Should blizzard add DK and goblins to the classic servers?

Should blizzard add DK and goblins to the classic servers?
It's 1.12 so has nothing to do with actual vanilla anyway

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It's 1.13, actually, a made-up patch built on Legion's 7.3.5 patch

DK Gay, Goblin okay

>wow sees OSRS flourishing
>lets do the same and make up our own patches!
>shit were out of content! What do we do??
>"release the next xpac.."
>time repeats itself so we can all be dissapointed again once it hits BFA.
Niggas are gonna fucking have it finished and complain about the lack of content cuz its just vanilla.

>Should blizzard add content to classic
We'll see.

If the game proves to be more popular then live, they'll either turn it into a progression server and kill classic and wow, or they'll pull an OSRS and revive WOW from the ashes.

You say that, but it takes longer to kill 20 harvesters in westfall then it takes to level from 1-60 in live.


Goblins need to stay the fuck away, as they can't be implemented without ruining the Vanilla goblin models with whatever the dogshit they added in Cata was.

well blizz will see a a huge playerbase return for classic. have plans to make actual new vanilla based content, something that feels vanilla and balanced around vanilla ala osrs content

I see what you did there.

But how would they keep that vanilla without it absolutely retconning everything that happens in all the later xpacs? An AU maybe? RS' story lore was barely there and shakey and nobody really paid attention so they could get away with it.

We already know that classic isn't going to be vanilla, but if they somehow keep the fundemental aspects of vanilla, such as group based gameplay, in tact, they could use it as a jumping off point to pretty much take the game in a completely different direction then what BC did to fuck the game.

BC was a great expansion if you were a raider, probably the best expansion in that regard, but it did nothing but ruin the game for anyone who wasn't a raider or elite arena fag.

But the dungeon content was shit, the professions were worthless except for 1 meme weapon and engineer goggles and the fact that level 61 greens were better then level 60 epics was fucking retarded.

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I am a 33 year old boomer who dropped out of high-school to play WoW back in 2004. I played it everyday until 2009 when WOTLK wasn't enough to keep me from wasting away my life anymore.

I will not be playing WoW Classic because there's no love for it at Blizzard, they really don't give a shit about it, the company has changed so much, none of the higher ups at Activision even care for it. The Vevendi fags 100% don't care for it. Even so, the world has moved on from WoW, even Vanilla, WoW classic wont be fun, it will be shit, its over, move on.

WoW is fucking over. MOVE ON.

If anyone should have nostalgia for it, its me, I'm the fucking boomer who threw away his 17-22 year old prime-slaying years to play this fucking shit, Im the one who cleared most of the content back then, im the one who got rank 14 without surprisingly developing DVT or carpel tunnel. Im the fucking sack of shit BOOMER that should want this.

>fundemental aspects of vanilla
>group based gameplay
>vanilla wow was promoted as mmo where you don't need to play in groups

There's so many things blizzard should add to classic to fix it, it'l never happen though to many reeee no changes autists, hoping that classic will mirror their bugged private servers.
This basically.
Goblins should of been the fourth undead faction, undead are cool but make no sense.
They'll probably go to TBC, I can't imagine blizzard sinking development time into making an alternate timeline of wow where they don't add things they thought made the game better.
I really don't think blizzard could develop raids for ye olde wow successfully, they're far to used to making bullet hells like KJ.
This is a good point, blizzard could just rig the older models to have stuff but they wont.
Even if they did see a massive return, you gotta keep in mind classic still probably wont make them as much as the whales who buy mounts and pets from the in game store or people who buy boosts. And you're hoping that the classic player base will unanimously tell blizzard they don't want TBC servers and should develop more vanilla content instead, it's a pipe dream.
I didn't
They wouldn't they'd had to make chromie blow up the dark portal and piss off anyone who actually likes TBC or Wotlk or wanted a pristine server past classic.
>BC was a great expansion if you were a raider, probably the best expansion in that regard, but it did nothing but ruin the game for anyone who wasn't a raider or elite arena fag.
>But the dungeon content was shit
What makes you say this? Heroics were hard and required CC, only bad part about this is people stacked ranged but who cares about melee dps anyway.
> the professions were worthless except for 1 meme weapon and engineer goggles
profs are shit in vanilla aswell with some exceptions, just like TBC.
also is right, wow isn't group based, everquest was, wow made it so you could solo all open world stuff almost.

>the dungeon content was shit
Yeah, beacause rushing dungeons mowing down everything with AoE is peak gameplay, right? TBC have the best dungeon difficulty.

Heroics were repetitive and boring.

And they were still linear fucking boss rushes, two dungeons infact were designed to be speedrun for t5 attunements.

>worgen are dogs
>added in cata
>theyre shit.

>Heroics were repetitive and boring.
I think you just find dungeons repetitive and boring in general though, all heroics did to dungeons was make them harder so you couldn't clear them like a robot would.

>Im the fucking sack of shit BOOMER that should want this.
I played Vanilla pretty casually and would like to experience the raids I never did. People like me get way more value out of it but I won't actually play it due to it not being real Vanilla.

Oh fuck I'm dumb that's pretty good.

Its just a game dude chill out, sorry you were retarded as a teenager

Most of the people who are excited for Classic WoW are 20-25 year old Doomers who never got to max level in Vanilla and rarely played because they just watched their older 30-35 year old Boomer brother play.

