Silencer reduces damage

>silencer reduces damage

Attached: 1533272414111.jpg (1065x859, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

but using subsonic ammunition would in fact lower penetration and damage, which you use if you want a suppressor to be effective

what's the lore behind this british guy

>Hilt upgrade increases crit damage.

Attached: animayyy.jpg (1066x1223, 157K)

it makes sense tho.
loud is for lethal
quite is for non-lethal

Truth is... the Eternal Anglo had won from the start

Attached: 1538796135906.jpg (422x602, 34K)

>Gloves increase move speed

Attached: handstand.gif (200x339, 1.65M)

>ywn have this much DEX

>bows require dex instead of str

they mite reduce air resistance

His sweater is made from French chest hair.

>corrupt weapon
>it's stronger than the regular version

Attached: 934.png (647x457, 570K)

It does tho. Not that it matters tho, you still ain't tanking that

Wizard hat increase inteligence

>Some energy weapons do fire damage while some do not

Attached: 1550817667106.jpg (343x231, 13K)

The bloke's right you know.

Attached: 1540022365380.jpg (720x616, 94K)

>bullets do some arbitrary damage value

did you know that crusader was the most effective tank in ww2? it could easily outmaneuver those sluggish tigers and while the 2 pounder gun couldnt penetrate the frontal armor of tiger did you know, those brave british tank operators would cruise around them and fire them right up their arse. good show!

>silencer is totally noiseless.

Attached: 1551414200877.png (900x818, 470K)

>suppressor allows you to fire within a few feet of enemies and they won't hear you

Attached: 1302511178531.jpg (283x255, 8K)


Attached: 1523593142913.webm (1280x544, 1.02M)

Yep, that's what they're called.

Attached: 1342336377985.png (670x521, 429K)

Fuck england, I hope they sink into the Atlantic.

>loudencer increases damage

>calls suppressor a silencer

Attached: aperture science.webm (720x404, 2.86M)

You do realize Silencer is a brand name and not the actual term of the suppressor right?

Calmness Pajeet, but please to be going back to your designated shitting street. Thank you very much.

>fire on the ground instantly ignites the whole body

>posts a webm of a guy firing a bullet with the shell still on

stop playing tacticool shit

Attached: 1551036267383.jpg (737x480, 133K)

Still doesn't change my point.

>punch the wall
>leave bullet mark

He got sponsored to take a heritage test and last I heard wouldn't reveal the results because it came back with Frog DNA in his genes.

>gloves increase attack speed

Attached: 1515849385452.jpg (480x623, 28K)

>game has cavalry on the Frontline of battle

Attached: 1541833131638.png (668x1075, 1.2M)

You should get the option to use the suppressor with regular ammo which means it's more or less useless within 150m or use it with subsonic ammo which makes it as quiet as the action cycling but it has no penetration and hits like a wet noodle at anything beyond 50m.


Please tell me there aren't people who want to be Brit Bongs.

Attached: 1551282260316.gif (207x199, 341K)

>Napoleon was the Hitler of his time!
This is true though.

>aiming decreases the spread of a shotgun

Attached: 1511741082716.jpg (640x640, 36K)

suppressor is just more accurate since there is nothing as a silent gunshot, fuck, even the hammer clicking and the bolt/slide moving is pretty damn noisy especially indoors.

Considering it doesn't silence the sound of the gun and merely suppresses it, the only one playing at being the is (you)


Attached: 0a3a7da8894640a1da3f513f1a170e42.jpg (216x479, 15K)

the term is 'teaboo'

No it's just the usual thing of people overhearing jargon without fully understanding its meaning/context and then going on to misuse it, happens to many words that start as memes (including the word "meme" itself)

le 54% anglo face

It’s the term the atf uses which you would know if you had ever filled out a form 4 but you can’t because you’re underage

>loudencer increases damage

Attached: 1533277232766.jpg (219x290, 13K)

considering an automatic weapon doesnt fire on its own, the only one playing at being the is (you)

How much and how often this happens is overwhelming and it seems to have gotten even more out of control now. Words are loosing meaning as fast as they get one anymore, it's kind of worrying.

anglo detected

>game doesnt have an interactive MRE eating setpiece

Attached: absolutely disgusting steve.jpg (568x518, 60K)

>Shotgun only does damage at point blank

Perfidious Albion strikes again!

