Georgia, Zulu, Khmer and Rome atomic themes are pure audio kino.
gay and boring shit
Post Jadthiccga
No thanks. I'll stick to 4 or 5.
Hot take: Waifu fags are the worst. Worse than tourneyfags, worse than consolebabbs, worse than cheaters. They are doing great harm to video games as a whole by justifying SJW terror with their existence.
Best king coming through
I'm going to keep playing eu4
Why not both?
>try to go to tumblr to see pic
>have to make an account
>make an account
>have to see from dashboard
>cant see the pic have to see the entire user's page
>on 1/5th of my screen
>finally find the pic after scrolling
>click one of the links
>instead of redirecting it refreshes the page
what the fuck is wrong with this site and why do people even use it?
Same pictures every thread. Civ6 is a disaster and no one wants to play it
>he created an account to see a drawing of a woman
The great thirst of our time, fuck.
If you have other pics feel free to post them. Why do you think 6 is a disaster? And since GS, civ6 has more players than 5, so apparently people want to play it.
Sorry not interested this time either. Maybe if you post this thread again later I will consider pirating it.
Games bloody boring
>Civ6 is a disaster and no one wants to play it
Its expansion is in the top 10 sellers on Steam weeks after release.
The game itself is in the top 10 most played games on Steam years after release.
You are just, you know, wrong. As in, incorrect. As in, kill yourself.
you know something is wrong with civ vi's art when even reddit is upset with the effort they made to make every character nonwhite
Play Majesty instead.
Expansion has the lamest climate change ever. Ocean barely rises and it doesnt turn tiles into desert or anything thats actually scary.
Wow, a new game has more players than its predecessor that game out nine fucking years ago.
Sounds pretty realistic.
Nude leaders when?
>base expansion around a fictional thing
If they gave the leaders and units anime portraits i would
game would be better if it had this art style instead of the shit it has
Until GS civ5 kids were "haha look at better civ5 is, it has more players" and now that the second expansion is out and all 5 players move to the superior product it's "well it's because the game is old". Lmao kys.
If GW was stronger people would be bitching about propaganda. You can't please these people.
my leaders are not animated, literally static images, is this normal?
Check your settings, it may be set to not animate to save on GPU power.
Turn on animations in the menu.
The art style is great.
yeah like the other guy said, it does that on low detail
the game is not optimized very well I think. It doesn't look amazing but it makes my 1070 ti run pretty loud.
game looks ok, but leaders could use that anime style
>creating an account is difficult
it was an instant loss mating press too, so it would have been worth it, if the website wasn't a fucking cancer to navigate
i think this is not possible to win anymore
>not supporting your chosen victory type with some ultraviolence
Just like take their wonders man. Like pillage their districts.
The advantage of the exaggerated or "cartoony" art style for leaders is that it ages much much better than a realistic one and gives them a shitton of personality and life.
GW has been in civ forever. And no, gs is not based "around" them. GS and disasters are not meant to be final bosses.
there was violence. i made everyone turn on shaka but he not only survived but also gangbanged us in return
I'm not going to make an account for this shit. Full pic where?
Why don't you just go to hentai foundry instead
i'm because i had no idea tumblr would be so shitty to navigate
I would, but while I love the early-midgame I normally get bored with the rest of the game. Barely finish any of my games
The end game got a lot more fun with GS, diplomacy or warfare wise.
Get some mods like adaptative difficulty or other ai mods. I like the new science victory, makes it much more tense.
not black enough
I just want to snuggle Jadwiga and make many heirs with her at night.
My one gripe is that the game forces you to build wide. Normally I built my cities wide in Civ 4 and 5, but I like the option to build tall due to some geographic areas. Building tall makes it impossible to make a good city
* blocks ur path and fucks ur waifu *
>no ability to turn espionage off in a custom match
The fuck were they thinking?
Based and Patrician taste
>I like the new science victory
Nigga you literally press end turn as fast as possible for 40 turns to win waiting for the expedition to arrive
Tall is more than viable, especially with the expansions. But you need a lot more planning, 6 governors at the right place, good city states, perfect adjacency, and the right policy cards.
The idea is that in 5 tall is by default better than wide, while in 6, tall CAN be great if you play your cards right. Some civs are much better at tall, like incas who can have 40+pop cities or korea. And while adjacency bonuses are not very inportant if you play wide, a single bonus point is crucial for tall. And you need to plan ahead what wonders you'll get and where each district will be, every tile is precious.
Gilgamesh always seems so jolly, I'd love to be friends with him.