None of the 30-35 year old Boomers will play Classic. It will be mostly 20-25 year old Doomers who will LARP as elders and veterans to a mostly 10-19 year old Zoomer player base.

He's retard who obviously didn't even played vanilla and started around wotlk
Ignore him for your own sanity
He literally says Kara was streamlined so people could kill night bane for t5 gear from lurker
Or maybe he reffering to the killer of raids magh you needed to do to get into tempest keep

That started in BC when they introduced paladin tanking

They could do this shit pre-raid BIS too

This is spot on actually.

>linear hallways
Fuck off

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It's posts like these that stop me from taking part in these threads.
Dealing with a bunch of retarded reddit teenagers who started playing in wotlk/cata talking like they have a clue what the actual fuck they're talking about.

kill yourself

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here, see:

paladins were shit for a long time throughout TBC though, it's not until blizzard buffed them in the last patches could they do anything close to what you describe.

Name one dungeon in Vanilla, aside from ST and BRD, that aren't liner hallways.

They played on nostr that had 1.12 warrior aggro bullshit
So no wonder they think that aoe tanking is a thing

Wailing Caverns

>"difficulty" means "design"
Are you retarded?

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf.

No they don't, certainly with pre-2.1 tuning. Paladin tanking pre-nerf heroics is (relative to warriors and druids) a struggle because there are individual mobs and bosses (like Fel Overseers or Lieutenant Drake) that can literally global you and your inferior survivability at that gear level demands MORE control for tougher pulls (say, warriors can handle double Bog Giant pull before first UB boss by blowing cooldowns, and ferals just by being that innately tanky, while a paladin would get squished and you need to kite the second giant).

As I said ignore wotlk kid, I bet he doesn't even know that most paladin instant skills were considered casts, so he got hit hard if didn't timed his abilities before mob swings
You can spot newfags by their hate to the cata

Original post said nothing about difficulty.

They said that dungeon content in BC was shit, and it was

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Original post is a fucking retard, so are you. Also you replied to me, not to him, tardo.

Early Cata heroics were the best dungeon content WoW has ever had to offer. You cannot refute this.

>all these reddit posts parroting shit they read from mmo-champ forums

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By the time classic gets to BFA, retail will be in such a dire state that people will actually be happy to go back to BFA.

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>wow back then
>need to read a fucking walkthrough to guide retards through a dungeon

>wow now
>need to read a fucking guide on fucking trash mobs, because the dungeon journal doesn't list that shit


>tbc dungeons were more difficult with better mechanics
>vanillafags will say this is inferior because dungeons are broken up into seperate pieces instead of being 4 hours long that nobody does a full run of anyway

Stratholme. Due to it's size it was technically 2 dungeons but at the same time your party could go back and forth between killing whatever bosses you wanted.

wow is ok but we need a TRULY good mmo that has never been done before.

I never played Cata. Lost my interest on WoW after TBC and only played WotLK casually with RL friends (funny how you could clears ICC with casuals). People keep praising these early Cata dungeons, but seems retards like were the majority of the players, so blizzard nerfed them.

>>tbc dungeons were more difficult with better mechanics

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TBC was the beginning of making tanking 5mans a complete joke, but I'll agree on having better 5mans based solely off of Mara.

>been tanking exclusively in wow pve since actual 2004

Like communism?

>Idiots acting like vanilla coming back also means the devs that made vanilla will be coming back
>Don't realize that the blizzard that made vanilla is dead and gone, most of those who made it have left or been fired

It hurts, but its dead and not coming back.

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I remember doing all of the cheevos for them in the first or second week and not being all that impressed.
Healer mana being an actual resource was the only positive thing I remember, but that was a thing for raids too.

Might be just me being way better at the game by then.

Wailing Caverns
Razorfen Downs
They're not linear hallways, they have branching and optimal paths, and you have to go down some optional paths to actually finish your quests, and the biggest fucking reason to do dungeons was for the quest exp, loot, and gold.

You could rush straight to Archaveon in Uldaman for example, but everyone cleared to the back door for wipe protection and potential rare spawns, and to visit the enchanting trainer which is why many Uldaman groups were carried by 60s going to the master trainer.

>Vanilla group content
pic one

Ye they all left to make those amazing revolutionary new games.

A fork in the road
Go this way for a boss
lol go in a circle

WC, Strat, most of Dire maul, LBRS, main section of Maraudon, Gnomer. Very nice mix

>bc mechanics
>anything more than don't stand there mechanics
kill yourself wow's dungeon mechanics were always piss easy.

Didn't say that. Its been funny that so many devs leave and then do shit projects.

Though so many have gone that it is not the same company that made what people enjoy.

>Keep aggro is fun and challenging!
Try XIV.

Good thing that $15 gets me mythic raiding for the hard content and classic for an actual MMO. Swapping between both and making alts on classic that actually matter I don't see an end in sight of being bored

>retarded zoomer doesn't know

what vanilla dungeon is as hard as even the easiest of heroics?

>le zoomer

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Got 50 and did thru a couple raids before whatever expansion came out, 2.5s GCD is unbearable. Actually fell asleep playing on multiple occasions, and the free welfare "rare" gear just for doing the joke of a story was pathetic

Sorry wrathbabby, but TBC's mythical 'good dungeons' didn't exist, we fucking hated TBC dungeons

You only did them to unlock karazhan, or if you were a tank, to get avoidance and defense capped

No one fucking touched heroics except for the ezmode ones for free badges, it wasn't until T5 that some guilds had to farm badges to get their warlock tank FR gear for Leotheras that people actually farmed heroics for badges.