Imagine being American lmao.
Does it make the gun silent or not, retard?

Is he the next james bond?


the atf also classifies a rifle with a short barrel and an armbrace as a pistol

>can't read the filename

>game allows you to weaponise animals

Attached: 1473672707761.jpg (1280x1005, 237K)

>game allows you to use weapons in creative ways

Attached: 1471147829198.jpg (800x600, 121K)

"Automatic" is a correct name in context (automatically cycling) and "silencer" is clearly incorrect even when given full context, retard

Sorry I thought I was talking to an ignorant american not a subhuman

You know, you could just admit you were wrong instead of making an argument that makes you look even more retarded.

Pajeets all want to britbongs

>game with gasmasks also forces you to equip a hazmat suit for it to function properly

Attached: _k_ gasmask.jpg (2820x3840, 986K)

Seems your accusation of being underage was projecting. Enjoy your ban, kiddo.

its marketing speak retards. there are plenty of words that make no sense if you examine them closely.

>tfw we have based Nappy mentioned in our national anthem

Attached: feelsgoodm_001.png (512x512, 57K)

Pajeets should also drown in their own shit. Fuck off.

Very few of which are more needlessly stupid, misleading and potentially harmful to others than "silencer", there is zero need to defend it


Attached: Heres+a+pro+tip+according+to+the+atf+bunch+_dd3335d54327f43aeee47edc110b422c.jpg (1000x922, 139K)

fucking laughed

Attached: 1523775588740.png (653x578, 233K)

The ATF is demonstrably retarded.

Enjoy being consistently BTFO champ

yeah he is hitler of his time, by waking up the fat lazy slobs
>wrecks the entirety of europe
>gives UK a scare
>gives russia a scare
>introduces SI units
>introduces rights
>show how artillery fucks people up
>introduces nationalism as binding force
>rapes nations so hard htey have to reconsider the borders to prevent another continentwide war
>gets all the bad blood out of the system creating a 100 years of relative peace

Attached: atf guns down dog.webm (320x320, 207K)

It's called a casing not a shell

teaboos are alright with me, but you have to watch out for those ouiaboos

How do you train a dog to do that

post on /k/ that you have a bumpstock

Attached: 1496336447343.jpg (2918x1915, 798K)

>game has an underslung lazer gun

Attached: 1521980506314.jpg (604x402, 43K)

Context? Firing a flare or shopped or what?

he joined the dark side

Inshallah my brother.

super secret russian leaked photo

Attached: drill gun fin.jpg (780x481, 98K)

Who's the French Lindybeige?

Attached: schoolshooting caring about silence in the library.jpg (401x464, 136K)

>that picture

Attached: pa luty.jpg (600x511, 62K)

>equipping a supressor lessens recoil

Attached: IMG_4359.jpg (846x570, 94K)

Spotted the new guy.

>reduces damage by like a very small amount, 1 extra shot needed in mostly all cases
>completely silent and cannot be detected by other enemies nearby if used right
video game silenced pistol is all I need.

Attached: 1545975295761.jpg (828x628, 24K)

>Posting twittershit with watermarks and dumb filenames

Attached: 1512052499212.png (1003x742, 55K)

>posts picture of a transport animal.
wew lad.

Attached: 1473670672758.jpg (2048x1365, 351K)

I think none of you actually understand. It's a double bullet. It has two casings. It's like you guys never learned about doubles. I learned this all in military. Time to go and educate yourselves.

Lindy was violently sexually assaulted by 5 pakis and 5 Africans and 5 poo in loos this after drinking all of that semen he became the ultimate Anglo, with an undying thirst for black dick and a burning hatred of all European nations.

The "boo" refers to a person not from that culture worshipping that culture and yet that image refers to "us"

>implying ATF governs all language on all things guns
Yeah, you're a retard alright. I knew you were baiting before, but hopefully you don't actually believe this. The ATF is probably one of the worst sources of knowledge about guns you could cite.

Attached: 1531005787514s.jpg (125x124, 2K)

Do not pass go do not collect $200 this thread directly go /k/

still a transport animal, they don't fire the weapon on the animal you fucking mong.

