Also seems like the Deluxe Edition on Steam had new stuff added in secret.
Also seems like the Deluxe Edition on Steam had new stuff added in secret.
Other urls found in this thread:
All I want is my DMC1 Dante costume.
i love dante
i don't want him to die
You sure new stuff has been added to the Steam version? I'm checking right now and I'm not seeing anything new.
Having trouble with breaking this
any tips?
Swordmaster helps a ton, but I managed to break it using Trickster. Just use as many attacks as you can on rotation and it should eventually break.
i think one of them is the bloody palace dlc
Have all the moves. Be in swordmaster. Use combo 1-3, Jam Session, Reverb shock, slash and air slash. You should be able to do it
Swordmaster + crazy combo
8 hours ago the packages were updated but some new were added. Now it could be nothing burger but who knows.
1. Swordmaster.
2. Nevan has left and right moves as well as forward and back moves. Only weapon in the series like that.
nobody dies in this game
except v, but no one likes him anyway
Imagine thinking this won't be the greatest action game ever created
Help me out here.
Post yfw mommy
One of the recurring meta jokes is that Dante gets impaled in the chest by a big ass sword and shrugs it off like nothing happened. I belive death is an alien concept kept under the fridge to a man like him.
thanks for motivating me. i'm going to disregard any death flags until we get actual leaks
The twist will be that he gets impaled again, starts to shrug it off as usual but then he actually dies.
Idk if it will be able to finally surpass DMC3, but I'm hopeful.
Quote by a man killed.
I really bad with that guitar
holyfuck Vergil is angry compared to first fight
It may be too late, but the best way to break it is to not have bought any moves for Nevan. Adjudicators scale in difficulty with your available moveset.
God that would actually suck.
You know what would even suck more.
If dante get his blood taken and become one of the many people who died on red grave on your way to defeating Urizen.
That would SUCK.
Still can't decide between PC or PS4. It's 60 FPS either way.
It's a unique support side weapon. Good for building rank and dealing with projectiles in high difficulties but not really good for bosses. You'll get a hang of it.
It not that bad. Just know all the moves and recycle them in order.
It not like a real combo video. It a test to know if you know the fucking moves of a weapon.
Make sure you also know the crazy combos as well and mash that shit to increase your style meter. It also makes it easier cause while a crazy move is going on, you have more time for each move used "style" efficiency to cool down so that you can reuse them.
bros, how do you feel about "vergil is v is urizen" twist?I'm fine with it, I just hope it will work well in the game
Out of curiosity anons, what’s your story with the series?
I only recently got into them back in early 2018 after E3, I legitimately never had the chance to play them on their prime because back on PS2 days the game was basically impossible to find in my shithole, Capcom was full retard and exported RE more, which funny enough is a series I once had a lot of love for and it finally came back with 7 and 2RE.
Years went by, and I just forgot of them kinda. Never cared for DmC and after seeing 5 announced I thought it looked cool and bit the bullet, got myself HD and had an absolute blast of a weekend, minus 2 of course tho I did enjoy the character design of Dante. 4 took me a bit extra but now that done for I have polished myself into DMD’ing every game and 5 Deluxe is already in my Steam. Full hype.
Rude. Also not true, Itsuno likes him
Assuming the game sells well, and Capcom decides to make DMC6, who's gonna take over Itsuno?
I would wait if you just want the base game. See how well it runs. RE Engine has few inconsistent bugs. I would go PC desu.
>I only recently got into them back in early 2018 after E3,
Honestly PS4 is perfectly adecuate and if you have nostalgic reasons like being an old fan from PS2 then I see no reason not to get that one, more if you got the rest.
PC has the benefit of extremely likely being the superior version in technical levels, more controller inputs and personalization thanks to Steam’s godly support and naturally allowing customization of visuals and all that shit. I don’t think there is an objective best, just consider what you prefer the most and go with it lad.
Nevan is just the weapon with the biggest learning curve, at least imo. Everything else is more straightforward.
I personally never touched it much, but it's a cool idea for sure, just keep at it and it will eventually break.
Vergil 2 is one of the most fun fights of the series, enjoy it.
I never knew that. Does available moveset just take into account what you have unlocked? Or does it take into account whether you're using Swordmaster or not?
>obsessed with Enderal
>DMCV release soon
I feel conflicted
>who's gonna take over Itsuno?
>Post yfw when DMC 5 sells so well that demons literally take over itsuno
Dante has a new gauge as well, but as seen in the video it's not tied to the summoned swords mechanic since it has no impact on the gauge. Maybe Sin DT gauge?
>full gauge Royal Release with the summoned swords
How will it look?
You have enough time for both
So will Vergil be his usual young self, or be the same age as Dante?
Call me no fun but if 5 tries to wrap it up I genuinely dont see a reason for 6. It’d be better to leave in a massive high note
Bought the first one in early 2000 when I was like 10, played the shit out of it because poorfag who could only get a game like once a year. Got 2. Took me a couple years to get 3 after that but loved the hell out of it. Didn't play 4 for the longest time because people said it was unfinished/like 2. Now we're here and it's like I'm a kid again.
Played DMC1 and DMC3 when it came out. Remember my shit getting pushed in. Beating bosses were great. I didn't play DMC2 since a friend of mine said it sucked. Played DMC4 on release. Didn't understand who Nero was. Excited to play Dante. Dante was hard to play and I rarely replayed it because of DMC4's campaign issues. Drifted off from the series. Heard DmC was a prequel to DMC3. Found about it in a magazine. Didn't like how it looked. Donte looked like a lanky asshole. Didn't bother to play it after watching a friend of mine play through the first level. Donte wasn't fun and funny to be around. Didn't care about it and thought the franchise died. DMC5 reveal made me play through all DMC games again. Having a lot of fun right now.
Not with work and uni
Same age, his face model is the same guy as Dante's.
I would actually test out a demo if such were available on PC to see if my rig can handle it well, but since it didn't happen that's impossible.
I'm very bad at playing on PC though, too many distractions.
Dante looks like a fucking boomer and this dude looks like anything but. Vergil can still look younger despite having the same model.
>check my local steam charts
>DMC5 is the second best seller atm behind PUBG
Suprising considering I rarely remember people talking about these games when I was a kid in my country.
You will have time for all damn it
I still see no connection between V and Vergil besides a fucking letter.
I'd say the same, I'll probably get it on PS4 because all I have is a crappy laptop where I play StyleSwitcher DMC3, but the Steam version has full controller support, so it's really a matter of preference.
I was just doing whatever and for one reason or another, I don't really remember, I checked the DMC wiki and saw DMC1 coatless Dante and I thought "Hey, that's pretty sweet. I want to play with that costume on".
