Zelda good

>zelda good
>god of war bad

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Other urls found in this thread:



go away Joseph Anderson




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>Good game good
>Bad game bad

Both are mediocore

>I watch 2 hour long youtube essays from morons about videogames

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his zelda video was only 50 minutes

correct. OP is salty lmao

I'm trying to get my Zelda BoTW .wud to show up in CEMU so I can adjust the game's profile but it simply refuses to, though I can load the game just fine & config files are generated for it, any clues? Xenoblade X shows up just fine, granted that's a Loadiine with a proper meta folder.

His GoW video was great but his botw video was really lackluster desu

>He doesn't watch longform vidya analysis on Youtube

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It's no masterpiece

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No, this is Matthew not Joseph.

Sounds about right to me.
Bloodborne and BotW are my favorite games this gen.

This but un-ironically

>Yea Forums spends years mocking the map towers in Ubisoft games
>Completely stops after BotW launches
Nintendo apologists are unbearable

People were mocking BotW's ''Climb tower, fill in map'' shit too.
But, it's literally okay when Nintendo does it.

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>Wojak edit

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That's because when they got the game and played it, they discovered that the Sheikah Towers don't operate like Ubisoft Towers at all.


Not an argument.

>knows stuff
>down to earth
>video game developers praise him
>realizes nintendo superiority
>soothing voice
>gf with incredibly cute voice

>probably American
>the town made him stupid

hrt guy
>likes Dark Souls 2
>literally gay

Based Matthew shutting down both anti-BotW shitposters and "it’s a masterpiece" dicksuckers in less than an hour.

>the town made him stupid
This will never not be fucking hilarious.

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Everyone laugh at OP for expecting us to back him up instead of agreeing with the guy spending 55 minutes being right

>the Sheikah Towers don't operate like Ubisoft Towers at all
>Slapping on fast travel makes something completely different
sure thing buddy

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>the town made him stupid


he basically called it perfection


>hey i never worked on a video game, have no clue about video game development or design but pls watch me meander on about my surface amateur understanding for an hour...pls i need the money

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Ubisoft towers clog up your map with pins and icons, which is what makes them so infamous because it removes all exploration and it's really counterintuitive.
People don't hate Ubisoft Towers just because of the "tower" part.

You should probably watch it again. And maybe listen. No game is perfect, and he knows it.

>Have you ever made a game?
Not an argument.

The devs of God of War told people to watch Matthew's video. Platinum Games did the same and called it "in-depth".

Defend this shit, dragonfags.

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He does fuck up on the technical aspects a bit. He should probably just stop going into that sort of stuff because it's clear his knowledge is very, very limited and he winds up often making factually incorrect declarations.

yes they say that in public for pr reasons because dumb ecelebs talking about games is literal free pr and would otherwise cost literal gold.
Marketing works and its a easy sell.

But he does know alot about the technical aspect of games, you can tell by his videos unless you're a brainlet. He's a programmer after all.

I enjoyed both games

I don't need hour+ long autistic youtube analyses to tell me that my opinions are wrong.

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is this real, i haven't sat through a hamster video since his dark souls reviews

you see the thing is i actually was a dev for a decade and i actually watched some of his videos its surface level shit and half the time he doesnt even know why game design wise things are the way they are. He is blind man trying to describe color.

Joseph posts his entire script to go along with the video. It's right there for everyone to see.
He desperately needs an editor because there is no reason why his videos should be 2 hours long when they can easily be trimmed down to ~1 hour without losing anything.

>I don't need hour+ long autistic youtube analyses to tell me that my opinions are wrong.

Of course not. People only care about this sort of shit when it tells them their opinion is RIGHT. People crave validation. They don't enjoy exploring the fact that they may be wrong about something and they certainly don't like being just outright challenged.

Matthew has like 100k subscribers, most of which have probably already played the games he talks about.

>Make game where vertical exploration is important
>Include almost nothing that builds or improves on it

Do you nintendo insects ever criticize the company you dick ride so hard?

I think the excuse was that it didn't mark everything but instead just proved the region's topography, to make using beacons more manageable. Still BS, and the unskippable animation alone is a huge turn off when I consider replaying it.

Only when they don't localize a game that they'll never buy, or censor some sort of random panty quest
Otherwise Ninty can do no wrong

But I do like that. I even sat through Anderson's 2 hour rants to get this feeling because matt and I are too alike.

Sorry for correcting false accusations, I guess I'm supposed to sit back and let it slide because that would help your narrative.
The Sheikah Towers don't have any of the characteristics that make Ubisoft Towers so insufferable.
You can't assume it's literall the exact same deal because "omg it's a tower".

The focus of the video was not on Flurry rush, it was about the effect that the new player freedom had on the quality of the game. That's the problem with Anderson, he has no focus

If nobody wanted to be challenged, nobody would ever discuss things they've played on Yea Forums. Other perspectives, even or especially opposing ones, are interesting if they're well-constructed.

Why should I trust you over a guy who's been praised by successful devs?

Yeah? New God of War didn't try to do anything new for the medium. It was a checkbox game.
>Over the shoulder third person (RE4, etc.)
>Companion character you're supposed to develop a bond with (ICO, etc.)
>Skill trees
>CINEMATIC walk and talk
And that's it, really. PS2/3 God of War had scale over its contemporaries in DMC. New God of War has absolutely nothing over its contemporaries, whereas BoTW's take on a more acrobatic open world was refreshing. It's not perfect by any means (repetitive enemies, largely empty world), but for anyone who's played video games for more than 15 years, new God of War was run of the mill with a bigger budget.

>let me make assumptions about the developer's intentions instead of talking about the actual quality of the game
He has some good shit but god is he retarded at times too.

Intent should always be considered when discussing a piece of art.

Just realized was attacking hamster boy and not Matt. My statement still stands however.

You can't discuss art without considering the intent of the artist
Fucking mongol

Thoughts and opinions?

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Discuss this, faggot.

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He did both, I'm sorry about your low IQ.

Intention is important for finding appeal that might not be obvious to your limited perspective at first. It's a necessary evil in broadening your scope.

Both are good
GoW has better combat and story, BotW has better exploration and movement

left: soulless
right: soul

I'll go with the one that has a video with over half a million views in which he said "nigger" multiple times.

Intent does not affect quality. Being informed about their intentions from interviews and the like can be important for context, but saying a game is successful just for fulfilling what you assume is the designer's intentions, without considering whether those intentions were good in the first place or knowing that they actually were the intentions, is what I'm talking about.

>Now, my dear viewers
God damn you can really tell how highly he thinks of himself and the shit he writes

Why people take this faggot seriously he can't beat Silent Hill 2 his opinion is worthless

Good thing the video discusses the merit of intent.

Isn't the dragon from one of his shitty self published books?

fuck off JA

>zelda cooking good
>arx fatalis cooking bad
Fuck this Nintendo cocksucker.

>ONE of his shitty self published books
You don't know the half of it.

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All I ever see on Yea Forums is circlejerking over how Japan is better than the west, when my peepee doesn't feel funny it's because of "SJW shit", etc., etc. The only time there is ever disagreement that isn't roundly shouted down for deviating from the "hivemind" here is when it's console fanboy faggotry.

>play game and form my own opinion
>watch someones youtube video to copy his opinion


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Lol butthurt tranny

This pisses me off the most.
Both videos praise and complain about the flaws and strengths of each game, usually along suggestion on how to fix or improve those.
Both videos end up in a good, positive note, hoping for a better sequel that evolves from the base the games created. Hell, I'm pretty sure he said BotW could improve much more things that GoW.
Yet people will enter the video, grab whatever out of context line they want and use them to cherrypick either the video itself or the game to attack it or Mattew if it fits their agenda.
They'll go through 20, 30 or the entire video to get that one thing that may be good enough to dismantle the entire video, even if the rest was okay.