You really want to know what fucking BC 'heroics' were about before people just skipped them for karazhan? It was killing the first subboss in mechanar over and over and over again because it wasn't on a lockout timer.

And once that was nerfed no one ever touched heroics again except for RP gear recolors.

And it wasn't even a fucking year before they removed attunements, meaning anyone could buy some shitty crafted gear off the AH and go straight into karazhan, fuck I was brought to T5 content on my fresh warlock alt to my friends raid because they needed a 3rd lock to apply curses.

Nope, there was only one hallway/section of the map that brought you to lord cobrahn that was off the linear path 99% of groups in WC did. There were no locked doors, or shortcuts, that gave a choice of direction. All the bosses were to be killed before mutanus event would start and getting to each of those bosses was a long, linear hallway.

Gnomeregan was one, long, linear hallway. What are you even talking about? Crowd pummeler was the only thing off the beaten path and most groups didn't do him unless you went in through the workshop entrance which nobody ever did.

half of live side were LITERALY HALLWAYS. The same path was taken every single time for both Live and Dead. Nobody would stop halfway through dead at nerubenkan and say 'nah lets go to live you guys lol look how dynamic vanilla dungeons are.' To claim otherwise is fucking stupid. Dead side was a little different, there was a fork! WHOA, A FORK! You could choose which alleyway to go down when killing all 3 ziggurat bosses to bypass the unskippable, linear hallway gate

The thing is, no one did BC heroics.

No one wanted to spend 2-3 hours wiping in a 3 boss dungeon with no quest rewards for a shitty badge and a 1-5 chance at a not shit drop.

god i fucking love dabbing on vanillacucks

>there were harder dungeons but I didn't do those so they don't count

In RFD, you can take a shortcut to the final boss. So, either you take a long linear hallway to the final boss, or a longer linear hallway to all the other bosses before the final boss. Hurrr. Oh wait, there was one escort wasn't there? You got me, bro, you're a veteran and know what you're talking about.

Maraudon was two, separate linear hallways that lead to a third linear hallway.

For strat, see above.

Uldaman is the same case as WC, and dead strat to a lesser extent, above. There's a couple branching paths in one or two rooms, but they end up going to the same fucking place. Do you know the word for that?

For tanking? Idk dude do you not remember being forced to use CC or having a healer die in trash alone? Then having that replaced by actual consecrafk and iirc aoe revenge spamming?

Bosses... eh. Not much for tanks in vanilla 5mans. Or any of the raids, except the twins and naxx in general. That's a pretty common trend for the entire game, though. DPS and healers are almost always the deciding factor. Gear checks come up more often than tank ones.

>Doesn't know what "pick one" means

Wow, outed yourself as a retard didnt you?

Dire Maul E was a liner hallway with 30 seconds of backtracking at two points. It's literally one boss after another.

LBRS? Kill ogre, kill trolls, kill spider, kill wolves, kill boss. That order, every group, every time. Extremely linear.

>The thing is, no one did BC heroics.
Everyone did, badge gear was too good to pass up.
>b-but I didn't need badge gear because I was already in full raid bis!
How the fuck is that any different from vanilla dungeons?

>no one did BC heroics.

Yeah, by farming the same sub boss in mechanar, because fuck the other heroics lmao

34 year old boomer here, I never played WoW because I was a Battlefield junkie. I want to check out WoW because it looks expecially comfy and I make enough dosh to justify the sub. The question is, should I check out the regular game with a dozen add ons or Classic?

regular is a shit game just wait for classic 2bh.

Easiest way to spot a wrathbaby is by having them share their opinion on Cata. Literally not a single person who hit max level in TBC would even jokingly try to imply Cata heroics were hard. Cata heroics on release were about as hard as WotLK heroics on release. Only people who ever found Cata heroics hard on release were literal wrathbabies who hit max level during ICC patch and only ever experienced heroic content by playing with people who had gear 50+ item levels higher than the gear WotLK heroics dropped.

Prot paladins were not good until later patches, and even then you still needed CC unless the group was already geared in which case why the fuck are you still doing dungeons? Everything hit too hard to have a paladin can tank every single mob.
>aoe revenge spamming
Holy shit did you even play tbc?

Try retail

Classic is a fucking borefest

I would totes play with a bunch of larping redditors on classic.

>farming the same sub boss in mechanar

Imagine being a reddit zoomer outing yourself as a fucking retard with a single sentence
Heroics were on a 24 hour lockout, you can't 'farm' them, idiot.

>Should blizzard add non-classic things to classic?


>you're a healer
>you form a party for mara
>rogue in full t2 joins
>invites druid in full t2
>you become dps

I don't know what shit guild you were in, but ours farmed them daily with our crafters for Primal nethers. Do remember skipping the annoying ones like Arcatraz/Botanica/Shattered Halls.

Do you want an MMO with some theme park elements or do you want a theme park that is mostly singleplayer with occasional MMO elements?

The current game isn't WoW and has not been WoW for many years. It's WoW in name only.

Imagine being a reddit zoomer who doesn't know about the boss from mechanar you can farm while not triggering the lockout lmao

>all the BCbabbys who played the game suboptimally defending heroics

No one fucking ran heroics when you could be pushing t4 and t5 content.