Next day I went out and grabbed a copy of the HD collection for 30 bucks and played 1, platinumed it, tried 2, really couldn't get into it but pushed through and then played 3 and platinumed that one as well. I had a lot of fun, and the rest is history.
It was around 2014, IIRC.
>I'm Not Crying!
why is this so boner inducing
I was like, 6 when the first one came out. It has been my No.1 gamefu ever since.
Dante looks like a boomer only because he doesn't really look after himself, unlike the model guy. With the exception of his designer jakets, which are probably the main reason he's such a poorfag, his clothes are shaggy and worn, he doesn't bother to maintain a hairstyle, etc.
>with Enderal
Respect to the modders for the work they're doing but Skyrim will never be a good game, user. It's shit.
Treat yourself and spend your limited and valuable time on an actually fun game. Play DMC5.
That's impossible. DMC3 already exists. Second best, though...
What's up with the anti dmc shills?
I never saw something this big.
>its OVER
>DMC5 is dead
>admit it dmc fags, it's crashing
The game is literally going to outdo every other game in the franchise, did I miss something, or are nintendofags SEETHING that smash threads aren't the only thing on Yea Forums anymore?
First time I heard about it was when 3 came out on PC, it played like shit on the keyboard, and I was so shit at it that I unlocked easy mode on hell vangaurd already, but I still loved it.
Prep your caffeine and complete the story in 1 day. Post spoilers if you can.
If anything, just get a medical certificate.
requesting the "you are here" pic
Nice, I never noticed Shadow before
Honestly, besides the 5'oclock shadow on pre-coma Dante, he's pretty well kept and doesn't look like a hobo.
It's only once he literally sleeps in blood and mud for a month that he looks ragged
There is a small percentage of people who are tired of constant DMC threads, and the rest are just your usual contrarian crowd desperately waiting for another tortanic.
Some things are constants in the universe, user. DMC never surpassing Ninja Gaiden is one of them.
What is this image from?
His coat still has some wear, and his shirt isn't properly tucked in.
literally canon
It's just a few autists. It always happens before release. It's just Yea Forums.
My area is acceptable in terms of taste.
Influx of people after the trailer dropped who doesn't like DMC
Dante will finally be fun to play.
You don't have to be autistic to play him anymore, JC is easy, his weapons are cool and simple, and gunslinger is actually useful.
Dare I say, donguri and his autistic friends on suicide watch?
This trailer was a mistake. I'm way too excited now.
Even then, he doesn't really look how I'd consider "dirty".
DMC5 doesn't look like DMC2. DMC2 has Lucia. Something DMC5 doesn't have.
>for another tortanic.
What was so bad about The Old Republic, anyway? Everyone seems to love the game.
DMC3 is completely carried by Vergil. 5 is going to shit on 3.
Will the deluxe edition DLC go on sale at release? I managed to get the base game for free but want all of those classic tracks and the live action scenes.....
Has anyone noticed the similarity of the circular patterns on the huge transformed "tree" and Urizen's circular holes on his body? Could it be every circle represents a boss? Circle's of hell??
Schizophrenic shitposters who literally can't go half a day without some controversy to shout at so they force artificial rivalries and make up false downcomings.
This is the post TORtanic world we live in and it's never going to get better
fuck my asshole dante-kun
If that's the case, then it will be the best. I hope both games are fucking awesome. Loved 3, so if 5 is even better... I... HAVE ARRIVED
What's this referring to? I feel like I missed something.
It turned out just a shittier wow clone, and didn't do so well financially. I've no idea why it's looked up to as the definitive blunder, there have been many much more spectacular failures both before and after.
>Dante will finally be fun to play.
>You don't have to be autistic to play him anymore
>Dare I say
>I don't want to have to put effort into getting better: The Post
Jesus Christ, you're a massive faggot.
Nobody cared about the game quality, it was all about the chance to make unparalled levels of shitposting
Does Dante have the same moveset as Rebellion/Sparda aside from the summoned swords?
Before the Nightmare. Nico swears in front of Kyrie when they meet for the first time and Nero's autism kicks in
It would look like Nero angelo DMD fight with him using summon swords as a shield (sword with tip pointing down rather than forward.)
>mfw finally can guardfly
Am I gonna make it bros?
DMC was always about being cool and stylish, not your autistic 5 styles x 10 weapons x 500 button presses a minute
>and his shirt isn't properly tucked in.
Nigga really
>I'm Not Crying!
This better not be real. I wouldn't be able to handle what that track name is implying.
Can I ask a question, please? If I have the game pre-loaded then can I play the immediately when the day changes from the 7th to the 8th?
Not dirty, but generally indifferent. He still shaves and cuts his hair at regular intervals, but next to Vergil, whose entire look is meticulously perfected, he looks shabby.
Perhaps he's the manifestation of the Underworld? This reminds me. DMC3 manga had the demons that represented each hell. They were supposed to lead each faction. If they do remake DMC3 in a few decades, I hope they add them.
Ninja Gaiden gets boring fast once you realize UTs, flying swallow and izuna drop solve basically every encounter
I was hyped for DMC1 because I saw some preview footage that showed how you could uppercut a nigga keep it suspended in midair with dual handgun fire. I picked it up fairly soon after it came out, like December of '01 or January '02
I bought DMC2 on the day the space shuttle Columbia blew up. I was at Wal-Mart watching live coverage of the shuttle disintegrating on demo TVs, and it was more fun than the game turned out to be. I knew it was supposed to be inferior to 1 but the price dropped instantly, around $25 after a week on the shelves, so I was like fuck it how bad could it be
DMC3 was the first video game I ever bought on launch day. No regrets desu, although I didn't get around to playing the Special Edition until years later in the HD Collection
I don't really remember much about DMC4. I played through it on a friend's PS3, a dude who didn't know much about the series but bought DMC4 because there were no games at the time. I broke down and preordered DMC4:SE on Steam like 5 minutes before it unlocked to get the DMC3 Lady costume
>The V familiar themes followed by "Farewell"
Inb4 it plays during the burning mansion segment where you have to escape as shota Dante
Well, I mean you either tuck it in, or you don't. His shirt is half-tucked in, and half isn't.
Reminder that the OST listings confirm that Dante will have a music taunt like Nero's air guitar and V's violin playing or requiem conducting
I hope it's drums
Nero doesn't like swearing in front of Kyrie.
Keep going. Also get DMC3 Style Switcher mod and start playing that. Thankfully there no guard flying or inertia crazy bs so the skill ceiling is lower but growth is constant.
>tfw it's Dante screaming the lyrics of Subhuman at the top of his lungs
I hope its air-saxophone. Give me that Jazz for your Soul shit Capcom, he already got the hat and scarf.
I'm legitimately going to be sad when he dies. He really grew on me.
>having more options and rewarding high-level execution is not related to being stylish
Maybe DmC is more your speed, you get those SSS ranks without putting in effort.
are we going to fight v?
