Is this the greatest game ever? I haven't felt that way about a game since Morrowind, it made me feel like a kid again

Is this the greatest game ever? I haven't felt that way about a game since Morrowind, it made me feel like a kid again.

Attached: hk.jpg (1920x1080, 519K)

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>side scroller
genre created purely from technical deficiency can't be great.

I've tried playing it but the way the character moves a bit back after every punch annoys the crap out of me. is there a way to mod this out?

Is this the most shilled game ever? I haven't felt that way about a game since Undertale, it made me feel like filtering OP again.

There's a charm that removes that effect early in game.

that's a strange rabi-ribi screenshot.

There's a Charm that removes the self knockback.

It´s a great game but the combat sucks ass and walking into new regions is frustrating as fuck.

Fuck you, this is why I hate Yea Forums


>Is this the greatest game ever?

I think it might be. PS:T and Morrowind were tied for my favorite game of all time but Hollow Knight replaced them.

>get about 40 mins into the game
>expects me to grind for items to progress
The honeymoon period was over very fast. It's got some great atmosphere and music, but it quickly became a chore to play.

All the greatest works of art in human history have been created within limitations.

limitation has forced creativity since forever. you may be the most retarded person on this board. good job.

>hollow knight
>greatest game ever

what, actually, the fuck is wrong with people who come to this board

mothposters are deluding them into thinking they would find other people with good taste here.

>play game 1000 times inferior to sotn decades later
>i have such good taste
>why dont you play sotn
>eww the graphics are too old!

oh i forgot sotn isnt good because it doesnt hav ea bunch of sections that are about autistically jumping off enemies heads 1000 times

hollow knight sucks

Grind what? You just but thing as you progress normally, you don't need to just buy everything from the start.

youre not wrong for liking sotn over hollow knight, sweetie :) to each their own. youre just objectively wrong with your statement hk being inferior to sotn. no need to screech about it though

Sounds like someone didn't get THAT vessel shard. :)

That would be BotW

im glad you enjoy but no it's not the greatest game ever, it's pretty average all things considered

though to add on to that, it's average by old game standards, so for the current trend it's exceptional

that's intentional and you can sacrifice 1 charm spot to remove it

Not greatest game ever, but it definitely is up there with my all time favorite metroidvanias. Since that's one of my favorite genres, I'd say that's high praise.

>thread about game I don't like
>could ignore it and move on with life
>"No!" Let's enter and reeeee and call everyone a shill

Attached: grimm_triggered.jpg (800x726, 128K)

>ask question
>don't want answer

Great games that give you "dat feel" become rarer the older you get but they do occur as long as you keep looking, a lot of people misinterpret it as "games were way better back then", but its really just an age&game experience thing

Glad to hear that you found an exciting game to play user, last time i had dat feel was with hyper light drifter

Being a kid is pretty shit.

>a lot of people misinterpret it as "games were way better back then", but its really just an age&game experience thing
that's certainly an element that exists but we shouldn't deny that gaming has gotten worse on the whole, there was much more variation and interesting stuff to be found back in the day

Good game, but it always felt like it was trying to be something it was not.

not really. the fact that niggas cant draw well is not an excuse for "muh style".

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your move list and the combat = bland.
movement = bland
art = bland.

i'ts a game that does a bunch of stuff but it's all very minimalistic.

my wifes son feels you

Am I the only motherfucker that got bored with it an hour in?

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>minimalistic equals bland

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I dropped it a few weeks ago but I'm afraid that I won't remember wtf was I supposed to do if I got back to it

Bored of what? Dying to starter enemies? Suck less then.

if just a competent dev would have made this. the art design and atmosphere was incredible. still really liked it though, but playing through it was very much hell sometimes

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Movement is easily the best in the last few years of metroidvanias, you have double jump, dash, wall climb and pogo jumps and they get reset as long as you pogo or land on a wall for infinite air time if you're good enough.

No, it's not a very good game and is upheld here by people who missed the side scroller console generations.

Those are some hairy ass arms jesus christ
like a fucking arab

It has a 95% positive rating on steam as well, with 35K reviews, around 1000 more than Cuphead.
It's a universal modern indie masterpiece.

positive means its better than 50%

i hated the game and i would give it a positive rating

oh and by the way if you think cuphead is a good game you aren't in the discussion about 2d sidescrolling games

Not that many games have over 90% though, even all the souls games hover around 88

Both Cuphead and HK are fantastic side scrolling games, some of the best in the decade.

Is this the worst shilling ever? The game is boring as shit with large empty areas everywhere, with enemies designed to be tedious rather than challenging, with a mediocre soundtrack and stale "wait to whack" bossfights.

>Over 90% of players stopped before getting halfway into the game
Sure is a sign of a masterpiece my nigger. It's a boring slog that starts okay and gets progressively more boring very rapidly.

Nah mang, even W3 was shilled more than BotW, and less deserving of it.

>Something that wasn't said but I need it to be because otherwise I'm BTFO
Lmao, nice strawman bug cuck.

Is this the user who cheated to get geo at the end?

You moron, you get just enough geo in every region to buy the gear/items needed to get to the next. The only reason you need to grind is because youre too much of a shitter, and got killed by your own shade

>>Over 90% of players stopped before getting halfway into the game


which one?

would be a nice game if it's dozens of bosses ever did anything you needed more than two braincells for
entire game is swipe downward with nail to bounce off boss's head

souls games arent that great. they are niche. I think dark souls 3 is like a 94 rated game. Very good end to the series and good game to play if they didn't ever play one before

it doesn't matter how much time it's been, that doesn't make cuphead a good game...overly busy design to disguise lack of cleverness

This one

of course autists will shill this garbage

You are incorrect.
According to the achievements, 14% have beaten the Hollow Knight and 36% have beaten Soul Master, City of Tears being around halfway through the game. So that automatically invalidates your 90% nonsense.

