In 22 more days, the debate of will there be boy bunnies...

In 22 more days, the debate of will there be boy bunnies, or a gender locked class and what are Hrothgar will be answered. And no matter what the winning side will sure as hell will let you know about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

FUCK tanks

please no shotas please no shotas please no shotas please no shotas please no shotas please no shotas

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Please no male bunny at all.

The shotas will be the lions you niglet viera will be the tall race.

It's gonna be square anime boy #1000.

So did you ladies get your little flower hat yet?

These events are phoned in crap

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Can I get the stupid cheer thing from this shit now?

Pogstation baby

iirc, it's just the hat and housing food, not sure.

U want emote? That be 5 dollahs, waitu piggu

You're not getting male bunnies because Yoshida will be fucking murdered by fujoshits once the lion race things are revealed

Why are the pink lala and blue cat so smug?

all i care about is whether or not fray finally takes control of us

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I should've known. I'm one of the fujoshits that'll kill him if they're not revealed.

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Are you going to fanfest?

Didn't the level 70 quest pretty much imply he gave up and now supports you instead of trying to usurp you?

yeah totally...

>join ozma clear
>it's full of women and hicks
>none of them raid
>wipe to AV
I wish they would stop wasting my time, BA was advertised as high end content get the fuck out you dumb shitters
I should have started doing it earlier, now its impossible to clear with those fucking idiots

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i felt like it was more his annoyance over myste's persistence to try and repent/change yourself he took matters into his own hand briefly through exploiting his soul summoning ability

Fray becomes a tsundere after you beat him and accept him at the end of the ARR questline.

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why is DRK storyline so damn good. I love our DRK family we gained as it went on.

I want to stay confident but we all know this is true
squenix only know how to design one kind of male

Well I hope you have fun
And remember me when you nail Yoshida to the cross

>Can't do MSQ because my ilvl is shit
>Can't farm tomes cause no expert
>can't do EXs since everyone's in eureka
>can't do old content cause no one gives a fuck about it anymore
being a gamer who hasn't played since SB release is suffering
at least I'll always have gold saucer

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>do roulettes for poetics
>buy shire gear and augment it
>don't need to worry about gear until level 70

That doesn't work for a tank.

How well will a gtx 960 run on this game? Can it do 1080p/60hz with max settings?

Always get lvl 66 hq or lvl68 gear. The lvl 70 class quest will fuck you over if you dont have lvl66+ gear.

Itt. Learned it the hard way

Warriors are actual babies but Dark Knights are in-lore babies so i guess they're not so bad.

1080 yes but don't go any higher you're hitting the ceiling already.

This new expansion got me thinking really hard. How did the WoL became WoD? What transcribed for us, and the scions as well, to go 180? Are the Acians allies now? What or who managed to completely cripple the alliance in such a short time?

But I am 70.
It's the gap between 4.0 that left me in ilvl 320 (or lower) gear and the next story primal that requires a total of 335.
What's the best way to get a better weapon? Centurio seals?

the game was made to run on a fucking ps3
you're fine

Reminder to report any ERP activity :^)

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"If history must be unwritten. Let it be unwritten."
"How long has it been since that day"
Y'shtola's lines about holding the line till her friends return.
The 4.5 trailer where you are with Hydaelyn and Solus is there.

All signs pointing a time skip where you are stuck and shit goes down in Eorzea whilst you're away. And maybe some time travel where you try and go back before the shit hits the fan and make it right.

Not at max settingd on a ps3. This guy is going to feel tightened with his 960 at max settings and he can forget increasing his resolution.

That's good to hear.

After I tried out other games like TERA where my performance tanked I was worried about FFXIV and since the new expansion needs dx11 I was also worried.

Next patch should answer most of those questions.

runs at 1080/60 on my gtx760

t. massive fucking shitter

I've done level 70 job quests for each role type using just augmented shire gear, and for tank it was dark knight a.k.a by far the shittest tank without TBN.

what a puritan you are

Mendacity tomestones, centurio seals, buy crafted 380 gear from marketboard, run some fucking dungeons for gear drops.

God fuck you closet homo faggots, Viera are all female by lore, now fuck off back to /lgbt/

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>Viera are all female by lore
Cutscene skippers pls go.

>gender locked class
Where did this idea come from? I understand Viera might be female only, but I really hope there is no evidence they are going to make a whole job that can only be played by one gender. That's some crappy korean mmo bullshit.

explain the cat whores in ala ghiri

literally no one wants to play as boy bunnies

I think they meant gender locked "race", not "class"

I do.
But I'm a flaming homosexual who's sick of playing a catboy.

no need to repeat yourself user

Big daddy varris and his big cock, hmm.
Aren't you fucking gay ?
Did you find your papa ?

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Anything I can turn down in the settings to have my 960 run smooth?

based retard falseflagger

>be a tank in non-Savage content
>the astrologian is in shield stance
>no single target regens, ED or Excog are ever used on me
>healers complain I'm too hard to heal
Oh I hate this

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>be tank in savage content
>pugs do the same shit

They are though, male viera are known as hrothgar.

>Cutscene/dialog skipping shitter

Then explain why the leaked script has lines for both male viera and female hrothgars?

Do I do the latest beastmen tribe of the expansion if I'm new to the game or should I do the ARRs ones first?

How long would it take me to finish up all the beastmen tribe quest for a new player?

Came back after a long break and catching up on stuff. How hard is Seiryu EX? Getting my ilvl up now and doing Suzaku EX runs which are insanely easy even if people fuck 2-3 times.

>worrying over another flavor of hyur with animal accessories

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Shadow quality was the biggest hitter for me
everything else made virtually no difference in performance

start with changing LoD, shadow cascading, and ambient occlusion settings. also # of rendered players, but that isn't in the graphics for some reason

I ignored the ARR beast tribes until SB then I really wanted to mask so I grinded them all out. Starting from zero with each one it took me almost a full month to max them all out provided you do the dailies every single day.

only suncats are whores.

Didn't they say a while ago that they didn't want to alienate people with gender locked classes which was why male cats were an option this time? Don't know why they would go back on that.

All cats are whores
Especially the boys

miqo'te and viera aren't classes

Well shit, that is some grinding. Three months to max out all the beastmen tribe quest from all the expansions.

I meant races.

Yoshi P said this in an interview around the release of ARR.
>Since it seems like Viera is popular around the world we have been proactively looking into this, but since having a rabbit male might be kind of weird, maybe we’ll look into having a separate race for the male counterpart.

If you're already logging on every day to do stuff it's not really that bad. It only takes about an hour a day to max out all quests from the available tribes before having to wait for the daily reset.

t. lorelet
female mooncats are emancipated and have proper jobs unlike suncats.

I chimped out a while back in O12 normal where people were repeatedly dying to unavoidable aoe damage because the healers weren't healing properly, and then they blamed the DPS for getting too many vuln stacks even though we were dodging everything. Also one of the tanks was in sword stance and never cooldowned for the tank busters so he kept dying. Of course when I told the healers they sucked since I saw them dying to actually avoidable mechanics one of them decided to not roll on loot until the last second "to teach us a lesson"

And like I seriously mean, we're all standing around half health while the boss is untargetable and there's a 5 second wait until one of them decides to cast a single aoe heal. I fucking hate shit healers so much, especially ones that get uppity out of nowhere. they weren't even doing damage.

I just stop trying to give people advice at all anymore. Even if you're being polite about it and genuinely not trying to call them out for being ass, 9/10 they'll still chimp out on you and insist they're doing fine and it's everyone else's fault except theirs. I'd rather just fuck off and find a different party than stick around a wipe multiple times because someone has their head up their ass.

>Do O12 Normal
>Reach the phase where everyone can only attack either Omega-F or Omega-M
>I put up my DoTs on Omega-F
>Tank is sitting around doing nothing
>I get aggro on Omega-F
>I die
>We wipe

I fucking hate shit tanks

>O12 normal
Oh god, this fight.
I've had a party with two braindead dps that kept trying to damage Omega-M when they had the debuff that made them unable to do so.
Omega-F had 70% HP left when Omega-M died.

If people really cared about playing good they would have looked up a guide. Takes 10 minutes to read a guide or watch one on youtube, but even that is too hard for normies.