>Vergil, whose entire look is meticulously perfected
I actually feel like this is something that is sort of overblown about him and actually lead to his hairstyle always being wrong in ever game that's not DMC3. In DMC3 it's got this look of being roughly pushed back out of function, not gelled and slicked back to perfection. Every game onwards, including DMC4SE, has the latter.
And yes, this is an autistic nitpick. I'm fully aware
Dante is rock and metal guy, no way it's sax.
I will, I didn't think sliding my thumb from jump to style button was all it takes to do it.
That depends if the game unlocks at midnight
Where's this footage from?
Ninja Gaiden isn't DMC. It's not about stylish combos, it's about using the tools you have to deal with overwhelmingly dangerous enemies. Yes, most of your moves are useless, but that's really not the point of the game.
If you learn to fullhouse JC, ravejc, rave shotgun jc and guardfly consistently you're pretty much an expert
Lmao his mic
One of those "DMC tips" tweets that they deleted immediately afterwards.
Come up with some moves that would bring Vergil up to Dante's Power Level
>there is no dlc
But didn't Matt say there'd be no dlc?
Some intern at Capcon released it. I'm assuming it wasn't supposed to be released until release day so they pulled it down.
is that what he says?
I thought he said "and" but it doesn't make sense
Is this an edit? The coat looks black in the trailer.
Jap twitter post that got deleted.
Sure, you can cheese it same as you can cheese any game, but the game is pure fun. Taking on multiple minor demons at once with Lunar and effortlessly countering them as you continue your combo on one is an absolute blast.
The one thing about NG that isn't too great are the bosses because they're pretty strict in how you should fight them.
Doku is particularly annoying because of that.
It's looking like either we fight him or we fight a boss with him and die, but I loved Psycho Siren so if we get a remix I'm gonna lose my shit
I just want to say, the DMC5 titlescreen theme is really good, the note they chose to use is really pleasing to the ears. Also I love Dante's Majin form, I love the swirls on his wings.
Vergil surpassed Dante long ago brainlet, Yamato actually cuts through dimensions now, and a cripple half dead Vergil left full power Nero to die in 2 seconds.
>he still has the lame-ass DT from 4 even after getting Dante
>his voice isn't affected by the transformation
>Demon Sword Dante
So it's to him what the Sparda sword is to Sparda.
Brightened and saturation shifted, but not coloured over.
I think it was just the lighting in that shot because his hair is noticeably grey too rather than white as Dante's is in more well lit shots.
I'll try to practice those too. I can somewhat do star rave on Mega Scarecrows, but it isn't as consistent as I want it to be.
>fucking blood drops from roots
I'm not crying, it's just the rain
This whole goddamn list is giving me a bad feeling.
That or Dante went unga and couldn't think of a name
Which is why Dante killed him twice and has his own Sword imbued with his power just like FATHER!
This form looks like Dante's Majin form ate the Despair Embodied and that's fucking cool.
You sure about that? I always assumed that Vergil's hair looked the way it did so it would look like actual hair instead of a solid block of sculpted marble or something, which is a problem in some games.
same here, Psycho Siren is unironically one of my favorite tracks in DMC1. I 100% associate it with the Shadows even though it plays for some other shit (sargassos, etc.) so I really hope it's a remix for that part of whatever's going on with V
I haven't done star rave yet, I've been stuck on rave shotgun jc because of too little time to practice
We're both gonna make it
Coat or no coat?
I thought it was a play on "useless and weak" but replaces "weak" with "human." Urizen has an inconsistent lisp for some reason.
What a faggot
>play the DMC3 when I was a kid, brother lend it to someone and I never saw it ever again, fuck you, you are litteraly that kid, I'm still waiting for getting back Prototype & Undead Nightmare you cunt
>years pass, remember seeing DmC and thinking it look like crap
>friend talk to me about DMC4, don't know who the fuck Nero is
>DMC5 is announced, almost think that its DmC2 and thought about all the Squillam posting I then realised it was Nero due to the robot arm, I knew Nero had a demon arm and deduced that it was the protag of DMC4 who lost his arm
>pirate DMC HD collection & 4
>have tons of fun with 1 and 3. Completed 2 Dante disk, went through 4 once
Playing 3 again gave me massive nostalgia, a lot of cutscenes came back to my mind as I was playing it, I completly forgot about Jester, the cutscene I was remembering the most was definitly Dante coming back out of Leviathan eye
kill yourself you retarded nigger, Vergil didn't even fight seriously in 3, and this is way after 3. Unlike Dante who's been a useless neet for 20 years, Vergil dabbed on entire hell and became Urizen.
Vergil lost on purpose because he knew Dante was right but he didn't want to back down, he wanted to test Dante one last time.
NG encourages cheese, that's the difference.
Besides, there are great games without cheese, or where the cheese is just an optional postgame reward. I'm not a fan of pointlessly gimping myself.
At least DMC has a mechanic that rewards you for playing in a varied and stylish way, even if the possibility for cheese exists.
Also, the menus in NG break the flow of gameplay too much, since using items is expected of you unlike DMC.
Even DMC3-era concept and promotional art for the game had his hair drawn more wavy and less "perfectly" slicked back.
It wasn't until after that it became perfectly slicked and gelled
It was around 2006. I was one of the poorer kids in a run-down neighborhood. Playing games kept me out of trouble, but I had A LOT of anger issues growing up. Got into "LARPing", but it was more the friends I did make would make PVC weaponry and just beat the shit out of each other. Hard enough to break bone.
SO... around that time, Dirge of Cerberus came out. I got it, since I was an emo fuck that liked Vincent, played it, and then told my friends how great it was... One of those friends, We'll call him David, told me it was watered down DMC. I never actually played DMC before, so he started me with 3.
I did not put that game down all weekend. It was my first time pulling two all-nighters, and, damn, if it wasn't worth it. Fast-forward to 2012, moved on better place, and I picked up the trilogy, played one... hated it, put it away, but played 3 again. It was just as good as always. From there, I collected 4, but it wasn't until the news broke for 5 that I went back to tackle the series.
Beat 1, which still not a big fan of. Has not aged the best. Beat 2. Love Lucia; Trish is the only redeeming factor of actual gameplay. 3 is STILL based after all this time. And 4... Great until the third act... We'll just leave it there. Note the trilogy was on PS2; still have all three and play them.
>His first instinct is to call it Nero because he likes that name.
>He realizes that Vergil foresaw this and spawned Nero solely to take the name first.
Coat, the vest looks too small on its own.
I always use the coat version whenever I'm playing DMC3
I'm a bigger fan of the coat for DMC1 Dante. Coatless DMC3 Dante is my favorite though. Felt fitting.