Is it that fucking hard to formulate your own opinion, compare it to others and realize if what he's saying is true or not and how to counter the arguments with logic and evidence?
The fact that something is flawed doesn't make it bad, but I guess the world is much easier to deal with when you judge everything on a binary system of good and evil.

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>you all just want people to agree with you
>waaaah, why doesn't everyone agree with me

>What did the author set out to do?
>Was his plan reasonable and sensible?
>How far did he succeed in carrying it out?
>t. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, one of the most influential scholars to ever impact literary criticism
But no, I'm sure mr. user knows better.

>Do the first, make your own idea, do the second and judge if the arguments have weight, line with what you think and if not, what can you put on the table to prove it's wrong

It's almost liek, you know, comparing values and arguing your way to the truth.

>retroactively changing your opinion on something based on someone elses opinion
Are you mentally retarded? If you didn't have a good time with something, but someone else had a good time then why would you pretend you suddenly had a good time? To fit in?

We still have people here who consider "it's not elda enough!"to be the pinnacle of criticism.
they don't want to be confronted with the truth.

If you actually listen to most "hardcore" Zelda "fans", the will say OOT is great and the rest of the series is shit, cater to MEEEEEE.

Lol youtu.be/0lhy9QnBHmo

Uh user don’t you know? FUCK what the developers wanted to do, video games have to appeal to me specifically and fullfill most of my arbitrary checklist if not all of it.

>watch someones youtube video to copy his opinion
Matt's BOTW video doesn't even dwell too much time on his opinion of the game, he dedicates quite a portion of time to subtly bitching about how people throw a hissy fit if a game doesn't give you some kind of reward for doing something that should be an experience on its own. Considering the state of the vidya industry that's a worthwhile point to talk about. Same goes for one of his videos where he complains about the whole 1€=1 hour of gameplay attitude that some retards have

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The problem with Joseph is he's too intelligent. When you make long videos like him it's extremely hard for normalfags to absorb so much information in one go, so the points get simplified until they lose all original meaning. Most people still don't get what he meant by 'subjectivity is implied', for example. Sad but true.

JA is a moron

GoW, RDR2, TW3, BotW and countless other AAA games, MOBAs, Royale games, etc are normalfag trash that casuals eat up. Stop being upset that most of Yea Forums has better taste than (you).

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Death of the author is an old concept. Critique of a game limited by the intentions of the designers is bad critique of the game. See the recent wobbling flare-up. There are people who say it should be banned for not being intended, instead of considering whether it is good or bad for the game.

I remember reading a full page of one of his sci-fi novels (also self published) that's completely dedicated to describing some AI in a power armor doing combat support shit. Joseph is the epitome of quantity over quality, I'm amazed people can take anything he says seriously


The fuck are you talking about. The GoW video ends with him saying "it's a culmination of boring homogenization, it's a soulless product shat out by an industry increasingly resembling Hollywood." The last line is
>there's really not much to love about it.
How the fuck is that a positive note?

By contrast, for BotW, he focuses on the idea of the game being so specialized in "freedom" and points out where that fails or where they could've done better, but because the game is specialized he also loves it. It's an extension of him shitting on the philosophy that created GoW.

>The problem with Joseph is he's too intelligent
>JA is a moron
Which could it be???

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Your taste is shaped by your own grasp on the medium, which, suprisingly, you tighten by thinking and arguing about it.

Do you honestly think what you like and don't like is static?

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Fucking THIS.

>he dedicates quite a portion of time to subtly bitching about how people throw a hissy fit if a game doesn't give you some kind of reward for doing something that should be an experience on its own.
Not him but you’re projecting pretty hard here. Matt never implies being extrinsically motivated is a bad thing.

It's a completely different game mechanic. Plus in botw you can literally fly off of them. It's a lot more fun. It's like what ubishit towers should have been.


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>The town is making James stupid

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good lord

Yeah, I bet he even watches Rick and Morty and posts of Reddit too.

you just parrot what youtubers say don't try to act smart

>weaponized autism

nice try

Based as fuck. Postmodernists need to be gassed.


get some better taste

Address this, you post-modern shitter (who funnily enough appeals to the authority of university positions)

Considering the developer's intention doesn't "limit" the critique. Exactly the opposite, it allows for new perspectives from which to evaluate it that the end user might not normally consider. Death of the author is a useful tool for critique in its own right, but that doesn't make authorial intent or context irrelevant. They're just two different ways to look at something and both have value.

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Thank you for demonstrating exactly what I was talking about with your retarded strawman.

Are you?
Where did I imply any of the things you're coming up with? I was only talking about the formulation of opinions and criticism. Me not enjoying my time with something doesn't imply in any way that thing isn't fun, good or valuable. It just meant I didn't have fun.
In order to prove something isn't fun you need to understand it and bring evidence.

Parroting an e-celebs opinion is as bad as ignoring it for being an e-celeb.
Both focus on who the source is rather than the content explained. You look like a fucking asshole either way.

This will never not be the most emberassing video

Death of the author almost always leads to complete retardation, might as well say Mario 64 is shit for lacking in gun variety.

I just put them on to fall asleep to, since the content is so dull and I frankly don't care about their opinions. So it makes for comfy background noise. I must've dozed off to Josephs Darkest Dungeon Critique over a hundred times.

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is this a political compass

>Me not enjoying my time with something doesn't imply in any way that thing isn't fun

this, now fuck off back to your discord, Anderson

Dunkey is literally just an unfunny faggot. Matt is unironically funnier when he wants to be

Dont try to argue with Nincel programming. They are the same tards who claimed W101 was the best game in human history because Nintendo starved them for games for moths


It's not fun for ME, not unfun in general.
I fucking loathe RTS games except a couple few, but I've been in touch with them all my life and I have several friends who play them. Talking with them, seeing and playing those games for a bit and watching video essay from other people and the own devs of such games and it's easy to see why they do appeal to a lot of people, why sometimes it works and why it doesn't.
It just, you know, doesn't affect me.

the hivemind is literally for BotW toddler

>It's not fun for ME, not unfun in general.
People have too hard of a time seperating something they don't enjoy from bad game design.
Especially professional game "journalists"

>Sometimes it feels like the only thing Link can't ride is Mipha

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So Joseph is actually a brainlet?

10-30 minute reviews usually. Can go up to 45ish when there's a lot to cover. This is one of only a few cases where it gets that long. I'm sure you could pretend it's 2 hours long if you put all of them in a playlist and imagine it's one long video to help your argument.

which is why we have a "FUCK BOTW AMIRITE?!" thread every two hours for the last two years, right?

Smash shouldnt be competitively played at all it was never intended lmao

>4 dungeons

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He’s a philistine. He would probably have a more enjoyable time doing maths than absorbing art and entertainment media.

He doesn't but he also makes a point of saying that the game is based on experiences and that the people who bothered going through all the game's collectibles essentially tortured themselves in the process, he reinforces the "games are experiences" thing a lot in his podcasts, he doesn't see extrinsic motivation as bad but he's clearly not very fond of it.

People sometimes shit on Matt's older videos, but the lemon joke in his Portal 2 review gets me everytime

BotW, even with all of its flaws, is still a video game.
GoW barely qualifies.

He has autism.

>Matt hated God of War because the protagonist is voiced by a nigger
Damn, dude, I know you're unfiltered but it was just too far

I really hope they re-use BotW engine and some assets to cut dev time next game and focus more on dungeon variety, both in number and asthetics.
That, a bit of the combat system and the shrines are my only major complains about the game. Hope with the experience gathered during the dev time they can pull a Majora's Mask 2.0 but better, because fuck me I enjoyed the time with BotW.