Karazhan was significantly easier then heroics and offered better loot then badge gear and heroic drops

And your tanks could be avoidance capped with normal/quest gear, the only reason to ever touch heroics was because you had to for t5 attunements, t4 was completely done in normal mode.

God you guys are worse then wrathbabbies sometimes who exclaim that ulduar, the best raid in the game, justifies WOTLK not being shit even though it was made obsolete in fucking 6 months by a 5 man dungeon.

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He's not wrong. The first mechanaar boss was originally considered a sub-boss and dropped a badge. I believe they just took the badge off his loot table.

See, wotlk kid lost it againHe actually implies that aoe fest in green we had at start of wotlk is a same as Cata dungeons that were full of one shot mechanics and casts people needed to kick
He really trying hard to fit in

Didn't play a warrior, that's why I said iirc. Thought it was the end of BC (s4 specifically) that had all the prot warrior fotm rerolls for arenas because they deleted every single melee in the game while shutting down healers(read: revenge spam) which conveniently made them the most braindead 5man tank as well. Might've been wrath, but I'm almost certain that it was s4. And based off of the dumbass first statement you managed, I'm pretty sure you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

In bc heroics even trash mobs didn't res
I know because I got hit hard by other people locks back then few times

Gonna level to 60 slowly just in case they add qol shit one day. Imagine playing that ancient garbage without dual spec.

If they added dualspec I'd roll a warrior and play classic for the rest of my adult life.

The best dungeons are unironically on live right now. They introduced infinite scaling in legion with m+, and added difficult affixes. Look them up they actually make everything twice as hard. In BFA they added abilities to most trash and buffed it to fuck, so you have to cc, kite, interrupt, dodge abilities constantly while doing it on a timer. Forget about aoeing down half the dungeon. On top of that the bosses are actually hard. Once you get to like 15+ there are only competent people who communicate well left so it is really a lot of fun.
Although if didn't exist there wouldnt be much point to pushing too high.

>Kill subboss
>Wait 15 minutes
>kill subboss again

Its not rocket science, as long as there is no lockout the instance resets.

I'm not implying that, I'm outright stating that. I quit hardcore raiding in WotLK and played Cata extremely casually. By week two of Cata release I had already cleared every single Cata heroic. Cata heroics compared to TBC heroics were braindead easy, and literally anyone who played both could tell you that, LARPer.
>wooooow I have to interrupt a boss spell wtf this is hardest content ever

> the professions were worthless except for 1 meme weapon
Right, Alchemy was useless, cooking was useless, FA was useless, LW kits were fucking useless, tailoring sets (+spellthread) were useless, jewelcrafting was useless... How wrong can someone be?

>and the fact that level 61 greens were better then level 60 epics was fucking retarded.
They just had fuckton of stamina and that was about it. I don't know why next expac items wouldn't quickly become more powerful, just like every damn patch resets gear progress to an extent.

That kind of dance floor mechanics are basically absent in TBC. The challenge of TBC heroics is basically identical in nature to vanilla: mobs using regular abilities. Indeed, while there are some tough bosses, generally speaking trash is the tougher part. It's just that melee mobs may well 1-shot non-tanks and some have (pre-raid geared) tanks at verge of death even while being spammed with max rank heals, there's a bunch of casters that will immediately fuck you over if one of their casts get through (say, fear by Prophets in Sethekk Halls) or that just deal that much damage, etc. Compared to vanilla where even having a tank is more of a convenience of healers having to drink less often rather than a strict necessity, the difference in tuning is extreme.

patches don't reset gear like that user, that didn't start happening until 3.2

If they added dual spec "purist" autists would sob and shout endlessly on social media

t. private server babby
Kara was on a once a week lockout and heroics were regularly ran for badge gear. Badge gear also gradually got better as more were added as a catch up mechanic.
If you're already doing raids then of course you don't need dungeons, but that's not any different from vanilla.
Another way to spot private server babies. Mech farming was fixed and people moved on to actually doing heroics for badges.

This "revenge spam" you keep mentioning didn't exist. Revenge in tbc was the same as it was in vanilla.

But everyone who cared cleared bc heroics in first week after farming reputation for key in normal
So you saying, Cata heroics were harder? Got it


blizzard should just die desu

I only played the first few months but did they fix there only being 4-5 dps specs, 1 healing spec(disc), and 1 tanking spec (bdk, vdh if edgy) for m+?

The itemisation in Vanilla was pretty ass so it was all around with loot (esp. with tiers only serving one spec more or less).
In TBC it wasn't that strong with some good shit from lower tiers but each tier was stronger and stronger still.
It's been a gear treadmill all the same even if it only became a "total" reset with some exceptions only later on.

i dont understand the mentality against new level 60 content after naxx has been on farm for awhile

i wanna see a scarlet crusade raid

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Vast majority of the people were still leveling during the first week of TBC, LARPer.

My idea was a Devilsaur worldboss in Un'Goro that ate too many power crystals. Thorium Devilsaur or something, idk.

>Linear hallways ala post TBC dungeons
>don't get hard until you've run them 50 times to get invited to a keystone run
>They're still boring as shit and the gear is 100% RNG with no real chase items to make the dungeons worth a fuck.

I would rather spend 200 hours like I did in vanilla farming emp and getting cucked out of my HOJ drop over and over again then farm keystones for a shitty d3fied loot drop.

There is a reason why everyone quit in BFA, and if legion didn't have orange loot on that drop table, you bet no one would have touched M+ in legion either.