Skyrim is a shit game regardless of whatever waifu mods you use. Even you know that.
oh so this is where idea of cavaliere came from
neat throwback
Nice work, user! Let's keep it up, hopefully we can somewhat play Dante competently before DMC5 comes up.
What if Urizen is just the tree but in a man form inside the tree?
>3 godamn hags
Okay Matier is 1, who are the others that are trying to tell Dante to lose his virginity?
Wouldn't surprise me at all, and would be pretty cool.
short Tony Redgrave coat
>lost the fight while wielding daddy's super sword to his underachieving younger brother
>spent a decade as Mundus' cock-sleeve
>still lost to Dante even with Mundus' upgrades
>literally only ever gets stronger by leehing of the power of others, like a useless parasite (Sparda, Mundus, Demon tree)
>the resulting power difference is always covered by Dante in a matter of HOURS
>h-he's totally stronger
laughing at you, vergilfag
>tfw when i had a maxed out dante file with modes cleared all the way up to very hard and while doing my very hard run with vergil saved over it accidentally
god dammit
at least i can get all the achievements i have left in dmc3 with vergil
guess ill try gold orb mode for the first time if i wanna replay it as dante
Pc gamer review gon be salt
I'm not that guy but I think both franchises can learn from each other. I'm a fan of NG common enemy aggressiveness. I always felt like DMC could handle it since Jump/JC/Enemy step are good. NG didn't deserve to die with 3.
Of course, did you forget about it?
We all wanted a motorbike weapon after seeing that and we finally got it.
It only took 13 years.
You got it all wrong user, the "three goddamn hags" are Trish, Nico and Lady
retarded and headcanon
Itsuno actually wanted to do a bike weapon since even before then, in DMC2
please play the games and read the material before going in these threads, its obviously you literally know shit
Vergil misses attacks ON PURPOSE in 3, which you would know if you played the final fight in DMC3, which you didn't
He couldn't activate Sparda because he was weak, just like Dante, back when they were 19
Mundus didn't make him stronger, it made him fucking weaker
And finally, let's not forget DT Dante got curbstomped by Urizen
Once again, come back to the threads when you play the games and read the novels.
It's the chicken boss. The hags are the one on it's back.
>Devil May Cry V
Sure let someone review a game when they can't even get its name right
Don't do it, Gold Orb mode is for fags.
im playing through it for the first time
that cutscene was super cool
This is such an evil looking form.
It really takes me back to being 14 years old and doing the same exact thing. I wanted to smash my PS2.
He looks pissed.
And that is your opinion.
Did his mic get fucking judgement cut at the end there?
>Vergil misses attacks ON PURPOSE in 3
What are you on about?
Rather than the extreme amount of weapons Dante uses, he can just use Yamato with an insane amount of Tehcniques.
He could have different styles of using his sword like front hand, back hand, duel wield (uses a copy of Yamato), no wield (uses his fists) and Beserker, we're he loses all composure and goes apeshit barely even standing up striaght and dragging his sword across the floor
Concentration would work differently for each
>Vergil misses attacks ON PURPOSE in 3, which you would know if you played the final fight in DMC3, which you didn't
lmao headcanon
>He couldn't activate Sparda because he was weak, just like Dante, back when they were 19
he couldn't activate Sparda because he was and is a fucking heartlet
>Mundus didn't make him stronger, it made him fucking weaker
where's the evidence, dumb vergilfag?
>And finally, let's not forget DT Dante got curbstomped by Urizen
Which is Vergil sucking off yet another power source because he's so fucking weak on his own, like I said.
Dante has his own power, Vergil can only take power from outside, because he never understood what made Sparda so strong.
I just love how deluded vergilfags are.
It's the link between him and each of the demon trees. Each root feeds him and the demon associated with it; perhaps Goliath, due to how stupid he was, was tricked?
I'm not gonna spoon feed you, reddit monkey.
Buy the game or pirate it.
You can't just come here and tell me Skyrim's combat isn't dogshit.
Reminder that Majin Dante probably didn't beat Urizen during their "fight".
I can and will. What the fuck will you do know faggot?
I'm talking about Vergil doing some retarded slow vertical slash while Dante went horizontally in their final DMC3 fight
I will know that you're just shitposting for (You)s. There's no defending that dumpster fire, Todd.
there is still not a shred of evidence of intent
he was weak and beaten at that point
Whatever lol, go enjoy your shitty micro transaction riddled game.
Sure hope you have "fun" with it.
I saw the DMC3 trailer when it was announced when I was like 10 years old and thought it was the hypest shit on the planet. No trailer since has hyped me up as much as that.
Rented 1 and 2 from a blockbuster before it came out and beat em with the thanks of Gamefaqs. I was 10 so lay off me. My puny brain couldn't comprehend the layout of the castle. And 2...I remember having an okay time with 2 but went back and played it when the HD Collection came out. Boy does it not hold up at all.
Thinking back now, Itsuno and crew shoulda made a new trailer with Devil Trigger or some new hype-ass song and have each character show off their iconic moves like they did for DMC3.
He looks like he can't handle it.
>weak and beaten
>fought Mundus right after
please play the game before @me
So you spoonfeed him and not me? Well fuck you too, cunt.
why would you want the skill ceiling to be lower
But in your original post you were looking forward to DMCV. Was this all a bait to begin with? Oh how clever you are!
>He is such a brainlet he can't tell two different posters apart
Of course you would post a KH reaction image too.
Based and coatpilled
fought Mundus and ate shit so hard he became his slave, you mean?
even the novel outright says Vergil was weakened in that fight from taking it from his little bro
>>fought Mundus right after
>got fucked and mindbroken
yeah real conclusive, dickhead
You never actually see Vergil fight Mundus, the only thing we know is that he lost. For all we know Vergil got his shit pushed in immediately, which he probably did. I seriously doubt Vergil or Dante as of DMC3 could even do anything to Mundus.
Anger based powerups are the hypest shit.
noooo, I don't want them to die,
itsuno please don't do it
Vergil isn't suicidal, he didn't know how strong Mundus was, but he obviously knew he was well enough to fight. Virgil literally spared Dante's life in 3.
Stop trying to incite pointless wars between fanbases you underage third worlder.
The Vergilfujo in its natural habitat, bros. Literally denying reality
I myself only really got into them around the time the DMC4 special edition was announced, and I played through 3 on pcsx2
Some time around then, though, I found a copy of DMC 1 in my house with a receipt dated 28/12/01, so either my father was much more cuhrayzee then I thought it someone else bought it
>fought Mundus right after
And he threw away Yamato's scabbard before charging.
It's not even hard to notice.
If you weren't an ignorant buffoon you'd know that that means Vergil knew it was a suicide attack and that he wasn't going to win.
Vergil is my favorite character but you're a fucking nutcase bro.
You're the one who started it faggot.
