gay crap will be included

wow classic isnt being made with genuine motivation they just wanna kill off private servers, which are max comfy with like 8k ppl online and ppl from different continents, which is cool cause it leads to unique moments, which wont happen on retail u will have like what 600 ppl per realm?

Attached: wowclassic2.png (1024x510, 633K)

Other urls found in this thread:

of all the shit to whine about, you choose colorblind mode?

colorblind mode aka We want the sjw lgbt audience

what the complete fuck

people still give blizzard money in 2019. they still have battle net installed. imagine that.

Attached: 1550922796153.jpg (1920x1080, 134K)

.. what?

Attached: 1539255880635.jpg (691x624, 249K)

I'll take some mutant version of vanilla over those shady ass fuck private servers with chinese bots and power-tripping mods anyday. Fuck private realms.

This will kill the game
>Loot trading in dungeons
This is because they won't have any GMs to handle loot errors in vanilla, that being said yes it is shitty, but the bind on need system will be in place.
>modern AI
As long as defias pillager is huhing you to death it should be fine
>HD graphics
This shit sucks the most, I miss that classic fucking bloom reflecting off the sunset waters of westfall and stranglethorn the most
>colorblind mode
I see no problem with this
>battlenet integration
This happens to all blizzard games now, its only a matter of time before we see blackthorne and lost vikings on it as well

Would I prefer a rebuild of 1.12? Yes, but this is modern blizzard, its the best they're going to do, and we'll still have vanilla private servers.

I'll give it a chance if it lasts more then a few months.

based retard OP

Its still better than private servers no matter how badly they fuck it up.
What do you mean with HD graphics? Is it confirmed they'll be different? Also what is sharding?


Attached: _20181101_175644.jpg (600x304, 48K)

Sharding isn't even confirmed yet so can we stop acting like it is

>he actually thought blizzard would release classic as it is
Imagine being this fucking naive

Sharding means there will be "instances" on the server so you wont actually see every player. They have said this is only for the first few weeks after launch because they expect there to be a huge interest at first with hundreds of thousands trying the game that will quickly dwindle down to like 10,000 players. The idea is that this would be better than closing/merging dozens of servers shortly after launch because player count plummets

>color blind mode
real talk what's wrong with this?

>colorblind mode
It makes me geniunely happy that someone is angry that colortards get to play the game. I'm going to join you.
Fuck you, colorblind subhumans, you are not safe on the day of the rope

OP you should just abandon the thread

ok sorry

We don't even know if half of the things are in the final release.
According to everyone at Blizzard they're "thinking" about using it in the starter zones.
>Loot trading
The classic forums are filled with bitching about it. I guess Blizzard will just remove loot trading alltogether and write:
>if you roll on it, you will take it. No trading. Deal with it.
I'd rather have this option.

I don't want to go back to fucking DKP, that shit only leads to guilds breaking up and making retarded rules to favor the officers.

You don't want retarded guilds. Good leadership usually makes sure that DKP wars don't happen.

lol of course it's going to be shit, it's a fucking world of warcraft release from BLIZZARD in 2019

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why the sudden increase on classic threads? is something happening soon?

no but classic is going to be fucking huge at least on launch. alot of people are waiting for this

Oh yea that makes sense if its true that they drop it after the launch hype instead of servers crashing constantly

Blizzard has been awfully quiet about it, we heard fuckall after the layyoffs and the earnings call didn't mention it. Most sensible people take it as a hint, that Blizzard wants to keep classic under wraps so Kotick doesn't dip his dick into it.
Retards think, that the game has been cancelled and is getting the HL3 treatment. Either way, if we don't hear something soon the latter version will manifest itself in the heads of many people.

Protip: It's cancelled. Just go back to private servers, they're more vanilla-esque than any abomination modern Blizzard Activision will shit out.

Attached: 1423943217735.png (331x327, 173K)

Spotted the retard. Blizzard can't back out. If the game does not release in Summer 2019 without a word, expect the fans to lose their shit.

Ahh yes, because Diablo Immortal totally wasn't the final nail in the coffin. THIS will be the stick that breaks the camel's back.

It's literally a filter that takes absolutely 0 development time to implement you absolute degenerate

lmao so naive

I hope so.

colorblind people existed before the lgbt strawman

There's been at least one going home thread a day for the last 2 months

We're going home bros

Attached: 1550616873693.png (1445x1200, 265K)

t. chink fearing his private server gold selling business

Classic will thrive while your shit private servers will be nothing but shit eating 3rd worlders

Youre trying to hard.

they been more active lately though

Not interested unless sharding is completely removed and I can run it outside their godawful client.
That's the deal. Blizzard needs me way more than I need it in 2019

sharding starting zones is a good thing

my home is wotlk. i never played tbc i never played vanilla until i realized theres a fuckload of people and that is best for world pvp. i was planning to play in stranglethorn vale but i actually never leveled past like 28. up til lightshope i just stayed in stonetalon mountains and redridge on alliance and horde, so fucking fun i dont even need any other zones lol.

is it true frost mage is a god? high survivability, cc, mobility, high pve damage, easy to play with a 1 button rotation?

just play orc warlock and kill all

Mages are a top tier class. Amazing ability to farm, great in PvP, bring awesome utility and damage in PvE. Can earn money through conjuration and portals, the latter being a fantastic time saver.

based and redpilled

oh, youre a subhuman lol

>hd graphics
How bad was your computer?

what's the best race for frost mage?

gnome or undead

Why undead over troll?

I'd say Undead. WotF helps tremendously vs SPriests and Warlocks as Mages can get shit on by casters (ironic, really) and +10 resist Shadow is nice too.

+++ troll is best cause u dan /dance while enemy is slowed is funny as phuck

You stupid fucking nigger. Colorblind mode is for people who cant see colors properly, not some sjw shit where they try to whitewash niggers to be white or whites to be niggers.

Seriously, kill yourself zoomer

>I'd rather have this option.

So would I, but I doubt Blizzard would go through with it. We're going to have loot trading and it's going to be awful.

It's okay user, we are going home soon.

SJWs call people who say they don't see color racist all the fucking time

WotF is really really good. Unless you plan to never be out in the open and spend 100% of your time in pve undead will have the better racials. I prefer trolls myself because that 5 hp/second is just too good to ever pass up

supporting colorblind degenerates is sjw shit.

>hd graphics
not confirmed
if they use this in barrens, there will be problems.