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First of all who's gonna make that content. Second, clear end game is the attraction of classic because autists cry right now that their slow lfr progression becomes meaningless every 3 months.

Naxx60 will never be on farm by the general community. Idk if you actually went there. I did, and my guild was on Loatheb for probably 2 months before disintegrating into nothingness.

This "people ignored heroics in TBC" bait is pretty weak. You fags should be ashamed for replying.

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Because you can maybe trust nu blizz to deliver decent version of classic, but can you imagine them trying to make new content that would fit?

so when classic servers are out for 5 years, either naxx is farm or the game is dead

So we're people in first month of wotlk, Cata, mop, wod and legion
So you saying bc had casual and brain dead leveling compared to later expansions, huh?

>this meme again
The average top raider in vanilla isn't that great compared to players today.

I don't trust them to make any new loot at all. When people bring up new content, that's the first thing that comes to my mind.

Honestly, i'd rather they add in more content to the 3 tiers, rather then add in a vanilla tier 4

Like add in another tier 1 raid that drops offspec focused items, like spellpower and strength based armor for a paladin or melee shaman gear, the biggest reason why those specs didn't work in vanilla was there was no gear support for it.

Frog poster telling people to kys
Like pottery

>There is a reason why everyone quit in BFA
The reason is not what you described though.
>you bet no one would have touched M+ in legion either.
Now that's a straight up lie.

I mean the mdi fags are always going to pick the most meta comp, however I would say most specs are m+ viable, all healers are good, all tanks besides maybe guardian. For dps you mostly just pick utility that you need for a particular affix/dungeon, for instance you take rogues everywhere for shroud skips. You can push with 1 off meta dps, the other two need to do something useful. If you mean just pure dps numbers you can pretty much just pick any class now. For instance as a dps warrior its hard to get invited to groups, but you can just make them yourselves, and also there are fury wars pushing 23+ keys.

Actually I just went to check my cheevos. Cata came out on the 7th, I got Cata dungeon cheevo on the 12th. So it wasn't even week two, it was literally five days to level up and clear them all. And I wasn't in a poopsock raider guild or anything at the time.

No one would fucking touch m+ in legion if the weekly chest didn't give orange loot.

Pushing keystones in live now is fucking retarded, and anyone with any sense has realized by now your ilvl on gear doesn't mean shit when it becomes vendor trash in a single patch.

So go farm your 405-410 gear now, next patch mythic normal will drop 450 gear.

Pretty much, yeah. That raid is obscenely difficult, I've never seen anything like it. The plague wing alone is more difficult than the entirety of FFXIV. Other than patchwerk every single boss in the raid was complete agony. I'm sure someone will just say I have nostalgia goggles on, or to gitgud, but we had 55 active raiders putting in ridiculous amounts of time in there. The only thing I've ever seen that came close in progression raiding was 0/1 light yogg. But due to raid size complexities, still no.

Loot itemization stopped being vanilla jank by naxx anyway.

Nope, TBC and to a lesser degree WotLK took a lot more time to hit max level on release. Since Cata you could pull an all nighter and easily get to max level in like two days.

>but hurr athene could mass tag exploit in a couple of hours!!!
talking about normal questing bub

>No one would fucking touch m+ in legion if the weekly chest didn't give orange loot.
Uhhuh, because trinkets, weapon artifacts and generally gear couldn't be bis? Come on now.

>Pushing keystones in live now is fucking retarded, and anyone with any sense has realized by now your ilvl on gear doesn't mean shit when it becomes vendor trash in a single patch.
This is just a stupid thing to say when this shit has been true with raids for so long and yet people still continue to raid.

It's difficult not because of mechanics, but because of Vanilla's atrocious design.

I mean are you trying to say farming emp runs is in any way difficult? You were just complaining about being able to aoe everything down, if you want a challenge its certainly in the game now. Loot is kind of a shitshow though, I agree.
Most dungeons are linear yes, there are a couple that you can change the order of bosses and pick different routes though. And in most you do various skips to kill the amount of trash you need optimally. This is simply dictated by the 35 minute m+ format.

I literally leveled a disc priest and a DH to 120 in the same 24 hour day, with hours to spare, on release day...leveling is a joke, and not really a welcome experience anyway

>>but hurr athene could mass tag exploit in a couple of hours!!!
That was wotlk. And he was banned and stripped of the achievement.

MMORPG is an inherently shit genre and I'm glad it's dead

>Thinks vanilla naxx will be on farm by anyone but the most hardcore grognards
>When vanilla naxx boss mechanics dealt almost as much as the WOTLK version.

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>just get 8 full geared tanks bro
Like the rest of the game, it was there to keep people subscribed for long.

Maybe. There werent literal youtube guides up from guilds running raids on ptr back then I guess. Had dumbass guild forums with diagrams and raid/role leaders theorycrafting in vent all night.

Reading that I probably do just have nostalgia goggles, kind of excited to see the 2019 naxx40 now.

Is this a bait thread? If not then maybe they’ll add it eventually, but dont expect it on launch

>Is this a bait thread?
Every WoW thread is a bait thread.

>falling for the 8 tanks meme

Nobody is pushing keys for loot. It's just challenge. Actually all that matters in the game now is your m+ score and mythic progression, maybe your parse % on warcraftlogs. Gear has conpletely lost all meaning by this point, since you can get the best shit in the game just by sitting afk in a warfront and getting a lucky titanforge.

Gonna start playing Northdale or whatever it is on Light's Hope soon as an undead rogue.