>Virgil literally spared Dante's life in 3
> and got fucked
Even Dante has to accept the power of Sparda to take on Mundus.
>When you are but two days old but your dance moves are on point.
>Vergil isn't suicidal
He threw his sheath away in the scene he charged Mundus in. He knew what was about to happen but chose to face it with some semblance of dignity.
I'm not the guy who originally said skyrim was shit, I just jumped in when I noticed your stale microtransaction bait. I thought you said only brainlets couldn't tell two different posters apart?
Would you prefer he turns his tail and run then? He knows danm well how strong Mundus was and in his arrogance he thinks he can take him on. Shit was not end well.
anger power-ups are the bottom of the barrel
zen/enlightment shit > concentration/serious mode/killing intent etc. > rage mode
>I'm not the guy
Jesus fucking christ. Get help.
Are there plans for an official Before the Nightmare translation? I really want it after reading a few of those synopses
Listen, user. In samurai stuff when you throw your sword's sheath away it means that you won't sheathe again, AKA you know you're going to die.
Vergil knew what was going to happen and demonstrated he has some big demon balls by facing it head on.
Can't wait for Vergil to fight Dante for real in 5, so these braindead retards can see the strength difference. Let's see Dante regenerate after awakened Yamato goes through him and space itself.
Best costume when?
You know what throwing away your scabbard symbolizes for a samurai, do you?
a suicide charge
>Dante goes 200% Armstrong Mode Angery throws his nu-Rebellion away and goes "Nice knife!" on Yamato
>Vergil takes nu-Rebellion and pulls a Raiden on him and ripps his heart out
>his arm turns into a bringer
>zen/enlightment shit
This has to come riding on the back of previous anger powerups to make it really impactful.
Wait for a fan translation like the rest of us.
>doesn't even know the correct title
>obvious that he's going to trash it with that Rock gif insinuating that "yeah, DMC5 going up against DmC"
He's right. I'm the one that originally said Skyrim is shit, and I stand by what I said.
I saw that grasping at "but microtransactions" was the perfect way to end that chain and dropped it.
All 3 can be fantastic given the proper contexts.
Working on the novel, 75% done. Not as fun as I expected it to be, the coolest thing so far is Trish having dreams of Vergil for some reason??
Somehow Majin Dante looks like a mecha with those shapes and proportions.
The guy that did the DMC3 cutscenes, Yûji Shimomura, is back on board for 5.
So G Gundam, basically.
Why are people saying Vergil is Urizen? Is this still speculation or has it been leaked?
Same voice actor.
please explain how the fuck v is vergil if v was present during 4's fortuna shit? when did he "split himself in two"?
Guys chill, Dante just got a new rebellion and a new mechanic, he won't fucking die, he just got renovated.
Vergil might die tho...
The trailer shows Urizen explode into a beam of light in front of his throne, shatter reality and leave a Vergil behind.
Can't you just wait and play the game for yourself you retarded dumbass.
>Vergil might die tho...
He's dead for sure, for good this time. There's no chance he survives this game.
Not really, there just has to be contrast to someone else.
In the game I'm working on, one character is fuled by rage and has a Dante DT. The other character is a parry grappler that gets slowmo meter while staying still
>he won't fucking die, he just got renovated.
You never heard of the term "going out with a bang"?
I don't think anyone is gonna die.
They obviously play it like it's gonna be End of Evangelion ft. DMC, but i think it's purposeful and they're gonna subvert it in the end, ending it on a happy note.
>see everyone freaking out about the legacy song
>cant stop grooving to the devil trigger remix at the end of
I want a full version already
Could you post the epilogue pages?
Toki's default state is majestic enlightenment, so that's not fair.
I'm not going to be accused of posting KH reaction images.
>While DMC5 presents some new fresh ideas, it is a far cry from the brash, creative Dante from DmC, and the background is horrible, unlike super cool and hip platforms DmC presented.
Excuse me for linking to this parasite
>Skyrim will never be a good game
It was never a good game.
I second your opinion, play DMC5.
>from the brash, creative Dante from DmC
That lacks Shakespearean somewhere in there.
Dude, itsuno wouldn't fucking kill kamiya's character, besides it would be too wasteful to kill a character that you just expanded upon.
"Not enough fuck (You) in this game"
played DMC3SE when i was really young and terrible at games and got my ass handed to me by the hell vanguard
dropped it then cause bad
went into DMC4 blind when it came out and loved it
gave DMC3 another try
watched e3 live and lost my shit at the rev
oh shit, it's months old too, silly me, thanks user
Because Trish is Eva clone
The saddest part is that there's legit gonna be at least some reviews like that.
And that's why i don't believe that the game will crack 90 on Metacritic no matter how god it is.
They better not kill Bui. I'm going to cry if he dies. Please kill Vergil instead, I've already accepted his death.
I know it's like a week old now, but in the last Capcom Confidential Matt Walker said that they changed the Canon for DMCV such that 4 happens after 2? Was this news or did everyone already know this because it took me by surprise
Watch as Vergil dies, expect doesn't. Again.
It was shown in the "History pf DMC" recap video before the podcast. With that and the info we know now from the new novel the timeline makes a lot more sense than 3142
It was news, but it makes sense in context.
Dante got butthurt after having to murder his bro the second time and got depressed for a while, only getting his cuhraze back after learning that he's an uncle.
>the "History of DMC" recap video before the podcast
Is that on youtube yet?
why would you think anyone has the game out early :)
>"just doesn't have the edge and maturity of Ninja Theory's underappreciated masterpiece"
>"overdosed on toxic masculinity, with all the female characters thrown to the wayside in favour of macho main characters"
>"punishing difficulty demands mastering convoluted moves, gatekeeping new players from fully enjoying the game"
>"stuck in the past with its heavy focus on gameplay"
>After the shockingly cool and much needed reboot of the series, DMC5 feels like a game that missed its train years ago
We've known for weeks now. It was first revealed during a Capcom TV stream, you silly.
Imagine spending time writing fan fiction about ebil gayming journalists
99.9% you're lying faggot, 0.1% you're a tranny journo.
I'm not sure which is worse.
weak bait
learn to kode
Bui is kill but it'll be sexy
I'd much rather be a lying faggot over a tranny journalist. At least then I still have a shred of dignity.
I don't believe you
could be, could be
will they release the remixes separately
I really want to watch that recap, then. It's probably not super relevant anyway since most of DMC2 doesn't even matter much for V. Still just was a weird thing to hear him mention since I had no idea.
They're going to subvert expectations
Does that thing he wears have a name? Richter Belmont uses it too and it's really stylish.
This proves literally nothing.
weak bait
what if I started streaming it in 10 minutes on twitch?
Are you for real?
It'd still prove nothing.
weak bait
>The sound design was awful. Throughout the game I couldn't even hear any music
vergil can die on my behalf
Imagine living under a rock.