How hard are Extreme primals compared to O12N?

>proper jobs
Like poaching?

Other than Shinryu they're all really easy

Definitely quite a bit harder.
Especially since enrages ensure you can't just slog through it.

So technically about the same as O12N if not easier but enrages make them harder because people are retarded and suck at DPSing?

much much more punishing and requires some degree of coordination. It's a stretch to call them hard but you do need to know the mechanics and when they're coming since wipes can and will happen in response to one major fuckup. O12 N you just have the problem that it's completely PUG content so you get all the braindead shitters who repeatedly fail to the simplest mechanics. Getting your first clear with PUGs is a fucking pain since you have to deal with a lot of retards causing wipes that are completely out of your control.

The mechanics are a bit more complex, and require more planning and cooperation.

Youre gonna want to atleast get the crafting beast tribe for each expac done to make levelling doh/l less of a chore

Oh god, there is crafting beastmen tribe quest? I've never gotten into crafting. Is crafting hard or just boring where you're pushing a button to pray to the RNG gods?

>So technically about the same as O12N if not easier but enrages make them harder because people are retarded and suck at DPSing?
Just about. The mechanics themselves aren't a lot harder (in fact they're mostly the same but less telegraphed/more complex and a bit faster), but in EX fights they tend to be more punishing if you fuck them up. Something that would give you a bit of damage and a vuln stack in a normal fight might just outright murder you in an extreme fight.

In SB?

Susano'o: Not too bad. Hardest part is positioning for the Storm Clouds but once you figure that out the rest of the fight is pretty straightforward. The fight is generally salvageable if you have good healers even if people fuck up a couple of times.

Lakshmi: Pretty easy. Probably the easiest of the primals. The only thing that can really kill you is not positioning correctly for some AoEs but that's about it.

Byakko: Not too bad. He has a pretty long enrage timer and there's a DPS check you can bypass entirely later in the fight by using tank LB3. Probably the second easiest Primal of SB.

Tsukiyomi: Not too bad provided everyone knows what they're doing. I know that sounds obvious, but it's one of those fights where it only takes a single fuck-up from one person to spiral the entire fight downwards. There's little margin for error even if the mechanics themselves aren't that complicated.

Shinryu: I'd say the most difficult of the SB primals. Tons of mechanics going on almost all the time, a lot of DPS checks, and again it really only takes one person to throw the run into a shitter.

Suzaku: Not too hard. Not too easy. It's actually really easy if you're a DPS as your only job is to not fall of the arena. Tanks and Healers have a bit of a harder time because Suzaku's attacks hit really hard even when you do the mechanics correctly so they have to be really on point with their heals and cooldowns. The simon says parts tends to fuck people up a lot for some reason but even if you get exploded once or twice you can generally come back from it as long as the healers are decent.

Haven't tried Seiryu yet.

yep, ixal are 1-50, moogles are 50-60, namazu are 60-70. you can play as a gatherer as well

I get a giggle when doing daily raids during boss fights when they prep their "stand here or instantly die" move and whilst the majority of the raid go to the designated place there's a couple of dps happily chipping away at the boss unaware of their impending doom.

>but since having a rabbit male might be kind of weird
why would he think that
weirder than having a rabbit female? what about rabbits are inherently female (or non-male)?

Dun Scaith really is a pug killer to this day. Even now there had been some that wiped on Deathgaze, the first boss.

Crafting in xiv is actually pretty fun imo its a combination of planning ahead and luck. If you're NEW new though dont even worry about that I didnt start crafting until a year after I started.

Well shit, that means I'll be stuck with ixal for a while since crafting has 7 jobs and gathering has 3 jobs.

Seiryu you're mainly praying that the tanks are competent enough to deal with the double tank swap tank buster, and deal with the tethers. 90% of the wipes when I was trying to first clear was because of fucking awful tanks fucking up cursekeeper, or pointing the tethers at the party.

for whatever reason, rabbits are strongly associated with femeninity, especially in japan since they are taught that the moon has a bunny shaped shadow in it and female deities in general are associated with the moon

figured it must have been a cultural thing, just didn't know what
I thought the moon bunny thing was chinese, didn't know the japs did that too

I mean they mention that males bunnies are a thing in XII so it's not like there's zero precedence for it. The reason I can see them thinking it's weird is because we've only seen the females ones, but it's honestly a cop out of they use that as an excuse.

>why is DRK storyline so damn good
Because it actually gives you character development and your character indirectly speaks through the darkside manifestations as opposed to the silent mindlessly ever-nodding person you are 99% of the time.

technically you don't even have to craft or gather to max your DoH / DoL classes. just visit the grand company and see what the delivery item is and buy it off the market board once a day, but this method can get expensive quickly. daily quests definitly aren't the main mode of leveling crafts anyways, that would be levequests and collectibles

How hard would it be for me to get into crafting/gathering if I'm new?

I was specifically talking about the fact he said rabbit
We all know male viera are a thing in universe, but it sounded like he was specifically referring to the animal and not using a funny name

I was honestly amazed when I went into a PF for it to help out some FC buddies and had people talking about how the tankswap is 'tricky' and generally gets them killed a lot. It's literally just a couple of normal tank swaps. Do PF tanks not know that abilities lock on as soon as the cast bar starts so they try to swap right after it ends or something?

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lore wise, male miqote are even less common than male viera just due to their biology, but they don't make a point of being hidden like viera. lore related reasons for keeping players from not having access to certain potential content have always been bullshit though

This event was so shit. Takes 10 minutes to complete and the story was fucking nothing tier. The rewards were shit as well.

Decently hard?

If you don't wanna spend 50K Gil every day on the marketboard you ARE going to have to level your gatherers first to gather the materials needed for crafting

I've found the following are pretty consistent pug killers:

>The Vault
>Bardam's Mettle
>The Burn

>Final Steps of Faith

Alliance Raids
>Dun Scaith

Normal Raids
>Sigmascape 4 (Kefka)
>Alphascape 3 (Omega) will slaughter people who don't know Larboard from Starboard and can't remember Omega flips 180' (aka most of your party)
>Alphascape 4 (Genderfluid) will knockback people to their deaths in the first swap to female form and will stress your healers out during the last stage of the fight

Honorable mentions
>The Royal Menagerie will wreck newbies but can be carried easily by most others
>Labyrinth of the Ancient's Behemoth fight will kill everyone if all 4 people don't step back to make sure the rocks aren't directly under Behemoth. If you get players marked and they all place it on the target ring you're probably fucked
>Labyrinth of the Ancient's flare mechanic in the final fight will kill everyone if the melee DPS get greedy
>Orbonne Monastery is either the comfiest shit ever or absolute hell at Thunder God Cid and only Thunder God Cid

What if I'm a neet and have a ton of time on my hands? Still hard?

starting out is really rough, in order to be self sufficient it's necessary to level all DoH and DoL simultaneously. individually they level much faster than any combat job, but the combined time is a slog in comparison. by the time you reach level 50 in everything you get a lot of key skills and gear that make the whole process a lot less frustrating though. i would say the primary benefits of going through the whole ordeal is being able to repair your armor mid dungeon and being able to craft expensive glamours or other items from raw materials instead of being a slave to the market board

Don't listen to the stupid niggers telling you it's hard. It's time consuming at worst, but putting in a bit of time every day is good enough. I leveled all my crafters/gatherers simultaneously with my combat classes when I started out, slowly leveling them through effortless daily turn-ins and spending some time actually playing those non-combat classes on the weekends. I would recommend doing the same if you actually plan on crafting at end game, because you'll probably kill yourself doing a marathon 1-70 grind for all of them if you put it off until the end as opposed to doing a small bit over time.

Omega and Larboard and Starboard are so fucking easy though

1. Memorize that Larboard = Left and Starboard = Right

2. Keep an eye open for which one he uses first and dodge it

3. Immediately rush to the other side to dodge the next one

4. Success

Just placeholder text you stupid nigger, french defaults to male pronouns dumb fuck.

Male viera are not being added.

Will cat ladies die out and get replaced by bunny girls?


People still get hit by Fore and Aft. To those people, the concept of Larboards and Starboards is too complex.

God, i'm so hyped about this new GUB class.
I hope he'll be better than fucking DRK and take a good place in meta. GUB really looks good.