Anyone else play private servers?

You need 5 tanks at best, just get nat pagle trinket

theorycrafters have already figured out how to work around and exploit vanilla's mechanics, it will be much easier this time around. Especially because most people won't be paying at 15 fps 200 ping while clicking abilities. It'll still put up a good challenge though unless you raid with the top .05% of autists.

May as well just wait on the actual game now so you don't have to live with the agony of privateserver hopping.

Also I thought LH was shutting down with classic release. Did I imagine that?

No body is playing BFA either.

>the professions were worthless except for 1 meme weapon and engineer goggles
The strongest profession is LW because drums and you didn't even mention that. What are you even comparing TBC professions to? Vanilla?

>and the fact that level 61 greens were better then level 60 epics was fucking retarded.
Well, maybe if you're thinking about MC epics that are often worse than 60 blues or, indeed, sub-60 greens ("of the frozen wrath"). In actuality the progression is rather smooth: if they were well-itemized, HFP items aren't even necessarily upgrades to high-level vanilla non-epics: it's just that good itemization in vanilla is exceedingly rare (doubly so if you are an elemental shaman or something) so what you're replacing is beyond awfully itemized items with non-awful ones, while the overall item quality doesn't increase much if at all. Most of T2+ gear would stay intact until you ding 70 (for example, some time ago I leveled in Wrath server that stopped at 60 and 70 for a while, and I didn't break R14 set bonuses in TBC, I think they even survived the first upgrades in Wrath starting areas!), and Naxx gear has the same amount of stats as 70 blues, often times being better itemized at that (and then you have T3 set bonuses that in some cases are outrageously powerful).

Now, TBC does have items the value of which far exceeds their item level (such as trinkets from Overlord!/Cruel's Intentions in HFP) and these individual items might replace even solid raid gear. But you know what? That's precisely because itemization isn't so much different from vanilla, and some items really are just that good (think about Bad Mojo Mask and similar).

I genuinely miss hanging out in the Crossroads, manually looking for a wailing caverns group so I could try to get Venomstrike for the third time, or the blue quest staff. I miss all the memery and dicking around in the barrens.

Why was WoD so fucking good, lads

They dont have to make it a carbon copy, it would be so fucking boring

I dunno I figured it'd be good practice and I have nothing else to play.

Yeah they fucked up most aspects of the game desu

I realize he said epics, but both of our tanks with tfury raided with it thru the first half of BC

Naxx BIS is mostly on par with TBC pre-raid BIS too.

It wasn't good itemization

They just made stamina baseline to all BC gear, so it wasn't really a choice, greens were flat out better then any other gear.

>burning yourself out early
Find another game to play then.

I did the 1-60 grind countless times back in the day, and I've done it on previous private servers. Just haven't done one in about a year.

I don't really burnout from classic WoW as long as there are always people to gank in low level zones. I can 1-60 in a week (Not the fastest.) and then spend that time gearing, then by the end of the month I can camp low level alliance zones till the population dies.

>Never played retail vanilla and only played nost
>Tell everyone I played retail

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No, TBC heroics weren't hard, they were pointless.

No one competent ran them, why? Because they were unnessisary, badge gear wasn't worth the grind, spending 1-2 hours in a dungeon for 5 badges when you needed 50-80 for a single item was dogshit, especially when that gear wasn't even as good as karazhan gear

On top of this they dumbed down mechanics in TBC greatly, resistances were no longer a thing and stamina was baked into every item in the game, because of this you could be karazhan ready with quest gear and crafted junk, the only thing important was getting avoidance capped as a tank or hit capped as a DPS and mana neutral as a healer, which wasn't hard at all because again, quest blues from open world content offered everything you needed.

On top of this Karazhan attunement was all normal mode, the only thing that forced you to enter a heroic was t5 attunements before they were removed.

On top of this, TBC raiding was a fucking joke, chinese guilds got TBC after WOTLK launched, and they were able to clear Illidan while still wearing peices of Naxx gear.

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My memory is hazy. Wasn't that just for one skeleton dragon fight?

I remember lock picking the door open for my guild.

>dino that too many power crystals
Literally my little brother’s galvadon

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I want to marry and impregnate Whitemane

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Now, suddenly getting +30 stamina from your first HFP green is nice no matter who you are, but the value of stamina depends. For example, would I take 30 stamina over 10sp as a mage, say? Depends on how much PvP action I expect to find myself in: if the server is past the initial rush of super-populated HFP, probably not. In this case, of course, low-end vanilla gear most likely didn't even have sp so it's an upgrade anyway, but supposing you DID have a piece with useful stats rather than worthless garbage item that might as well be gray? In that case scaling to TBC items would be rather smooth. As said, it's down to itemization rather than a sudden jump in item quality: actually good items from vanilla would likely last till 70. Hell, you have a handful of items that are SWP BiS (like Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon, Libram of Light, Sapphiron Shoulder enchants, or Thunderfury for AoE-tanking if you were ever to find yourself in that position as a warrior)

>I'm going to rewrite history

Anyone who actually played in BC knows you're full of shit, stop posting.

>trying to push this meme after everyone called you a larping retard

>playing hots

There was an attunement to get into kara and then another quest for nightbane. The attunement to actually enter kara was removed in a patch.

Sorry you wasted hours of your life wiping on heroic manatombs user, but no one did it for a reason.