>complains about how Darkest Dungeon forced him into situations where he had to lose an unit to rng
>someone points out that he had 4 stuns on his team
A retard who not only reviews a game that clearly wasn't made for his taste, but that also manages to suck at said game that's known for being so easily broken has to be a brainlet

>maths is philistine
I hate Yea Forums. Anti-intellectual fucks

>Bioshock Infinite would've been a lot better had I been able to slaughter the subhuman niggers en masse
Jesus matt a bit on the nose

I completely disagree. For instance, I think that loot shooters are objectively less fun than both old school shooters like doom/quake and the early 00s style of campaign story shooters like Halo or Half-Life. It's all in the way your brain is interacting with the game. Loot shooters offer nothing but small but consistent, endless dopamine rushes from obtaining items. The other games utilize level design, puzzle solving, and encounter design to make you use your brain to think about how to complete the level and have fun while doing it. To my my fun is objectively more fun than what the kids who are growing up on destiny think is fun.

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He takes like 2 hours to explain why he thinks that, dense mofo.

he genuinely makes great points in his vid, especially the part about botw being an impressionist game and achieving that through a combination of gameplay mechanics, art and sound direction instead of simply trying to emulate paintings perfectly

it's a shame the conversation surrounding this game degenerated into braindead hurr ubisoft towers durrr korok seeds autopilot bait because there's so many interesting things to be said about it and this vid is only a small glimpse of that

How about people play the games and form their own fucking opinions? It’s not that hard to say I preferred GoW over BoTW because I liked its fighting mechanics more or I liked BoTW over GoW because Its movement was better.
Jesus christ people can prefer different things in games.

GoW has better combat, and therefore better gameplay than BotW (since that's what you do most of the time)

i know that this is an eceleb console war thread but Matt is genuinely wrong about GoW
His preconceived notions of what an action game should be cloud his analysis
He's also somewhat hypocritical when it came to his rant about the technical construction of the game, that argument could be applied to every game in a million different ways
I genuinely hope that comment from the dev was just lip service, we already have DMC, we don't need every action game trying to ape it.

>reviewing a game he clearly doesn’t like
I like darkest dungeon, but do you realize how stupid it is when you demand that the reviewer like a game / genre that he reviews or critiques? JA doesn’t give out product reviews; he just does video essays to throw his thoughts out there for discussion. I end up disagreeing with him half the time, but I dunno where you guys get “retard” and “brainlet” from when referring to him. Like any other essayist, he has opinions.

BoTW is definitely not mostly combat, have you even played the game?
>GoW has gameplay

Dunkey is casual garbage. 2 (two) whole videos on how shit he is at NES games.

I'm no post-modernist, quite the opposite. It's possible to make arguments for something being good or bad for a game, so why limit yourself to asking if it meet or goes against developer intentions? It can serve as a step on the way and as additional information, but the end goal should be "this mechanic/element is good for the game", not "this mechanic/element is as the developers intended".

As I said, it is good for context and for interpreting a work. But to say something is good because it meets the developer's intentions is fallacious. He could ask whether it meets the dev intentions as a way to put quality in context. To me, it isn't critique of the work itself and its quality, but a measurement of how successful the development of that work was.

Now, to be clear, he isn't constantly assuming intentions and talking only about where the game failed to meet those intentions, there are few videos of his I don't like overall. He just veers into that territory more often than I would like. I'm also talking about gameplay here. If it's about the literary side, he usually focuses on the message and themes where intent is more important, compared to Joseph who is downright retarded when it comes to story (see Silent Hill 2 and The Witness).

>It can serve as a step on the way and as additional information, but the end goal should be "this mechanic/element is good for the game", not "this mechanic/element is as the developers intended".
This is what I said.

The problem is that objective easily refers to aspects in the game like a ratio of encounters to to ammo, a description of the story, etc. an “objective” review of a game isn’t very interesting and just lists off facts. If you want to talk about whether you’d like a game, and especially whether you’d really connect with it, it’s not really a “checklist” that it gets right. Most games that I connect with, and those I’ve notice my friends connect with, have a perfect storm of ideas, mechanical implementations, art, and music that you can’t really put on an “objective” sliding scale.

I thought the implication is when we’re twlking about media, we base our opinions on facts about the game, but the opinions themselves are far from “objective” or “canonical,” and any insistence otherwise is a sign that you should grow up

>this mechanic/element is good for the game
The Problem is that actually means very little, especially when it comes to the most fundamental mechanics of a game.
If you use BoTW for example, you can imagine it without the weapon degradation, but it would actually have a massive knock on effect on the rest of the game that you can't predict.
Fixing these would often result in a game that doesn't even resemble the original in any way shape or form, it makes itself pointless to easily.

It also validates obviously moronic criticism, like BoTW is bad because of weak gunplay.

Matthew is literally the only one that does it right.

> but do you realize how stupid it is when you demand that the reviewer like a game / genre that he reviews or critiques
I was gonna say I phrased myself wrongly but since you included the "genre" there then I'm just gonna say you're in the wrong here. It makes absolutely no sense for a person who doesn't enjoy RNG turn based games to be sharing his opinions on RNG turn based games. I don't like racing games, so I don't share my opinion on racing games because my opinion will be obviously biased and I'll end up harping on about mechanics that are actually appreciated and expected from racing game enthusiasts. What JA did is as intellectually dishonest as playing Battlefield and complaining the game has guns.

Nah I think there are some good other youtubers there as well, but Matthew was the first that most people from Yea Forums latched onto

>The problem is that objective easily refers to aspects in the game like a ratio of encounters to to ammo, a description of the story, etc. an “objective” review of a game isn’t very interesting and just lists off facts. If you want to talk about whether you’d like a game, and especially whether you’d really connect with it, it’s not really a “checklist” that it gets right. Most games that I connect with, and those I’ve notice my friends connect with, have a perfect storm of ideas, mechanical implementations, art, and music that you can’t really put on an “objective” sliding scale.
Which is one of the diffrerences between Matt and Hamsterson.
One has reviews that are long because they talk about the game in it's entirety, allowing for a great amount of context and synergy between the parts to be shown.
hamsterson makes them long because he reads of endless meaningless checklists, and of course because long = smart to him

such cringe

MrBtongue is good but he doesn't post any more and he went a bit SJW

JA does not know shit about gameplay. Just watch his video where he is arguing that horror games can't be scary without permadeath.
He is only good at talking for hours without actually saying a word.

I enjoyed the video. I'm glad he didn't just completely shit on the shrines. It's true that the single biggest problem with them is how disconnected they are from the rest of the game and between themselves. It's the journey that made them fun to seek out. The quality of the puzzles varies and is debatable, but it seems reasonable he would enjoy a good bunch of them given his obsession with Zachtronic games

I don't get the idea of comparing two different games instead of the same games in a series.

His opinions about Devil May Cry are dumb. 1 aged poorly and he won't admit it.

It’s fine to put opinions on some value metric because obviously you have priorities in games they others don’t share. However,
>it doesn’t make sense for a person who doesn’t really like X to talk about X
This is a babyish way of thinking about criticism in general. Nobody is gonna like 100% of every genre or game they like, and they aren’t in obligation to do so. It’s not intellectually dishonest because he doesn’t masquerade like this is a product review (its way too long for that and he has multiple disclaimers on his channel, and even a short video on it). Almost all of his games are just longform opinion. The idea was that despite not liking RNG turn based combat, he still had a blast with a good amount of the game, but felt it fell short in other places. Criticism like that at the very least helps isolate how good games can escape their traditional niche.

You can share your opinions on racing games and list out reasons why you didn’t like it. “I don’t like racing games” is part of your opinion. There are plenty of people who like a certain game without liking the genre.

wtf and people take this guy seriously?

I played dmc1 for the first time last year and had a good time apart from one boss. Maybe you're in the wrong.

I don’t take much stock in when people from Yea Forums use the word SJW because it’s lost a lot of meaning. Hell, even leaning a bit more to the left means people lose /ourguy/ status.