If you're wearing body armor you probably can, unless it's one of those insane ruskie subsonic rifle rounds

that's not a weapon you fucking moron, that's a rocket booster to make it go faster

user weeaboo already is completely devoid of its original meaning

Attached: caesarboo.png (921x886, 257K)

>Designed to be fired with 2 hands, not one
All pistols are designed to be fired with 2 hands, unless you're firing it from a moving car into a bunch of kids in Bronx

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It's ouiabeaux.

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Where does "I don't give a fuck about defending Stalin, whether he was a true communist or he hijacked the revolution has nothing to do with Marxism, and wasting time citing Ukrainian population statistics makes us look like conspiracy theorists; it's simple enough to talk about Marxism and just write off Stalin entirely" fall

>Writing off the most succesful implementation of comunism to this date
You're a disgrace to the cause

Attached: 1547943323497.jpg (500x321, 37K)

Attached: NTR.jpg (1280x1900, 732K)

I'm not personally weighing in on whether Stalin was good or not at all; I'm saying if he's good, the right successfully propagandized him into a demon and we just look bad trying to defend him, and if he's bad, we can still convince people of the truth of Marxism in spite of him. It's just not worth discussing, the gains are too slight and the losses are too great.

>revolver does more damage than pistol

what a fucking retard

It increases damage output overall

what gas is that? chlorine?

To be fair most old revolvers fire .45 while pistols are mostly 9x19
Putting it the way you did is retarded, but irl it's mostly true

Anything less than magnum is a pea shooter

>Left handed guns

Attached: 1542360478189.jpg (1024x681, 95K)

yeah but the distinction is made by the round, not the action
saying a revolver is stronger than a pistol is a misnomer because it's not the fact that it's a revolver that makes it stronger

Legends say he bathes in the blood of a thousand Frenchmen to regenerate his youth and summon forth flawless research for his videos.

he's fine

Attached: _k_ lays with its raifu.jpg (961x305, 46K)

Isn't .45 ACP already commonly subsonic? Shouldn't a suppressed gun chambered in .45 ACP do the same damage then?

>Revolver uses a speed loader
It's both less cool and removes the justification for the weapon to be significantly more powerful than other handguns.

Attached: 645674634.jpg (437x501, 42K)

Does he unironically hate the French that much?

opinionated faggot who presents personal observations as historic facts
lately started talking about firearms as well where his stupid really shines

>you can eat old food without any ill side effects

Attached: 1607c1b0-e764-11e6-967b-c88452263daf.jpg (2048x1152, 319K)

Yes. He's like a caricature given life.

They’re called humans. There are only those who refuse to admit it.

Attached: 77AB8E5C-A343-4433-85E8-13F43EE1095C.jpg (570x570, 496K)

The Frogs deserve all the unironic hate they get

>video game revolver has both a swing out cylinder and an ejection rod

Attached: 1328531638225.jpg (271x294, 8K)

The Virgin Pistol vs. the Chad Revolver

Attached: 9mm.gif (288x288, 1.61M)

>revolver has speed loader and extended magazine while still doing insane damage completely breaking the game

>Seething Saffer

>Isn't .45 ACP already commonly subsonic?
>Shouldn't a suppressed gun chambered in .45 ACP do the same damage then?
Being subsonic is a requirement, not the outcome. Supersonic ammo makes noise because of the sound barrier bang, you can't supress that.
The supressor absorbs the explosion sound and the flame inside the tube, reducing the noise and the muzzle flash, at the expense of some kinetic energy that gets redirected instead of pushing the projectile

Attached: where we go we dont need a fastloader.webm (1920x1080, 2.62M)

>we can still convince people of the truth of Marxism
Seriously why won't you cunts fuck off already are multimillions of lives lost not enough?
And don't give me the durrdurrdurrnotrealcommunism shit I've heard a million times, the problem is that once you have a revolution it creates a power vacuum where a dictator takes power, and it is specifically in their interest not to allow communism from that point on, and that is why Marxism has repeatedly failed and only managed to create dictatorship after dictatorship
So fuck off already you flat earth tier retards

>favorite shotgun is the Ithaca 37
>no game ever has the slam fire feature that's on the older models

it hurts lads

if i ever make a game i'll make sure to give the option to slamfire

Attached: 6f3d34b76d7fc3894338280b79289829.jpg (800x531, 86K)

That's the default tf2 shotgun isn't it?

He's a jingo on the run. And he's yet to do or say a single thing wrong.