Is your definition of competent limited to naxx clearing world first contenders? Because Kara wasn't a weekly puggable faceroll badge farm on release, that only became a thing later. Criticising TBC heroics because the 0.1% of playerbase could skip them makes as much sense as calling vanilla content trash because we'll be farming MC in questing greens when Classic comes out.

This exactly

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>not playing hots

Reminder that they shouldn't just have Vanilla servers, there should be servers for every expansion.

If I want to go back and re-experience TBC or MoP or whatever, I should be able to, and I'd imagine the more recent you get the more likely it is they have an actual backup of the final patch.

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Yeah but rogues could just lockpick it thus skipping the need for the key, right?

I remember going in there shortly after it came out to grind mobs for drops and I was a grind-fag and never did quests.

This is getting embarrassing, are you going to turn into a resident autist who shitposts about the same thing in every thread?

Yeah, you could just lockpick it too.

As long as you fags keep feeding him (you)s, yes, he'll keep with the LARP.

>If I want to go back and re-experience TBC or MoP or whatever, I should be able to

Why do you like the taste of shit so much?

Why would anyone want to re experience shit show like wotlk?

maybe up until wotlk, sure

Vanilla and TBC servers sure, but no point in any subsequent expansions, the game has fundamentally been the same since WotLK.

>But everyone who cared cleared bc heroics in first week after farming reputation for key in normal
So they leveled, got all reps to revered and did all heroics in a week? I'm pretty sure even most poopsockers didn't have time to do that in 7 days.

0.1% of the playerbase didn't skip them

Everyone skipped them, because they were needlessly difficult for little to no reward.

Or can you just not read? Or maybe you're confusing heroics with normal, because plenty of people ran normal.

They litterally had to add in a daily heroic quest in order to get people to do heroics at least once a day because no one was doing them, they were skipping straight to karazhan after hitting level cap.

No Nightborne
No buy

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I want to impregnate an Elf

>professions were useless
No they weren't. Especially not compared to BfA.

In BfA, in order to make a set of BoP armor, you need to farm BoP mats in such excess that by the time you can actually make the BoP armor you will already have gear better than it anyway

It's an absolute fucking joke

You do realize that when they added heroic dailies they also added normal dailies, right? No one outside of t3 crowd was going to Kara upon hitting max level, whoever told you this story was just messing with you dude.

Only boomers and casuals are disappointed with BfA. If you do competitive content then you should be fine with it.

BOP profession shit started when user?

Nightborne is literally just a night elf recolor though. They have the same skeleton and animations.

If that rumor about the factions being dissolved next expansion is true then Nightborne will be humongous retards in retrospect
>Both sides helped us save our home but we're joining the Horde because Tyrande was a big meanie
>One expansion later factions dissolve

Pretty much every raider I know quit because AP grind is pointless and made them lose interest in the game. The only people still playing are supercasuals and Method-tier poopsockers.

wtf even is a doomer

Just because a small aspect of the current problems were around back in the day doesn't mean the entire thing was as useless and retarded as it is now.

By that logic, since BfA reputation is shit, you might as well say "Reputation grinds started when user?" and completely brush aside the actual fucking problems with the game because you're a fucking idiot who can't think properly

my bet is classic will be alive for a month then like 95%+ of people get bored of it, and everyone complains about either too many changes or not enough changes.
but vanilla is just not interesting enough, and almost everyone who played it back in the day doesn't have time for it anymore.

Boomer-zoomer hybrids, people born between like 1990 and 1997. The type of people who unironically praise prequels and the like.

>make male nightborne mage
>go to quest
>cast fireball
>cancel fireball
>log out
>delete character
what the fuck were they thinking

>Should blizzard add DK and goblins to the classic servers?
No. Pretty simple m8.

Depressed neurotic people in between boomers and zoomers.

>>Both sides helped us save our home
Except in very different ways, lore-wise

You pretty much had to do heroics in BC to get to raiding what are you on?

I really wish Night Elves were neutral.

>factions dissolve
Imagine when shitposts actually predict how fucking shit Blizzard is

And they actually became true, fuck Blizzard

Not really
Blues were more than enough to do kara

>TBC makes dungeons linear and stupid
>but its okay because they added in a heroic mode no one did

Can we just not pretend that TBC was a raid or die expansion? The only 'heroic' worth doing was Sethekk Halls and Magisters terrace, and the only reason was because they dropped mounts.

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Another dumb buzzword from people who believe that 30+ years old means "baby boomer".

t. pugged kara once three months before wotlk release

I really wish a Night Elf was my wife.

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You got blues in TBC heroics user. Only the last boss dropped an epic and an epic gem.

>211 post
>52 IPs
Stop replying to him, you fucking idiots.

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ok makes sense that they are here

>Magisters terrace
TBC was already over when quel'danas was added though.

Protip: there's more to MMOs than dungeons.

I wonder if it's the same guy as the one who tried to force the MoP was good meme months ago.

>On top of this, TBC raiding was a fucking joke, chinese guilds got TBC after WOTLK launched, and they were able to clear Illidan while still wearing peices of Naxx gear.
Now, it's true that TBC content is objectively easy. ANY content from vanilla-TBC era that was cleared at the time would be easy because even world first guilds of the time sucked hard by contemporary standards.