>that 5 second clip of link blowing himself up, tumbling down a cliff, getting saved but then falling into lava
funny guy

First those games you mention have completly different focus and delivery. One are arcade, unrealistic shooters that sacrifice (or don't focus) on aspects such as cinematics, story or worldbuilding due a plethora of factors (hardware limitations, time constrains, simply not being necessary, etc) in order to deliver an almost pure, tight gameplay experience, while the second focus on progression, character growth and storytelling on a more cinematic experience, almsot 20 years later in a different mentality and new tech aviable.

You can argue Half life or Quake will be remembered more fondly than Destiny, and you'd probably be right as there's a lot of arguments to be made and proofs, but they also aimed for different results and most of the time they fail on the execution rather than the concept.
Take BR genre for example. There's literally nothing wrong with the core of BR itself (lotsa player sin an island, last man standing). Tell that to any Quake or Coutner strike 1.6 player and they'll be drowling, waiting for it to happen, but how the genre itself has been managed is pretty dissappointing, as as you mentioned they rely on tricks to make people stay that aren't focused on having fun, and that's the reason why people abandons these games so easily when something new appears.

But don't get me wrong because I agree with you, but there's something improtant to note. Those old games were better and can be proven because they were more simply but effective. Gameplay goes straight to the point and the devs were msotly smaller team just making a game for fun. The others are multi gazillion dollar companies doing what the charts say.
It's not that you can't say a game is better than another, just that if you want to prove so, do it with arguments and logic, not jsut spouting OLD GAME GOOD, NEW GAME BAD, shitting on it for the publisher/dev instead of the actual game or any other factor.

>Hey guys maybe we shouldn't genocide everyone who isn't a straight white male

Doesn’t he say “horror games are definitely scary, but they don’t scare me because of one realization I had that is always in the back of my mind?” How is that an unreasonable thing to suggest? He never said horror games were bad; in fact he praised most of them for being very well made, but he said he wasn’t able to assess them to be scary or not

Because zoomers assign people into the love it or hate it teams and there is no middle ground

>he was so mad he literally had to make this

I know most people just want validation but there are also the ones who want to compare their opinions with others

Controls feel too stiff especially when compared to 3 and 4. To be fair, I haven't played it in years and I just remember getting annoyed?

>Too autistic to understand irony

How can anyone take Joseph seriously after he made a ass-of-himself with his Silent Hill 2 shit

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Pretty much yeah.

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I agree that it's lost a lot of meaning, but I can't help but feel his videos are a little tarnished after he made a video about how there needed to be more minorities in Witcher 3 even though it's a game based on polish literature and fiction.

Seems like it. This place has done it from day 1, but I feel like it’s gotten way worse. I mean for reference, I love silent hill 1-4, and I don’t agree at all with JA on silent hill, but I never got the idea that he was a “modern games journalist” because his opinions, for the most part, have long justification. And while after the justification, I still don’t agree, I can see how someone fresh to a series I like have criticism for it. Is that so hard? Why do you guys put so much stock in the words of a few opinions on games that come long after their release date, thereby having no effect on sales?

Sony fags will never understand this, they're just too stupid. The Sheika towers just reveal terrain, which makes you want to explore because you don't know what is out there in that mountain or forest you're seeing.

>t. SJW

When will you faggots realize that BotW is actually an amazing game?

Because people can have more than The Canonical Opinion (tm)
I love silent hill, but you guys need to chill. I’m pretty sure his stream is unfiltered thoughts and his videos are more reflective of his opinions

>This is what I said.
Yeah, I never disagreed with the post, at least didn't mean to.

You have to predict it, refusing to do so is admitting laziness as a defense for bad critique. You have to still have standards, and intentions are often good. For example, the intentions with weapon degradation could be more variety in weapon usage. But you could also say its intention is to just to fuck over players that want to use one weapon. In that case critiquing how well they achieved that is limited by their intention. What *should* be the intention is what's important, i.e. what is good for the game. It's important for a critic to understand the game they're critiquing to do this, and subjectivity of course enters into it.

Death of the author and critiquing something based on the designer's intentions are two distinct frameworks for criticizing something and there is literally nothing stopping anyone from doing one or the other, or stopping Matthew from doing two BotW videos where he uses a different framework in each.

approaching critique with a certain perspective doesn't stop other people from critiquing it in a different way.

Both can and have been happening for a very long time.

GoW sucks dick. Fucking corridor cinematic experience

Eh by Yea Forums standards I probably am. I’ve always put gameplay, music, and story on a pedestal, but clearly I’m here to ruin games by introducing walking simulators where you press x to end slavery

>Joseph Anderson: 0 n-bombs
>Matthewmatosis: 2 n-bombs, in one video no less
it's pretty obvious who's /ourguy/

Attached: 1445786282753.png (366x374, 190K)

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Now it is!

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Damn, Snoyggers are still butthurt about BOTW?

You activated my trap card

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Yeah, I'm saying I find critique based on designer intentions pointless compared to the alternative (at least for gameplay). Matt has a lot of good critique for sure.

If someone makes a compelling argument, why wouldn't you change your opinion?
Are you saying you still hold the exact same opinions you did as a child? You are in no position to call others retarded.

>The Hungry Hungry Dragon

Attached: 1403032800836.jpg (714x691, 74K)

Not him but why do you even trust YouTubers?

He is saying that horror games do not scare him because even if he fails, he does not lose anything and can just load a save and continue. What he doesn't fucking understand is that losing progress is inherently frustrating and does not work that great with linear games, especially horror games that often rely on jump scares.
He could have said that Dark Souls 1 pre Lord Vessel is a good example of a "horror" game, or Path of Exile hardcore, assuming that the loss of progress is the only thing that scares him but he uses Don't Starve instead, which is a fucking survival game where keeping your progress is the goal.

>What he doesn't fucking understand is that losing progress is inherently frustrating
And that's a good thing!™
No, seriously. Frustration is a good tool in these type of games.

i want to see his n-bombs pls show me


The way you responded to that even makes you sound like an SJW.

Was expecting him to go a little more into detail in the negative aspects for sure, but is not like he glossed over them, and the stuff he praised made sense.

CBA to timestamp, just watch all of it it's good.

I mean, he legitimately brings this up in his video
“I want there to be a consequence to it to it is scary, but it’s trucky to implement because you don’t want players replaying things over and over again. I’m not a game designer, and these suggestions aren’t things I’m asking to be directly implemented, but I want to throw ideas out to so someone could potentially flesh them out”

I’m paraphrasing, but he actually mentions that in the video. He clearly realizes that its not a practical idea but one worth considering. Why are you guys misrepresenting that with

“Hurr horror games suck because I don’t like them, don’t find them scary, and they don’t cater to my dark souls fetish for losing progress on death”. Is it that simplifying people’s opinions make them easier to mock?

My game is better than your game your game sucks every console war

>gf with incredibly cute voice
you forgot sister AND gf

>he smells like an sjw

God of War was always bottom of the barrel trash. Even the year the first game released it came out after Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry 3, the two best games in the genre.

Western devs simply can't into action. They are quite simply not capable of doing it. Best they've done so far is DmC, a shameful subpar version of superior Japanese games.

Based and /ourguy/pilled

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he's irish. he gets the n-pass

No one gives the first fuck what your personal opinion is on a video game. Video game discussion is to be done from an objective stance on what is good and what is bad. I love the Dynasty Warriors games but I can admit that would looked at through a critical eye- those games are hot fucking trash. So I don't take up arms and defend them at every chance just because I find them fun

Also, what would being an SJW entail for me? tell me exactly what you think my opinions are :)

lmao it was 3 n-bombs back to back to back in less than a minute right at the front of the video

What video?

Dunkey does very superfluous reviews, but considering they're usually like 5 minutes I don't think they can be much more deep.

I legit thought all of his reviews were ironic until he released that video making fun of critics.

why does Yea Forums want me to watch this guys videos so bad?