Nah cause Larboard makes me think Left because of the L. Thus the choice is easy. The problem with the other one if I don't use either groups of terms in everyday conversation.

Not a chance. All the minimum height pale ones are guaranteed to be cat fantas that'll change back in a month though.

I don't get how people have problems with Larboard, Starboard, Fore and Aft. Sure Left/Right would be better but get this...

You can memorize and associate that Lardboard = Left and Starboard = Right in 5 minutes. Crazy, right?

The thing is that you really can forget about meta only when you are playing with full stack of friends who agreed to play with your non-meta job.

If you are use DF or PF, or even chat, then when you play on non-meta job t is DISRESPECT to others.
For example, we all know that WAR is MUCH better as tank than DRK in every way. In terms of damage and mitigation for example.
So if you go somewhere with random people and you chose DRK as your tank, then it is DISRESPECT to others because you lower chances to success and even if you succeed it will take much more time.

Meta exists for random groups because it is the mos effective to play the game. If you don't play meta with strangers, then you really show them how you give zero fucks about their time, life and feelings. And that is toxic behavior.

Do you drive to work in the morning? Or do you run a mile, catch 2 buses and then grab a cab even though you have a functioning vehicle?

People do things in general because it's easier to do them. If you are trying to do something that is not that simple, why on earth would you make something more difficult for not only yourself or others? It is pure toxicity and should be punished.

You can't bring bunk players with bunk builds and expect good things to happen, I'm sorry that's just not how it works. People are not going to be happy if they are failing because one player has specifically decided to not do their best.

If you want to run content with off meta builds then you need to ask your friends and play exclusively with them. It's that simple.
Because nobody wants to tolerate toxicity from others. And playing off meta IS toxicity.

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Most popular races by my predicition

1. Cat girls
2. Au Ra
3. Viera
4. Hyur
5. Lalafell
6. Elezen
7. Roegadyn

Although Viera technically look fantastic they're still going to be tall lanklets and the short uguu kawaii meow nyan owo catgirls and lizards won't change

>For example, we all know that WAR is MUCH better as tank than DRK in every way. In terms of damage and mitigation for example.
This is where you're wrong, kiddo.

>"WTF how did I get hit by Larboard twice? I swapped sides!"


Seems like a really inefficient way to live
>born into a society of sun-kissed fat-assed bunny amazons
>"lol aight yall im bouta head out forever"
What a bunch of gays

>If you don't play meta with strangers, then you really show them how you give zero fucks about their time, life and feelings
Exactly right. I'll play what I enjoy and feel like playing at the time. Why would I give a fuck about strangers?

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You're forgetting the new most popular choice.

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cant wait for march 23rd or whenever fanfest is so people stop debating about race genderlocks when we don't even know for sure yet

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How do I git gud with AST? It's so damn hard to play.

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*gets world firsts as DRK*

FFXIV is the only MMO on the market with perfect balance. Every job does top-tier DPS and you can play any job in Savage raiding. Does BLM do more DPS than a RDM? Sure. However RDMs can and will and do end-game raiding easily. Are MCHs a fucking PITA to play? Sure, however they still put out more DPS than BRDs.

Meanwhile WoW balancing is fucking retarded.


Maybe it actually is efficient, because if males and females lived together they'd do nothing but shag all day and you get overpopulation.

god bless contraception

Being able to clear content with a job doesn't mean its balanced. The guy could have brought any of them because hes an ace, and surely would have performed even better statistically. He just liked how DRK plays somehow. You can't expect that level of play from randoms, so its best to take what you know works.

Women don't have horns, user.

>still believing races won't be genderlocked, at least for the duration of Shadowbringers

Until something straight up can't be killed by a certain job's damage, meta comps only matter if you're trying to speedrun, and you're a retard for trying that with random people.

Still, maybe the libido is so great they'd get nothing else done all day.

>still believing they will be gender locked
>after the frog leak
You're an actual imbecile.

>he doesn't think we're getting 2 full races hence the "WE'RE PROBABLY NEVER ADDIGN ANY MORE RACES" comment

it would be a huge expansion hook as well, since so far no really big new features for the xpac have been announced yet outside of trusts i guess

im probably being too optimistic though since i know how lazy these fucking devs can be

>They think they're getting two full races and not two genderlocked races
>They think placeholder text proves anything at all
>They're this delusional for their fujobait characters.

> FFXIV is the only MMO on the market with perfect balance.
Check this parses, bruh!
> Does BLM do more DPS than a RDM?
In theory, the highest personal DPS class in the game and up there with summoner in aoe situations. But no raid dps puts it behind all the meta classes in value. Where BLM is really problematic is that it occupies the caster slot with no raise which makes it actively bad for prog compared to rdm or smn. And like samurai, no one really wants one in their party for fflogs reasons. Also can force the group to adjust strategies for BLM optimisation which can be annoying.
Saw some use for early UWU clears, but most groups just run summoner for both prog and post-prog at this point and its low DPS makes it not very valuable if you aren't verraising aplenty.
> MCHs a fucking PITA to play
Drop in popularity as it’s still a worse bard (ever since hypercharge nerf it’s been more profound) and its usefulness in prog diminished for UWU with dismantle being largely ineffective for the more critical points of the fight (still great for UCoB though).
People who capable on World First can play whatever they want. Are you capable on WF? No. So play according to fucking meta.

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>hanging on the le/la

Copy-pasted dialogue code from other races is no indication whatsoever.

Well you are fucking toxic.
In overwarch people like got BANNED.

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I play tank and I've had to explain some of the most basic shit in Seiryu fights even though I've only been playing the game a few months myself. I'm no expert at the game but there's a real lack of knowledge in the greater playerbase of how enemy casted abilities work and what provoke and shirk actually do.

>wanting male viera is fujobait
man i bet you play a fucking female catgirl or something, literally why would you be against a male variant of a race being added.
the lore they gave us make them sound like ruthless protectors of the forest, do you really think they're going to look like fucking prettyboys?

Thats already too much effort
>Be behind boss
>Lar = move right, star = move left
>Boss turns 180, flip camera 180
>Do the same

This is your tank for today.
And let me remind you that you are not allowed to kick him or judge his playstyle

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>t-the a-a-actual game files p-prove NOTHING!
Oh lawd...
>giant lion bitches are fujobait
Wait, what?

Then why are there masculine comments about male viera being handsome and feminine comments about female hrothgar beauty?
If they were just being lazy frogs: why not copy the gender-neutral Au Ra lines?

oh holy shit I know you're baiting but kill yourself

I came back 2 months ago after quitting 2 years ago, at level 50 with nothing.

I'm now level 70 with 391ilvl, number 2 in my fc running raid content with my peoples. It's not the game, it's not the community. It's you

She's the worst thing in existence

If I pay a sub early April (character on Goblin server), will I be able to free transfer?

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user why are you playing a 2 second looping webm
oh no

Yes exactly. Machinist is shit to play but puts out great DPS. Bard is easy to play and puts out great DPS. Thanks for proving my point.

>do you really think they're going to look like fucking prettyboys

I'm not against male Viera but you know that they're just going to be brown dudes with bunny ears. None of the races look vastly different from each other by gender except for female Au Ra being short compared to male ones.

I kind of hope they do the inverse of that for males if they are in just to there will be some variety.

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Tell SE to make content that actually hinges on the team comp more than just taking a LB hit for doubling up.

You can cite the reason "conflicting playstyles" when kicking tho

I play based midlander you flaming faggot. Male viera would only be added for dumb Miqo male players that pick face 2.

You're just gonna get tall male Miqo's which is pure fujobait nigger.

>>Then why are there masculine comments about male viera being handsome and feminine comments about female hrothgar beauty?
>If they were just being lazy frogs: why not copy the gender-neutral Au Ra lines?

It's still the same copy-pasted code from other races. How many times does this need to be explained? There's no difference in the result once the boolean check passes, so why would they make seperate code? For Au Ra it was actually necessary because there you're dealing with a grammar exception.

Not only would making seperate code be an excess waste of time, it would have to be redone once they add the missing genders in 6.0 after two years of whining from the community.