Fuck off Lindy

Tell that to the coked out boomers in the 70's who made the distinction

It is. He basically committed a war crime against himself.

if you want to be quiet then yeah but they never really are that quiet. Supressed gun unless designed to be supressed, are real fucking loud still.

Supressors main use is making it slightly quieter and comfortable to shoot and hiding all muzzle flash.

This. He is most knowledgable about larping but he pretends to know more about shit he doesnt know about so he starts talking about guns and tanks and recent military history using his own opinions as facts misguiding the idiots too dumb to check facts.

Kek, based post

Attached: 1504827668422.jpg (615x1242, 723K)

*cuts rope*

> America tries to solve gun problem
> they use the "pizza is a vegetable" logic
Love it!

Attached: 1551275584417.jpg (750x733, 342K)

Seriously this, what the absolute fuck

Remember back in his video about the American Civil War when he didn't know the difference between rifles and muskets?

two weapons are close to being noiseless
Welrod and VSS
and it's for two different reasons

>having to pay extra for suppressors
I'm actually surprised burgers have to do this. I can just go and buy one

>t. Frog with a projector

Guy you responded to here, I'm doing nothing at work so I'll give a real answer instead of just "kek based post"

The liberal revolutions frequently failed, devolved into killings and dictatorships, etc as well. But nowadays it's widely believed that such things were necessary to end aristocracy and monarchy. Similarly, we'll need revolutionary action to end class hierarchy, and sometimes reactionary forces will hijack the revolution, like in Iran's revolution or Egypt since the Arab spring (I know these weren't marxist revolutions, more like liberal revolutions, but the mechanisms of revolution are similar in both cases).

Also, not all marxists/anarchists think you need to do what Lenin did (and it's specifically leninist or maoist communism that all at least nominally communist countries are based on); for example, the IWW in America intended to set up a network of unions throughout the world, and end class through simultaneous strikes.

Why are all European nations so tsundere for each other?

>supports communism

Attached: weeb btfos communism in a single post.png (882x301, 36K)

because we live in hell. I hope eu falls, this is even worse than when we fought each other

Attached: 1511114380022.gif (305x255, 1023K)

because the european borders are drawn in blood. America was easy, just remove the indian and claim land. You have problems with someone? Just move west, america hasnt had the problem of having to fight shit out, except for the civil war, because you could just move west and relief the pressure. In europe however more land would mean taking it of another established country. And every time you have dissidents you cannot tell them to fuck off, you have to place them somewhere.

lindybeige. check you his channel

Same reason Canadians and Americans or Australians and New Zealanders are so passive aggressively homosexual for each other

>lower penetration
Depends on the round and lowered pen isn’t always bad

Also, it doesn’t lower damage, if you slow it down to get stuck inside, there will be more damage.

>mentions Canadians and Australians
>doesn't mention them together

I gotta sleep but despite the Russian and French Revolutions, most of the aristocracies and monarchies the world over have ended totally independent of revolutions as they simply just faded into irrelevancy, and coordinated worldwide strikes are a ridiculous pipe dream, there will always be scabs and you're not going to force everyone to give up their property, plus socialism can literally not be trusted to run all of the means of production on its own because there is not enough punishment for incompetence.

The true solution for the working man is Distributism, which is already in place to a small amount in most Western countries today. It keeps the benefits of competition in capitalism and keeps privately owned capital, but is also using the economic regulation of socialism, but has the concentration of power of neither, splitting power between government and private companies equally.

Antitrust and anti-monopoly measures that many Western governments use, for example, are steps towards distributism. TLDR it's "use the government to whittle down big companies so everyone has a small company and nobody has too much or too little power, either in government or corporations." It achieves the benefit of socialism and capitalism, without the revolution that leaves a power vaccuum for dictatorships to spawn. It uses the existing power system and modifies it rather than trying to tear it down and restart from scratch.

The only thing New Zealanders have ever fucked is sheep and the English language

>and the English language
m8 you do realize that most of us ESLs can't distinguish between British, Australian and New Zealander accents nor give a fuck about knowing the difference. So whatever the fuck you are you probably butchered the English language just as much.

Is that true? Germany, Spain, Yugoslavia, the Middle East, South America, China, Japan - in none of these places did aristocracy and monarchy simply whither away, they were destroyed, either through internal revolution or through external force.

