Gee I am glad I spent all them years playing videogames

Gee I am glad I spent all them years playing videogames.


Now i remember when games used to be good.That Zelda breath of the wild.Now that was a game.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>implying i'm going to be on a deathbed
the only thing that's going to kill me is myself

I regret nothing, I'm glad I wasted my life away.

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>getting old
The right thing to do is to kill yourself when you are 50.

Attached: uhhhh....jpg (500x489, 19K)

iust saw this thread on tv lol

nice one op! ha! lol

As someone who works with old people, living over 80 looks like a nightmare.
Enjoy your youth, faggots.

It got deleted fast

>Gee I am glad I spent all them years playing videogames.
Yeah! Woo Hoo!!111

i didnt open it i just saw it on the catalog lol! ha!

>not killing yourself going out on your own terms

I think this one will be deleted fast too mods are really strict on Yea Forums.

William Shatner and David Attenborough seem to be doing alright. Think it's just genes and mentality honestly.

I'm glad I spent all my money on those gacha games and skins in AAA games. I don't have kids to leave an inheritance too anyway.

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And money.
Like a shit ton of money. You have no idea how expensive it gets.
Sure, some people reach 100, drinking and playing football, totally fine, but most of us are going to have a shitty time after 70.

I was lying on my bed crying for the first time in months earlier because I couldn't stop thinking about how not only am I incredibly lonely, but it's only going to get harder and harder as I get older. I'm already 27, but I'm also 'only' 27. It's going to get fucking terrible and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

why exactly were you crying?Is it the loneliness or aging?

>Zelda breath of the wild
Shit taste grandpa

Both, I guess. As you get older, loneliness becomes even more of a problem and even more difficult to solve. I'll also never have a youth to look back on with satisfaction.

You're right. I'm going to call my boss right now and ask to work more and find a walking vagina to impregnate. Because working and breeding is all that matters

Beautiful, he spent his life doing what he loved, no matter what others thought...

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Join the 27 club senpai

God i wish i was an old man

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What else is there to do?

The you th have possibilities the old realities why should the elders be jealous then?Aging and death is hard for everyone.You don't need to spend your entire life alone too.

>Not blowing your brains out at 60

based and retardpilled

For me it's the exact opposite. But I'm not a failed normalfag, I never wanted friends in the first place.

I am pretty sure i am already dying anyways at age 25 so fuck getting old i guess.

There is no way I won't be spending my entire life alone.


Why join hobbies meet people
>inb4 autism
Social SKILLS are learned.Don't be so down on yourself.

>implying I’m living past 40

immune system shows up fucked in blood tests and i am white as a ghost and generally unhealthy all the time.

Not going to do chemo if its any cancer because knowing my own body chemo will just put me in the brave faster.

I'll be doing a thyroid test soon so hopefully all this shit is caused by a fucked up thyroid as the medication for that is rather consequenceless

it's not much but i hope it isn't anything serious and you get better if it its user

thanks, i hope so too.

I have good social skills. I'm a teacher (adult learners). I just don't get along with anyone beyond that surface level and both fear rejection and know I will be rejected. I'm no one and nothing.

live on a higher level bro

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Gee I am glad I spent all them years shitposting on Yea Forums.


Now i remember when I made a thread with another wojack/pepe edit. Now that was a good epic funny moment xd.

what would be meaningful in comparison?
the only thing that really matters is raising a successful family, and you can absolutely do that while still playing games

i think you're gay and homosexual. maybe consider transitioning?


I don't give a fuck. Life is worth losing!

>Implying by the time I'm 80 we won't have full-dive VR
Or failing that
>Implying 90% of human life won't be wiped out in a nuclear apocalypse within the next 10-20 years