Can we all agree with this?

Can we all agree with this?

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So what exactly happened between Jon and Arin?

his soulja boy video was hilarious because it wasnt over-edited vomit garbage

Jon was fucking susie like every day and when Arin found out he was pretty pissed

All of his shit is soulless

The same thing always ruins a relationship between bros, a girl

Why is Arin such a cuck

Jon wasn't taking care of his hygiene so Arin stopped inviting him over

the most developed and grounded explanation i've ever heard is that arin started to do a bunch of shit with game grumps without consulting jon which pissed him off, also jon was an alcoholic, and these factors combined to come to a head at some gaming convention (don't remember which one) where they had a big shitfling and went separate ways

there's a video about it somewhere, it's quite detailed and believable

You can only be friends with a nazi for so long.

Jon isn't even game related anymore. He even changed his opening to remove any references to games. The dude is just an over produced H3H3 without any youtube drama shit.
If Jon likes his new format then good for him but I miss the games man.

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Phil Swift is the modern day Billy Mays.

pretty sure jon was (at the time) more concerned with doing his own thing than being a let's player, and he wanted out
arin simultaneously likely wanted to make grumps more sanitary (at least in a direction away from jon's humor) for money, so he wasn't about to complain

>going down the same rabbithole of skits, studios and employees that Channel Awesome beat to death years ago
It's hard to watch those skits where he builds a set, hires multiple nameless actors and buys full props and costumes just for it to not be funny.

the corporate shill era is entirely soulless

>LoL player
he never had a soul in the first place
i found the video

Jon isn't video games anymore.
He's literally a fat Nostalgia Critic at this point.

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What’s wrong with being a Nazi?

No, both are good.

How the fuck does he have the money for all the sets and shit making 1 video a year

He has fully admitted the sole reason why he did game content was because that's what was profitable at the time and nothing more.

Ultimate proof that production value doesn't actually add to the quality of entertainment. Talent and integrity create good entertainment. Yet so many people get successful off the latter, and then use their success to buy the former, losing what made them successful in the first place.

Not to mention those people working for him. Surely he doesn't make that much from sponsorships and YouTube revenue.

He started out rich

soul: apples & grapes, stairfax temperatures, etc
soulless: unironically being a nazi in 2019

did anybody else think that the logo change and new intro was a meta joke on selling out or something? was genuinely shocked when they were kept for the newer videos

Wait are you telling me nazi's time travelled from nazi germani all the way to 2019?

Quoting gov/statistics is not Nazi.


God he used to be so based. Where did 2012 go.

Soulless: being a Resetera visitor who still unironically uses "current year"

Not even the top is soul. Both your top and bottom are soulless.

You have to go more far back for that soul.

>if you hate nazis you must be from resetera
get fucked

>>if you hate nazis you must be from resetera
Why do you hate Nazis?

accurately quoting statistics doesn't make you a nazi, no matter how hard destiny gishgallups retarded neocon rhetoric