Gaming journalism ain't about passion no more, not since the 90's/very early 00's, it's all about shilling shit and sucking off corporations for minimum wage, because you were too shit to get a job at any other outlet.
DmC:DmC was a game that drove that point home and exposed the clusterfuck that is gaming journalism, and made a lot of people look bad, it became personal for some of them - they don't actually believe the game is good, but won't back down out of misguided principle.
Do it faggot.
post faust hat from gallery or flock off
I mean, it would be pretty fucking strange if I double clicked that icon and DMC5 opened, no?
Accept it user
Give link, big boy.
It's literally just a recap of everything you already know, just with 2 being placed before 4.
It only gets like 15 seconds anyway
Richter just wears a coat with torn sleeves.
DMC2 got like 5 seconds of screentime in the recap.
Does anyone here run a cycling class?
Because someone was playing fucking Devil Trigger next door when I was at the gym.
>10 minutes
Do you really think people are that dumb? No one is falling for that shitty trick.
we ened something big to cover top right empty space
Capcom pls...
>10 minutes
>not 2 hours
try to sing along
imagine being kamiya, creating such an amazing franchise, get 0 credit because another gook made it good
Unless you literally fly yourself to me, install it and launch it on my PC and let me play it for 3 hours, it proves nothing whatsoever.
weak bait
To be fair, this user has a point There's a minuscule chance that he's a reviewer/streamer who got his shit early from Capcom and is having a power trip.
Imagine you are fat fucking retard with zero testosterone in your blood, your hair is balding, you're fat and you have no skills to speak of, so you write about videogames for a living.
To make any sort of money off that, you have to be invited to things and get review copies before release. To accomplish that, you have to suck up to developers and publishers and shill their garbage or get blacklisted.
Its a shitty job, you make minimum wage and you have as much sex as an incel unless you rape a women.
You're trying to do your job, trying to shill the next product and suddenly people tell you that the product you're shilling is garbage, that the developer is a cunt to them and that you should point out that its shit.
You have the choice of either saying 'yes, it is garbage' and get blacklisted, get your income fucked with in the longterm OR you ignore them, try and do your best to shill the garbage you have to.
Because you're incredibly insecure you start attacking these consumers, because you need to keep up the facade that you have any integrity and maybe that publisher will reward you for your relentless shilling.
Then the game comes out and it fails, everyone laughs in your face about what a fucking retard you are for a full month on Twitter, your articles get a few comments every once in a while telling you you are a retard.
How could you not be bitter when that company turns its back on the garbage you've shilled and goes 'yeah, that was a mistake'?
you bet I fucking am
I wish we could roll digits on Yea Forums, I'd spoil shit to dubs/trips
gigapede? would be fitting opposite of the worst boss ever.
Kamiya is fine. He gets credit for RE2, Okami, Viewtiful, Joe Bayonetta. I do think he's a bit salty someone hijacked his franchise and made it much much better, though. But even then I'm pretty sure he's still known as the original creator of DMC
>mfw I play
>up the intensity and resistance with each rank
dont even care, get a high every time.
>QTEs up the ass
>shmup section every two levels
>Mundus harrier is 10 times longer now
No thanks.
>even more missions underwater
>Kaymia STILL wouldn't make a proper fucking mission select.
I don't care if they trash it. Just don't compare it to DmC. It makes them look stupid and makes me roll my eyes so hard, it feels like it's going to the back of my skull.
>what’s your story with the series?
Inherited a PS2 and a box full of games from a kid that got "too old for it" when I was like 9 or so. DMC1 was in the box, among metal gear solid (the one where you're not snake) and rayman rabid rabbits. I had never played videogames in my life but I always loved monsters and demons so I gravitated naturally towards DMC.
Took me days to beat auto-easy, but I eventually did, and the best moment in that game for me was jumping to normal and discovering new demons (fetish, frost). That blew my mind. However, as I didn't know how videogame franchises worked at the time, I assumed DMC was the only DMC and I replayed it over and over for years. It took me 5 to 7 years to find out that DMC2 and 3 existed.
I could never find a physical copy of 2, but 3 (vanilla) was the first and one of two only videogames I have ever bought. Had a blast with it, but got disappointed to realise I had fucked up and I should have bought the special edition.
Eventually I learned of DMC4, installed both it and DMC3se in my computer, and I've been playing both's bloody palaces for over 10 years. They're the only games my laptop can support.
After DmC I thought DMC5 would never come, but here we are.
>his voice isn't affected by the transformation
it is tho? the style switch sounds dont seem to be but his grunts do
What about Griffon?
Or you could have a Nightmare-β shot ricocheting around. It could use more Nightmare.
Do you think a gaming laptop with these specs can run it a max settings??All youtube videos I see can play RE2 at max setting at 40-50FPS steady.I don't even care that much about future gaming,I literally only got back into gaming solely for DMC5
It was Capcom's autism for putting a separate team to develop DMC 2 in 2002, leaving Kamiya in the dark. As much as i'd like to see Kamiya's take on DMC 2, i'm glad Itsuno brought us DMC 3.
Physical copies are out in Japanese stores, shrines are up
But you can't buy it yet lmao
Why are Japanese retail so retarded
Was it just me or did Trish look a lot better in this trailer than in the others?
It is within the realm of possibility, sure, but I'm not believing anything with such flimsy evidence.
I almost finished cavalier+geryon so maybe I'll add them later
>buying a gaming laptop
>mfw I'll do same thing when running
I swear DMC music is so good for cardio
come on you fags stop giving him (You)s
>Capcom and not CAPCOM
>64bit and not x64
>latest capcom games don't even have 2 executables and neither do they have a bin folder
>left the size of the executable out cause why not
>a literal cuck makes an anti-DMC thread
>DMChads invade it and turn it into a second DMC thread
Amazing. You mad lads have defeated the Yea Forums contrarians.
not that user but maybe he needs portability.
Trish objectively has had the least footage of all frontrunning characters and as such, the perspectives we could get of her have been limited. More shots gives more people the chance to "warm up" to her and realise she doesn't actually look bad.
And if you wanna call bullshit on all this, just never forgot that even Dante was considered ugly when we barely had footage of his face
>Implying Capcom wouldn't do it if not for unreasonable demands from Kamiya
He'll try to milk it as hard as he can if they agree.
I wish someone would remove that fucking watermark from this image, or remake it without it.
who the fuck watermarks a fucking meme
>Alastor, Ifrit, Grenade Launcher and Nightmare-b with style movesets
>Sparda probably with DT option
>Phantom and Griffon probably weapons
>Nelo Angelo probably gives dark slayer style upon defeat
>plot actually makes sense and trish is correctly used, and maybe more characters appear so that the game doesn't feel so empty
>shit enemies like berlzebub and sargasso probably get remade with a cool gimmick
In a perfect world we'd have a remake of 1, 2 and 4 (completed story).
