Horizon Zero Dawn has sold over 10 Million Units

>Yea Forums still thinks HZD was a failure


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>With several 1/2 off sales then literally coming free with the purchase of a PS4
They literally gave this game away and still struggle to hit 10 Million

Who gives a shit? Why is this 2+ year old game being shilled all of a sudden?

didn't this game hit the bargain bins after 3 months?
I got the game plus DLC for 15 bongs

do games cost the same in third world countries? like if you sell 10 million units in india is that a success?

>bringing up third world countries
why? the game is bargain bin tier in first world countries already

Nobody cares you dumb nigger
Dont @ me
Filtered and hidden

It deserved it, it was a great game. A little overrrated due to console wars like BoTW and GoW, but still a great game.

that's a cute boy

>It proved quite a challenge to find the right facial model for Aloy – until Conversation Director Jochen Willemsen came down with a bad case of the flu. While recovering at home he saw a movie starring Dutch actress Hannah Hoekstra on TV, and immediately knew he’d found the face of Aloy. Within minutes he was on the phone with the studio and the rest, as they say, is history.
How did they fuck that shit up so bad?

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who knows but its a pretty good game actually one of the few open world games in which the combat and enemies are actually good.


Here's the price history of the game, notice anything?

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PS4 games usually costs $58 here (a third world country), except COD/FIFA/NBA which goes above $60.

Metacritic user reviews are the most accurate way of determining a game's worth. Yea Forums is hyper-contrarion or nintendogaf. Neogaf is neogaf. Better yet, don't be a burger flipper and get the game yourself and judge it on its own merits instead of spewing regurgitated opinions like 90% of the people on here.

Source on pic?

Wow, that's like literally every game ever

100 million on pc alone
14 million on xbone despite less than half the playerbase
No heavy bundling

Now, if pubg is dead what does that make hzd?

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No. This is normal price decay for console games.

My friend who has never not finished a game swapped to story mode about two hours in because the gameplay was so solidly boring they just wanted to see the ending. I could see why, too.
>Hide in le red grass
>Controller makes obnoxious noises at you
>Shoot stationary robot that can't see you with exploding arrow multiple times until the sponge dies
>Move to next red grass patch
>Rinse and repeat for the whole game

Weird, I'm pretty sure smash ultimate sold more at $60 than HZD did with several price drops to $20.

>100 million on pc alone
Try 50 million on pc and xbone combined.

Not a fucking chance


PUBG really was a once a decade tier event

Protip: When you google stuff you have no idea about, try to make sure the information is current.

>great body
>awful face
why is this allowed?

It's as if they fused that girl and pic related.

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BoTW did that without any pathetic sales ever.

>The game has sold 50 million units worldwide across PC and Xbox
Woah, you sure showed me.
Link to a source claiming it sold 100 million on PC alone or shut the fuck up, you condescending retard.

They both look almost identical to me.

There is evidently something seriously wrong with how they translate a scan into a mesh and texture.

>Comparing Battle Royale garbage available on every platform with a single player PS4 exclusive
Based retard

It always amazes me that people are only willing to buy Sony games if they cost 20$. I see indie games that cost more than that

Based $5 game.

>Comparing smash to new ip
Absolute brainlet. Thats like bragging when bote outsold some new ip's

>100m on a user base of 7 billion people on planet earth

lmao what a pathetic attach rate

>I didn't play the game past the tutorial the post

Unironically better than Breath of the Wild.

Why is Yea Forums happy that Nintendo games never drop in price? RE4 is about to get a switch port and they expect full fucking price for it.

I don't particularly love the game but
>play game like a boring faggot
>"wooow why is this game so boring?"

Learn what a dominant strategy is and why that fucking sucks for a video game

if you're playing a singleplayer game and force yourself to play 100% efficiently all the time but hate how you're forcing yourself to play it you should probably neck yourself

what was the last boss of HZD again?

oh right it was a resized regular enemy lmao

how do you make price history when there's millions of stores in the world? that's some crazy dedication from somebody. I mean a lot of those are not even online so you'd have to travel from country to country constantly to check prices. or make shit load of phone calls to stores and learn multiple languages in some cases.

It's a Sony exclusive. Yea ForumstendoGaf will find any excuse they can to hate it.

One of my favourite games this gen. I seriously love how we still games like these that are complete packages with no "games as service" bs, mt's and such. Just pure gameplay, solid story, ton of customization and solid dlc on top months later

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Or maybe you could play a good game which doesn't have garbage balance.

I hate this about fucking Switch. All third party ports cost 2-3x more than on pc or consoles + first party games stay same price for years

At least it has more variety than the same four red/blue creatures in GoW.

It might be to cover expensive Nintendo licencing costs. Either way you are getting and inferior port that costs you MORE money.