The problem, imo, with social democratic half-steps are that the upper class still exists, and will try to stir up reactionary forces whenever and wherever they can to turn back the clock, so to speak. Like the distinction between nobility and peasant, the class distinction must be destroyed if we hope to see a lasting change.

Also, look into market socialism, you might be able to get on board with it.

t. Australian

Exactly, Maxim made the Maxim Silencer, it’s no different than Magnum as an advertising term.

>caring what the batfe does
Look at this bootlicker and laugh, mill your own shit fag.

Who gives a fuck what vat fodder thinks?

They also consider a shoestring a machine gun, you dumb bastard.

>he doesn't have a bullet hand
Lmaoing at your life desu

Nigga integrally suppressed HK MP5 with unironically non-sub sonic rounds is almost entirely quiet besides the clack of the roller delayed action.

the mp5sd was a mod and not a specifically-designed weapon
and nothing can change that fact.
anyway you're still right but Welrod&VSS are more quiet, seriously

It's a bayonet you dumb fuck.

>original meaning

Attached: 1546814548385.jpg (200x200, 14K)

Would wapanese been better?

Not a gun fag/enthusiast here, but are you guys really saying that there is really a silencer/suppressor out there capable of being legitimate close to noiseless? Like in the movies?

Attached: Lindy2.png (500x396, 70K)


better than a completely meaningless term spawned by a word filter?
Yes you fucking dumbass, obviously.

Guns built for it can supposedly get pretty quiet.

just no

Attached: baby2.png (256x331, 8K)

not like in movies/vidya but some can't be heard beyond 50m(Welrod) or 150m(VSS)

A trifling improvement but improvement nevertheless

Attached: 789521789418.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

>Being unironic commies.

Attached: absolutely disgusting adolf.jpg (500x600, 71K)

3. has a point

t. noguns

hey same here bro i love military

If kicking the French around their own country for an entire century isn't a victory, I don't know what is.

dat sideboob

Attached: download (2).jpg (251x201, 10K)

I unironically would love to see the likes of Junker and Verhofstad publicly fucking excecuted. Hell, I'd do it myself if I got the chance. Fuck those god damn internationalist slimebags, I hate them so much.

>was a mod
Who cares bitch? They made it so well that it became its on classification in production. It isn’t the same as screwing on a suppressor.

There are no fucking "classes" in most of the contemporary west anymore, you marxist fucking brainlet. What there is, is wealth differences between people, and there is nothing fucking wrong with that.

If you are born into a poor family, you still have the ability to get an education, a job and strive for success. You aren't restricted from schools or employment and shit because of your "class".

only nogunz call them silencers

Attached: b18.png (400x434, 352K)

Im a spaniard. As much as i like bantering brits, germans and frenchmen i would rather have them cover my back than the other """""""cultures"""""" in this hellhole. Why they never wiped them up is beyond me.

60% more boolet per trigger

>He basically committed a war crime against himself

Attached: 33F2E9C2-AFED-4A05-9919-FCE864CB3A52.jpg (271x186, 6K)

did he die?

Attached: 1527006546026.jpg (616x581, 123K)

Did someone say weeaboo? Weeaboo! Weeaboo!

it should increase it since the barrel is longer, no?

Came to post this
Retard they are called suppressors and irl not that silent...

Attached: spr.jpg (1500x634, 104K)

retards, why would the same ammo you use without a suppressor become subsonic the moment you slap on a suppressor?

>It is. He basically committed a war crime against himself.

Attached: 1485064683105.gif (300x169, 607K)

>Made to absorb the sound and flash of the explosion by venting much of the produced gasses
someone has been sleeping during his physics class.

Attached: suppressor-half-7d-dobbs-20180220.jpg (3953x2126, 2.23M)

>making up rules about pedantic terminology so that you can pretend you're in an elite club and everybody else is No True Scotsman
Mental illness.

Incredibly based

Attached: 4FAAB219-520E-42D8-8487-399462D5729B.jpg (530x908, 92K)

>frank makes emo rap songs now

Poor people have fewer connections, less of a safety net in case a business venture falls through, less support from peers (for example, someone with no relatives who went to uni might not even know what a thesis is until they're told to write one), have less access to tutors, additional classes, and more.

I mean they are pretty damn quiet. Shooting sub-sonic 300 blackout, with a suppressor, is quieter than a 22 rifle.

