is it really that bad? Like I mean is it bad because of bad game mechanics, or is it just bad when compared to DA1?
I only played Origins, Awakening not yet but I do have it. interested in playing pic related but I also wanna hear your thoughts on it first
Is it really that bad? Like I mean is it bad because of bad game mechanics, or is it just bad when compared to DA1?
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It's not awful, but not as good as Origins. But at least it has better writing and characters than Dragon Age Inquisition for what it's worth.
It's bad because you can't bang your sister who's the only hot one in the game.
It's really grindy and boring. Literally recycled three dungeons over and over, enemy waves, that bulshit enemy ability when they regain full health, compainions are extremly poorly written, they fucked up lore from DA1, animations are over the top animu style (especially rogue), fucked up skill trees, ugly visuals, grimdark edgy city where you spend most of the time, no sense of discovery.
I legit hate that game. Had to convince myslef to finish it. And that's coming from somenone who really enjoyed Origins.
It's okay I guess. If you like bioware writing and dialogue like Mass Effect, you will have fun.
Otherwise, just watch a video about the events and skip to Inquisition. That game is much better than 2
Yeah, that sums up whole DA2 pretty well.
It's a better story concept than basically anything else Bioware has done. No ancient evil, a smaller scale, more intimate narrative focused on a single city and how it changes over the years given the challenges that arise, putting the spotlight on the only interesting conflict in the DA setting. Execution was pretty shit, but I appreciate it more for attempting something slightly different from the dull staple bioware experience.
Every DA game has been terrible slogs, though, so I really don't understand why it gets as much hate as it does given how boring the original is.
it's fine. it's a stepdown from Origins but compared to Inquisition it's a masterpiece. Inquisition is horrendously bad but for some reason it won 'le game of the year' honestly fuck this industry we get everything we deserve.
It's no origins, but its actually great. Many of the complaints for it around here are actually nitpicks that you can get over easily.
There's a lot less tactics in combat, that's true, it's more of a hack and slash now.
It sucks that they re-used assets in all the areas but after an initial wtf its all good. The minimap still showing blocked off paths is annoying though.
Characters and companions are the best thing about this game. They have THREE companion quests now given at different stages of the game so you really get to see their story play out. Retcons were dumb though. Arishok did nothing wrong.
Plot was a little on the nose and sort of fell apart in the end but i thought it was at least memorable.
Inquisition is dogshit though and has no redeeming qualities.
>Inquisition is horrendously bad but for some reason it won 'le game of the year'
The entire industry was jerking off to open world games at the time
Anyone have more of these?
I genuinely hate this game like no other. The story, locations and gameplay are all a step down from Origins. But most of all I hate the characters. Seriously wanted to murder half of the followers.
Awakening is great though, shame that the sequels discarded most of what happened in it.
>games are so shitty nowadays that Dragon Age 2 is considered decent by current standards
What a time to be alive
Anders did nothing wrong and the Grand Cleric deserved what she got for not putting a stop to Meredith and Orsino's bullshit in the first place.
>meh combat
>story is decent
>some characters are terrible some are good
the main thing that gets annoying is the random hordes of enemies you have to fight when you're just walking around.
Decent? By who?
I thought the entire series was shit, played from Origins to Inquisition and I can say for certain that Dragon Age has the least inspired fantasy realm since Kingdoms of Amalur. Just tonally flat, lifeless and shit coloured.
DA2 is a cave defence simulator where you must stop intruders from trespassing on your dull and generic looking property.
Or at least that's how it feels after clearing out the same re-used cave environment for the hundredth time.
It could be the best DA game if it wasn't so rushed. Very interesting ideas and some great characters but the end result is pretty mediocre.
It is. Tried to play it 3 times, always gave up. Not worth anyone's time
>by whom?
Are we in the same thread?
You did NOT just pull that
I replied to that user with an answe to his question. I'm sorry if I didn't quote him and his mistake exactly as he posted it.
Do you have to have played it to understand the story in Inquisition? I've played Origins, but would kind of rather skip this one.
The only thing I remember from when I played a pirate copy is that I chose a dialog option to be nice to some guy and I my character suddenly fucked him in the ass.
Fuck this cunt. On second thought, fuck all mages in DA2. All of them are backstabbers, terrorists, serial killers or demon worshippers.
What if Hawke is a mage?
Damn, I'll have to start being nice to people
>Mage Hawke
literally worst Hawke
It really is that bad, but the writing can be pretty funny. And at the very least, the story, characters, and side quests are better than Inquisition
the culmination of her companion quests is what i call "epic"
Both DA games are bad. They're linear, boring, storygame, wannabe JRPGs.
In other words, typical Bioware shit.
