Why do females ruin every guild in videogames?

Do you know one game where this DIDN'T happen? I can't name any.

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This wouldn't happen if those guys weren't such virgins. That's why I only get in guilds with Chads.

>That thing that Paisen did to save Nagas face
>The two friends just leave to give the lovers private time, propably knew that Paisen did the thing.
T'twas a nice chapter, me thinks.

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In my present guilds girls simply wouldn't be allowed to join. No one has actually tried to, but even in the vanishingly unlikely case of an outstanding marquee player, that would at best be an upgrade over a highly capable one, making the risk of disruptions girls may cause simply not worth it.

That being said, I have been in guilds with girls during retail TBC/Wrath and they didn't cause any trouble.

Because men let their emotions get the best of them

isn't this that NTR girl from years ago? Now it's a super popular manga?


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Online games are full of immature people who don’t realize they are being taken for a ride.

Half the time you have girls who just want free uncontested attention.
The other half of the time you have thirsty fedora tipping retards who will throw everything in the dumpster if they think it'll get them an internet girlfriend.

That's what they get for being such loud manchildren.

They don't.
>Do you know one game where this DIDN'T happen?
All of them, no exception.

>that would at best be an upgrade over a highly capable one, making the risk of disruptions girls may cause simply not worth it.
How old are the people of your guild ? don't they know how to behave ?

This is why you should only play with the homosexual males.

Most of the time it's not even the girls fault and she just wants to play the game. Sorry all of your previous guilds were full of weak-willed betas.

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In my experience, women contribute as much and if not, more than male members of guilds.

Yeah,but different. 100% of the smug, 0% of the NTR

doesnt matter, if you dont limit the women the men get hurt so its better to punish few than most
if you dont agree with this then you are an elitist who wants the few benefit while the majority suffers

>being human is a crime if you are a man

>it's not even the girls fault
kys white knights

>We have to limit the girls because my pansy-ass guildmates cum at the very mention of an extra x chromosome
Weak. Willed. Betas.

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this, not having a girl in the guild is literally being the ultimate beta faggot. All the chads have disposable girls in their guild.

not an argument, you cant force majority change for the benefit of few

sure thing roastie

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Do you seriously think the kind of people who play MMO's have the discipline to not go full retard? Age has nothing to do with it but rather how desperate some people are to make a connection with a woman.

Well duh, that's what natural selection is for! The betas you're defending will never breed, die out, and then get replaced by men who actually have a pair of balls.

and this is women fault not men, the men want to connect with women but women dont want to connect with them so the men became desperate, saying its men fault that they cant handle women around is victim blaming

That wasn't NTR though. She was just using her onii-san for a laugh.

yeah yeah baby whatever you say guu guu gaa gaa sucky thumby omomomom

Chad is an insult you idiot. Quit getting the meme wrong.

if that were true then why do these beta men even exist if their fathers were alphas who fucked women?

incel pls go

not an argument, just name calling

>"They're allowed to be pussies who shit themselves at the mere thought of a chick, it's girls faults for existing"

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Chads don't play MMOs you fucking retard

This guy is right. Women might be manipulative bitches, but they only get away with it and rewarded because men are desperate idiots.

The same reason why people are born without limbs and why you exist in the first place: sometimes mistakes happen

>first guild I join
>leaders are 2 brothers from abu dhabi
>chill af
>girls fear them since they believe girls are haram
>guild functions excellently

>2nd guild
>leader was a massive homo
>never took shit from girls
>got on well with the guys
>best guild i ever been in, probably the best guild on the server

Look at this boomer thinking that family law is doing just dandy.

Sorry but I'm not going to "debate" an idiot sprouting his insecurity laced "argument" online

I'm pretty sure it only happens in wow.

Generally what happens, in actual society, is that the female tends to shack up with a male in the group and drama arises. That generally only happens in hobby clubs, though, and it kinda stops once you hit a certain age because people start getting married and drama dies down. I only play with grognards, these days, but when I was in college it wasn't uncommon for there to be a huge falling out over relationship drama. What tends to happen is that lines are drawn and people are forced to choose a side. When that happens, the whole thing breaks down and from the ashes rise a smaller group. Which then grows. Then the process repeats.

That's why you see "game night" with married couples so much more often these days.

there for your suggestion to let only chads breed doesnt work because its all random how the sons end up
>men simply arent trying enough they need to be better so that women can enjoy life more
still not an argument, you cant defend your opinion in any rational way therefor you are wrong and I am correct

The virgin user
The chad anyone else

From my own experiences most girls are pretty chill. Usually it's the faggots who play female characters under the guise of shit like "I don't wanna stare at a man's ass all day" who are the dramawhores.