>suppressor is called silencer

Attached: 1550266685731.jpg (737x1024, 80K)


>game allows you to create makeshift weapons

Attached: onahole suppressor.png (942x692, 373K)

Modern suppressors do not reduce muzzle velocity.

>“But I don’t plan to be a sniper so why would I want a silencer anyway?” If you hear a shooter say that, you can bet your beer money that they haven’t shot a modern suppressor. Modern suppressors allow the use of full-power ammunition, do not reduce the muzzle velocity, do not contact the bullet during flight, and often aid accuracy. On high-power rifles, a suppressor acts like a muzzle brake and reduces recoil, and of course, the “ka-BOOM” report of the shot is reduced 25-30 dB, yielding a sound not unlike high-pressure gas escaping from an air hose being disconnected.

wow you sure convinced me with your hot opinions

That simply means that poor people have it tougher, which is true regardless of class. You can take two people, one at the top of the upper class, one at the bottom and find the same thing. The difference is simply magnified when it is a legitimately poor person in that situation. But that doesn't mean there are classes in the west anymore. Vertical mobility is possible. Just look at all those poor musicians from factory working families who made it big in the 60s in England. Roger Daltrey was working in a steel mill in 1962, 10 years later he's living in a private estate and the richest man in the nearby village.

why don't you try getting a job

Climb back under your covers, snowflake

>from autistic screeching to crying
Is that even an improvement?

GuP has a whole school worth of characters of them and they are the most popular along with the Sovietboo school, so sadly no, world is filled with fools

did I trip through a fucking time portal or something?

The M16 was somewhat more deadly than the AK47 because of the tumbling motion the bullets took through the air resulting in wounds with greater surface area. Real life is more complex than a videogame.

i listen to "depressed music" at night and his songs always pop up

>and they are the most popular along with the Sovietboo school
GuPfags have this much shit taste?
I watched the first season and the kraut girls were obviously the best. second was the main characters school.

In the very least, Glorianna and Pravdafags are very vocal

>because of the tumbling motion the bullets took through the air resulting in wounds with greater surface area
So just like the ak74?


Still my favorite desu

This isn't /k/ but it's AK not AK-47

unless he means the actual ak47

Attached: ak47 vs akm.png (1280x918, 458K)

>game doesnt distinguish between FG42s

Attached: 1478159240196.jpg (1200x785, 219K)

no, this is wrong too
pic you posted is an AK and an AKM
pic related: "the" AK-47

Attached: ak47_1.jpg (650x212, 20K)

wtf /k/ tricked me again

Attached: 1503924272213.jpg (1024x768, 68K)

Is this real lmao, I'm glad in my country we can just own a gun and no one gives a shit. Ironically we have more gun freedoms than the US.

>type-56 is listed as "AK-47"

Attached: 1478310539949.jpg (800x634, 51K)

The thing is that it's a misnomer that's already made it into wide circulation way before any of us were born, but the distinction still exists and pretty much AK-47 refers to a pre-production type AK with a stamped receiver that is slightly different to the production AK, which started out as stamped receiver with some differences to the pre-production type, which was then proceeded by milled types due to the amount of out-of-spec receivers. there were 2 different patterns of milled receiver and the most popular is the latest pattern, which is what was in your pic as "AK-47". AKM returns to stamped construction with a better designed stamped receiver and it's slightly different also.

Attached: kneecaps.gif (466x200, 2.95M)

Britain has never cared about what you want. We either decide to own you or that it isn't worth the trouble to own you.

That black haired Italian girl is the best though

based Lloyd

reminder that Lindybeige claims:

>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>British naval guns on Malta could launch projectiles into space
>brodie helmets were superior
>English accents are superior
>English is the best language
>Normans weren't French
>imperial system is better
>dunkirk was a british victory
>british officers don't duck
>the bren gun was like a full auto sniper rifle
>boer concentration camps were refugee camps
>the French are German
>the best jungle troops are British

>Game has pineapple grenades
>They aren't made of pineapple and you can't eat them

Attached: what.gif (406x300, 3.17M)

All of these are correct.

How can you tell the difference?
I'm comparing as hard as I can but they still both rook arike to me...

is there anything more reddit?

>All of these are correct.