Based Irishman

The towers in BotW are just another variant of this fish from Wind Waker, that did the exact same thing. Zelda even did it first, and it was the same director.
But instead of a fish that you fish out of the ocean on your boat, since Wind Waker is about traversing the ocean. You've got towers that you have to climb and can then glide down from, since Breath of the Wild is about climbing and gliding. The first mechanics they introduced in the game and then built everything else around.

In fact those gameplay elements are so central to the game that there'd be a point to climb the towers even if they didn't give you anything specific at all aside from being tall vantage points that you can look around from and jump off from.

They're nothing like Ubisoft towers at all, and only shitposters would insist that they are. The only they've got in common is that they're towers.

Attached: maps.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Guys I'm gonna say it

>Video game discussion is to be done from an objective stance on what is good and what is bad
What sort of idiot are you? Only someone with the insufficient life experience or reasoning skills would come to the conclusion that video games, of all things, are things that can have *perfectly* objective reviews. See

>Elder God Tier
Mandalore Gaming
Sseth when the content outweighs the memes
>Great Tier
Jim Sterling
>Good tier
>Shit Tier
Joseph Anderson
Sseth when the memes outweigh the content

He's become a falsefalg/meme over the years, but back in 2013 we used to have pretty chill threads and Matthew would actually talk to us.


The ones that have (dunkview) in the title are less ironic then his others, and he tries to actually review the game, even if it's like half-jokes.


These threads used to be great on here but it's been overrun by children who want to argue about which console is better, which is all this board is now

Anderson: Puts stream memes in his normal videos
Matthew: Keeps his streaming side out of his normal videos

I don't watch Anderson's streams but I saw a bunch of shit that was out of context in his God of War video. Check the comments, people laughing at his subtle memes. Anderson is the biggest case of "ruined by discord" I've ever seen.

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Just replace BOTW with any game that’s gotten overwhelming positive reception and that’s Yea Forums in a nutshell.

>that pic
Most pathetic thing I've ever seen

He made his video right after beating the game 3 times and S ranking every mission. I think he knows what he's talking about more than you do. DMC 1 is still fun as hell.

There is literally nothing wrong being said in this video. You shouldn't have to start every sentence with ''In my opinion...'' just so autistic Youtube commenters won't sperg out.

You can tell if he actually means what he said if the video ends with "more dunkey".


Thoughts on this guy

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Mathew should be above Joe and Mandalore and sterling should be dead last by lightyears

Jim Sterling is honestly a shitty reviewer but a great consumer rights advocate.
He has managed to piss off every corrupt AAA publisher to the point where almost nobody gives him review copies anymore.

Is that really that hard to understand that fear of death or losing your progress is not the only thing that horror games are supposed to invoke?
He is not afraid of things that are actually in the game, he is afraid of Game Over screen and punishment associated with it. That is not a game problem, that is his problem.

He's pretty damn contrarian. So, Yea Forums.

>fat edge cuck man

>Matthew "I hope Ellie gets raped in TLOU2" matosis
what is wrong with this potato nigger?

Bioshock Infinite

>Mandalore dead last
literally what the fuck is wrong with you
excellent videos that not only do a great job of reviewing the game, but even tell you how to get them running on modern systems, and they aren't upwards of 40 minutes like Matthew and Joseph's longwinded trash.

Wee bit of a cunt. Sent his goons to raid a discord once because they stopped supporting him on patreon.
Don't be autistic kids

>probably American
Worse, he's Canadian

His HL2 review was mostly jokes, though I'd guess his final rating was serious.

His intro things are some of the cringiest trash I've ever seen. His videos suck too, that action game one is embarrassing

holy shit

wtf, grug hate mattman now.

you read my post wrong, Sterling = dead last, Mandalore #2 below Mathew

I hate jim due to how cringy he can be when it comes to political topics.
His reviews do suck, but you're right when it comes to calling out bullshit game publishers or devs do he's never missed the mark.

He also addresses that. Again, he’s not saying horror games aren’t scary. He’s talking about why he isn’t personally scared. Does he ever actually flog horror games for their genre trappings? No. Does he say why he can’t assess if a game is scary or not? Yes. He even enjoys horror games to his admission.

He puts disclaimers everywhere in his video, and he even has a disclaimer video about all of them, but you’re acting like he’s trying to sell his word like gospel. Again, I don’t agree with him, but I see his point (since it applies to him and only him). What part of this is hard to understand?

Matthew does not belong above Mandalore. He has absolutely zero charisma and his videos are much longer than they need to be.
Mandalore is far more personable and manages to have more substance in his reviews despite them being less needlessly long. His choice of games to review is also more interesting.

Why does he whine so much? Literally just collapse the comments lol

the anderson and Matthew shitposting ruined the threads more than console wars did desu

Didn't Hbomber guy btfo this guy on dark souls 2, 3 years ago?
Matt probably joined the IRA so he could get a chance to blow up Harris that same way he bomber guy'd he the fuck out with the in defence of dark souls 2 video.

You must be new here

I have a hard time even calling that. Most disappoint aspect of the game by far.


It depends what you're looking for really, they both do different things.
Mandalore has much better production values, I'll give you that.

More like ShitTasteBomber.

>the anderson and Matthew
are those guys enemies did they disagree on a game? why do so many people compare them

Joseph Anderson became popular because Matthew had a big hiatus and when he did make videos it was weird autistic puzzle games that nobody watched. Once people realized Anderson was actually a complete retard it became a meme, so yeah. But the basis of this thread is console war bullshit

now if only someone would make a video explaining why Dark Souls 3 is complete and utter dogshit

>tell me exactly what you think my opinions are :)
You sound exactly like a Redditor, is all i'm saying.
Maybe you should go back.

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>shilling for some literal who only known for defending Dark Souls 2, one of the worst games of our generation.

jim sterling is a garbage reviewer. his gimmick is shitting on ea and ubisoft.

>production values
it's not like Matthew's are bad. His personality is just fucking terrible, he's literally as charming as his autistic no emotion stick figure avatar is.
Also again, his videos are much longer than they need to be to get their point across.

If by btfo you mean ignored most of his video and gave bullshit responses to the rest, yes.
You need a dose of autism from MauLer, friend. youtube.com/watch?v=RzKasf4_x34

He does have good points, but is also kind of a contararian like other Anons have said. Also, I dislike his smug attitude.

Not gonna happen since DS3 is a fantastic game and the best in the series.

I like him and think he's cute. He has a very dry wit.

>user uses facts and reasoning to argue
>Brainlet knows he can't compete and activates the reddit defense

This happens in too many threads these days

Dark Souls 2 isn't even the worst game in its franchise. It's infinitely superior to Dark Souls 3.
And there are arguments to be made for it being better than DeS and DaS in several areas. It's certainly more challenging than both of those while still being an actual RPG with playstyle variety.

>muh intrinsic reward

All y'all breath of the wild fanboys would have an aneurysm if I put a Nintendo logo on Garrys mod

literally worst of the whole franchise.

Now the hbomberguy discord squad is here too? This thread is getting better and better

how did he make a nine hour video what?
is this all long form analysis youtubers do? make longer and longer videos?

DS2 and DS3 are around the same quality, DS3 just has more polish.

The worst game in the franchise is definitely Demon's.

I refuse to believe this is real

There's no facts or reasons we're arguing about.
If it looks like Leddit, if it sounds like Leddit, it's probably time for you to go...

Attached: BacktoReddit.gif (350x232, 461K)


>there are arguments to be made
>doesn't make a single one

Okay, retard.

Dark souls 1> Dark souls 3 till anor londo> Dark souls 2 > Dark souls 3 after anor londo > Demon souls

>He puts disclaimers everywhere in his video, and he even has a disclaimer video about all of them, but you’re acting like he’s trying to sell his word like gospel.
He made a disclaimer video right after horror one because people called his bullshit. And that video was basically bashing everyone who does not understand that "everything is subjective". As a "critic" he is expected to present objective, quantifiable information about things he is talking about.

