Make sure your having real fun and not fake fun

Make sure your having real fun and not fake fun

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fun is just a buzzword

Fun is optional. Real game for real gamers doesn't try to be "fun". If the only thing you like about a game is how fun it is you are a retard or underage faggot.

my favorite game > your favorite game
prove me wrong

This board becomes more and more of a joke with each passing day

Okay, I get it but now what's the difference between SOUL, SOULLESS, and NUSOUL?

nice meme and all but I'd argue 'fake fun' is actually real when impressionable children are manipulated by psychological and behavioural experts to keep playing their games and spend money on lootbox/micro transactions. if you keep saying you're having fun out of compulsive behaviours... are you?


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Everything's a buzzword

this but unironically
if you get off to a key dangling in front of you like a baby that's fine but some of us expect more from games than just bing bing wahoo

>Real game for real gamers doesn't try to be "fun".
What should they try to be instead?

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I'd throw Overwatch and Assassin's Creed in with the "basedfun."

an experience

"fun" is just the go to word people use to say they're enjoying a game without really detailing why they are enjoying it. People overthink what it means, attach meaning to it that isn't there.


>god of war

literally retarded the game is about teaching your son to become a men and the villains are a single mother and a spoiled moron.

>stop enjoy thing
Fite me

Can you name good games that provide a good experience and/or challenge but aren't fun to play?

dragon age origins
the wolf among us
tales from the borderlands
batman telltale
batman enemy within
alpha protocol

dwarf fortress

I think XCOM is fun as fuck. Sorry pal but it's nu-fun now.

>dice rolling is fun

>roll 100 dice
>you only need one of those to roll a 6
>get mad when you don't get a 6 0.0000001% of the time

I sure as fuck am having real fun.
doing most quests at night as opposed to day with a mate is good shit.

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Pick one

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