Attached: 1.8.jpg (1200x1500, 310K)

he's like a holocaust denier except instead of denying the holocaust he denies France

he claims that horses were never a possitive addition to an army
claims the opposite on throwing knives
17th Mercenary pikemen had no real motive to actually fight each other once a battle started
some people wore bear skins, thats it
some Scandinavian farmers took to raiding, that doesn't make you a viking
correctly modified a canon of n power could fire a projectile of x mass into space

>using subsonic ammunition would in fact lower penetration and damage
False. Subsonic ammunition is the secret to penetrate body armor. If for instance you had a terrorist wearing all black, driving a white dodge with lights on it and wearing level 3A body armor (kevlar reinforced) you could defeat it with a subsonic 9mm round. It cuts through like butter.

Seems Yea Forums knows even less about firearms than your average game developer (which is quite impressive since games get firearms wrong 100% of the time).

Attached: A_real_police_car.jpg (4298x2284, 3.21M)

is this the holy trinity of based youtubers?

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There are automatics out there where the internal cycling is louder than the actual round being fired.
eg. the honey badger

>no hickglock45

>t. Frenchie wenchie with a seething stenchie

Who is the fag in the middle?

the AK-47 has a different handguard, has a gas compensator aft of the front sight post, and has a square cut where the selector / dust shield pivots up to. Also different stock and pistol grip dimensions. The AK has a milled receiver with a square lightening cut just aft of the handguard. The AKM has a different style of muzzle device, and the receiver has a lot of stamped rigidity details and such, as well as different stock dimensions

drop the fag in the middle

Attached: _k_.jpg (800x800, 324K)

I watch Lindy for the outrageous claims that are sometimes convincing, other times entertaining and some of the historical details in various entertainment media, I watch Ian because there are still guns that he hasn't taken apart, and I watch Steve because he makes comfy vids about a niche topic

>best character ingame dies in prologue

Attached: _k_ goes to bed.png (459x776, 247K)

hickoks videos are pretty boring though. If you're a boomer though and don't mind the slow pace and need a video review before you buy a gun then he's alright I guess

>best character in game was dead to begin with

Attached: large commander.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

>prologue is only good part

>>he claims that horses were never a possitive addition to an army
Alexander says fuck him

>he claims that horses were never a possitive addition to an army
it seems he forgot about the charge of the light brigade

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It's not because Hitler actually was a good guy.

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No it wouldnt infact it would increase precision, the longer a pipe, the higher precision. Why do you think snipers are long?

>user is retarded

We don't know because they would only speak French

>he claims that horses were never a possitive addition to an army
except when the normans won at hastings, or that heavy cav ruled the battlefield until the gun, or the polish hussar success against western and eastern armies, or fucking mongolian fucking shits
>17th Mercenary pikemen had no real motive to actually fight each other once a battle started
money and loot was usually a huge factor, also death if they ran
>some Scandinavian farmers took to raiding, that doesn't make you a viking
vikings literally colonized britain, that's a lot of farmers
>correctly modified a canon of n power could fire a projectile of x mass into space

>sub-sonic rounds don't move as fast as regular rounds and have less kinetic energy

How dare they!

Attached: this is you.gif (260x237, 1.99M)

You fucking retard, why would regular ammunition become subsonic just because you slapped a suppressor on?


silencer takes momentum out of the bullet to make it silent

do you not?

tumbling through the air is a complete failure, you wont hit shit, and you wont penetrate what you do hit
the tumbling that increases effectiveness only starts inside the target

Nobody uses subsonic ammunition if they want their suppressors to be "effective". Either use a caliber designed from the ground up to be subsonic anyway if you want ebin silent fire, or just use the benefits of a suppressor with supersonic ammo
This argument of subsonic ammo is just retards trying to defend flawed design

>this is how /k/ thinks

Attached: 1533782841368.png (318x355, 311K)

>use silencer
>enemy still can cast spells

Attached: 1493855163221.jpg (1280x720, 129K)


Attached: GAMERS RISE UP.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

NTR is the gate to hell that you will never return from.

t. stuck in NTR hell

What is a pistol then?

And his French blood.

>less cool
that's where you're wrong kiddo

Attached: trigun.jpg (600x337, 58K)

damn I only watch this guy casually but this makes me want to watch him more

thats dlcday2 for you

Practice with real bullets at first then eventually he will learn to make that motion without it.