Her questline bugged out on me so bad that I was forced to use a savefile editor to even complete it.
I unironically enjoyed it most of DA trilogy.
Inquisition was a fucking grind/snore fest with little to no interesting characters. The only one who had soul - Varik was dropout from II. Couldn't force myself to finish that garbage.
Origins treats itself way to seriously for it's Tolkien's copypaste universe, it keeps you going until the end,but I can't recall single NPC companion beside morrigan. It's really not THAT good of a game.
DA II is barely RPG,it's more of an action based game but it suits the setting more. It could be much better with more locations but it does good on development of characters and background NPCs as well.
Spoken that all dragon age games are trash
So you don't actually like RPGs
Yes. Combat was utter shit
He's the only Hawke whose class actually affects the story, albeit in a minor way
DA is a visual novel with JRPG/RPGlite elements, not an RPG.
ok kid
If you think DA serves as a good example of RPGs, then I think it's you who doesn't actually like RPGs.
It's better than Inquisition, and worse than Origins.
I don't think Dragon Age is very good but this is downright absurd
And yet I bet you think The Witcher 3 is an RPG
The characters were good. The story was okay. I personally thought the combat was decent, but the constant waves of new enemies appearing out of nowhere hurt trying to be strategic. Really it was the crappy environments and dungeon design that was bad.
This, at the time I thought it was as bad as its going to get.
If I knew how bad thing really were...
Ok kid. I am sure you are already googling some game from the early ninties you never played to list as the perfect RPG to btfo me totally. Just kill yourself and take DA2 with you
I'm not even surprised by these posts anymore. Everyone who shits on DA:O turns out to be a child
No need to cite any game. DA and Bioware in general has never made a good RPG. Every single game they've ever made has been a linear adventure game just one step above generic JRPGs.
By today's standards it decent, a HUGE disappointment coming after origins tho.
It was horribly rushed (1year of development I believe) and it shows
solid story, solid world building,solid gameplay
8/10 and its much better than DAI fuck that game
You wanted to be an merchant or something didnt you?
Just play d&d
It's worth a playthorught for me, but not a second.
The companions and romances are way worse, with exception of
who doesn't even appear the whole game,
the combat is WAY worse, focused on action and consoles,
the dialogue system is much more limited, even if it comes with a voiced protagonist,
the game is extremely repetitive and lack fun things in general.
It has some nice basis for a story, but it doesn't execute it very well.
Also, play awakening first, just so you can be extra disappointed with what they did to Anders.
Why? DnD isn't a particularly good role playing game either. Though obviously for different reasons.
>Also, play awakening first, just so you can be extra disappointed with what they did to Anders.
Yeah, it was so disappointing that Anders stopped being an Alistair clone. How incredibly awful.
Literally all companions except your sister are backstabers.
Your brother is super jealous of you and potentially joins the order that wantes to imprison you.
Anders did so much bullshit that it's hard to list.
All other companions (except your sister and the dog) will betray you in the quest Night Terrors if a demon tempt them.
Also, special mention of Isabela because you know what.
This is really not soemthing woth discussing, first because characters preferences is too much subjective (I for instance never saw Anders as an Alistar clone), second because pretty much everyone except you feels that way.
its very flawed and rushed and you can smell the EA influence coming, but it may be the last Bioware game that still has a bit of the old bioware in it and how sad is that really
>I for instance never saw Anders as an Alistar clone
You're not serious, right? Their appearance is similar, their voices are similar, and they both had that same shitty sarcastic jokester persona which is somehow supposed to be seen as endearing but in reality is just annoying.
>install the skip the fade mod
>realize I would want a skip the mines mod
>realize I would want a skip the werewolf forest mod
>realize I would want a skip the x mod
>realize the combat is completely easily trivially busted
>realize DAO is just bad
Dragon Age was always garbage
maybe you should start to skip breathing
>Their appearance is similar, their voices are similar,
True, but I never given any importance to it, the simple fact that Anders is a mage and wears robes and Alistair is a templar that wears heavy armor is enough to in practice make them visually pretty distinctive. But once again, I never cared much about their apperance.
>both had that same shitty sarcastic jokester persona which is somehow supposed to be seen as endearing but in reality is just annoying.
Both of them start with light hearted banter, but that's it. The subjects of such, and how they develop, is very different. Also, I think you are in a minority that thinks both of them so annoying. But I'm SURE that most people think Anders in DA2 is far, far more annoying than in DA: Awakening.
He's right, though. Dragon Age combat is tedious shit, and the game constantly forces you into the endlessly boring combat dungeons.
I like RPGs, I don't like redundant, fantasy world which is only slightly different from Tolkien's world.