Wasn't this bundled with most PS4 value combo packs? This is like saying Wii Sports was a hit based on sales. Come on user.

Do you have retail sales user? Not bundled and shit.

It's really because Nintendo didn't get caught up in the race to the bottom discount war so the audience isn't conditioned to wait until the game is $10.

People just ignore when Nintendo did it.

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I dont really buy multiplats because of that on switch. Like why would you buy doom on switch, when base ps4 runs it at 1080p60 and looks better

I've never heard of anyone talking about SM64's sales

Imagine being this insecure.

The bundled thing is a coping excuse. People aren't going to be buying that much more bundled games than the regular PS4s to the point it cuts in to the sales of a game that drastically. The majority of the sales for the game came through standalone sales.

It's the same thing anyways. Thread is shit.

Same but Aloy's terrible design triggers me a lot, they should fire all the trannies who are just there to make everyone ugly

>source needed

Aaaaand your source is?

its sequel is likely going to be a launch game for the ps5 unless either the devs or sony is running REALLY far behind.

Yes they will. When Sony does holiday bundles that bundle is the cheapest PS4 available in stores.

why do nintendogoys keep bringing up price points for Sony games in attempt to downplay their success? how pathetic do you have to flaunt Nintendo's refusal to adopt pro-consumer practices like discounts and bundles as if it were something worth bragging about?

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The biggest problem I have with this game is the VA, whatever Burch.

She sounds like the same in everything and is always awful

It’s why i don’t buy Nintendo consoles, fuck paying 60$ for 4 hour long platformers, i can get 10 great games on steam for less.

Nobody said it was a failure, just that it had no cultural impact.

>cultural impact

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>literally given away for free on bundles and hitting the bargain bin

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Zero awards
Zero porn
Zero relevance

>20$ and 30$
>Bargain bin

I own a switch and ps4, own botw and hzd, hzd is the better game, hate to break it to you kiddies.

That's great news for fans and the developers. I'm happy that it was successful and hope it continues to be a great series for those who loved and enjoyed it.

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It was a new IP who officially outsold Halo 5.

>price slashed by 2/3 is not hitting the bargain bin

>come into a thread about a game you don't care about


Bargain bin is 5-10$ like ass creed games.


It's okay when Nintendo is greedy. When other companies are greedy it's anti consumer. We are on Yea ForumstendoGaf.


Yeah and? GoW won awards but i dont think that impacted culture either.

It's funny how you can tell who the bitter nincels are ITT lmao

Doesn't mean it won't be forgotten in 10 years and show up in games that existed threads.

B-but this is Yea Forums... what the fuck do you think you are doing?

MOOOODS, ban this madman!!! He isn’t shitposting for the epic console wars!!

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A sequel is coming out for the PS5 user.

This is 100% impossible. First very few of the machines are ever actually stationary, besides the one deathbringer that doesn't have it's legs at maker's end. Second there's Fire arrows, there's non-damaging blast arrows, Tearing arrows, Ice arrows but no EXPLODING arrows. Thirdly unless you're abusing pre-patch bugged Stealth mods (which is highly unlikely) Shooting anything even while stealthed will reveal your location

Playstation: The cinematic experience

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But Nintendo has to make a profit. That's why they still rip us off on games. They're our friends. We want them to succeed. Remember it's okay if they take all our money as long as they're making a profit.

Based and Friendlypilled

The combat was really fun, especially in higher difficulties were you are forced to use all kinds of traps and get creative.

The GOTY experience. Keep coping tendie.

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Sounds like Suda 51 or any game like Persona.

Game was full comfy.
Combat was interesting and varied.
Loved the story. All in all a very good SP game.

If you found a way to cheat the combat and make it boring then why do you even play games?

Goy please buy Pokemon Let’s Pee and Let’s Poo, 60$ each.

Also please preorder Pokemon Dick and Pokemon Vagina, there 2 unique Pokemon in each version.

See you next BoTW thread dude

The game was 20 usd with the dlc a year after launch.

What does that have to do with it selling well? Do the 10 million sales suddenly not matter anymore because it was on sale? This is some next level cope.

At least she's not her brother.

Is Terraria twice as successful as any game Sony has ever made? Giant corporate titan with half a billion consoles sold over twenty years has yet to make something even remotely as successful as a random indy game?

It means it didn't make as much money as you think. Cope.

because the developer barely will some money if he sell 3-4 millions with bundles or at 20-30$ cost each piece. Also every company can do that shit and call it a succes, now fuck off kid

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10 million units sold and so little R34. I call it a failure.

What does that have to do with anything? Almost every game is quickly discounted and only handful of them sell 10 million.

