Do you find 'Bullet Hell' fun in games which aren't Shoot 'em' ups?

Do you find 'Bullet Hell' fun in games which aren't Shoot 'em' ups?

Isaac had it,
Nier had it,
Undertale had it.

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Also Furi. I enjoy them.


Nier was great but not necessarily because of the bullet hell elements. Hell you could block most of the bullets. It was just a very strange mash of all sorts of games; bullet hell, text adventure, TPRPG, etc.
Issac is a bad roguelite that only gets praise/acclaim because it is most peoples first/only experience with the genre.
Untertale wasn't really bullet hell in the traditional sense of vertical 2d space with a billion patterned bullets exchanged for themed "fights" that were almost like a puzzle mixed with bullet hell. So it was better imo.

No because they're incapable of making decent patterns like actual shmups

name some good rougelites

Every roguelite after boi tried and failed to be boi

Undertale and by extention Deltarune had some pretty fun patterns but I agree, most of them usually just end up as 'here is a wave of bullets just shimmy yourself between them'

Then again, Shmups main draw is patterns, other games like Isaac and Nuclear Throne's gimmicks usually rely on the weapons and stuff.

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Dead Cells, Synthetik, and Immortal Redneck are prob my top 3. I can list more if you want.

Some did of course, but to say every one did is obviously false.

>Issac is a bad roguelite
I'd argue with you but seeing as my post was of 'Hush' I have to agree with you to some extent.

I loved Rebirth but the DLC's actually ruined it. Hush's pattern is fun but is a fucking chore to fight.

Can Nuclear Throne even be called a Bullet Hell? Thats like calling Hotline Miami a Bullet Hell.

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>main criticism of isaac is that "only gets praise/acclaim because it is most peoples first/only experience with the genre"
>names significantly more recent games than isaac
good job retard

Pretty great game, look it up on YT if you haven't seen it before. Later floors get crazy with the amount of bullets.

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The epitome of "tried and failed to be BoI"

gungeon's got major highs but also major lows. Would really have benefitted from more competent devs as I'm sure the code is an absolute mess and it shows

Age is not a direct correlation to quality. Though I will admit I should have just left it as "only experience with the genre".

>Isaac introduced scaling health
>"This fucking sucks"
>Sees Gungeon
>"This looks fun"
>Bosses have scaling health.

For fuck sakes, do these game devs hate fun?

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I was ecstatic pre-release when fatmund told us that rebirth was going to be much more shmup inspired, but holy fuck that game's hitboxes are so unclear and inconsistent it's just frustrating.

NT did it pretty well, i think. Post-loop especially is great, when it's more positioning based because of how dense the bullets can get.

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I've played a fair number of 'rougelites', including 1 of the ones you mentioned, but isaac is still my favorite. I don't think it's the first one I played, that was probably spelunky classic or something, but your argument makes very little sense as classic isaac is one of the earlier 'roguelites' releated, to the point where it coined the term to begin with around 2010/11. If anything, you made yourself look clueless with that comment.

I like dead cells but I ran out of content like 15 hours in, while isaac has lasted me 400 hours, and all the ones you mention lack the synergies that make every run different. If I have to run one more ice shard dead cells game...

>Beat Boss rush and ??? as Lilith
>Achievements and Items don't unlock

What the fuck Edmund? Fix your shit game.

Witness is getting scaling health in Rep.

>tfw antibirth is going to be ruined by Steakmund.

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Oh no no no, that is literally entirely on Kilburn's side. Said so himself.

He said otherwise to me. He just can't disagree with Edmund or Nicalis will kick him out like they did with DannyB

No. There's a reason why Hush and Ultra Greed are the worst bosses in the game but it's not because of bullet spam it's because of LMAO DAMAGE RESISTANCE so you need to sit there and slog through a long ass fight

Do you really expect me to believe your "oh yeah I talked to him myself and you're wrong" bullshit without proof?

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The scaling health itself isn't the biggest problem.
The problem is the relative health it scales to.
i wouldn't mind hush and ultra greed always taking about the same time if that time was 3-4 minutes instead of 8

The fact they are using the same composer instead of Mudeth just pisses me off. Mudeth breathed new life into the game and they're just spitting on him, while his music is clearly superior to Ridiculon. It's just obscene- they already have INCREDIBLE music at their disposal and refuse to use it. I'm questioning if I'm even going to buy it at this point, the music made the game that much more worth playing and I really can't imagine isaac without it.


It's just sad that they would shove Mudeth aside.

>Every roguelite after boi tried and failed to be boi
Monolith succeeded at being better than boi.