Stop posting your tranny OC anytime
But you can make the space ship go faster, and when another civ has already launched its ship, those last few turns can be quite tense, a lot can happen, like a cultural victory, someone might sabotage a reactor, or who knows, maybe a nuclear blitzkrieg.
I want to go to the gym with Gilgabro and Pachacutie.
>tfw he refuses your offer of friendship
You just know 10 war carts will be surrounding your cities in 2 turns
reminder tha jadwiga was a loli when she had the king title and they fucked up by making her a slut
No joke, she looks like an Indian teacher we used to have in middle school
According to Firaxis, anyone beyond the bospherus is from the Indian subscontinent. Dido takes the cake.
>tfw no Sumerian civ with Gil as leader
Will never hear this in a civ game.
Dido looks jewish, in 5 she looked roman.
Phoenicians were semite, she looks pretty accurate.
Haven't played her yet, is she fun
Is that seriously the Wonder screen? Looks like shit compared to 5
>being upset that a nonwhite civilization is nonwhite
I don't play these games and still am able to tell that she's a tranny for those sweet libshit social credits
Like in civ4 there is a wonder movie where you see the wonder being constructed. In civ5 they said fuck it and simply drew some shit.
Protip: you Greeks and north Africans aren't white. You're just a brown sub human.
Tbh georgians are kinda their own race. A lot of them are white but georgia was under occupation by multiple powers. They are not brown, not aryan either, really interesting. Like their language, a mistery.
If they wanted to do global warming accurayely they should have the ice caps melt in 2012 like Al Gore and 99.9 of the scientists he paid said.
If I could run in on a toaster I'd play it
She's not though. The Poles just didn't use the title of queen for their rulers. Jadwiga is a woman.
Ah, okay. I thought it was just what was in the pic.
but they did melt. the only reason there was no sea level raise is because the excess water flowed off the edge of the world plate.
I tried the game during the free demo weekend and I just couldn't get into it.
Mainly because its so fucking ugly.
Ill stick with IV,V and Endless Legend until the VI GOTY Edition comes out or Endless Legend 2. Whatever happens first
I would if the animations weren't so shit.
>pretty much founded Western Civilization
>sub human
Sorry bud. Greeks may not be white, but they are certainly still humans.
ah, the classic greekniggers favourite attempt
>there was no sea level raise is because the excess water flowed off the edge of the world plate
Since gs there is a huge improvement on performance. How toaster tier is your toaster?
The camera is rotating around the wonder being built, there is a music for each wonder and a quote, and since there is a day night cycle you can see your wonder being built at night with the rest of yout empire surrounding it. Looks pretty amazing imo.
>thinks VI is ugly
>plays V
Show me one thing thats ugly in Civ V on the map.
The fog of war in VI alone gives me aids
No thank you.
>paroting reddit and steam reviews
Redshell was removed like 8 months ago.
And even then it wasn't any more spyware than everything else on the internet. I am ready to bet you have windows 10, a smartphone and a facebook. Fucking retards.
VI GOTY will still be spyware
I can't wait to see how they're gonna shake things up in Endless Legend 2 and what new factions they're gonna put in
'Realistic' games age like milk, much like this washed-out pile of puke
nth for Guitar
same exact canned response every thread that doesn't even deny that the current spyware CIV VI has now is worse than the Red Shell they took out
Not him but what? The fog of war in 6? It looks so fucking cool, like an amazingly drawn movie map. And the huge amount of details for the revealed parts.
That looks fucking fantastic. Clean and crisp
washed out monogoloid design where everything bleeds together and hard to distinguish anything
got anything to back up your paranoid ravings?
What current spyware, what the fuck are you talking about.
So where’s the Hitler DLC?
You mean VI, right? Unless you don't use your eyes to see
I can still see all the cheated in units here.
cant see shit in civ 6
>posting literally the worst civ in the game
>can't see shit in the brightest, clearest game in the series
It's okay to admit you're a contrarian, you're on Yea Forums
actually looks decent
Post a screenshot with the fog of war so we can all see how awful and noise polluting it is
haha heetlor
The single biggest gameplay change with the expansion was the new strategic resources system. Now you actually go to war over resources, and settle later game cities to capture oil or aluminum, and have to defend them.
I haven't gone for science, whats the new victory? I thought they just slowed down the old projects stuff.
OP if you're going to keep making this thread every fucking day at least take some screenshots without shit like yields and grid lines cluttering them. Civ VI can be a great looking game but you manage to make it look like shite.
also stop tanking zoomed in screenshots, nobody plays the game like that lol
Unique Unit: Special infantry that takes damage over time in Tundra and Snow.