Coping a little too hard there

Well, it failed to make me play it more than 2 hours, that doesn't happen often as I'm easily entertained.

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Are you sure of what you're saying? Because the game is gonna be digital only, and none of the FF or RE games before were full price.

Fuck the makeup and face tattoos etc, they all look awful. The only attractive outfits are Carja Blazon varieties. Aloy also needs to wear a hat because her dreads poofing up the top of her head look awful

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>The majority of the sales for the game came through standalone sales.
>source: my ass
If you believe this shitty game sold 10 millions on its own you're really delusional

>tfw all those games are terrible except for MHW

let's do some math if you have 20 IQ and can't understand
>a console game is 60$ at launch
>if you sell 5 million in the first few 2-3 months at 60 $ you will make 300 mil $
>now if you do bundles and drop the price after few months to 20-30 $, if you sale another 5 mil in 10 months, you will make only 125 mil $

Now after the cuts like sony, microsoft, the publishers , shops like bestbuy, gamestop, etc, you barely make any profit as developer, now fuck off .

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You should make it 30-40 usd because companies like walmart take over 30% and some stores take 50%. They only get the real 60 usd if they sell digital only from their store.

She starts to look more attractive the more you play the game (assuming you do like it). The bodies in this game are great when they aren't covered up

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But most games don't sell those numbers and are still discounted. Does that mean that games in general don't turn profit? Is the whole industry a tax credit scam like German film making?

>80m consoles sold
>only sold 10m copies

I don't like that they rendered her pussy grease. I'm ok with her hairy armpits though.

>Now after the cuts like sony, microsoft, the publishers , shops like bestbuy, gamestop, etc, you barely make any profit as developer, now fuck off .
it's a first party game
they get all the money from digital sales and most of the money from physical

and when it comes to pc sales numbers you people completely ignore all the money lost from selling at 90% off and steam getting a 30% cut

That screenshot was fake

Has to actually compete with stuff. Who doesn't buy a copy of BOTW if they buy a switch? Who?

yeah, I did not take that into account, but some companies get some benefits from places like walmart, gamestop, etc because their games will sell a lot, for example activision with COD and rockstar
a lot of game don't make profit or barely make, that's why they need 40-50 $ season pass, DLC, loot boxes, etc. Blame the developers and the publishers, they put too much moneys in bullshit tehnologies like realism with real actors and shit, also blame the publishers because they put half of the budget into marketing.

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>botw sells over 10 million at 79.99 before tip
>horizon zero sales sales over 10 mil including 24.99 complete edition
wow, big achievement for sony and hzd.

>games must fuck you in the ass to be good or wanted wanted

What the actual fuck else are you going to play on Switch though? People got launch switches with 1-2-go and not BOTW???

This. The attachment rate argument is so weak because there were literally nothing else to buy for the Switch on launch. HZD had to compete with all the other Sony first party and third party games.

shut up sonyfags

50% of the people who bought the switch, retard. unlike the 88% of people who bought a ps4 but didn't buy hzd

>s-shut up!

come on user.


50% is not some small number user. Again, what the fuck else is worth owning, OF COURSE 50%. Fuck, it ought to be way higher.


>MY game never goes on sale, so it's better
Yeah, better for the company. Not better for you as the consumer. I don't know why you are parading it around like some kind of badge of honor. A game being cheaper is good for YOU.

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>come into Sony thread
>sperg out because he has no argument

What did the coping tendie mean by this? It's amusing.

>it should have been higher
keep to your own arguments, please. that's my whole point about hzd, it should have sold more. 10m copies on 80m consoles? botw to date has sold nearly 13m on 25m consoles. the point is that this game is still a failure in terms of how much money went into this game to get it to sell well and it didn't. botw was made as cheap as they always have and the game is still full price while hzd is less than half price and comes packaged with dlc, even the devs knew it was a blunder and lowered the games pricing to try and reach more sales to make people think the game is good or worth buying

>"Shit guys, we need a plan to outsell Botw's numbers. How do we do it?"
>lightbulb appears over kaz hirai's head "I habbu gottu itto! reducuuu puricu obu geimu by nana jyu go pacento!"
"You've got it, boss."
People are focusing too much on the number sold, rather than the profit yield. I could create a 1 cent product and sell 10 million of them, but if I sold 10 million products at 10 dollars, I'd have a 10x yield in comparison. These Horizon Zero Dawn sales numbers are nothing to celebrate about - it's desperate and spells out their loss completely.

>mass quoting
Yep, I'm out. You don't have any arguments, just shitposting here.

Diablo 3 sold 32 million copies.


Why does this game's success make you so ass blasted? You can still play your children's game. No one's taking that away from you.


>basedstation cuckold responses
Wouldn't except anything less from faggots that support censorship on their beloved garbage console.