Oh my fucking god, please let this be true
>Devil May Cry 5 - Final Trailer (4K full ver.)
>Actually 1080p not 4k
I wouldn't feel bad for Kamiya if DMC2 wasn't pulled from under him and we got a shitty game instead.
>not Ha ha BLOCKED
Kamiya is going soft, fellas.
You gotta Shining Finger Sword before you're allowed to Sekiha Tenkyoken
vergil is shit.
kys retards.
Why is the DMC fanbase the best one on this hellhole?
It's in 4K over at the Nip side of things, it seems Capcom fucked up with the english side of things.
>who the fuck watermarks a fucking meme
This is MY meme. I made it for ME.
There's literally a new meter for super devil trigger, you're a dumb autist.
Don't forget about a hour long underwater session with inverted camera
So what is his final rating? Did he do a good job shilling the game?
Kamiya and Itsuno are bros. Look up Kamiya's tweets regarding DMC2. His respect for Itsuno is genuine, and that respect goes both ways since they've got really impressive resumes.
You mean like in Vergil 2 where they were evenly matched? And then in Vergil 3 when he had access to both weapons?
Kamiya's best game was Okami fight me
10 years of being motivated and even more since 3
>imagine being a vergilfag
lmao @ ur life mate
Alright fuck this. Time to put an end to all the theories. My only warning. Get out now. Or stay .
Damn right he did. By being professional but not TOO professional he managed to present an air of real excitement and genuineness
Autism. It fuels us and a love for fun. I just want to play games. I just want to play some good games.
It would be the best Zelda game whatsoever if it weren't for a constant fucking hand holding you can't turn off
Matt's constant hype is pretty great, 8/10 would play the game with him and have him call me awesome every 2 minutes
That's cute.
That's not Viewtiful joe
That post was from 2013. He's grown angrier ever since.
They did a very good job, they shouldn't have shown Vergil in the first trailer though.
Post actual proof or fuck off.
Hey alright
i wish fujos like you would neck yourselves
>people thought it would be anything besides Dante or Rebellion
weak bait. mail it to me or it's fake
He did well. I thought he was abit superficial since he has background in PR and marketing but he handled the PR well. Defended us from journos and made good communication with the community.
what's that red emerald in the sword is that dante's amulet? maybe it ins't rebellion but sparda 2
Sheer force of MOTIVATION.
>promo only
>not for resale
this actually might be it holy fuck
That disc is so ugly, what the hell.
oh shit
I'm assuming it's Dante's half of the amulet.
He'll always be good in my book for telling that journo to fuck off when he tried to shit on the fanbase over DmC.
that's called a french tuck you fucking moron
I wonder if it's wrong to like Lucia. I meam yeah, I hate the game, but I like her.
Spoil or fuck off
Well shit, se ya
im motivated
life is so unfair sometimes
i wanted to be cool only once too
Stream it
He literally runs his hand through his hair when its wet, he's not Wesker tier.
Fucking do it faggot.
Lucia is hot. It's only natural to like her but hate her game.
It's called a slacker tuck you fucking slacker
shit meme
piss off vergilfag
bullshit faggotry, i don't buy it. Show the character select screen, it hasn't been shown yet.
>Go to friends' to play the vidya
>He shows me DMC
>shows me how you can launch enemies in the air and keep them there with the power of BULLETS
>mfw (from then on everytime I'd see this kind of floating enemies in a game I'd call the move a devilmaycry.)
>get DMC and DMC2 when I get a ps2 myself
>DMC2 is a bit meh but you can run on walls that's pretty cool
>this trailer comes out
>my dick can only be so erect
>DAY1 buy DMC3
>get absolutely demolished by the hell vanguard for hours
>get good
>the game is an absolute masterpiece
>mfw vergil fights
>mfw welcome back
>Vergil 3 is the hardest thing ever
>Beat him after hours, heart pumping like crazy
And that's how DMC3 became my favorite game of all time.
>Vergil vs Wesker
>getting this upset at one of the most common phrases in dmc threads
Is this a new meme?
He feels like a fan and actually knows about Capcom games. His constant hype was endearing and he's the reason Distorted Real Impact is in the game so yeah, he did his job.
Promo disc ends at Mission 11, unless you got a different promo disc.
Because in a DMC thread, it's not a matter of who's more stylish. It's getting to the point where EVERYONE is sick, smoking, and stylish.
>He doesn't do it
You probably don't actually have it anyway, fag. Take this merciful (You).
He did ok considering he's a SJW Resetera poster and Nintentoddler IRL
your "heeheheh dmc thread meme heheheh" is shit and you should feel bad about it.
sounds like a kingdom hearts trailer
I know you're not actually a DMC fan.
Timestamp it. Now.
>the new sword is called Demon Sword Dante
>Dante is finally cool and relevant enough to get his own demon arm
i thought this too
So DMC Flat earth confirmed?
>it's the demo
dmc 1-3 are trash and you homos are high on your nostalgia drugs.
Fuck off.
its probably just "Dante" in english. kinda like Sparda
Inferno would have been top cool. Too bad Vergil isn't cool enough to have his own weapon.
Good games think alike.
Why are they being coy about Vergil? Just show him in earnest. With how gay the fanbase is for him nobody is shocked.
1 and 2, yeah, but 3 was really good
>Dante sells it just to pay the rent
not based
It could be deliberate, after RE2 sold less than KH3.
It's funny, I actually thought it was a horror game when my brothers got the first game with our new ps2, walking through the mallet island castle at night actually creeped me out.
But I'd never seen a game with combat like it before, dante being able to jump and propel himself in the air by shooting his pistols was too fucking cool, as was juggling enemies by shooting them.
Then I saw
>No moon
God the "inside baseball" shit is so pathetic.
>Dante selling his own personal weapon
See? I knew it.
When do I get the Vergil Sword
>what is awakened Yamato in 5
Dante, probably.
It's funny how the games have this EDGE aesthetic but Dante, contrary to all expectations, is actually a really positive guy.
Well...I just got fucked.
Time to bail looks like spoiler time.
We've seen that one
nice 4kHD
>he's not Wesker
Are you sure?
> Sparda didn't tell anyone his sword's name and since he's death as fuck, people just call it Sparda
> Dante still alive
Shit would be awkward if someone try and call the sword's name in front of Dante.
The character select screen has already been showed last week though.
>the tree is close to the moon
>the final battle will be on the moon
that's been happening since 2 months ago
>inb4 Nero gets to wield Dante when Dante dies at the end of 5
>score anything less than SSS and the sword calls you a "deadweight"
The character select screen has been shown before moron, unless you're false flagging.
nah man
i replayed the hd collection trash 2 weeks ago and 3 was poor shit and nothing made sense
>score anything less than SSS and the sword stabs you through the chest, deleting your save file
>he's the reason Distorted Real Impact
Wow fuck him then, that shit just renders every other tactic irrelevant. Hope it's not back to ruin DMC5 too.