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hey hey

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>Male vierafags on suicide watch

Based bara cat posters sticking it to faggots again.

i don't, we already have enough cutesy races, for both male and female

i honestly hope we're getting some highlander/elezen hybrid looking males for viera

>tfw hrotghar is simply the name for the shota bunny boy race and there's customization options that give them a lot of hair thus "lion's mane"

If the game had this much semblance of imbalance it would actually be fun lmao. I can’t believe there are people who actually believe this post. Zoomers are so pathetic

>we already have enough cutesy races, for both male

Nigga what? There is not a single cute male race, Lalafell look ugly.

That would actually be the best timeline.

>Small short fuzzy shota's.

>do you really think they're going to look like fucking prettyboys
Yes because this is final fantasy. They might have the slightest more muscle tone than cats, but they'd still be miqote 2.0

>what are catboys

Catboys are tall ugly fuckers and way too masculine.



Pick one

I'm so happy we're getting cute shota bunnies

Attached: Cute.jpg (870x1060, 164K)

i think you got them confused with male highlanders somehow. all catboys are twink manlets

I just want a shorter race that don't have the proportions of a sack of potatoes like Lalafell that makes almost every armor look dumb on them.

People want to look like traps, catboys are too masculine.

Catboys are twunks, people want twinks.

>hrothgar are a race of gay bara lion men

Attached: 50890823308166.jpg (540x568, 66K)

>Check this parses, bruh!
Are you talking about the fact that some jobs are more popular than others or the fact that the gap from lowest to highest dps is about 1k and even the low end is plenty enough dps to clear every fight in the game with time to spare? I don't think either of them point to poor balance.

Meanwhile there's still this:

I could see them adding two full races honestly. But two full races AND visually distinct sub-race variants that aren't just palette swaps?

Attached: Screenshot-2_2_2019-10_06_15-PM.jpg (1366x768, 109K)

Catboys are ugly as fuck

Attached: Hurr Durrr.jpg (624x396, 105K)

We're getting big bunnies.

Attached: 1551373062391.webm (640x640, 1.56M)

The fact that they have shown off the cute, short concept art multiple times now means we're getting the cute, short Feol race.

I've been here too long. I was sure the rabbit would start to hump the little girl.

yeah man just look at all that au ra art they showed us and we totally got the cool demonic succubus-like au ra and not asian humans with skin cancer

>female au ra on the verge of suicide

Except the demonic Au Ra concept art never would've made it in the first place because they'd have to spend even more time and money customizing every single armor in the game to fit them.

The cute, short Feol subrace on the other hand will need minimal adjustments.

bullshit, they were still shaped like humans.

The only reason why I can see those being an actual thing beside Yoshida shushing Namae at the panel is that it would take minimal effort to adapt the pre-existing "young Elezen" model into a new race.

Attached: Ccg_rjSWEAENEXU.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

>retards fighting over genderlock/shota/tall
>meanwhile I already got what I wanted

Attached: vierab.jpg (1920x1080, 1.01M)

Exactly. The female Viera are already a combination of Hyur Midlander and Elezen meshes so the Feol would be the same except use the younger Elezen meshes.

>People assume the leaked race is a bara cat
>People also want shota male rabbits

I think the best middle ground here is that the leaked race are all built like a ripped Danny DeVito.

I never really play female characters in XIV, but I have to agree they look fucking amazing. It feels like they got better 3D modelers recently or something and it shows a lot on Viera.

>If you are use DF or PF, or even chat, then when you play on non-meta job t is DISRESPECT to others.
>Are you capable on WF? No. So play according to fucking meta.
Things like this always make me wonder if the writer has some lingering trauma from his early mmo days. Like some fresh and bright eyed new player got into his first raid with a less than optimal setup, the entire party full of tryhards shat on him for being a useless scrub and new player swore to himself to never be that guy again. That kind of thing.

How do people do this?

Good faces, good animations, and no tail clipping.

"you dont pay my sub"

The only good catboy face is the old looking one though

>fighting over races that they'll just change back from in a week
I just got my gunblade. As long as it doesn't somehow end up worse than mch I'll be happy.

Which only started to show up years after the game's re-release when many of the WoW population took interest in FFXIV.

>Implying it won't become a new go to tranny race we'll circlejerk about for next 2 years
All that's left is to wait for the disappointment that the dancer reveal is going to be.
give me chemist already god damn it

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Can ShB even top Heavensward?

Attached: 1549388798224.png (400x750, 187K)

I hope it's not shit. I'm loving the 80's action hero feel, and FF VIII was my first FF.

Attached: FFXIV_PUB_FANFESTIVAL_2019_PARIS_06.png (1767x2500, 3.43M)

But dancer will be a bigger tranny circlejerk than Viera or Au Ra ever were

If you cast a lot and leave early you don't get shit?

Imagine if Dancer is a dps after all.

I think the height and bunny noses might end up getting old to a decent amount of people.


Gotta stay in the instance until the loot is divvied up

I'd unironically would be happy at the announcement, that'd mean that in future expansions we will be guaranteed to get a healer and that healer will be guaranteed to not be dancer.

Attached: 1395948414807.jpg (810x780, 70K)

I hope we get chemist or some kind of new dark magic healer

Even if it's shit it's looking like the only tank that doesn't have extra as fuck emotes.

>Hur dur look at this ancient concept art drawn during the Neolithic period its definitely the version they will pick out of the dozens they displayed

What do you mean?

Attached: sfs.jpg (1920x1080, 745K)

I mean it'd be shit if it was, another melee dps that would need to either be between DRG or NIN or take over NIN's spot as full utility bitch.

DNC as a healer is already confirmed

>Chemist/Necromancer split from Alchemist story depending on whenever your character accepts bringing the dead back to life as an impossible task
i m a g i n e

Attached: 1551324427053.gif (647x534, 1.55M)

I played mch since heavensward dropped and this just looked like the shot in the arm my enthusiasm for the game needed. I had other roles, but it was my favorite visually, so I kept it up.

It really isn't. It's very, very likely, but no leaks or official info have confirmed it's healer.

Yes? and? have you seen DRK's male victory emote? or PLDs? or WARs? they're all objectively way too peppy.

The zone in the Gunbreaker vid is supposed to be Ahm Araeng right?

Thatt looks like a Garlean railroad in the background. Looks like we're going Garlemald after all.

I'm not liking the combat idle very much. Squall or Seifer stance would've been better.

Attached: gunidle.jpg (1532x940, 721K)

BLUfever confirmed dancer as healer you dumb bing bong.

the only ahm araeng parts we've seen are the crystal parts and the desert-y parts, this area looks kinda thanalan-ish but it's most likely it's part of ahm araeng yes

Nope. He never said what roles gunblade user and Dancer they would be. Go ahead and check.

b-but my greatsword spin! it give me 10% dps boost!

Yes he did, on sync weavers video about jobs he leaked the gunblade job as tank and dancer as healer, before he scrubbed his shit clean.

Attached: 250px-KH_Sora_1.5remix.png (250x379, 91K)

I didn't say they would pick it. I just said I wouldn't mind if they made the males short in comparison to the females. You ok user?

Yeah, they wont change will they?

That’s not Sora’s combat idle stance. He hunches over like he’s trying to take off his shoes (KH1). That’s Soras running animation (combat)

The threads been deleted but you can see the beginning of his post on sync's videos. He confirmed dancer in that comment section.

How about dnc is just a melee support job. We've already got brd and mch. We need another support job to round out the three.

Well, just to be sociable I'll take your word, all I have is the gamefaqs pastebin.

So what form of tanking is even left to make gunblade unique in what it does?

They have to make it ranged.

Someone do content with me!

Attached: 1550806119977.png (1280x720, 907K)

Can anybody else on PS4 not log in at the moment?

you a boy?

Not necessarily. They can just give it a range attack like what nin has and I bet dnc will use scouting gear.

Yes, I play as a girl though.

Faster gcd?

>finally Agrias' coat drops
>it's sks/ten
Cut my life to pieces

All forms of tanking are the same dude. you just pop cooldowns and use your longer cooldown (Holmgang/Living Dead/Hallowed Ground) in certain parts of the fight.

>Use it for glamour, dummy.

>Not a male miqo twink

No thank you.

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I don't like the weird hunched over animation or their facial markings much. I'll fantasia to a shota bunny boy on the off chance we actually get those.