By comparison with other "hard" games, Dark Souls 3's achievements show that only 22% got the Link the Fire ending.
And let's not forget these numbers are inflated by all the casuals that summoned their way through the whole game.

I had a couple of friends that disliked this game and told me my taste were weird because I recomended it.
Then I watched them play.
On of my friends didn't know he could attack above or below him while in air, and had already defeated hornet.
The other one was at the queen's station and told me the stag stations were bugged. When I asked what did he mean, he went to a station and showed me that even if he paid to open it there was nothing to interact. He LITERALLY didn't know he had to strike the bell.
I guess most people today just don't have the will to explore and try out things necessary to enjoy this game.

Some games are clearlt not intended for people with under 90 IQ

>Other "hard" games
But hollow knight isn't hard, it's tedious.

That's not even particularly difficult.

It's the difference between people who like video games and people who want to be told to like video games. These are the same casuals who never even touched a console before Xbox 360/PS3 when developers first started hand holding tutorials to pander to the lowest common denominator.

If you play it like an idiot, maybe.

It can be hard to keep the rhythm on the vertical centipede if you don't have the longnail.

Game is honestly a 10/10, but the devs have problems with difficulty

>Hey whats hard and frustrating?
>Locking out the true ending behind a 30+ min boss rush!
>platforming sections that go on for like 20 min!

honestly the true ending should be locked behind a hard as fuck boss that also shouldn't be in a rush mode that you have to retry everytime and also shouldn't be the fucking radiance again.

AND the platforming sections should be harder but shorter (looking at you White Palace)

Prove me wrong. The Longer the worse but the harder the better

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How old are your friends? What games do they like?

>offer bunch of arguments thar are all about the game being bland
>come to a conclusion that is not ment to be seen relative to the given arguments
sure i already knew you would come up with the "strawman" but there were really just two options either you just being retarded or very bad at structuring your argumentation and retarded. good job, cutie

It could be better.

Heres what annoyed me the most.

Too much time wasted by back tracking constantly.
No checkpoint right next to boss room in some cases forcing you to do lame death runs.

True, but I think thanks to the overwhelming amount of new games you can still find pretty original and unique games, most of it just moved into the indie scene and is harder to find between all the repetitve triple a templategames

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>not bland in the majority of cases

>Two claims
>One is arbitrarily a conclusion instead of a claim because then it enables my strawman
>Also I knew what I was doing was retarded but I did it anyway and you're also a poo-poo-head!
Laughing at your life, faggot.

r/metroidvania has some truly shit taste, I should have listened

Yes really

It's good but I will never understand why people love Morrorwind so much. I am about the same age the people are that praise it but I never liked the game, boring ass environments and combat that is RNG based despite playing like actual action combat which is by far the dumbest combo there could be.

I'm at the spider area and I sat on the bench knowing it was a trap because I wanted some shit to go down, I went into the bug dream and absorbed the big bug lady. Don't know if I'm done with the area or not ( I got the rancid egg too)

also I hit a wall inside a room with a big bug because it seemed like a pointless dead end and it was breakable which led me to Weaver's Lair, but there's a part where it feels too long to jump through.
dunno if im shit or im supposed to come back.

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holy shit what

21 and 22, I'm 24 years old, we usually play mobas, tabletop games, bowling and pool, sometimes fighting games too but they are way better than me. To be fair, the one that didn't know he could attack up or down never played a metroidvania before, the other friend is now laughing stock when we talk about anything, like the other day he couldn't compile some code so we suggested him to strike it. He did continue to play it and reached broken vessel, but he plays really rarely.

>boring ass environments

>Don't know if I'm done with the area or not
There are still mask and vessel fragments and a piece of Pale Ore to get. You'll need to beat the boss in The Ancient Basin and get double jump to get to it though. Story wise, you're done.

The Weaver's Den has the Weaversong charm. You can pogo across the spikes to get it if that's the long part that you're talking about, I think (failing that, come back after you go to the area in the top right of the map) and a secret hidden room with something significant to the lore, but nothing else there either.


>true ending
Did they say godmaster is the canon ending? When?

>pogo across the spikes
FUCK why didn't I think of that i'm fucking retarded it's so obvious. thanks, user

Lighten up, pipsqeak

is that you sal

>boring ass environments
Yeah because gigantic taxi bugs and giant mushrooms are a staple of boring fantasy lands

>boring ass environments
literally what, there aren't many games with a more varied and exotic gameworld

>Taxi bugs
Literally morrowind
>Giant mushrooms
Are you actually fucking implying that giant mushrooms isn't an extremely common terrain feature?

Symphony of the Night has nothing going for it except visuals and music. Most overrated game of all time. Hollow Knight wipes its ass with Symphony of the Night.

I forgot about this one, fun as fuck

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But it's fucking boring and combat sucks

It's definitely in the top 10 greatest of all time.

Then why don't you filter it and move on, you fucking colossal faggot? That's what it's designed for.

Fuck you pleb, Hollow Knight's simplistic art style is great.

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Hollow Knight is the Undertale of Metroidvanias.

Your're the under Undertale of contrarian faggots.

Honestly felt like it dragged on for too long. When I finished the game and found out I was at about 65% completed I said fuck that and didn't want to finish the rest of it. The movement feels slow for an exploration game.

sorry you need more than a slash to beat starter enemies you trash can

He was talking about Morrowind dude

Literally a charm for that after finding fly-jew's basement key.

movement is slow till you get the dash and super dash
after that you can go from one end the map to the other in 2 minutes, even without trams

>All that art i dont know the source of because i cant read moon.

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fucking undertale is better than this game