Unique Building: Concentration camp, replaces University and Theater, and reduces your culture and science instead of increasing it.
Unique Ability: When you lose X units (scaled with game speed and map size), kill yourself and lose the game.
heres a link of the modded version.
fast forward, mars skin and many more ad ons. on the list
>cant move the screen with WASD or by moving the mouse to the side
The fuck?
There's a fourth project you do that involves sending people into another galaxy and they travel X amount of light years each turn, which you can speed up with a couple of city projects
I've noticed the AI is a lot more willing to send spies to fuck with your rockets now, Poundmaker sabotaged mine twice before my Incan superspy killed him
You had to learn Indian? That sucks. We did French and German.
>Instead of warring me Montezuma missionary bombs me with jews
>playing any civ except 2 or original alpha centauri
The AI is more able to win culture and religious victories now, not sure if its a result of better AI scripting, or just other balance things slowing me down, but in my games I actually felt under some threat, and knew I can't let the game last too much longer.
The point is the show the yields and the pretty graphics. Also most screenshots are not mine, and I try to post a bit of everything. Feel free to contribute.
You can't build all spaceship parts at the same time, some are locked in the random late game techs, so the game is a bit longer. And now you first have to launch a spaceship that will travel for 50 turns, but can make it go faster with projects. So you can catch up to an AI that launched it before you, and the AI can catch up to you if you let them do the project for faster travel. Spies are even more fun now.
Yeah I still always watch the little wonder being built thing play out every time. It never gets old.
>just got done training my first settler, delaying it to place a holy district
>nubia has settled 3 cities, and conquered 3 city states, for a total of 7
Nubia is a motherfucker in the early game with those archers and that agenda
pls fuck gitarja
That's some dumb shit alright.
This guy looks like the ultimate asshole. As a Peruvian, I must say that he is... PERFECT!
But under Hitler there was a huge increase in culture, not decrease.
An AI modder said Firaxis added some really cool shit to the AI code and will take him some time to go through everything. It's still far from perfect, and now the AI overvalues diplomatic favors, but it's much more competant at winning and warring. They actually build planes and I've seen a few amphibious invasions. I trully hope we will get a patch or two before the next expansion.
And the wonder quotes aren't as cringe as the tech ones. Some give me chills, like the colossus one, with the dramatic music
At Rhodes was set up a Colossus of seventy cubits high, representing the Sun... the artist expanded as much bronze on it as seemed likely to create a dearth in the mines.
They've got a mod on the workshop for the tech ones
They need to add a per-turn deal for strategic resources.
I don't want to buy 5 oil every turn, I want to buy 5 oil per turn. Or sell.
I never skip the Colosseum cinematic
Play a good game instead. Like any Civ before Beyond Earth.
I hope you're not implying V is a good game
old gud new bad
But I unironically like Sean Bean...
And a lot of quotes are great like the "Look over the past, with its changing empires...", but there are way too many funny or simply weird ones. I don't even mind the Kilimanjaro one, but fuck the coalminer's wife.
district system is retarded makes civ5 way better.
They quoted Discworld, so they get a pass for everything else.
civ5 doesn't have the district system. so yeah its way better.
>V has everything lumped into one giant pile
It also has global happiness, making it far inferior to VI
I'm amazed by the sheer amount of love and passion that went into the graphics, down to the smallest hings like the cranes moving or the scafoldings getting bigger and smaller. They better go apeshit wih the third expansion.
would rather deal with some happiness bullshit than deal with the 6 quintillion spies the Ai's send at you.
They could have gotten something better for robotics
About the coal miner's wife why not look into the quote?
>It’s from an interview with country singer Merle Travis. He spent much of his career discussing the hardships and exploitation of the American coal miner.
>The full quote is, “I have known the fruits of strikes. The bitter and the sweet. Hunger and music... Who deserves more credit than the wife of a coal miner? Mother was one. She never complained about the hardships that were hers in abundance. Lighting the coal-oil lamp long before daylight, and cooking breakfast for her children and husband.“
You got lucky, they wanted to do districts in V but seeing the colossal turd it was said fuck it it's too hard. Then based Ed Beach came to the rescue.
They are the logical evolution of the series, 5 unstacked units, 6 unstacked cities. And it makes city planning and building so much more fun and interactive. Getting that +5 campus is so much fun, and now terrain matters so much more.
What if they get rid of hexagons in favor of Octagons for Civ 7?
