This is Tom Hulett. Say something nice about him.
This is Tom Hulett. Say something nice about him
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savior of the franchise - no hyperbole
Good work on Silent Hill Origins and Shattered Memories. Pity you didn't keep doing them.
fuck off, none of you faggots even play video games and your twitter posting can burn in hell
He didn't even make them
Tomm is just the budget/planning guy
you can thank climax studios for that iirc
I wanna fuck rosseter's girlfriend
He isn't doing any more damage to the franchise :)
She's an ugly skank tho
but 2 autists on YouTube told me to hate you
*1 autist
based woman beater knows what's up
Well there was also the butler guy and the unfunny woman.
So 3, in the end.
I still can't believe Rosseter fucks
who says he does?
He looks like he enjoys a bull fucking his woman
>checked out his channel
>he disabled the comments on his REmake 2 review because he's classicfag
He looks like he fucks black girls
Anything outside of Silent Hill 1/2/3 is trash.
So no, I don't have to say anything nice about him, he doesn't matter.
Silent Hill as a franchise doesn't matter anymore for that matter. Silent Hills/PT was the last chance it had at becoming a respectable franchise again. With that gone, it's done.
While tales of his influence on the Silent Hill series are greatly exaggerated, I still don't think he was a positive influence either, but it's not like any of those games could have been saved regardless. The work he's done at Wayforward doesn't seem to be much better, that TMNT game he was a part of was terrible.
He was wrong to try to placate the SH fanbase. Just tell them to fuck off. That there's not enough of them to sustain the franchise and that's the end of it. I'm glad developers, e.g. CDPR and Bethesda, have the balls to tell whiny gamers to piss off these days. Gamers need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the adult world.
maybe if you're a tranny
>SH3 is bad because it stars a woman
>playing a female main character makes you gay
SH4 is the flawed swan song of the franchise, after that its all shit.
>Good work on Silent Hill Origins
But Origins was THE worst piece of shit ever, before Downpoor came around.
He was right about SH gameplay being shit.
inb4 retards start seething hard over muh tank controls
Hulett was a nice guy who used every bit of authority he possessed,which was very little, to petition the developers and Konami not to fuck up Silent Hill. I think a lot of people don't realise the insane shit he managed to veto through the skin of his teeth.
The Silent Hill fanbase is unfortunately full of emotionally stunted man-children.
>t. Tom Hulett
Discord trannies coming out of the woodworks
>Silent Hills/PT was the last chance it had at becoming a respectable franchise again.
I don't understand why some people were okay with a hack like Kojima taking over Silent Hill but they had some kind of problem with Sam Barlow's games.
Because Kojima made one of the most popular video game series of all time and Sam Barlow is a literal who whose most popular """games""" are interactive fiction like Her Story and Aisle and the fucking Ghost Rider PS2 movie tie-in game.
Could he possibly kiss that ass any harder
>I'm glad developers, e.g. CDPR and Bethesda, have the balls to tell whiny gamers to piss off these days.
> Alienating your audience that buys your games, your customers
That sure worked out well for them with Fallout 76.
Todd bitchass Howard will have major balls of steel if he dares show up at E3 now. He is the new Peter Molyneux.
He literally did nothing wrong.
I can give you 4 maybe even though it should have been a new IP.
After that, just pretend the franchise is dead. It's better that way.
Feel bad for the guy. He was a super fan that took a lot of blame for shit beyond his control.
Hideo Kojima made a game series that was immediately outclassed the moment Splinter Cell came along. Remember when he made Metal Gear Solid and it was BTFO immediately by Thief?
>Remember when he made Metal Gear Solid and it was BTFO immediately by Thief?
Kojima's drones will never admit that fact because they're all weebs hoping to one day lick Kojima's asshole.