What are the best plot twists in vidya?

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The entirety of MGS2

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What does that pic have to do with anything ?

When a bastard I pumped into some muslim slut showed up with an army and another bastard I pumped into a catholic slut kicked his ass back to Iberia. Then I legitimized him and the chiefs elected him king when I died.

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You'll understand when you become atleast semi-literate.

the "bad guy" was just a lonely old man who wanted his friend back

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You can't read a painting retard.

But you can read animal tracks and the weather?

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google searched and all I got was russian links. Please enlighten a fellow user.

All I see is some malformed dog staring at me.

CK2 has some amazing gameplay twists completely organically. AGoT mod ratchets it up to 11 too.

The head is sideways, bitch

no it's not

I legit didn't see it coming

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I point at you and laugh

It's two dogs next to each other, they're just positioned weird.


I like my sex and rape mods too much to try that one. Plus I can't get the warhammer mod to work, so I'm wary of mods like that. I get World of Darkness to work ok, though, and that one is pretty fun.

It's Alt+254 or something like that, I don't remember.

Alt+254 is ■, but I don't remember it either.

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