Typically late 20s I guess? Nevertheless, it's not worth putting to a test. Women are underrepresented in high-end raiding guilds and doubly so for private server context (as said, no girl has ever tried to join) so the prior probability of applicant being an extreme outlier in performance is basically nil, making even 1% chance of disruption a risk worth not taking. We'd deny familiar outstanding players known to be disruptive as well (and in this case have done so).

>It's not the girls fault she has the mind of a child

I agree user

Don't act like the girls also aren't at fault. They will always go on about "how this creepy guy in a guild I was in was talking to me and stalking me in-game" but they never actually tell the guy in-game to just fuck off, instead they try the "let him down gently" approach, which never works on beta-male orbiters, and they know this it doesn't. All they have to do is fucking decimate the beta orbiter by telling them they not only aren't interested, but they NEVER will be. And if THAT doesn't work, which more often then not it does, there are other ways to deal with it in most MMO's.
But actually confronting the issue, instead of pussyfooting around it, would take some balls which, as it turns out, girls lack.

>still not an argument, you cant defend your opinion in any rational way therefor you are wrong and I am correct
You're implying what you said is even remotely worth taking seriously dude, which it isn't. Contrary to what you may think not everything someone says is worth more than pointing and laughing

Never said anything about Chads. Just people who aren't massive pussies. Thanks for outing yourself as an incel, though! Don't you have a hugbox of a subreddit to get back to?

jesus christ

if you cant offer a proper intellectual argument then you are forfeiting the debate

This. Especially on more anime-themed MMOs.

>People are actually debating over thots in MMOs instead of talking about sexy cute bullies

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not an argument
doesnt change my argument one bit, the men you suggest who are fit to breed will father good sons is simply false, it doesnt matter who fathers the son its completely random with genes and environment

kek, I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. I said your position isn't worth a "proper intellectual argument". The fact you keep using these words when your position is basically "fuck woman it's all their fault men are thirsty so no games for them" is hilarious and reeks of being an insecure pseudo-intellectual incel.

your dad should have beat you more lmao

>girls lack balls
Well yes, isn't that why you like them?
If women are raised to be nice and mild then they won't fight for themselves. They could defend themselves but that's not feminine.

youre so embarrassing dude

>responds to simply logic with incel
Not even trying anymore, eh roastie?


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No, it's one guy trying to convince others to debate him over retarded shit and when they refuse to take him seriously he goes Stefan Molyneux on them complete

Its a Shit manga if is not your know kink desu

>known kink
But what if it's your unown (heh) kink?

>They could defend themselves but that's not feminine
and thats why tomboys are objectively the best. Because they take some of the best aspects of a bro, and combine it with the best aspects of a woman.

i dont get it

I miss him, bros. Why is he stuck making shitty Towako covers nowadays? Why isn't he making full stories like he used to?


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Of course not, you would lose handily

How do I get a tummy exactly like this girl's?

>that pic clearly being about her huge boobs

Puberty was hell man. Why is it that growing up took YEARS but the side effects of becoming a man namely WANTING TO MOUNT ALL THE GIRLS YOU KNOW starts immediatly, like overnight?

Logic is a strong word to use in this situation

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Because they are all weak and useless, except if they play casual mobile shitty games

Because we were made to breed ASAP. Can't beat nature.

Damn, how unfortunate that I'd lose in a "debate" against a bonafide incel whose argument is that hamplanets are at fault for the actions of normal girls who don't want to fuck ugly and socially awkward guys. I'd point you all over to a certain subreddit but last I heard it got taken down but maybe /r9k/ would have you lads

W*men ruin everything.

Yeah but you think the level of that need would be offset to the stage of development. Its no good for a girl to want to do that shit at the beggining as it will be later on. There is physical and medical reasons its not suitable right away. We guys are fine biologically but in nature an 11 year old boy is still not ready to herd the pack he can physically create.

I feel my wizard powers coming on, honestly. Approaching 30, and my sex drive is totally dead. I think even biology gave up on me.

>outs himself as a redditor

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When I ran a guild in WoW I made it a strict rule for there not to be ANY GIRLS / gay / trans allowed.

I also had a do not ask / do not tell rule, but also a "You are guilty if you know and do not tell anyone."

This weeded out all the blue pilled beta orbiters, women, and hormone imbalanced people very quickly.

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ur so cool