Dodge tanking doesn't work with this game because dodging is binary mitigation.
Lifesteal tanking doesn't work with this game because if you don't live through a tankbuster it doesn't matter how good your lifeleech is.
Damage normalization (stagger) tanking would work, but it would also literally break this game in half.

The most exciting tanking you can make in this game is by letting you build a resource and then have a choice of spending it on more damage or more mitigation. WAR has that kind of mechanic but it has so many other cooldowns that it doesn't matter. DRK obviously does this with TBN but only at 70. So they could do something like that again but better. That's it.

One massive leap of logic and delusional hope you could make is that Gunbreaker will use Riskbreaker mechanic of pressing different attacks at the right time to string longer combos because the names are similar.
And being able to become Ashley Fucking Riot would singlehandedly make it the coolest job around

Attached: tarothink.jpg (555x328, 23K)

Maybe more debuffs to moderate the boss's outgoing damage? Staggering damage to turn a tankbuster from a one-shot into a DoT? Having some good ranged options to make it a handier off-tank? I'm mostly wondering what the invuln skill will be. We already have "only health point that matters is the last one", "lol what damage?" and "hope you brought a WHM" so I'm not sure what could be done to make it effectively different but not either trash or a straight upgrade from everyone else.

BASED dress up in your glamour and post it when the time comes.

>lets take the problem NINs all whined about and make it even worse: the class
Wouldn't put it past em to be honest

Of course, but I want someone to play with now...

Do people still do Palace of the Dead? I want to get the mount from there.

This nigga is a sprout

He obviously boosted a class he doesnt understand, quit being a fag

Pinglets need not apply.

Attached: a-ok.png (600x525, 94K)

Its like him said It would work? Yes, but would make the Gunbreaker the best tank in the game by far, you would only think twice about bringing him if his damage was shit, (and then if that happens the community will complain about his dps.)
I honestly think he will play the same as the other 3. The only thing that i cant literally guess how it will work is his Holmgang/Living Dead/Hallowed Ground.

What data center? I'd be happy to do it with you but you'd need to other people to come too.


Only thing I can see is magitech barrier, but that's already in the teaser video.

Oh no I was asking in general, because someone told me once I start out in the game to just do Palace of the Dead to get fast experience and the mount looked cool.

I unironically can't wait to play a Viera using a class that isn't lore friendly at all like BLM, PLD or DRG

I like to imagine that other Viera look at him funny like "where tf inna woods you learn that shit"

I'm on Behemoth.
The mount comes from floors 100-200, you can only do those with a preformed party or by yourself if you're good enough. PotD was the fastest leveling to 60 though last time I played and plenty of people do the lower floors still.

Yes but you wont often find PF groups or anything since it's enough of an investment that you'll need all 4 people to be available for 2 or 3 days

Just get some friends together

For dungeons it's Aurum Vale, Bardam's, and The Aery.

its floor 151-200 iirc

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Honestly i fully expect a melee range, machinist-like tank, ammo-based buffs, magitek shields/bubbles etc.

Speak for yourself.
t. fujo

I doubt any playable Viera would've been forest Viera to begin with. More like part of a Diaspora of the ones living in Dalmasca and surrounding areas after it was conquered by the Empire.

How it works? Just take 0 damage like paladin?

I do

Specifically because i love Viera but at the same time i don't want to play a female character

Holy fucking shit RDM weapons look retardedly bad.

What about:


They're just Paladins with spears.

And a splash of anti-magic

Got me on that one, I thought you meant how it looked. Maybe kind of like that and DRKs where it's basically a second health bar for a bit? Or puts vulnerability on whatever breaks it?

Attached: 1530962644167.jpg (640x480, 73K)

I wish they just didnt have the dumb floaty bauble and just had us cast magic with our offhand, witcher style

200 on one ship. 200 on another.
400 total Eorzeans, plus the WoL.

Let's posit that these 400 and 1 people are Eorzea's last survivors.
The first ship contains 100 femroes and 100 catgirls, the second ship contains 100 lalafells and 100 au ras.

Giant holes have opened up at the bottoms of both ships.
You character alone has the ability to repair a ship.
Now then, which ship would you repair?

Attached: mage killer.jpg (906x1080, 147K)

Attached: GremChuckle.webm (1274x892, 1.03M)

Interestingly my problem isn't with the crystal but the rapier. The crystal looks pretty damn good a lot of the time but the rapiers are dogshit and look terrible.

The 3rd ship with Hyurs and Elezens

I'm still holding out hope for mystic knight after an user posted a pretty good theory about how it could work in the game.

I can only stand the 70 poster boy one.

I would let both ships sink. Just imagine what would happen if you repair the aurafell ship and some cats manage to climb on it. That is not a risk I am willing to take.

>Saving either

Attached: 1548529794532.png (492x504, 356K)

Cover + Hallowed ground one ship before the holes, repair the other.

I also believe it's an alternate version of Thanalan

In that situation he could save people, unlike how you were unable to save her_____

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GUB is fucking awesome!

I always liked that they join together to make a little staff for casting magic, it's neat to see the weapon from the perspective of both a sword and a staff. Some of the swords look dumb but I'm used to trying to make the best out of the sad excuse this game has for axes so RDM weapons look pretty nice compared to that.

It's worth noting that Shinryu Ex is probably on tier with fights like O3S, O7S, and O11S. Mechanically it's not quite as hard as those three fights, but the fight takes 15 minutes to beat.


Absolutely disgusting.

>Cover + Hallowed ground
I'll register you as a retard.

This won't become an ''epic pasta'' stop forcing it. All your doing is shitting up this board even more.

Vulnerability on whatever breaks it would be so good. i would love that shit.
it would be like WAR, instead of using the fucking cooldown to defense, lets just dps lol. it would be perfect for XIV.

And what's YOUR suggestions? GBR? GNB? GBK?

>People who capable on World First can play whatever they want. Are you capable on WF? No. So play according to fucking meta.
The meta literally only applies if you're attempting to do parse runs, or if you need a crutch during low iL clears at the start of tiers. Otherwise it literally does not matter.
Stop talking like you actually understand how this game works.

Mine is GUN. pretend that the breaker doesnt exist.

I hope gunbreaker would have some nice self heal.
Cause it's fucking awful that only warrior have it. I believe that tanks should have some control over their HP during the fight.

Simply GUN, which is what makes sense when looking at other jobs. GBR is the only other acceptable one.


I don't want the big fucking hole in me dumbass

>GUNs that shield when the boss goes invulnerable
I can see it already.

there are guides
>Culinary to 37
>Carpenter to 50
>Weaver to 50
>Alchemist to 50
if I remember right. otherwise you want to level them as closely as possible to share gear. Ixali dailies take about 1-2hours depending on luck with mining/botany/fishing quests and how familiar you are with them. They can burn you out if you rely on them solely though.
tl;dr if you're going to even make a start on crafters/gatherers you wont be playing combat jobs for a month or two

Are they really gonna fucking genderlock an entire race? Fuck that shit, yoshida was against it on the change from 1.0 to 2.0 why would he do it now?

Or not using at all. It would be truly a XIV job.

Don't listen to the trannies. There's no reason to think it'll be gender locked other than depression.

can I have a midlander bf pls

The women I can understand but how do you know they are hicks? Are you on voice chat with them?

Because WoW is doing pretty fucking well and show us TWO cool new races, that forced SE to do this ugly male power fantasy shit.
WoW's new races looks cool, have some lingering story background and deep lore, we already saw their society and know how do they live.
While XIV's new race just... an out of season april fools joke.

Attached: 1517833504068.jpg (1594x1194, 393K)

ok retard

>Fat humans and reskinned trolls

I assume this is just really bad bait because the WoW models like like absolute horseshit.

Attached: qo1g73.png (1593x1080, 2.55M)

Honestly we don't need any more races, they add nothing to play style and just require you to either dump extra money into the game or grind up a new character.

>stop wasting my time
It's not like your time is valuable in any way, shape or form.

WOW FAT HUMANS AND BUFFED TROLLS. Honestly dude. i play both games, but WoW is not really on a good spot right now. You can talk about the dozens of alliance races that they are releasing tough. But most of them are re-skins.

>WoW is doing pretty fucking well
Because BFA worked out so well for you.