Somebody listed Witcher 3 as example of perfect RPG which is heavily arguable,but what witcher has is interesting world which takes completely different approach on Tolkien's fantasy and actually creates unique world.
None of DA could've done that, it's simple copypasta of classic which is poorer than original. I cannot immerse into poorly made world.
Decent game for waifufaging, but thats it
Default FemHawke is perfection.
Also, I like Carver. He's quite interesting than the usual BW companion.
You didn't read even one bit of DA lore, did you? Why are you even in this thread
I read what was in the game, I refuse to read books based on a game to understand a fucking game.
Lore is done poorly,it's Tolkien plus let's create Christianity in fantasy setting. Nothing unique nor interesting about that.
No you didn't read any of it, user
Well I guess random cunt in the internet knows better
Fuck this baby's first RPG setting lore
Pay some attention in games you play from now on and you might like them more
It's just shitty lore user, try to get better taste
No it isn’t. All the girls in this game are shit
DA lore is miles better than Witcher lore. BioWare is just much worse at making use of their lore plus on top of that SJWs invaded them so even if they remembered to make use of it, it would be censored. Just makes it all the more infuriating
It was bad for the time, but it's actually a good game if you compare it to modern game design, or the general lack of true RPGs now. Despite its flaws, it's still very enjoyable if you're into the series.
The mechanics are great but it's more of a Diablo like game than full RPG like Origins in terms of combat. I found the companions to be great actually and the friendship/rivarly system was a great idea that should be implemented more in RPGs. But the story is nonsens and unfinished just like the rest of the game. So be prepared for the last act to make no sense and for locations and enemies to be awfully reused. However it's max comfy if you manage to look past the unfinished parts
>DA lore is miles better than Witcher lore
>copypaste Tolkien's world
>add some mages
>add some templars
>add some christianity but not real deep christianity,just shallow interpretation
Here you go you got DA.
>copypaste Tolkien's world
>but now races aren't all pure and holy,they're racist and more realistic
>pogroms, racial issues,religious hatred,dark side of humanity is exposed
>add slavic mythology
>add norther mythology
>let PC be a man trying to be a good person in corrupt world
Yea I can see how DA is superior.
>angry slavnigger is angry
Witcher lore is shit, now fuck off kurwa
>baby can't cope with his favorite lore being eragon tier trash
There's a reason no great literature ever came out of poland, and that reason is that people are too busy squatting and fucking donkeys
If you ignore literally everything that happens in a TES game and only pay attention to the written lore, it isn't bad either. Unfortunately we aren't talking about lore compendiums, but video games. If you can't integrate this claimed amazing lore into the experience of the game than it doesn't count for shit.
It's weird how every Dragon Age game really feels different.
The biggest things working against DA2 were its SUPER rushed development schedule (it was just 1 year or something) which resulted in tons of asset reuse and junk
But it did have some really interesting ideas, like having a more lowkey story with lower stakes, focusing on a smaller area than DAO or other fantasy games. It also did some interesting things with ahving a self-contained time-skip story as well as having the friendship/rival dynamic for party members.
And I'd be lying if I didnt say the gameplay wasnt fun at later levels as it went full anime.
At its core, it was an action-RPG with the vestigial trappings of a CRPG, with tons of its potential and polish cut due to a rushed schedule
>but now races aren't all pure and holy,they're racist and more realistic
That's in DA as well
>pogroms, racial issues,religious hatred,dark side of humanity is exposed
Also in DA, did you miss the entire Qunari vs Chantry vs Wilds dynamic or the bit in DAO where they have the ELVEN ghetto where humans go in to rape elves whenever they feel like?
>not real deep christianity
The Chantry is really not that similar to Christianity other than having a similar proliferation and hierarchy in ways
I think it gets a bad reputation, its not really that bad. I thought the companions were really good and I personally liked them more than DAO's.
It looks like a masterpiece next to anything bioware shit out since.
- sarcastic Hawke
- faster paced combat
- friend/rival mechanic
- plot isn't about being the chosen one who must save the world from an ancient evil
- party members have their own places where they live and hang out
- MC has a family
- better graphics than in DA:O
- reused locations
- Kirkwall gets old fast
- enemy waves
- Felicia Day
- everyone is bi (except for Sebastian who's so beta he won't even fuck you)
The difference is that the Witcher earns it's serious tone, whereas DA feels like corny schlock. It's constantly at odds with itself as it tries to be grimdark fantasy with the constant hammy cheese you get with any Bioware writing.
I remember getting DA II on release, I was just surprised with the amount of world building they'd done with Origins, they decided to constrain the game into effectively what was a pretty dull city by high fantasy standards. I don't think it was always the intention though, I think the game was fairly rushed, some of the combat was okay I guess, the characters were forgettable too.