>Quoting some american
That was their first mistake.
octagons dont tessellate
it'd look like shit because you'd have so much dead space between tiles
So they completely took a quote out of context and expects us to be okay with it?
made me cringe
Bully to you
No they didn't, they just didn't include the full thing.
Spies feel like actual spies in VI. In IV they were fun but eh, in V they were fucking pathetic. Now they are a threat and can do so many things. Blowing up a dam or nuclear reactor while recruiting rebels is a great feeling. Siphoning funds and assassinating governors while preventing your governors from being assassinated. Feels like some cold war shit sometimes, no direct conflict just sneaky tactics.
>tfw Trajan sabotages your spaceport 5 times in a row and delays your exploration of Alpha Centauri
Trading spies against money is also much more impactful diplomacy wise.
Time to look up that updated oegal download form my favourite torrent site for this game.
implying anyone will pay 120€ for a game
>recruiting rebels
>mfw when a neighborhood spawns 3 units of modern armor
I just wish you could execute spies you captures.
unforunately spies in 6 never turn out the way you've described because the AI is too dumb to do it
You literally make thr same thread every fucking day.
>Tumblr picture of waifu that looks nothing like game art
>did you know the devs for civ 5 are retarded lol XD
civ 5 is amazing fuck off with you game no one fucking plays. Both civ 5 and 4 are played more on steam than 6. It's fucking pathetic.
True, when they quote the Bible for example they should either write the whole thing in a PDF that pops up and the game won't play until the player scrolls down through it. Don't want to take a quote out of context.
most central asians actually are not brown
>no one fucking plays
Top 10 best selling on Steam.
Top 10 most played on Steam.
Any mod that will make terrain less of a clusterfuck?
>Top 10 most played on Steam.
only because the expansion just came out
it was like that before, then it falls off and Civ 5 is still above it
Oh shit it's actually in the top 10 on steam. It was in the top fucking 300 a month ago behind 4 and 5.
Did it get a new expansion?
Yes, the Global Warming one just came out. It supposedly made the game good
it didnt
What? My funds get siphoned, my governors assassinated, my spaceports sabotaged and my industrial zones blown up every game. AI is super fond of rebels, so I stoppes building neighborhoods. Then the AI wants her spies back when I capture them and I ask for money. If they refuse, well tough shit. Usually next time they ask they accept the ransom, I guess the sum depends on the level of the spy.
Yeah me too. It could lower your reputation or something. And the AI could assassinate your spies, making them super precious.
How many more weeks till everyone is back playing civ 5 instead of this piece of fucking shit again?
the AI doesn't intelligently use spies, it just does shit randomly, there's no real levels of counter-play happening
So crisp and clean, looks like something I can play on my phone
VI is the better game, don't delude yourself Vbabby
That would be worse because it would allow your rival to build another to replace it. The best strat is to just keep them in jail which effectively reduces the enemies spy cap by 1.
>it would allow your rival to build another to replace it
you can do that anyway
captured spies do not take up a spy slot
I don't get this one. You have a couple of fun new civs, a climate gimmick that's barely relevant and a few revamped core mechanics like strategic resources, grievances etc. It's nothing extreme, though. I don't get the huge jump in popularity and the IT FIXED EVERYTHING mentality.
Oh really? Shit
Civ5 is indeed fucking garbage and an insult to this great franchise. It was so fucking garbage the director got fired before the expansions lmao. You can't make this shit up, he literally admittes he had no fucking idea what he was doing. I NEVER said buy it, I always say you should pirate it. GS indeed fixes a lot of things and places it on par with bts if not slightly better.
And no, you can check the player count, since GS, 6 is more played than 5. Now eat shit and kys underage.
Okay I will try it
>need 130 dollars just to play a good version of the game
I think I will pass faggot.
You made a false statement, and are moving the goalpost to defend it. Imagine how sad and pathetic you are lmao.
idiots, basically
same guy every thread
are you the one making them?
You even put the lol...
i'm not the person you were talking to brainlet
VI doesnt even draw any audience on Youtube.
My niggas Marbozir obviously doesnt know what to do since his channel lived off of Civilization
You can buy the base game and pirate the Expansions or you can just pirate the game in total. The latest Codex release is fully up to date
Why would you say that and not expect to be called out on it? Anyone can't just go to steamcharts and check
Either you are him, you are giving him a handjob. Either way, facts are facts.
What is piratebay?
Yes, if the thread is the same every day, there's a high chance it's the same guy making it.
>no arguments
Expected from a civ5 tard. Civ5 isn't even a 4X game you gigantic cocksucking cumrag.
The fact is is that Civ5 was beating Civ6 until the newest expansion came out, I was pointing that out to you