"Why the fuck was the first thread 404'd?" edition
Do you dream, Yea Forums?
kill yourself faggot
sometimes I dream about cheese
I had a dream the other night where I was 16 or younger, and I was in my back yard staring at the woods. Suddenly a witch peeked her head out and flipped me the bird, which I did as well, this witch had briefly kidnapped me possibly in a dream prior to this one but I'm not sure
Usually I dream every night, mostly stuff that loosely relates to my life, the characters being people I might have thought about in passing, for example one of my old teachers or an my boss from like 5 years ago
One for me and one... for me.
The speedrunner?
sounds like my dreams. pretty mundane stuff.
I wish I dreamed of witches
The thought of bread keeps me up at night.
How the fuck did early humans manage to discover how to make bread?
And how were they able to make beer soon after?
What it just an accident that occurred multiple times until a smart enough human managed to figure out what was happening, or did they actively experiment with heating random things mashed together and just stuck it in their mouths?
the inventor of beer must've gotten so much poon, he might have single-handedly jump-started the first civilization
Same except I think about the fact that humans used to live in a time where kings ruled and nothing much changed for HUNDREDS of years. Imagine being alive during 835 or being alive during 1256, it was pretty much the same shit. It is mind blowing to me how slow life was and that might be why so many people are depressed now. Life is too fast, get married go to college have your life sorted by 25, shit sucks. People throw a shitstorm about trump who at most will be in power for 8 years while corrupt kings ruled for decades, their family names ruling for hundreds of years.
It blows my mind.
>2 nights ago I dreamt I had sex
>It was intense and felt real as fuck
I have lots of sex dreams lately and it feels fucking great. A few days ago I had sex with Gwen in a swimming pool, it's astounding how realistic it felt
I've been playing FTL lately and rewatching Outlaw Star and I've been having some great dreams where I'm a successful starship pilot with wacky crews.
Pretty nice for a change desu
>get married go to college have your life sorted by 25
in those ages you were most likely dead by 35
and would have already been a father by 16
>The thought of bread keeps me up at night.
The only dreams I have lewd and the last one I had was about an internet friend.
you were actually getting raped by a fat tranny who invaded your house while you were asleep.
>that one dream you had years ago but still remember it
How did it go?
For me it was set in the sky where there was something like the floating island with the windmill from Gorillaz Feel Good Inc. music video with a big blimp there too. And on that island there was a woman like pic related (older though, in her twenties) with a young boy at her side. I don't know if they were mother and son or big sister and little brother but they seemed happy and they were glad to see me too.
I don't know why did I have a dream like this. But it's something that stuck with me for almost a decade.
>dream that i'm in persona world and my persona gf likes me
Why are you so horny?
Why are you so lonely?
No one will ever know!
Yeah but most people did it for the fuck of it, not because they were forced, unless you were noble.