That's already too much effort
>Lar = move right, star = move left
>if it's the same ability as the first, run through, if it's different stay put
and the overcharged version is even easier to dodge.


Hahahahahaha 5/7

Any comparison to WoW is retarded because FF XIV doesn't have unified skeletons and armor meshes the way WoW has, so adding new races is a lot of work adapting all existing armor.

Which is also why having two fully realized races in one expansion is stupid beyond wishful thinking. Genderlocked male and female race it is.

Attached: 0MQCcd7WpW.jpg (100x100, 13K)

>WoW's new races are literally reskins
>FFXIV's new race is literally an entirely new thing


>flip camera 180
my nigger

Attached: 1526119207569.png (380x406, 50K)

People still play this shit? I'm genuinely amazed

That's brilliant, why didn't I think of that

I think you missed the WoW thread.

"Play" is a bit of a stretch. It's a glorified online chatroom 1 week after each patch

>these are the people you are forced to play with

Attached: 1514100188746.gif (540x405, 899K)

> >Fat humans
Not fat, but strong and muscular. Because they are sailors and very tough.
> reskinned trolls
They even have different body structure. And their lore is outstanding, they are fucking Aztecs, bro.
Maybe they have fewer polygons, but their style and authentic is flawless.
No. New races have deep lore value, they have their own story, and they look like RACE, not male wet slutty fantasies.
Well... yeah. It's worse than Legion, but still good.
Check their lore and story. They've been in warcraft 2, dude.
That's your problem, not mine.
WoW has some cool races and XIV don't
No! I and already told you why.

Attached: 1533258358490.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

>Game now has scaling items
>Yoshida said he wouldnt implement it for armor because it would fuck over low level gear
>He did say that it may be used for future instanced content

Real diablo-esque POTD??

>WoW is doing pretty fucking well

Attached: all out.jpg (625x626, 40K)

Thinking that FF14 is shit makes you a wow lover now? That's some serious butthurt

People still post in threads they have no business in?

>wowfag seething THIS hard

You should have used that for this

>they've been in warcraft 2
>use it as argument for they being a new race


>They even have different body structure.
No retard they got the maghar orc treatment, they stand up straight and that's all.
>Mass replying WoW apologizer
I wish you professional master baiters would try and find new tricks

>yoshida was against it on the change from 1.0 to 2.0 why would he do it now?

He was never against it. He mentionned possibly genderlocking Viera in a interview that dates to before the release of ARR.

> it seems like Viera is popular around the world we have been proactively looking into this, but since having a rabbit male might be kind of weird, maybe we’ll look into having a separate race for the male counterpart.

Yeah, pretty much this. It's fantastic to get some acknowledgement that the WoL is their own person who gets affected by incidents such as the Sultana's """""murder""""" or Haurchefaunt's death instead of just some emotionless god-slaying robot.

You cant argue against the numbers

Attached: 1410227764014.jpg (2096x908, 324K)

Very popular, right next to the swampqueen

Just like BLU, male viera seem to trigger Yoshi's autism.

So fortnite is the best game ever created beause it had the most twitch viewers ever? Forget your favorite game of all time, fucking Fortnite my dude.
Kys you retard

No, it's the ultimate chad existence. Males get to live alone without the need for female companionship doing all the shit they'd ever want to do and every few years they come back and give all the hot bunnygirls the dick.

> So fortnite is the best game ever created

Masterful bait, watch all the replies pour in!

My friend complains about how only Americans bitch about events and says they're only for JP.

Why does every FFXIV thread have WoW shitposting and why does every WoW thread have FFXIV shitposting?

Do you niggas really have nothing better to do at 8AM or are you all yuropoors mad that both MMOs suck for your region?

Attached: DxIX1X9UcAABc7q.jpg (525x440, 35K)

This is because WoW has PVP content, and while XIV does too it's not nearly as popular.
Notice how all the other games are PVP with the exception of the two recently released super popular games (RE2 and KH3) and the one category reserved for cam sluts?
XIV is a heavily PVE game, people watch it when new PVE content is released and that's it. There's no reason to watch the game now because there's no new PVE content and won't be for a few months.

WAR's storm path is a nice bonus, but it's not really that good (it's like half of an embrace every 3 gcd's) and thrill of battle can be a lifesaver but you're mostly using it for damage or insurance. If you're going to go full bitch mode and consider things like tank stance and using gcd's to survive, PLD can heal far more than any of them, and I'm pretty sure souleater's self heal in grit outpaces path by a great deal, and being able to spam TBN off cooldown would likely help more than IB's heal or the once a minute equilibrium.

WAR is a really good tank but that's partly because most fights don't require tanks to go balls to the wall with mitigation, hence the DRK world firsts on the ultimate fights where balls to the wall mitigation is really helpful.

>WoW subreddit had to ban negative posts because so many people kept bitching about BFA
>Top WoW streamers are now doing variety and IRL streams like Gardening with Asmongold(tm)

Attached: 1350751605025.png (355x362, 173K)

Remember when the number of people playing the game was the metric used to measure how well a game is doing? Good times.

>They even have different body structure.
I've been in a few WoW threads and they don't have nearly as much autistic FFXIV spam as FFXIV threads have WoW spam

>every WoW thread have FFXIV shitposting
An XIVfag would not know this because they would not enter WoW threads to begin with.
Yes, projecting.

PLD has Clemency.


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I'm pretty sure he's talking about Equilibrium, which is a lot more than half an Embrace and is available every minute. Trade off is you have to go into Defiance to use it, but it's still pretty helpful in some situations and arguably better than Clemency due to being oGCD

I play both games while one is in a content drought and the other gets new content. Both WoW and FFXIV threads are plagued by the same shitposting. It's clear it's the same person doing it in FFXIV threads but the person doing it in WoW threads must be someone who doesn't even play the game at all and just wants to detail a thread without getting banned like posting a get image.

I can't wait to have a bara lion bf and smell his musk haha

>MMO that adds a % of STD if you erp (via use of/frequency of terms like cock/dick/pussy/cumming/ect).
>If someone else uses similar terms in party or tells to someone with the STD debuff, they gain it.
>It's a legit debuff. Not just 'ha ha that's funny' but an actual bonafied debuff.

Attached: 1494204292358.png (800x800, 763K)

its mmo armchair expert autists who play every mmo that comes out, real fucking annoying

i really dont give a fuck about wow or which one is doing better than the other but a vocal minority does and they drag the same regurgitated posts in every thread

Since things go south this expansion I'm hoping all the job quests are gonna have that sense of gloom above them. We're tackling something that's meant to be worst than the Umbral eras so I hope the CUL jobquests isnt some cheery bake off.
Though how you make a darker CUL questline I have no idea.

Is there actually an event with the Songbirds this time around? I spammed the quest last night and I managed to get the one with Biggs and Wedge with Alpha in the background, and I assume they show up at some point because they’re in the quest image when you go to accept Masha > Narumi >>>>>> Ulala

>When you realize that people watch twitch for the push up bras and ecelebs that take up 70% of the screen instead of the actual video game content that takes up 30% of it

Attached: 1518211278989.jpg (850x1391, 89K)

They're one of the groups that can show up to claim a flower crown. I was hoping I could go one LLD without seeing the idolshitters, but we get what we got.

No you have to keep the comedy job quests. This always makes them better, when they aren't related to the MSQ at all. WAR's "trying to get Curious Gorge laid" story was better than whatever "liberation" themed bullshit they would have come up with if they had to stick to Stormblood's theme.


I was spamming it too and never got anything with them either, but the thing with the "special" valentine's weapons was sort of hidden, this could be too.
Swap your first two

>Dungeon Fighter Online

Damn son.

>moves two sticks
>gets tired

For the combat job quests, sure. Crafters and Gatherers don't have to be serious and dark, since they're not plot-related at all.

Imagine the shitstorm if Asmongold quit WoW for FFXIV during the summer when Shadowbringers releases.

>their lore is outstanding, they are fucking Aztecs, bro.
>copypasting Aztecs is outstanding

Attached: 1545130658770.jpg (2073x3110, 670K)

I dont think that would happen. If he boost a character he would complain about cutscenes, if he plays the game from start he will think that the game is stupid, slow and give up before reaching endgame.
But indeed, would be a shitstorm if he likes any other mmorpg, even if its just a little bit.

