I am the cutest protag!

sword-chan is ugly!

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so is this chicken bitch

you have such shit taste mister
you are acutally a homo right haha!

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I like both

Hetero sex with hat on

go back to your containment board
no one cares about your pedo obsessions

Japan cares, user

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Is shield-chan, sword is the guy nobody cares about.

>containment board
do you even know what hat means underage faggot? or are you just reposting for the epic lolz
no its not.

mating press

Yes it is, the girl is always called after the second game mentioned. Why do you think "chicken-chan" is "Moon"?


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Do you even know what it means?
/vp/ was created for this very reason.
It's the the /mlp/ to Yea Forums's Yea Forums
Not that I'd expect someone who arrived after its creation to understand.

I want to go to a daycare center with a pokegirl!

the fact that you're such a spiteful cunt drastically brings down your cuteness levels
you could never be the cutest

what? can you speak like a human being? i cant understand spic

Yea Forums- videogames
pokemon is a videogame
now piss off mad ponyfucker

because she beautiful in the moonlight

I await doujins.

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>/vp/ isn't a containment board!

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It is, but it leaks like /pol/ on election day.

Chicken unironically is the cutest though

܂Newfags can't reversepost

All the girls after BW look absolutely retarded. Hard to believe there's anyone who likes them unironically.

Chicken-chan, you are my eternal waifu.

I'm not one of those instant boys who switch their fagging target everyday.

Any reward for this?

this bw were the worse games tho

What is this implying?

>mating press
You'll break her pelvis like that.

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I'm just here for you shield-chan!

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