It's actually concave in this shot, meaning that it's curved indeed, but they decided to go for a fish eye shot to be artsy for some reason.
This is the most pretentious thing I've ever read in response to someone basically telling you to fuck off
I know you
but that's going to be Vergil's sword
now I know you're just falseflagging
Does anyone have the logo with Dante adn Nero silhoettes?
>Hey look it's Dante
>The sword of Dante
Should I give up learning DMC4 Dante if I'm a lowly console pedestrian? Thank God for DMC5's native training mode, the thought of it makes me nut
Nico's shop theme is groovy
you know how far the moon actually is right
>DMC5 is actually DD2.
>Itsuno killed two birds with one charged shot.
>inb4 the next arc is called Son of Vergil
Not at all, DMC1 is great.
Some people actually think that humans have gone to the moon lmao...
It's slowly drifting away too
Imagine being sent out across that empty void. Fuck that
As long as you can enter a state where your fingers move on their own and you don't consciously make any inputs, you should be good to go with Dante for 5
No, it's really not.
It's a shitty game with mediocre combat, horrible puzzles and god awful dialog. Also, the final boss fight is a mini game shooter.
So, no.
Yeah. I tried for a week. Couldn't handle it and how limp it felt.
This game is shit fuck you Yea Forums
Shush, Reuben.
Don't worry guys, Patty is 18, no longer a kid...
The tree is that big.
Scale is often shown like this but if it were the case, the Moon would be gigantic in the night sky.
>Reuben does nothing but eat pizza, dodge bullets, and shitpost about aliens on instagram
a real life Dante
But nero is a punk. Sure he wouldn't say bad words to kyrie but he clearly talked mad shit to sanctus in her pressence
Stop joining. It's just going to turn into shit flinging about DMC1. I ignored even though I liked DMC1 alot.
I don't think Reuben doesn't believe in the moon landing
I mean, he's all about those ayy lmaos
i know you are falsefagging when you say 3 was good.
What are the live action cutscenes in the deluxe edition? Is it the power rangers nigger being dante irl?
>it's real
shit boy i cry
tfw still hoping that main bad vergil takes some notes from the Wesker look
anyone got the archive from the thread when the trailer dropped?
i was asleep and missed the hype
holy fuck bros
>a move that does insane damage but only gives okay style in a game that is solely about style ruins a game
jesus christ you are retarded
>a state where your fingers move on their own and you don't consciously make any inputs
I've only achieved it once, in DMC3 BP, but then I noticed how crazily they danced over the gamepad, and it ended. Haven't been able to do it since.
>vegan pizza
>He doesn't believe in ayys
>When even Dante does
what a shit song
but well this is nothing new for dmc5 music
They've made it weaker but it still happens. 1000 dmg + 300, not 2000 damage. Also
>something fans specifically ask for
>'fuck him then'
>after defending the fans and allowing livestreams because of how good his translation is
Fuck you buddy.
It doesn't look it. I thought it would be but apparently not. Just the gooks playing the cutscenes out before it went into the game. Could be both though.
*1 UP*
the seething journo needs to retreat to semantics and pilpul to guard themselves so yeah, typical fucking shit from them.
It's the local anti DMC5 autist. Just ignore him. He has no hobbies.
is this a bad angle or is Walker actually THICC
That's the trick, once you consciously notice it, it's gone
It's a bit like meditation but with a controller in your hand and DMC music in your ears
Is that what pure, unadulterated MOTIVATION and style taking a hold of a man look like?
Stop posting this dumb shit about Dante becoming a Devil Bringer. Why do you think this is cool or hype? It's just dumb and unnecessary headcanon without any weight or meaning to it.
>Yamato becomes Urizen
>Gains the demonic branches and blood sucking effects
Just got my copy too.
>but only gives okay style
I wish
LMAO the absolute madman
I said show us something we HAVEN'T seen you fucking faggot.
Alright nigga
Show me Vergil
what a shitty shop
That's BP but yes, the giant tree sphere becomes the Eclipse that opens the door to the demon world.
>1300 damage for a DRI
>when nero's buster arm grab does around 10k
It's kind of funny to think about how absolutely empty the void actually is. Like, that distance is basically just a spread out sheet of nonexistence. If nothing existed then that little pocket would remain exactly as it is, because it is already nothing. It is already as nothing as it could be if the universe had never begun to exist, and that nothingness is this startlingly close to us.
did he gain weight? he looked more badass on e3
tell me your secret man
Wut? What the hell, they've gone to my country, that's our local gamestop. How did I miss this?
Fuck off. Nobody cares about you. You waste your life and time telling other people what do you don't like.
fuck off virgilfag degenerate.
thank you for the warning user, gonna go into this one blind
see you fucks in a week
Where the fuck are Trish and Eva?
You're Not Worthy As My Opponent
>the one day user didn't hang out at Gamestop Itsuno visits
Fuck, mate, that's some luck.
You can use DRI constantly and it was only one DRI version but yeah, basically my point.
Demo disc
old photo from resetera
Fuck that, where is Patty?
He's put on a bit of weight.
Sta. Rosa?
Wait, were those Summoned Sword constructs behind Dante when he was using his new sword?
Trash has no place on the sacred gif
Eva isn't allowed by association with trash
The opening is fucking amazing.
demo disc???? you can only get that digitally
Vergil is completely obsolete now.
Yeah, I said it wrong
not the demo we got, the promo version or whatever it's called, it's not the full game either way.
What the fuck
Only if Dante receives the Motivation Gauge and Dimension Slice.
Dante's probably gonna use Yamato at least once, isn't he?
I hope they integrate the Devil Bringer/being Urizen into Vergil's moveset.
again he probably wont be playable he will probably get cucked by the true boss and shitted on again
Do we even know where it is right now?
Vergil has it in the trailer.
Sparda is "Devil Sword Sparda" in English.
It's even on the website
I should've paid more attention to the news. I was at Northgate looking for a job fuck's sake
Amom its not even a shortct
You fucking pleb, you are ignorant to the true powerup God. Absolute rage leading into a moment of zen/enlightenment when it's over.
>My wrath...
>Is finally...
vergil could be a illusion conjured up by urezin
You mean the straped on pauldron?
But how did it change hands to him from the end of 4? And we don't know if that's truly him or a shadow of him.
>But how did it change hands
Did you forget him ripping off Nero's arm in the garage?
>nothing but the generic sad singing
>this is the main theme
Well, it's shit.
absolute state of dmcfags
Have you been living under a rock?