The combo system isnt unique to pld dont defend retards that cant read tooltips

All they have to do is invite him to the Shadowbringers media tour, have him test out the premade level 80 jobs doing endgame, and give him free merch and he'll take care of the shilling.

In a way, WAR's questline was within Stormblood's theme. Gorge was liberated from his doubts by the power of love.

>barashitters think hrothgar are going to be bara when male roe aren't even 3% of the playerbase

Attached: 1539438494000.jpg (1955x2607, 1.97M)

Honestly I want this so badly even though I wouldn't play it just because fuck barashitters.

But yoshida's autism demands they be bara it seems.

I don't give a shit about new races or genders. I just want more info on the fucking combat changes and QoL changes.

I'm not sure if I want Asmongoloid shilling the game, especially to his fans

It doesn't make any sense though. Why reveal bara character at the JP fanfest. You would think they would reveal them in the US fanfest and reveal the shota bunnies in Japan or even just the normal Viera in Japan.


I just want to know more about Gunbreaker.

You saw how the only community manager in Blizzard that liked Asmongold was fired? Asmon is like Xenosysvex in a lots of way (tough one of them is actually a good raider). Square pretends that Xeno doesnt exist, they would only invite asmongold to take a jab at wow, but i doubt that would happen.

Yoshida does not give a shit.
Yoshida has a firm vision on female things needing to be petite and cute and male things needing to be manly and/or mosntrous.

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Like Heavensward and Stormblood there'll be a big stream a month before release where they'll reveal some of the changes to the combat system and Yea Forums's XIV thread will turn into pure shitposting about which job is getting cucked and which job is now OP (and all those predictions will be wrong, like always)

considering how stretched thin the team currently is with finishing up the final big SB patch, the XV event and an expansion launch. . .yearly events like this will continue to suffer until most the bigger workloads are finished I imagine.

Based and cutepilled

Never played wow but mind explaining the story behind this?

I do because I wanna play a tall dude, but I hate roes and au ra have the tail clipping issue.

>(and all those predictions will be wrong, like always)
I remember Yea Forums freaking the fuck out when RDM and SMN got tweaked a ways back, something like RDM getting 10 potency higher on most of its spells and when SMN lost Radiant Shield's damage reflect. People were claiming RDM would do SMN-tier damage with no basis at all because all we knew was RDM was getting buffs and SMN was getting nerfs

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all he cares about is selling fantasia
and he knows what will sell

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Yoshida implemented female roe.

>Star of David right at the top
They're not even being subtle at this point

Q38: In terms of new races, what kind of races are you looking into and will mixed races be introduced?

A38: I don’t think we’ll have mixed races for a while. Since it seems like Viera is popular around the world we have been proactively looking into this, but since having a rabbit male might be kind of weird, maybe we’ll look into having a separate race for the male counterpart.

having a rabbit male might be kind of weird
having a rabbit male might be kind of weird
having a rabbit male might be kind of weird

May is taking forever to approach. I want my 4 hours long live letter and Shadowbringers benchmark already.

shut up and buy fantasia goyjin

Fuck you Shlomo, I still have my free fantasia because my character was perfect from the moment I created them

That's SE forcing him to do that. The game has to make a certain amount of money for them to fund it, enough so that he can do what he wants with the game. Never seen a developer more passionate about their game that Yoshida.

That being said, FF14 is shit right now.

Not much to it. Asmongold pretty much played for years only WoW, is one of the Top Streamers of the game, but since he doesnt play nice, is not "politically correct" or some shit, lots of times he was ignored by Blizzard and not invited to shit. The one guy who he was friend with was laid of recently when Blizzard laid off a bunch of people.
Xenosys like wise is not invited to any shit that Square does and even japanese people knows him and his warrior play. i would not be surprised if he is ignored again at the stormblood media event.

>still using yoshida as a source for any kind of claim
SB babbies need to shut their mouths

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Blue mage says hi.

I went through the same problem, end up as a elezen. i'm happy. Tank gear looks nice on it.

Egi glamour says hi.

>this one thing out of the dozens of false claims came true so he's trustworthy now!


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Outside of expansion launches it seems like XIV gets actively cucked out of any real investment in its development, which is fucking bizarre because it's their biggest money-maker right next to their gachas. Why wouldn't you want to invest even a little into it for even bigger profits?

Ironically they threw Asmongold a huge acknowledgement bone during one of the recent Q&As but it came with a bonus schadenfreude of his stream watching Q&A on Twitch having twice the viewership of the actual Q&A stream right in the same directory.

technically they're right. Houses don't demolish if they're a FC house. They just get passed on to the next chain in command which could be a alt or friend. They also postpone demolishing frequently because of natural disasters, I don't even think the NA demolishing is resumed yet after that one hurricane or tornado thing.

Add-on support in 2.1 says hi
Personal housing separate from FC housing says hi
DRK branching from GLA says hi
Sephirot egi says hi

No it's because he's a stinking ginger cunt. Both of them actually. Also both balding.

But male viera have a unique line that uses the masculine version of beautiful, tho

Probably because MMOs are also gigantic money sinks. All of the infrastructure required for one small thing across hundreds of existing systems costs a shitload of hours and then almost as much bug testing.

Place holder, look at the reply above my message. French defaults to male pronouns.

Considering Chadbreaker will likely be OP like Dark Knight in HW, gonna switch to that from WAR which is constantly getting nerfed

Because SE is greedy and steady flowing income from a title isn't what big companies like that want. They want huge sales and a large amount of income around when a game is released. This is easier for them to manage and easier for them to attract investors.

stop being a WAR baby. War is the top tank now and it was on HW too.

IIRC, dataminers found that BLU has Cometeor set as its PvP LB, despite the fact that it will never set foot in a PvP instance. I wouldn't put it past SE to code in a male version of Viera dialogue even if it is completely useless.

>North American content creators

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>WAR, which is constantly getting nerfed
What bizarro dimension do you live in

GEO phys ranged class

Because the suits at SE still want to make movies. They are probably seething because shit like XV flops even though they throw all their time and money at it, but XIV, a wow-clone stitched together from the corpse of a very nice looking game but very flawed game, is the most positively received FF game since XII or even X arguably.
I can't imagine that ARR was ever seen as a long term investment. They probably thought "yoshida make an expansion or two good so that we can save face and people won't remember XIV 1.0" and then it became the second most popular MMO in the market and now they are thinking "wait, we have to put more money into this? uhh...." and that's why they are happy to take all the money it makes but don't wanna invest any of it back.

It's more like people latch onto something Yoshi said in the past and act as if it's unchanging gospel rather than something he'd have an opinion change on

I think i probably only watch Xeno and then when people tried ultimate on stream. Most of FFXIV people are annoying and bad.
See. They are really similar.

>not cannoneer

It's hilarous watching them painstakingly fake liking each other to.

But Fox is French

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Make the Eurekan SCH wep, or say fuck it and make Last Resort, and use the resources I have for the RDM Eurekan weapon?

>Because the suits still want to make movies
Have they learned nothing from Advent Children, Spirits Within, and Kingsglaive, because apparently fucking not

Nigger what are you even doing

The Eureka weapons all look like ass. If you want a SCH book just suffer through the Zodiac relic questline and get the Last Resort Zeta, or maybe the Anima which is much easier.

Maybe have it so Gunbreaker can make their own shields? Spend ammo on them or attack skills

Well Asmongold isn't actually good at WoW. He's been carried throughout his whole "career" on Youtube and twitch, and when he's not being carried he fails miserably.

Xeno is actually decent at FF14, although not nearly as good as he or others claim him to be. He also has the right people with him to insure he can beat stuff around release of content.

Xeno felcleaving and Asmongold talking about big dick damage would be actually fun. a great crossover

They clearly do invest back in the game. They're expanding their entire NA and EU server infrastructure due to Stormbloods success. Because of Heavensward success is the reason why EU got actual servers in Germany instead of Canada. The lodestone page got a total revamp during Heavensward both behind the scenes and what's accessible to people. They've just dropped the DX9/32bit client so they can focus fully on the DX11/64bit client to improve the game engine in the long term. The game also clearly has a bigger marketing budget since both NA and EU fanfests are the biggest ones they had thus far in both attendance and building size.