That's a strange way to say bloodborne

Why should i care what he thinks?

>only game with passion and innovation
enjoy your phoned in sequels with barely a full game of new content between all of them

I don't believe death of the author applies without biographical facts (the author's politics, religion, etc) being considered as well taking into account intent is but another level of critique and if the person isn't making any definite statement about how this can be interpreted it can be good and insightful

Don’t do this! It creates mustard gas!

It's more like 11 hours if you include the last video. MauLer is /very/ autistic, but usually right. He breaks down every single thing harris says in his video, and comments on the game itself as well as on some of the stuff matt said. It's a really excellent series, I would recommend at least trying it despite the length.

DaS3 has zero playstyle variety to the point where they may as well just remove all the RPG mechanics entirely. It's almost entirely an action game.
DaS2 at least delivers on what I like about the series, the huge variety of choices you have in what your playstyle will be like and how different your playthrough will be.
see above. too much of an action game, all it is is spamming R1 with one-handed swords. player choice barely affects what the game plays like.
DaS2 delivers on playstyle variety, and out of the actual RPGs of the series I find it the most challenging by far. If you care about multiplayer at all it's also really good for that.

just like majora's mask

DS1 had a bigger drop in quality after Anor than DS3 ever has.
Plus the lategame areas like the Grand Archives and Dragon Peak are damn good.
Plus the DLC areas are fantastic.

Sekiro > Dark Souls 1 till lordvessel > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 after lordvessel > POWER GAP > Dark Souls 2

Hbomb's DS2 video was shit, but MauLer's response videos fucking sucked. You don't need a nine hour video series where he breaks down every single one of his sentences and highlighting individual words and phrases to realise that the DS2 video was dumb.

DaS1's drop in quality after Anor Londo might be bigger than DaS3's, but going from a 10/10 to a 4/10 is better than going from a 4/10 to a 3/10 any day of the week.
Also Demon's Ruins is an underrated level. The scope was awesome and it felt good killing the first bosses of the game as normal enemies. It also felt like exploring one of the Zelda 2 dungeons but in 3D.

Ok, I'll enjoy "phoned in" sequels that have proper bosses that don't die by pulling random levers in the arena as well as the ability to carry 200 full instant heals :)

Attached: fixed that for you.png (1384x1403, 1.25M)

you missed the point of maulers videos, it's not about Hbombs video at all, it's about hbomb dark souls 2 is just a vehicle that let him psychologically examine someone for 12 hours.

1. Bloodborne
2. Demon Souls
3. Dark Souls
4 Dark Souls 3
5. Dark Souls 2

Attached: bloodborne_ps4.0_cinema_960.0.jpg (960x540, 147K)


Trade DaS3 and DaS2 and this will be 100% agreeable

DS3 has less variety than DS2 but not by much.
You can do tank builds and spell only builds and have them be competent enough to 2v1 on PvP regularly.

Only real mistake of DS3 is not allowing weapons in the left hand to have the full moveset, but a dumb block.

You don't need it per se, but it was good and fun to watch. And it can be brought up to instantly destroy any thoughts that Harris might've been right.

>can do better

I don't know the names of half these people and is that a at the bottom furry?
actually the more time i spend looking at this bottom line the angrier i get
>fucking extra shekels
projared isn't bad though he's got a big jew noise but he hates sonic 06 as much as i do

He put those disclaimers everywhere in his early videos but stopped because he thought it was implied. He then put out that video about disclaimers about 2 months ago

As a critic, you’re supposed to bring opinions supported by facts. Many points worth talking about in games criticism doesn’t have effectively quantifiable information, and to suggest that it does is reductionist at best. We can talk about implementation in the abstract, but the numbers are meaningless without context and opinion that we ultimately use to debate anyway. Objectivity applies only when talking about the facts, but the facts themselves don’t say much about the game until strung together in an argument. And criticism is not an application of first or even second order logic, so it isn’t an expression that has “objective” truth to it

Enjoy your bosses that die to a single plunging attack instead

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Yeah, no, DS3 at worst an average 7/10, DS1 goes from 9/10 to 3/10 after you ring the bells.

There's no such thing as perfect because the very notion is subjective. He measures the game's qualities in response to what it set out to do and he measures it up accordingly. In that regard the game is very strong but still flawed in some respects.

How AVGN is in the flawed but valuable ?


swap 2 with 4 and i agree
Hello Harris I hope one day metokur destroys you

Also, doesn’t he literally say what you said about bringing facts? Every criticism you had is something he has explicitly addressed

DeS > TOH > TRC > DS1 > BB > AotA > DS3 > AoA >>>>>> DS2

He's pretty biased. He'll usually built an argument on superficial features just to point out how something objective is subjective to confirm it.

>bunny hop and haris btfo by the fatman

I only really care about PvE. And basically no matter what you do in DaS3, your PvE playstyle is going to be rolling and spamming R1 with a one handed weapon.
Magic is almost worthless.
Shields are almost worthless.
Tanking isn't an option as you will basically always die in 3 hits no matter how you build yourself.

It's trash as an RPG.


Potato man who gets what a video game is trying to do, talks about how well or poorly that video game did. Doesn't waffle on too much and gets to the point.
Big boomer who covers games in detail but tends to waffle on, videos are longer than they need to be.
Autistic robot with no human emotions who cuts apart media with his AI programing. Video lengths considered accepted be him because robots have no concept of the slow march of time towards death.

>e-celeb cancer


Attached: 1536884605658.webm (720x720, 2.84M)

>your Pvp playstyle is going to be rolling and spamming R1 with a one handed weapon.
fix that for you

>Bad Orange Man reaction gif
>Calling other people reddit

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Yeah, one bad boss out of 30.
Meanwhile DeS has 3 decent bosses out 20.

Enjoying those flailing mass of leaches and bees that have basically the same 3 moves?
Or that boss that kills itself after you fight an NPC inside her arena? Not even DS2 was that lazy with the ganksquad boss, at least they gave you 3NPCs.

That is absolutely the most concise and accurate way to describe their difference. It's just 100% spot on.

>get a cool tattoo
>pay 10000 to remove it
why are americans so dumb?

>TFW no matter how much Yea Forums stamps their feet and cry and slobber over themselves BotW will always be considered one of the greatest games of all time even hundreds of years from now and there is literally NOTHING you can do to stop it

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Cringe post.

By bumping the thread, my friend!

Attached: guaranteed replies.jpg (824x3375, 503K)

Same to Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, God of War and Uncharted 4.

I'm glad. I had a lot of fun with botw. I'm looking forward to cemu getting Vulkan support so I can play it at 144fps packed with mods

>That fat retard cuck on flawed but valuable
Opinion discarded

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>mfw I know none of these niggers

Attached: good_woomy_3.webm (920x720, 893K)

So do other games that don't deserve it like The Last of Us.
Sometimes you're correct but society isn't.

I can say that at least Breath of the Wild is the first good 3D Zelda since the N64. But just good, not great, not amazing, not a masterpiece. It deserved the 7/10 Jim Sterling gave it.

It's not about him having a wrong opinion about silent hill you dunce it's about how absolutely incompetent he is in terms of understanding and interpreting stories and gameplay mechanics that his entire "career" as a critic falls into question.
He's literally too retarded for ANY opinion of his to be given any weight or be seen as even remotely "educated".

Holy fuck, this guy is a total memelord on Twitter. Would never have guessed it from how serious he sounds in his videos.
Also, I'd add Running Shine to Very Good tier and Clemps in Mediocre.

Used to be that way with Ocarina of Time until Ego Raptor destroyed it and now its a forgotten imperfect game. Eventually some popular youtuber will come along and annihilate BOTW and it will be forgotten.