However, you have to put that achievement to perspective:
1. As said, ALL content would be easy by contemporary standards. However, one of the big flaws of TBC is T6 being uncharacteristically easy compared to the rest of the expansion. Indeed, aside from Illidari Council, Illidan and Archimonde, the entirety of T6 is easier than the most nerfed versions of Kael and Vashj (see: retail guilds going 4/5 Hyjal >5/9 BT), and they're technical fights rather than gear checks... techniques that had been perfected earlier and by then were in wikis and guides and videos for all to see. Some folks might even have done them on other regions (if I was going for region firsts, I sure as hell would try to poach such players).

In other words, by playing a more recent patch, the Chinese skipped all tough content TBC had prior to SWP. Pre-nerf Gruul and Magtheridon are tougher than T6/Illidan, never mind the tougher 2.0x T5 bosses, it's just that they never had to face them.
2. "pieces of Naxx gear" is misleading given that they have the same amount of stats as ilvl 115 blues and in many cases are better thanks to superior itemization, and it obviously wasn't ALL Naxx gear. In actuality it's more like "wearing an assortment of TBC epics, tanks and other valuable players having been prioritized, with some pre-raid BiS items remaining".
3. Players have improved over time. It's not quite the same difference as retail vanilla and now, say (pre-raid gear being enough to meet Patchwerk DPS requirements), but subjective difficulty decreases with skill and the Chinese weren't in stasis unable to learn

>the MoP was good meme
Probably not, since Catababs unironically believe that.

I'd really like a few neutral factions, mainly NElves and undead.

Go look at any pre-raid karazhan guide, and they'll have BiS list, but then tell you that the BiS is unpheasible due to how unreliable heroic dungeons were to clear in TBC and give you alternative lists

The pre-raid list for paladins tanks is pretty ignores heroics completely.

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How would you add DKs? They'd have to scale all of the vanilla gear to be viable for the class.

That's backwards, heroics were harder than Karazhan.

The funniest part about this whole thread is all the wrathbabbies thinking they're TBC hardcore defending heroics when heroics were shit

They were needlessly hard, dropped the same loot as normal except for badges of justice and the last boss dropping an epic, and most of the time that epic was actually pretty shit tier which is why the only heroic you would ever run was mechanar for 5 ez badges and a chance for your tank to get ther pre-raid BiS sword.

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Did you try to level on NW but give up due to 1x so you're venting your frustrations on Yea Forums? What's your endgame?

new content wouldn't matter because nu-blizzard is retarded
the people who made vanilla wow are either doing something else elsewhere or retired

If WC was so linear, how did everyone keep getting fucking lost to the point that blizz had to remodel the dungeon to fit the LFD crowd?
I guess the redone version was the only one you ever did.

And Gnomeregan was anything but linear
"me and my friends always took the same path!" != linear

The only thing I hope is that classic, even as fucked up as it will be on release, proves to be more popular then BFA and whatever expansion comes after BFA and shows Kotick that blizzards biggest cash cow that has kept the company afloat for 15 years has been run into the ground by Ion Hazzokostas and his faggotory for developing everything for world first raiders and giving everyone else a watered down MMO with 0 character progression.

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>more popular

Enjoy all zoomers quitting for needing to consult wowhead for every fucking quest

WC is famous for not being changed at all compared to others dungeons though

Can confirm. I'm caually tarding around for Mounts and transmog or sitting in moonguard ERPing in the transmog I farmed for on low-latency servers

>They were needlessly hard
Well, depends on how you look at it. At the time, the tougher pre-nerf heroics in particular certainly were "elite" content. Memory is a fickle thing but I've done a lot of research on how the pre-nerf versions used to work, viewing all available videos from retail and shit, and you notice all kinds of interesting details. For example, pretty much every pre-2.1 video of Harbinger Skyriss has thunderfury warrior tanking. Ie. raiding guilds running it with their A-team (main tank group). That's pretty exclusive to say the least.

However, is that a bad thing? As far as I'm concerned, it's not. Why should heroics be accessible like they are in Wrath and beyond? They shouldn't! If you can expect to clear them, why have normals in the first place? I think it's a great idea to have legitimate endgame content for players who aren't into raiding, and I for one would respect someone clearing pre-2.1 Arca or OHF more than a guy clearing ICC10 normal or whatever. Alternatively, if you disagree with separate 5-man endgame idea, in contemporary context TBC heroic tuning is fine. Capable groups can do them as fresh 70s without extreme cheese comps, but they're tough, hitting the sweet spot of enjoyable difficulty.
>dropped the same loot as normal
Level 70 dungeons have the same loot tables besides final bosses, but lower level dungeons have new loot tables (including BiS blues).
>which is why the only heroic you would ever run was mechanar
Now, this admittedly was kinda true for retail mindset because retail players were casual as fuck. However, nowadays people will eagerly do heroics just to get a single BiS item, and to get all badge gear ASAP (as opposed to running easier heroics over long period of time). Besides, even if people didn't run them, what's the problem? Normals are still there and it's not like tweaking some numbers was a huge development task that would have gone to waste.

i didn't read any of this but ima play the shit outta classic like i did/do normal wow

Same but I'm not on Moon Guard because it and Argent Dawn EU are the assholes of their respective regions.

ERP through long-term RP is better than the dregs of humanity in Goldshire.




>that one ERPer who gets halfway into it then just logs out of nowhere
>futa, futa everywhere
Goldshire is mostly a disappointment. Too bad I can't get my usual RP going on a starter account, I just walk around main cities and look forlornly at people who can't ever hear me.

Friendly reminder that Ion was a world class raid leader in Burning Crusade. I really dont think it is him ruining the game