What you probably mean is that they don't make enough content for FFXIV which is understandable because they're understaffed. They have been constantly looking for new people to hire on SE Business Division 5 job wanted page but nobody seems to fill in the spot because the requirements are high (speak Japanese, willing to move to Japan HQ, have experience making MMOs or AAA games in general, and work longer hours because MMO crunch time is very real since content development never stops and things always break and need to be fixed.) Trying to find a Japanese person willing to work overtime on a extremely niche genre like MMOs when the entire Japanese game industry is moving to gacha mobages that print 5x more money for 10x less development cost and work is nearly impossible these days.

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Yeah i talked about that on the early replys. At least one is a actual raider. Asmon just get carried, if he played XIV he would to work rather since one mistake fucks the entire party.

On the other hand I'm happy Square Enix aren't hiring western SJW devs

No, what's happening is an idea that is confirmed to have been around since 2.0 being vehemently denied by those people desperate for male Viera, even though every new bit of leaked info we've gotten in the past year being directly in line with it.

Hrothgar aren't believable. If it wasn't for the French fuckup, no one would believe a word of an extra race beyond Viera that has no prior appearance either in FF XIV or the FF series and that no one has asked for. People would sooner believe Bangaa.
The only way them adding Hrothgar makes any sense at all, is in the context of this old, existing idea of adding Viera as female only and adding a male-only race specifically to serve as a counterpart.

If male Viera are a thing, adding Hrothgar on top of that makes no fucking sense at all.

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True but on the other hand, FF14 is much easier to recover mid combat, and much faster to get back to killing a boss after a wipe. A team wiping in WoW is a lot more time lost.

>Female exclusive tall bunny amazon race

>Male exclusive short bunny shota race

I solved the mystery

>Majestic Mane

Bunnies have majestic manes, there's even concept art of them having bunny hair on their chest like a "mane"

I solved the mystery yet again

It's a double edge sword. They have a higher quality dev team but a lower quantity team as a result so they can't deliver more content if they want to deliver it in a timely fashion.

>and he knows what will sell
He sure does, which are female bunnies. We're only getting a male-only equivalent because they couldn't get away with releasing half a race and only half a race for their new expansion. That is the only fucking reason Hrothgar exist.

Please stop posting pictures of my wife.
Only I may post pictures of my wife.

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Viera are already confirmed to have a "young elezen" looking subrace thanks to the panel fuck up

So you are saying we're getting horse-people.

We don't even know if it's a subrace or if they were talking about it being playable. The artist just said there was another variant that was similar to a young elezen, unknown as to what they were specifically referring to and for all we know Yoshida shushed the artist because that's going to be an MSQ character that will be revealed.

They can still hire SJW community managers and GMs.

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They should just drop the experience part and hire japanese guys that play XIV and are leaving college. would do them good on long term honestly.

hrothgar ends up being shota lions

Post your main, and your opinion of their relics so far
Anima > Eureka

you've already presumed an outcome, and are trying to adjust the facts to fit your narrative.

Is this a serious post?
Are you really suggest waste GCD on CAST that blocks off GCD abilities?
Dude. In current meta it's a crime waste GCDs on abilities that don't deal damage.
> tank stance
Nobody uses tank stances, friend.
> PLD can heal far more than any of them
No, he can't. It is wasted GCD and nobody wastes GCDs on abilities without damage.
> in grit
Nobody uses fucking grit FFS
> IB's
Nobody uses fucking IB cause it's wasted beast gouge. It's wasted Fell Cleave.

Like only warrior can really heal himself, it's not allowed for other tanks because it is dps loss and in current meta it is a crime.

Post more.

Like all the gender lock trannies who even make up "leaks"

> Spend ammo on them or attack skills
Then nobody will waste ammo on shields when you can just do more damage

>ill deny anything that doesnt fit my narrative.
you're only proving my point.

WARs heals come at a DPS loss as well, just not AS bad of a DPS loss as the other 2.

They don't want ideas guys or artists, they have enough of those. They want people that can actually produce in-game content with their custom Luminous engine fork. So instance level designers, AI programmers, server side backend developer, cutscene riggers, etc.

>make up leaks
You mean like Laura Kate Dale?

Don't give a shit about relics at all. BiS is pointless and glamour is more than just "what has the shiniest glow"

Get people on engineering computer degree that you liked in interview. By the requiriments that was posted here, they will never hire people, unless Square train them on other team and then transfer them to XIV.

>that one guy who idles all day in the same spot with his glowing eureka armor and glowing eureka weapon
ah yes you know you're playing a MMO when people like to show off their glowing crap in towns

working in guilds and shit.

Storm's path is part of the rotation.

Maybe a crossover event would do?

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To be quite honest, they could stand to hire overseas people that are experienced. I'm not talking about Pajeets poo in loos and WoW SJW devs. I'm talking old 40-year old boomers that make good, optimized code.

I mean how much Japanese does a coder really need to know when you can just have Koji translate everything?

I want to live in a wild timeline where you can fight the Lich King in XIV and Bahamut Prime in WoW.

Samurai: The potency buffs were definitely nice, but not enough to push it into DRG/NIN tier. While it can now match monk for personal dps on dummy fights, it is still inferior due to the raid buffs Monk is providing via brotherhood

>the WoW icon could snugly fit into the meteor outline
What the fuck does it MEAN

PLD and my opinion of their relic is FUCK EUREKA. Stupid devs are not gonna get me to play that shit ever, no matter what cool mounts and relics they throw in there.
It's sad that they actually made the Atma FATE grind and Animus book bullshit seem fun and engaging in comparison.

They're not going to find people anyways because Japanese comp sci people fresh out of college now are all wanting to work for gacha mobages for that easy money and laid back work ethic. MMOs are a boomer tier role, hence why most of the people on the FFXIV team are in their 40s-50s.

>Years later and the Dead Hive weapons are still the best looking ones in the entire game

The main gatekeeper is that they require all FFXIV team employees to relocate to their Japan office and many overseas people don't want to move countries for a single job especially to one they aren't native language too.

Just when I think they can't make worse event rewards we get this

Can't wait to see how shit 95% of the gunblades will look.

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It's hard to find a good-looking SMN or SCH book outside of SMN's Anima or SCH's Zeta.

Hm, while true, it is semi countered by PLDs passive shield blocks, and DRKs TBN, which equate to similar uses to mitigate filler dmg.
PLD is unreliable
DRKs is the hardest to tiem for auto attacks
WARs requires a wind up to get to the heal, which is pretty weak.

all 3 are pretty bad in their own way.

>circle could fit in a circle

How big is your penis?

Yoshida and Soken said that they want to do a Diablo crossover but its never going to happen because of Activision.

They'll look fine if the artifact gunblade Thancred's using is any indication. Going Hyperion-tier would take some doing.

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That thing is fucking awful

How boring is Bard?

Fun in savage and 24mans. Boring in dungeons. AoE is fucking annoying but the single target rotation is nice

Too RNG-dependent for my tastes but it's pretty fun being a buff-slut and being able to move around freely with absolutely no penalties. I'd like MCH better if it wasn't also RNG-dependent, or the whole "your entire job revolves around Wildfire's window" thing.

Isn't the warrior of light stronger than the main WoW character right now? Even from a gameplay perspective we're slaying FF god's with only 8 people while it takes 20 people to stay a WoW god.

It's one of the more active jobs, as they have a ton of procs and off-globals to use, but short of procs you're literally hitting one button 90% of the time and the other two for the other 10%.

It's currently in it's best state overall, at the expense of MCH.

i made 60 million from BA before the market crashed

feels good man

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To be fair most of XIV's villains are only "god-like" - a primal's power only stems from the amount of aether it manages to consume. Ifrit, for example, is a fucking jobber who dies instantly while Argus was literally a nascent deity

Guess it depends on how you consider either MMO's power-scale (primals are the closest thing to gods-on-earth in the setting but they're not necessarily gods, and don't reach that level of power until you start going up to Bahamut, Alexander or Odin) but I'd probably consider the Warrior of Light stronger than WoW's player-character yeah. Helps that the game tells you out-and-out that the WoL is aether-charged enough that his death would cause a Calamity from the sheer blowback.