1. Nioh
2 Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
3. Bloodbone
4. Demon Souls
5 the rest is shit

Attached: 379889-nioh-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 121K)

>massively shits on corrupt as fuck AAA publishers literally weekly
Yeah nah. He's the number one consumer rights advocate in the industry. inb4 YongYea, YongYea sucks shit and just parrots stuff from Yea Forums.

there must of been a better way to match names to icons.
the mediocre name list is out of order to the pictures, this makes me fucking mad.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Try finishing the game more than once before posting.

>your PvE playstyle is going to be rolling and spamming R1 with a one handed weapon
No, 2H great weapons are amazing and are the #1 builds for both PvE and invasions because they have lots of poise and range.

>Magic is almost worthless.
2 shotting DLC tier mobs from far away is worthless?

>Tanking isn't an option as you will basically always die in 3 hits no matter how you build yourself.
Maybe from DLC bosses that would have otherwise oneshot you, vs the rest of the game a proper tank using stomp/perseverance weapon art is amazing.
Reminder than stomp and perseverance give you triple damage resistance while they're active for a second, that's how you should trade blows, by timing your weapon art, not just R1 mashing like a dumbfuck.

>and now its a forgotten imperfect game
Are you actually stupid or just retarded?

Whose the peep with the umineko avatar and the Hachikuji one

who you do watch on youtube user?

Even Egoraptor's diehard fans think he's a fucking idiot for his OoT video

Attached: My wife!.jpg (900x900, 141K)

EgoRaptor didn't destroy the game with that video, he destroyed himself
>why didn't they put this thing in the game (that thing is literally in the game)
>nostalgic shilling for Link to the Past, an incredibly overrated and boring game

How can one man make so many people mad?

This Jim is a fatfuck but he's redpilled and based, yongyea is a bluepilled chink who wants to rub shoulders with the cretins.

Ego was wrong about OOT it's one of the best games ever made.

Jim supports Anita, he's a fucking retard.

Well when you put it like that you make Matthewmatosis look more relatable to me.

He is but i cant fucking stand yong yea

You're confusing Matthew and Joseph again, I suggest you re-read your Bible

Everyting you said is true, but it doesn't matter. In the social conscious, he won

Jim is a retard but a valuable retard. Again, he is the biggest consumer rights advocate in the industry. And his constant, consistent shitting on the corrupt AAA industry is not just good but outright necessary.

>he hates sonic 06 as much as i do
Wow. It's rare to see someone to admit to such an unpopular opinion as this. What a brave and freethinking man

The news and vinny.

That's all.

In a thread of bad takes, this may be the worst

I dont agree with any of Jim's politics but I respect him for keeping corporations on blast and calling scummy behavior out when he sees it

Yong Yea is an emotionless robot, The Quartering isn't a news man he just reads other peoples articles and makes snide remarks. Heelz is okay I guess, for a boomer.

Matt is best when he reviews smaller games, when he goes for AAA he's a bit of a hack.

Projared literally gave Metal Gear Rising a 3 out of 10 because he didn't know how to play it.
also he looks like a fucking ostrich.

>mathew"only Kamiya makes good games, other people suck at it"tosis
>joseph"Skyrim is the best Elder Scrolls game"hamsterson
Who the fuck watches these people with their retarded opinions?
The only youtuber worth watching is Ross motherfucking Scott.

The salt, is unreal. Using comic sans for Matthew.

He's way too full of himself for having such a tiny influence. Needs to be more humble considering he's a fucking nobody.

agreeing on Skyward Sword is like agreeing on fucking Sonic 06. Yeah, a terrible game is terrible, not a hard conclusion to come to.

Have you played Ocarina, user?

what the fuck even are half of these




What value does his "criticism" have then?
It's like asking a faggot to review lesbian porn.
"I don't like lesbian porn because there is no dicks in it".
Like I said, horror games are supposed to be scary because of other things than fear of failure. Plenty of people find Dead Space, Amnesia which he refuses to play etc. fucking terrifying. Some people don't. Well, bad luck. Maybe if he cleared his mind of his preconceptions he would have liked them but he is enjoying his fart sniffing attitude way too much.

to be fair to Matt, while Kamiya is a flawed director, Japan is literally the only place good action games come from.
Name a single Western action game that's even 30% as good as Ninja Gaiden Black or Devil May Cry 3. You can't.

>You can't.
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death

>he is the biggest consumer rights advocate in the industry
I miss TB, bro's.

Honestly DmC is not bad, all things considered.

The game that's a clone of fucking God of War? The game that almost ruined the entire genre?

He's up there but I think that he's beat by total biscui- oh nevermind yeah i guess he's#1 now

Your question didn't even last a minute mathew

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>Total "Lootboxes are okay when Blizzard does it!" Biscuit
>Total "Spending more money on P2W mobile games than actual PC games" Biscuit

>ruined the entire genre?
How the fuck did GoW ruin the genre?

DmC's biggest mistake is being related to DMC and not being called "Donté, el exterminador de demonios"

Seconded. Here's the one that I have: my.mixtape.moe/mskgzx.webm

real zelda fans will tell you that 2d zelda is better than your zoomer shit.

TB was a shill towards the end he was better when he played wow

The fact that DmC is the best attempt the west has had at doing an action game is absolutely pathetic since it's just a much much worse version of DMC3 and 4 and 5.
And the Japan team had to assist development of the combat system.

Jim has taken up TB's mantle pretty well and goes even harder against AAA companies than ever before. Pretty based.

the pic was made by a newfag

I'll clarify. I miss pre-cancer TB.

>inspired legions of clones
>both Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden had failed reboot attempts that were dumbed down in favor of the God of War audience

honestly if DmC had been a success and we'd never gotten DMC5 I would consider the genre completely fucking buried.

That I agree with.

>Joseph Anderson on the list at all
There's no "shit and legitimately retarded" tier so he doesn't belong.

I would say that’s going too far. He liked dad of war because he’s a dad and it’s a dad bait game. He said so himself in the beginning that the game personally affected him because of his young children like in the first minute of the video

He never sold his opinion as any review. They’re closer to just a series of impressions and discussions on the game. I think his opinion should be given weight because he always declares his biases, argues in earnest, and never fails to elucidate to death his full opinion. This makes his videos tedious to watch, but they are cohesive pieces of thought.
Again, “retarded” is just shorthand for “he doesn’t agree with me clearly because he’s too stupid to see that my (and the opinions most people hold of this media) opinions are right!”
Other than that, I don’t see him being stupendously stupid outside of being confused in silent hill 2. I thought it was dumb, but never “I don’t trust this guy with anything” tier stupid

>>inspired legions of clones
I know only of two, Marlow and Dante's Inferno.
And I consider Dante's Inferno superior to GoW anyway.

2D Zelda can be godlike but sadly Link to the Past has somehow become the most beloved one despite being in my opinion one of the worst.

I'd rather play Zelda 1, Seasons, Awakening, or Link Between Worlds any day.

Yeah honestly the last 2-3 years of TB's channel were pretty lackluster. Though obviously that was due to his health problems.

if all his reviews were like this i'd love him

the DLCs

What's bad about super eyepatch wolf ?

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>he always declares his biases, argues in earnest, and never fails to elucidate to death his full opinion. This makes his videos tedious to watch, but they are cohesive pieces of thought.

100% true. "Exhaustive" is the word I like to use to describe Joseph Anderson's videos. He literally made a three hour video of all the glitches he encountered in Fallout 76, not that long ago. Dude has OCD.

Wait is kojima a youtuber now?

mandalore has a really human and humble approach, i like the tone of his videos.
matthew has a very different style, more distant but more precise
i like both

JA his video about 'my rant about why not being very specific about what you mean on the internet' made him look like an asshole. Still kind of enjoyed him talking about some games though, but looking back not as good as i once thought.

>DouchebagChocolat mediocre

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I'm sure he's an alright guy but I fucking hate his voice, just speak normally fucker

The Matthewchadmosis stream

The Autistic Hamster stream

He says nothing of value. youtube.com/watch?v=1CPwv4L6UXM

Will Matt ever visit Yea Forums again? I liked those little Q&A things he did. Still waiting on that LISA review you'd said you might make, Matt.

Kind of meh taste and dosent think out his videos enough. Sometimes he does like with Rachet and Clank. He should stick to stuff like that he knows exceptionally well.

I feel like half of his recent videos were him replying to comment ciriticism where he just backpedals, moves goal posts, or straight up contradicts himself. At best he proves his original video didn’t convey what he meant well enough.

ok this is based

To take your analogy, lots of people enjoy porn that isn’t in their sexuality. It doesn’t mean that they would do the acts, but this sort of thing is something people indulge in

In the same way, games media can be consumed by people, and ultimately you can’t put experiences into clean boxes. Dunkey (I’m not fond of him but for the sake of an example) hates JRPGs but loved persona 5. The value in an opinion isn’t in its value as “product evaluation” as much as it’s “let’s see what other people are saying.” I don’t agree with Anderson in basically everything regarding dad of war, but his opinion is interesting because he takes time to flesh it out. Way too much time, but it doesn’t feel incomplete. I feel like that sort of thoroughness is valuable because it suggests a critic who actually cares about games and not just about what is immediately accepted, reasonable, etc.

wow stream Matthew actually has a personality? why can't his actual videos be more like this?

he's right how does it make sense?

I like the distinction between matthewmatosis and Matt.

so matthewmatosis is an autists
Matt is a chill guy with a cute sister i want to play vidya with

Me aswell. Unlike Anderson who feels the need to inject his shitty memes into reviews

It's one thing to criticize the game's story, but he shuts down the stream because of one potential inconsistency. Danganronpa's story is clearly schlock, you're in it for the ride.

He says a lot of shit off the cuff that he'd have a difficult time backing up in an actual video.

But eyepatch wolf In the comments accept his criticism

yea i get this this is autism after listening to it, expecting more from daganronpa is retarded.

Mostly right except swap Joseph Anderson and DigibronyMLP.

fuck off digi

>goes off on one about Links fucking massive nose and the implication of how the gerudo in OOT breed

Because he treats his videos with some professionalism instead of rambling like an idiot for 2 hours. It's what makes his videos actually watchable, because he has a point to prove and works diligently through proving it. That's how a "video essay" should be. He can be a funny guy on the side where he doesn't have to be under constant scrutiny from the audience and himself I'm sure.

>Matthew would actually talk to us.
>matt doesn't on Yea Forums anymore
Some bullshit right here

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If you had a braincell you'd realise he's using the cooking system in BoTW as an example of how the devs tried to build everything in the game through the lens of freedom and exploration.

>Endless Jess in Great
holy fucking based

Ah that makes sense. Disagreed, but thanks.

your review series on the asterisk war was retarded digi

The best meme. Mandalore doesn't say shit in any of his videos that arent obvious

The Umineko one literally has some retarded name (a . or something), but he had a video of Kreia and the gray jedi in KOTOR2 from what I remember so I guess look that up

my nigga

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You have wing suits in Far Cry too so you could fly off of them too you nonce, literally okay because nintendo did it

any of these guys worth listening to?

Sounds like the perfect analyst to me.

inb4 >12 videos just to say a show is bad

I hate digi but the AW series is the best thing he has ever done.

I found him. His videos are ok, I'll stay subscribed. The tiers of that list are wack as fuck but the channels themselves are pretty good.
I can't figure out where Matt streams. Is it from the Extra channel or twitch?

toughts on this guy?

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>seems the only thing link can't mount is Mipha

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Agree. Based Irishman

textbook pseud

His videos are too long and he needs an editor

Fucking awful. Bottom tier shit.

Based autist.

didn't know the engineers @ big video game company used 4channel dot org

made a half a day video series just so he could fuck with hbomb, guys pretty based imo.

Rikafag (esfelectra on youtube) is the one who actually made the chart

That's embarrassing if he puts himself in his own list at top tier

so you know already
I agree

EFAP could be good if he dropped the furry faggots.


Is this why Conrad is in bottom tier? Because he said his Eva video is crap?

I like his videos for the most part but he should really go back to just making videos about video games again. His DS2 response series is probably the most I've ever seen someone prove another person's argument wrong. It's amazing.

reminder that the faggot who made this shit list put himself on the top tier even tho he's a mumbling retard who can't write an interesting script to save his sad french/canadian ass.

What about this guy

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Absolute fucking garbage.

The perfect embodiment of the Nintendo-drone

Is it so bad of me that i like to see a statement backed by facts and examples instead of being spoonfed an opinion? Left is more for my taste. Even if you dislike Anderson you gotta at least respect the insane effort he puts into every review.

The only guaranteed replies should be "put the fucking names under the icons you extreme gaylord"

Is there a worse game reviewer than Razorfist (Rageaholic) though?

He showed up about a month ago but thread got deleted shortly after

>(since that's what you do most of the time)
Please play BOTW first, there's hardly any need for combat

Give me a (you) and I'll do it

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The real question is: is there any good terrible reviewers worth watching for how terrible they are? In order to laugh at. I already have Joseph Anderson


I'll give you a link to GIMP you sick marmalade bastard
inb4 poor babby can't handle his big links

It's fine but the problem with flurry rush is so obvious and everyone is going to experience it by themselves when playing the game, you don't really need to spend so much time with examples.

>Thing: *exists*
>Mauler: "Thing: AN UNBRIDLED RAGE"

dylan guptil

Mother's Basement

Absolute fucking idiot who got an audience solely because reddit was mad at Paper Mario that one time.
There is not a single part of the industry that he knows anything about.




AWS isn't a 12 part review of the show. It's not evaluating whether it's good or bad, its analysing in-depth why it fails.
Doesn't Rikafag fucking patron the guy?
Garbage. Why bother having a great puppet if you're not going to do anything funny with it and just be a generic gaming reviewer?

Razorfist literally gave StarFox Zero, which is quite easily one of the worst games in Nintendo's entire history as a company, a positive rating because it slightly reminded him of an arcade game he played with his brother in the 80s.

Also there's always ProJared who looks like an ostrich and sucks at games.
honorable mention goes to the Game Dude but not for his reviews. His descent from AVGN ripoff to madman making videos of him running after cop cars calling them fuck nuggets is hilarious.

I remember he was so fucking pissed because he played GTA V as a walking sim and didn't want to do the missions

Reminder that ProJared literally couldn't use Offensive Defensive or parry in MGR

This video honestly sounds like parody. Thank you

im sorry digi i literally don't know what you are driving out. you are looking at the show without looking at the show?
is this some 2deep4me review headcannon?

he still stands by this and doesn't take on criticism about how he can't understand basic shit

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He's watchable

Attached: DNHiEFKVwAAzls4.jpg (900x1200, 193K)

So it's just a huge shitpost by RF. Sad!

wew dunkey got BIG

shut the fuck up Eyepatch Wolf. You almost made unsub you because you recommended Hamsterson for daring to be critical to Silent Hill when in reality he was just a retard.

Matthew I owe you an apology after seeing anderson on stream, i realize you are way more likable as a human being. I hope you are doing well despite being an irish potato drinking savage.

Dunkey got big after that korean chick fucked him up fucking ages ago.


Nevermind, I checked his Twitter. Only reason Digi is Mediocre is because he didn't feel like watching Rikafag's entire Eva video and he got mad lol

>you are looking at the show without looking at the show?
What the fuck? That's not at all what I said. Also I'm not Digi.

I might be autistic but I love this guy.

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I hate that channel. All of the forced dramatic pauses annoy the shit out of me